' Thanks to Freak from the PureBasic forums for assistance! Type SimpleCapParams Field mTargetBuf:Byte Ptr ' Must be at least mWidth * mHeight * SizeOf(Int) of size! Field mWidth Field mHeight End Type Global InitCOM () "C" Global CountCaptureDevices () "C" Global OpenCaptureDevice (device, scp:Byte Ptr) "C" Global CloseCaptureDevice (device) "C" Global GetCapture (device) "C" Global CaptureDone (device) "C" Global CaptureDeviceName (device, name:Byte Ptr, namelen) "C" Global ESCAPIDLLVersion () "C" Function SetupESCAPI () esc = LoadLibraryA ("escapi.dll") If esc InitCOM = GetProcAddress (esc, "initCOM") CountCaptureDevices = GetProcAddress (esc, "countCaptureDevices") OpenCaptureDevice = GetProcAddress (esc, "initCapture") CloseCaptureDevice = GetProcAddress (esc, "deinitCapture") GetCapture = GetProcAddress (esc, "doCapture") CaptureDone = GetProcAddress (esc, "isCaptureDone") CaptureDeviceName = GetProcAddress (esc, "getCaptureDeviceName") ESCAPIDLLVersion = GetProcAddress (esc, "ESCAPIDLLVersion") If InitCOM = Null Or CountCaptureDevices = Null Or OpenCaptureDevice = Null or.. CloseCaptureDevice = Null Or GetCapture = Null Or CaptureDone = Null or.. CaptureDeviceName = Null Or ESCAPIDLLVersion = Null DebugLog "Function missing!" Return 0 EndIf InitCOM () If ESCAPIDLLVersion () < $200 DebugLog "Old DLL (needs version 2.0+)" Return 0 EndIf Else DebugLog "Failed to open DLL" Return 0 EndIf Return 1 End Function Function CaptureDevice$ (device) Local cam:Byte [1024] CaptureDeviceName (device, cam, 1024) Return String.FromCString (cam) End Function If SetupESCAPI () = 0 Notify "Error! Make sure escapi.dll is in same folder and capture device plugged in!" End EndIf For num = 0 Until CountCaptureDevices () Print "Capture device [" + num + "] name: " + CaptureDevice (num) Next device = 0 ' To list/select devices... 'Repeat ' device = Int (Input ("Enter capture device number: ")) 'Until device > -1 And device < CountCaptureDevices () ' Preferred target width/height (ESCAPI scales capture data to this)... width = 320 height = 240 AppTitle = "Using " + CaptureDevice (device) + "..." Graphics width, height', 32 ' Data structure... Local scp:SimpleCapParams = New SimpleCapParams ' A PixMap for captured data... pix:TPixmap = CreatePixmap (width, height, PF_BGRA8888) ' Stick pixmap memory pointer into data structure... scp.mTargetBuf = PixmapPixelPtr (pix) scp.mWidth = width scp.mHeight = height ' Start capture process... If OpenCaptureDevice (device, scp) = 0 Print "Failed to initialise capture device!" End EndIf Repeat Cls GetCapture (device) Repeat If KeyHit (KEY_ESCAPE) Then quit = True Until CaptureDone (device) DrawPixmap pix, 0, 0 Flip Until quit = True ' Stop capture process... CloseCaptureDevice (device) End