# escapecolors `escapecolors` is a rust crate that provides both a binary and a lib to escape colors from a string following [ANSI SGR specifications][1]. ## Usage ### As a binary: ``` echo -e '\E[31mhello\E[7;32min\E[0;4;44mcolors\E[0m' | escapecolors ``` ### As a lib: ``` use ansi_string::AnsiString; fn main() { let bytes_with_colors = vec![27,91,51,52,109,72,101,108,108,111,27,91,48,109]; let string_with_colors = String::from_utf8(bytes_with_color).unwrap(); let ansi_string = AnsiString::new(string_with_colors); println!("Without colors: {}", ansi_string.without_colors); println!("With colors: {}", ansi_string.original); } ``` [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR_(Select_Graphic_Rendition)_parameters