XIncludeFile "escapi.pb" device = 0 count = setupESCAPI() Debug "init: " + Str(count) If count = 0 End EndIf name$ = Space(1000) getCaptureDeviceName(device, @name$, 1000) Debug "name: " + name$ scp.SimpleCapParams scp\mWidth = 320 scp\mHeight = 240 scp\mTargetBuf = AllocateMemory (scp\mWidth * scp\mHeight * 4) If initCapture(device, @scp) Debug "cap init successful" image = CreateImage(#PB_Any, 320, 240) OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 320, 240, name$, #PB_Window_ScreenCentered|#PB_Window_SystemMenu) CreateGadgetList(WindowID(0)) ImageGadget(0, 0, 0, 320, 240, ImageID(image)) Quit = 0 Repeat doCapture(device) While isCaptureDone(device) = 0 If WaitWindowEvent(1) = #PB_Event_CloseWindow Quit = 1 Break EndIf Wend If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(image)) For y = 0 To scp\mHeight - 1 For x = 0 To scp\mWidth - 1 pixel = PeekL(scp\mTargetBuf + (y*scp\mWidth + x) * 4) rgb = RGB((pixel >> 16) & $FF, (pixel >> 8) & $FF, pixel & $FF) Plot(x, y, rgb) Next Next StopDrawing() SetGadgetState(0, ImageID(image)) EndIf Until Quit deinitCapture(device) Else Debug "init capture failed!" EndIf End