use ergokv::{LocalCluster, Store}; use futures::StreamExt; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use tempfile::TempDir; use uuid::Uuid; #[derive( Store, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Clone, )] struct User { #[key] id: Uuid, #[unique_index] username: String, #[index] email: String, #[index] department: String, } #[tokio::test] async fn test_user_store() { let tmp = TempDir::new().expect("Failed to create temp dir"); // Start TiKV instance let tikv_instance = LocalCluster::start(tmp.path()).unwrap(); // Set up TiKV client let client = tikv_instance.spawn_client().await.unwrap(); // Create a new user let user = User { id: Uuid::new_v4(), username: "testuser".to_string(), email: "".to_string(), department: "Engineering".to_string(), }; // Start a transaction let mut txn = client.begin_optimistic().await.unwrap(); // Save the user txn).await.unwrap(); // Commit the transaction txn.commit().await.unwrap(); // Start a new transaction let mut txn = client.begin_optimistic().await.unwrap(); // Load the user let mut loaded_user = User::load(&, &mut txn).await.unwrap(); // Assert that the loaded user matches the original assert_eq!(user, loaded_user); // Test unique index method let found_user = User::by_username(&user.username, &mut txn) .await .unwrap() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(user, found_user); // Test non-unique index method let users_by_email = User::by_email(&, &mut txn).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(users_by_email.len(), 1); assert_eq!(users_by_email[0], user); let users_by_department = User::by_department(&user.department, &mut txn) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(users_by_department.len(), 1); assert_eq!(users_by_department[0], user); // Update user loaded_user .set_email("".to_string(), &mut txn) .await .unwrap(); // Delete user loaded_user.delete(&mut txn).await.unwrap(); // Commit the transaction txn.commit().await.unwrap(); // Try to load the deleted user (should fail) let mut txn = client.begin_optimistic().await.unwrap(); assert!(User::load(&, &mut txn).await.is_err()); txn.commit().await.unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_user_all() { let tmp = TempDir::new().expect("Failed to create temp dir"); let tikv_instance = LocalCluster::start(tmp.path()).unwrap(); let client = tikv_instance.spawn_client().await.unwrap(); let mut txn = client.begin_optimistic().await.unwrap(); // Create test users let users = vec![ User { id: Uuid::new_v4(), username: "alice".to_string(), email: "".to_string(), department: "Engineering".to_string(), }, User { id: Uuid::new_v4(), username: "bob".to_string(), email: "".to_string(), department: "Engineering".to_string(), }, User { id: Uuid::new_v4(), username: "charlie".to_string(), email: "".to_string(), department: "Marketing".to_string(), }, ]; // Save all users for user in &users { txn).await.unwrap(); } txn.commit().await.unwrap(); // Test index methods let mut txn = client.begin_optimistic().await.unwrap(); // Unique index method let bob = User::by_username("bob", &mut txn) .await .unwrap() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(bob, users[1]); // Non-unique index method let engineering_users = User::by_department("Engineering", &mut txn) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(engineering_users.len(), 2); // Test all() method let mut found_users = Vec::new(); { let stream = User::all(&mut txn); futures::pin_mut!(stream); while let Some(Ok(user)) = { found_users.push(user); } } // Sort both vectors by username for comparison let mut users = users.clone(); users.sort_by(|a, b| a.username.cmp(&b.username)); found_users.sort_by(|a, b| a.username.cmp(&b.username)); assert_eq!(users, found_users); txn.commit().await.unwrap(); }