import { ExtSecretKey, DerivationPath, NetworkAddress, NetworkPrefix, Mnemonic } from '../../pkg-nodejs/ergo_lib_wasm'; const secretSeedFromMnemonic = (mnemonic: string): Uint8Array => Mnemonic.to_seed(mnemonic, ""); const masterSecretFromSeed = (seed: Uint8Array) => ExtSecretKey.derive_master(seed); const deriveSecretKey = (rootSecret: ExtSecretKey, path: DerivationPath) => rootSecret.derive(path); const nextPath = (rootSecret: ExtSecretKey, lastPath: DerivationPath) => rootSecret.derive(lastPath).path().next(); const main = () => { const mnemonic = "change me do not use me change me do not use me"; const seed = secretSeedFromMnemonic(mnemonic); const rootSecret = masterSecretFromSeed(seed); // This is using EIP-3 pathing: m/44'/429'/0'/0/0 // First param is 0' (account) and the last 0 (address index) let changePath =, new Uint32Array([0])); const changeSecretKey = deriveSecretKey(rootSecret, changePath); const changePubKey = changeSecretKey.public_key(); const changeAddress =, changePubKey.to_address()); console.log(`Change address: ${changeAddress.to_base58()}`); // This is currently required becuase the line: // `const changeSecretKey = deriveSecretKey(rootSecret, changePath);` // Takes ownership of the changePath pointer and frees it so it's null when we get to this point changePath =, new Uint32Array([0])); const firstPath = nextPath(rootSecret, changePath); console.log(`First derived path: ${firstPath}`); const firstSecretKey = deriveSecretKey(rootSecret, firstPath); const firstPubkey = firstSecretKey.public_key(); const firstAddress =, firstPubkey.to_address()); console.log(`First derived address: ${firstAddress.to_base58()}`); } main();