use std::convert::TryInto; use erg_common::consts::PYTHON_MODE; use erg_common::dict; use erg_common::fresh::FRESH_GEN; use crate::ty::*; #[macro_export] macro_rules! fn_t { ($input: expr => $ret: expr) => { Type::Subr($crate::ty::SubrType::new( $crate::ty::SubrKind::Func, vec![$crate::ty::ParamTy::Pos($input)], None, vec![], None, $ret, )) }; } #[inline] pub fn pos(ty: Type) -> ParamTy { ParamTy::Pos(ty) } #[inline] pub fn kw(name: &'static str, ty: Type) -> ParamTy { ParamTy::kw(Str::ever(name), ty) } #[inline] pub const fn kw_default(name: &'static str, ty: Type, default: Type) -> ParamTy { ParamTy::kw_default(Str::ever(name), ty, default) } #[inline] pub const fn anon(ty: Type) -> ParamTy { ParamTy::Pos(ty) } #[inline] pub fn free_var(level: usize, constraint: Constraint) -> Type { Type::FreeVar(Free::new_unbound(level, constraint.to_type_constraint())) } #[inline] pub fn named_free_var(name: Str, level: usize, constraint: Constraint) -> Type { Type::FreeVar(Free::new_named_unbound( name, level, constraint.to_type_constraint(), )) } #[inline] pub fn named_uninit_var(name: Str) -> Type { Type::FreeVar(Free::new_named_unbound(name, 1, Constraint::Uninited)) } pub fn list_t(elem_t: Type, len: TyParam) -> Type { poly("List", vec![TyParam::t(elem_t), len]) } pub fn list_mut(elem_t: Type, len: TyParam) -> Type { poly("List!", vec![TyParam::t(elem_t), len]) } pub fn out_list_t(elem_t: Type, len: TyParam) -> Type { if PYTHON_MODE { list_mut(elem_t, len) } else { list_t(elem_t, len) } } pub fn unknown_len_list_t(elem_t: Type) -> Type { list_t(elem_t, TyParam::erased(Type::Nat)) } pub fn unknown_len_list_mut(elem_t: Type) -> Type { list_mut(elem_t, TyParam::erased(Type::Nat)) } pub fn out_unknown_len_list_t(elem_t: Type) -> Type { if PYTHON_MODE { unknown_len_list_mut(elem_t) } else { unknown_len_list_t(elem_t) } } pub fn str_dict_t(value: Type) -> Type { dict! { Type::Str => value }.into() } /// `UnsizedList` is a type of `[x; _]` (unsized list literal). /// `UnsizedList(T) != List(T, _)` pub fn unsized_list_t(elem_t: Type) -> Type { poly("UnsizedList", vec![TyParam::t(elem_t)]) } pub fn tuple_t(args: Vec) -> Type { poly( "Tuple", vec![TyParam::List(args.into_iter().map(TyParam::t).collect())], ) } pub fn homo_tuple_t(t: Type) -> Type { poly("HomogenousTuple", vec![TyParam::t(t)]) } pub fn set_t(elem_t: Type, len: TyParam) -> Type { poly("Set", vec![TyParam::t(elem_t), len]) } pub fn unknown_len_set_t(elem_t: Type) -> Type { set_t(elem_t, TyParam::erased(Type::Nat)) } pub fn set_mut(elem_t: Type, len: TyParam) -> Type { poly("Set!", vec![TyParam::t(elem_t), len]) } pub fn out_set_t(elem_t: Type, len: TyParam) -> Type { if PYTHON_MODE { set_mut(elem_t, len) } else { set_t(elem_t, len) } } pub fn dict_t(dict: TyParam) -> Type { poly("Dict", vec![dict]) } pub fn dict_mut(dict: TyParam) -> Type { poly("Dict!", vec![dict]) } pub fn out_dict_t(dict: TyParam) -> Type { if PYTHON_MODE { dict_mut(dict) } else { dict_t(dict) } } #[inline] pub fn range(t: Type) -> Type { poly("Range", vec![TyParam::t(t)]) } #[inline] pub fn module(path: TyParam) -> Type { poly("Module", vec![path]) } #[inline] pub fn py_module(path: TyParam) -> Type { poly("PyModule", vec![path]) } pub fn module_from_path>(path: P) -> Type { let s = ValueObj::Str(Str::rc(&path.into().to_string_lossy())); module(TyParam::Value(s)) } pub fn try_v_enum(s: Set) -> Result> { if !is_homogeneous(&s) { return Err(s); } let name = FRESH_GEN.fresh_varname(); let t = inner_class(&s); let preds = s .into_iter() .map(|o| Predicate::eq(name.clone(), TyParam::value(o))) .fold(Predicate::FALSE, |acc, p| acc | p); let refine = RefinementType::new(name, t, preds); Ok(Type::Refinement(refine)) } pub fn v_enum(s: Set) -> Type { try_v_enum(s).unwrap_or_else(|set| panic!("not homogeneous: {}", set)) } pub fn t_enum(s: Set) -> Type { try_v_enum(s.into_iter().map(ValueObj::builtin_type).collect()) .unwrap_or_else(|set| panic!("not homogeneous: {}", set)) } pub fn t_singleton(t: Type) -> Type { t_enum(set! {t}) } pub fn tp_enum(ty: Type, s: Set) -> Type { let name = FRESH_GEN.fresh_varname(); let preds = s .into_iter() .map(|tp| Predicate::eq(name.clone(), tp)) .fold(Predicate::FALSE, |acc, p| acc | p); let refine = RefinementType::new(name, ty, preds); Type::Refinement(refine) } pub fn singleton(ty: Type, tp: TyParam) -> Type { let name = FRESH_GEN.fresh_varname(); let preds = Predicate::eq(name.clone(), tp); let refine = RefinementType::new(name, ty, preds); Type::Refinement(refine) } #[inline] pub fn int_interval(op: IntervalOp, l: P, r: Q) -> Type where P: TryInto, PErr: fmt::Debug, Q: TryInto, QErr: fmt::Debug, { interval(op, Type::Int, l, r) } #[inline] pub fn closed_range(t: Type, l: P, r: Q) -> Type where P: TryInto, PErr: fmt::Debug, Q: TryInto, QErr: fmt::Debug, { interval(IntervalOp::Closed, t, l, r) } #[inline] pub fn interval(op: IntervalOp, t: Type, l: P, r: Q) -> Type where P: TryInto, PErr: fmt::Debug, Q: TryInto, QErr: fmt::Debug, { let l = l.try_into().unwrap_or_else(|l| todo!("{l:?}")); let r = r.try_into().unwrap_or_else(|r| todo!("{r:?}")); let name = FRESH_GEN.fresh_varname(); let pred = match op { IntervalOp::LeftOpen if l == TyParam::value(NegInf) => Predicate::le(name.clone(), r), // l<..r => {I: classof(l) | I >= l+ε and I <= r} IntervalOp::LeftOpen => Predicate::and( Predicate::ge(name.clone(), TyParam::succ(l)), Predicate::le(name.clone(), r), ), IntervalOp::RightOpen if r == TyParam::value(Inf) => Predicate::ge(name.clone(), l), // l.. {I: classof(l) | I >= l and I <= r-ε} IntervalOp::RightOpen => Predicate::and( Predicate::ge(name.clone(), l), Predicate::le(name.clone(), TyParam::pred(r)), ), // l..r => {I: classof(l) | I >= l and I <= r} IntervalOp::Closed => Predicate::and( Predicate::ge(name.clone(), l), Predicate::le(name.clone(), r), ), IntervalOp::Open if l == TyParam::value(NegInf) && r == TyParam::value(Inf) => { return refinement(name, t, Predicate::TRUE) } // l<.. {I: classof(l) | I >= l+ε and I <= r-ε} IntervalOp::Open => Predicate::and( Predicate::ge(name.clone(), TyParam::succ(l)), Predicate::le(name.clone(), TyParam::pred(r)), ), }; refinement(name, t, pred) } pub fn iter(t: Type) -> Type { poly("Iter", vec![TyParam::t(t)]) } pub fn ref_(t: Type) -> Type { Type::Ref(Box::new(t)) } pub fn ref_mut(before: Type, after: Option) -> Type { Type::RefMut { before: Box::new(before), after:, } } /*pub fn option(t: Type) -> Type { builtin_poly("Option", vec![TyParam::t(t)]) } pub fn option_mut(t: Type) -> Type { builtin_poly("Option!", vec![TyParam::t(t)]) }*/ pub fn subr_t( kind: SubrKind, non_default_params: Vec, var_params: Option, default_params: Vec, kw_var_params: Option, return_t: Type, ) -> Type { Type::Subr(SubrType::new( kind, non_default_params, var_params, default_params, kw_var_params, return_t, )) } pub fn func( non_default_params: Vec, var_params: Option, default_params: Vec, kw_var_params: Option, return_t: Type, ) -> Type { Type::Subr(SubrType::new( SubrKind::Func, non_default_params, var_params, default_params, kw_var_params, return_t, )) } pub fn no_var_func( non_default_params: Vec, default_params: Vec, return_t: Type, ) -> Type { func(non_default_params, None, default_params, None, return_t) } pub fn func0(return_t: Type) -> Type { func(vec![], None, vec![], None, return_t) } pub fn func1(param_t: Type, return_t: Type) -> Type { func(vec![ParamTy::Pos(param_t)], None, vec![], None, return_t) } pub fn kind1(param: Type) -> Type { func1(param, Type::Type) } pub fn func2(l: Type, r: Type, return_t: Type) -> Type { func( vec![ParamTy::Pos(l), ParamTy::Pos(r)], None, vec![], None, return_t, ) } pub fn func3(l: Type, m: Type, r: Type, return_t: Type) -> Type { func( vec![ParamTy::Pos(l), ParamTy::Pos(m), ParamTy::Pos(r)], None, vec![], None, return_t, ) } pub fn default_func(defaults: Vec, return_t: Type) -> Type { func(vec![], None, defaults, None, return_t) } pub fn bin_op(l: Type, r: Type, return_t: Type) -> Type { nd_func( vec![ ParamTy::kw(Str::ever("lhs"), l), ParamTy::kw(Str::ever("rhs"), r), ], None, return_t, ) } pub fn proc( non_default_params: Vec, var_params: Option, default_params: Vec, kw_var_params: Option, return_t: Type, ) -> Type { Type::Subr(SubrType::new( SubrKind::Proc, non_default_params, var_params, default_params, kw_var_params, return_t, )) } pub fn no_var_proc( non_default_params: Vec, default_params: Vec, return_t: Type, ) -> Type { proc(non_default_params, None, default_params, None, return_t) } pub fn proc0(return_t: Type) -> Type { proc(vec![], None, vec![], None, return_t) } pub fn proc1(param_t: Type, return_t: Type) -> Type { proc(vec![ParamTy::Pos(param_t)], None, vec![], None, return_t) } pub fn proc2(l: Type, r: Type, return_t: Type) -> Type { proc( vec![ParamTy::Pos(l), ParamTy::Pos(r)], None, vec![], None, return_t, ) } pub fn fn_met( self_t: Type, mut non_default_params: Vec, var_params: Option, default_params: Vec, kw_var_params: Option, return_t: Type, ) -> Type { non_default_params.insert(0, ParamTy::kw(Str::ever("self"), self_t)); Type::Subr(SubrType::new( SubrKind::Func, non_default_params, var_params, default_params, kw_var_params, return_t, )) } pub fn no_var_fn_met( self_t: Type, non_default_params: Vec, default_params: Vec, return_t: Type, ) -> Type { fn_met( self_t, non_default_params, None, default_params, None, return_t, ) } pub fn fn0_met(self_t: Type, return_t: Type) -> Type { fn_met(self_t, vec![], None, vec![], None, return_t) } pub fn fn1_met(self_t: Type, input_t: Type, return_t: Type) -> Type { fn_met( self_t, vec![ParamTy::Pos(input_t)], None, vec![], None, return_t, ) } pub fn fn1_kw_met(self_t: Type, input: ParamTy, return_t: Type) -> Type { fn_met(self_t, vec![input], None, vec![], None, return_t) } pub fn fn2_met(self_t: Type, l: Type, r: Type, return_t: Type) -> Type { fn_met( self_t, vec![ParamTy::Pos(l), ParamTy::Pos(r)], None, vec![], None, return_t, ) } pub fn pr_met( self_t: Type, mut non_default_params: Vec, var_params: Option, default_params: Vec, return_t: Type, ) -> Type { non_default_params.insert(0, ParamTy::kw(Str::ever("self"), self_t)); Type::Subr(SubrType::new( SubrKind::Proc, non_default_params, var_params, default_params, None, return_t, )) } pub fn pr0_met(self_t: Type, return_t: Type) -> Type { pr_met(self_t, vec![], None, vec![], return_t) } pub fn pr1_met(self_t: Type, input_t: Type, return_t: Type) -> Type { pr_met(self_t, vec![ParamTy::Pos(input_t)], None, vec![], return_t) } pub fn pr1_kw_met(self_t: Type, input: ParamTy, return_t: Type) -> Type { pr_met(self_t, vec![input], None, vec![], return_t) } /// function type with non-default parameters #[inline] pub fn nd_func(params: Vec, var_params: Option, ret: Type) -> Type { func(params, var_params, vec![], None, ret) } #[inline] pub fn nd_proc(params: Vec, var_params: Option, ret: Type) -> Type { proc(params, var_params, vec![], None, ret) } #[inline] pub fn d_func(default_params: Vec, return_t: Type) -> Type { func(vec![], None, default_params, None, return_t) } #[inline] pub fn nd_proc1(pt: ParamTy, ret: Type) -> Type { nd_proc(vec![pt], None, ret) } pub fn callable(param_ts: Vec, return_t: Type) -> Type { Type::Callable { param_ts, return_t: Box::new(return_t), } } #[inline] pub fn mono_q>(name: S, constr: Constraint) -> Type { named_free_var(name.into(), free::GENERIC_LEVEL, constr) } #[inline] pub fn type_q>(name: S) -> Type { mono_q(name, instanceof(Type::Type)) } #[inline] pub fn subtype_q>(name: S, sup: Type) -> Type { mono_q(name, subtypeof(sup)) } #[inline] pub fn mono>(name: S) -> Type { let name = name.into(); if cfg!(feature = "debug") { // do not use for: `Int`, `Nat`, ... match &name[..] { "Obj" | "Int" | "Nat" | "Ratio" | "Float" | "Complex" | "Bool" | "Str" | "NoneType" | "Code" | "Frame" | "Error" | "Inf" | "NegInf" | "Type" | "ClassType" | "TraitType" | "Patch" | "NotImplementedType" | "Ellipsis" | "Never" => { unreachable!("built-in type: {name}") } _ => {} } } Type::Mono(name) } pub fn from_str(name: impl Into) -> Type { let name = name.into(); match &name[..] { "Obj" => Type::Obj, "Int" => Type::Int, "Nat" => Type::Nat, "Ratio" => Type::Ratio, "Float" => Type::Float, "Complex" => Type::Complex, "Bool" => Type::Bool, "Str" => Type::Str, "NoneType" => Type::NoneType, "Code" => Type::Code, "Frame" => Type::Frame, "Error" => Type::Error, "Inf" => Type::Inf, "NegInf" => Type::NegInf, "Type" => Type::Type, "ClassType" => Type::ClassType, "TraitType" => Type::TraitType, "Patch" => Type::Patch, "NotImplementedType" => Type::NotImplementedType, "Ellipsis" => Type::Ellipsis, "Never" => Type::Never, _ => Type::Mono(name), } } #[inline] pub fn poly>(name: S, params: Vec) -> Type { Type::Poly { name: name.into(), params, } } pub fn type_poly>(name: S, ts: Vec) -> Type { poly(name, ts.into_iter().map(TyParam::t).collect()) } #[inline] pub fn proj>(lhs: Type, rhs: S) -> Type { Type::Proj { lhs: Box::new(lhs), rhs: rhs.into(), } } #[inline] pub fn proj_call>(lhs: TyParam, attr_name: S, args: Vec) -> Type { Type::ProjCall { lhs: Box::new(lhs), attr_name: attr_name.into(), args, } } /// ```erg /// {I: Int | I >= 0} /// => Refinement{ /// layout: TyParam::MonoQ "I", /// bounds: [TyBound::Instance("I", "Int")], /// pred: Predicate::GreaterEqual("I", 0) /// } /// ``` #[inline] pub fn refinement(var: Str, t: Type, pred: Predicate) -> Type { Type::Refinement(RefinementType::new(var, t, pred)) } pub fn and(lhs: Type, rhs: Type) -> Type { lhs & rhs } pub fn or(lhs: Type, rhs: Type) -> Type { lhs | rhs } pub fn ors(tys: impl IntoIterator) -> Type { tys.into_iter().fold(Type::Never, or) } pub fn ands(tys: impl IntoIterator) -> Type { tys.into_iter().fold(Type::Obj, and) } pub fn not(ty: Type) -> Type { Type::Not(Box::new(ty)) } pub fn guard(namespace: Str, target: CastTarget, to: Type) -> Type { Type::Guard(GuardType::new(namespace, target, to)) } pub fn bounded(sub: Type, sup: Type) -> Type { if sub == Type::Never { sup } else { Type::Bounded { sub: Box::new(sub), sup: Box::new(sup), } } } #[inline] pub fn instanceof(t: Type) -> Constraint { Constraint::new_type_of(t) } /// Sub <: Sup #[inline] pub fn subtypeof(sup: Type) -> Constraint { Constraint::new_sandwiched(Type::Never, sup) } #[inline] pub fn supertypeof(sub: Type) -> Constraint { Constraint::new_sandwiched(sub, Type::Obj) } #[inline] pub fn mono_q_tp>(name: S, constr: Constraint) -> TyParam { TyParam::mono_q(name, constr) } #[inline] pub fn mono_tp>(name: S) -> TyParam { TyParam::mono(name) } #[inline] pub fn ty_tp(t: Type) -> TyParam { TyParam::t(t) } /// NOTE: Always add postfix when entering numbers. For example, `value(1)` will be of type Int. #[inline] pub fn value>(v: V) -> TyParam { TyParam::value(v) }