//! Simple examples of an asynchronous TCP client communicating with an internet TCP server //! (google.com) and of an asynchronous TCP server, that listens for incoming data and echoes it back. use std::env; use std::io; use std::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream, ToSocketAddrs}; use async_io::Async; use futures::executor::{LocalPool, LocalSpawner}; use futures::task::LocalSpawnExt; use futures::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt, FutureExt}; use esp_idf_svc::sys::EspError; use esp_idf_svc::timer::EspTaskTimerService; const SSID: &str = env!("WIFI_SSID"); const PASSWORD: &str = env!("WIFI_PASS"); use log::{error, info}; fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { esp_idf_svc::sys::link_patches(); esp_idf_svc::log::EspLogger::initialize_default(); // `async-io` uses the ESP IDF `eventfd` syscall to implement async IO. // If you use `tokio`, you still have to do the same as it also uses the `eventfd` syscall esp_idf_svc::io::vfs::initialize_eventfd(5).unwrap(); // This thread is necessary because the ESP IDF main task thread is running with a very low priority that cannot be raised // (lower than the hidden posix thread in `async-io`) // As a result, the main thread is constantly starving because of the higher prio `async-io` thread // // To use async networking IO, make your `main()` minimal by just spawning all work in a new thread std::thread::Builder::new() .stack_size(60000) .spawn(run_main) .unwrap() .join() .unwrap() .unwrap(); Ok(()) } fn run_main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { // Any executor would do. We just use the local executor from the `futures` crate // As for why we need an executor - just for a simple way to spawn the accepted connections // in the `tcp_server` server let mut local_executor = LocalPool::new(); let spawner = local_executor.spawner(); local_executor.spawner().spawn_local( async move { // Keep it around or else the wifi will stop let _wifi = wifi_create().await?; tcp_client().await?; tcp_server(spawner).await?; Result::<_, anyhow::Error>::Ok(()) } .map(Result::unwrap), )?; local_executor.run(); Ok(()) } async fn tcp_client() -> Result<(), io::Error> { info!("About to open a TCP connection to port 80"); let addr = "one.one.one.one:80".to_socket_addrs()?.next().unwrap(); let mut stream = Async::::connect(addr).await?; stream.write_all("GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n".as_bytes()).await?; let mut result = Vec::new(); stream.read_to_end(&mut result).await?; info!( " returned:\n=================\n{}\n=================\nSince it returned something, all is OK", std::str::from_utf8(&result).map_err(|_| io::ErrorKind::InvalidData)?); Ok(()) } async fn tcp_server(spawner: LocalSpawner) -> Result<(), io::Error> { async fn accept(spawner: LocalSpawner) -> Result<(), io::Error> { info!("About to bind a simple echo service to port 8080; do `telnet :8080`"); let addr = "".to_socket_addrs()?.next().unwrap(); let listener = Async::::bind(addr)?; loop { let stream = listener.accept().await; match stream { Ok((stream, addr)) => { info!("Accepted client {}", addr); spawner.spawn_local(handle(stream)).unwrap(); } Err(e) => { error!("Error: {}", e); } } } } async fn handle(mut stream: Async) { // read 128 bytes at a time from stream echoing back to stream loop { let mut read = [0; 128]; match stream.read(&mut read).await { Ok(n) => { if n == 0 { // connection was closed break; } let _ = stream.write_all(&read[0..n]).await; } Err(err) => { panic!("{}", err); } } } } accept(spawner).await } async fn wifi_create() -> Result, EspError> { use esp_idf_svc::eventloop::*; use esp_idf_svc::hal::prelude::Peripherals; use esp_idf_svc::nvs::*; use esp_idf_svc::wifi::*; let sys_loop = EspSystemEventLoop::take()?; let timer_service = EspTaskTimerService::new()?; let nvs = EspDefaultNvsPartition::take()?; let peripherals = Peripherals::take()?; let mut esp_wifi = EspWifi::new(peripherals.modem, sys_loop.clone(), Some(nvs.clone()))?; let mut wifi = AsyncWifi::wrap(&mut esp_wifi, sys_loop.clone(), timer_service)?; wifi.set_configuration(&Configuration::Client(ClientConfiguration { ssid: SSID.try_into().unwrap(), password: PASSWORD.try_into().unwrap(), ..Default::default() }))?; wifi.start().await?; info!("Wifi started"); wifi.connect().await?; info!("Wifi connected"); wifi.wait_netif_up().await?; info!("Wifi netif up"); Ok(esp_wifi) }