//! Demonstrates the use of the RSA peripheral and compares the speed of //! multiple arithmetic operations. #![no_std] #![no_main] use crypto_bigint::{ modular::runtime_mod::{DynResidue, DynResidueParams}, Uint, U1024, U512, }; use esp32c3_hal::{ clock::ClockControl, peripherals::Peripherals, prelude::*, rsa::{ operand_sizes, Rsa, RsaModularExponentiation, RsaModularMultiplication, RsaMultiplication, }, systimer::SystemTimer, }; use esp_backtrace as _; use esp_println::println; const BIGNUM_1: U512 = Uint::from_be_hex( "c7f61058f96db3bd87dbab08ab03b4f7f2f864eac249144adea6a65f97803b719d8ca980b7b3c0389c1c7c6\ 7dc353c5e0ec11f5fc8ce7f6073796cc8f73fa878", ); const BIGNUM_2: U512 = Uint::from_be_hex( "1763db3344e97be15d04de4868badb12a38046bb793f7630d87cf100aa1c759afac15a01f3c4c83ec2d2f66\ 6bd22f71c3c1f075ec0e2cb0cb29994d091b73f51", ); const BIGNUM_3: U512 = Uint::from_be_hex( "6b6bb3d2b6cbeb45a769eaa0384e611e1b89b0c9b45a045aca1c5fd6e8785b38df7118cf5dd45b9b63d293b\ 67aeafa9ba25feb8712f188cb139b7d9b9af1c361", ); const fn compute_r(modulus: &U512) -> U512 { let mut d = [0_u32; U512::LIMBS * 2 + 1]; d[d.len() - 1] = 1; let d = Uint::from_words(d); d.const_rem(&modulus.resize()).0.resize() } const fn compute_mprime(modulus: &U512) -> u32 { let m_inv = modulus.inv_mod2k(32).to_words()[0]; (-1 * m_inv as i64 % 4294967296) as u32 } #[entry] fn main() -> ! { let peripherals = Peripherals::take(); let system = peripherals.SYSTEM.split(); let _clocks = ClockControl::boot_defaults(system.clock_control).freeze(); let mut rsa = Rsa::new(peripherals.RSA); nb::block!(rsa.ready()).unwrap(); mod_exp_example(&mut rsa); mod_multi_example(&mut rsa); multiplication_example(&mut rsa); loop {} } fn mod_multi_example(rsa: &mut Rsa) { let mut outbuf = [0_u32; U512::LIMBS]; let mut mod_multi = RsaModularMultiplication::::new( rsa, BIGNUM_1.as_words(), BIGNUM_2.as_words(), BIGNUM_3.as_words(), compute_mprime(&BIGNUM_3), ); let r = compute_r(&BIGNUM_3); let pre_hw_modmul = SystemTimer::now(); mod_multi.start_modular_multiplication(r.as_words()); mod_multi.read_results(&mut outbuf); let post_hw_modmul = SystemTimer::now(); println!( "it took {} cycles for hw modular multiplication", post_hw_modmul - pre_hw_modmul ); let residue_params = DynResidueParams::new(&BIGNUM_3); let residue_num1 = DynResidue::new(&BIGNUM_1, residue_params); let residue_num2 = DynResidue::new(&BIGNUM_2, residue_params); let pre_sw_exp = SystemTimer::now(); let sw_out = residue_num1.mul(&residue_num2); let post_sw_exp = SystemTimer::now(); println!( "it took {} cycles for sw modular multiplication", post_sw_exp - pre_sw_exp ); assert_eq!(U512::from_words(outbuf), sw_out.retrieve()); println!("modular multiplication done"); } fn mod_exp_example(rsa: &mut Rsa) { rsa.enable_disable_constant_time_acceleration(true); rsa.enable_disable_search_acceleration(true); let mut outbuf = [0_u32; U512::LIMBS]; let mut mod_exp = RsaModularExponentiation::::new( rsa, BIGNUM_2.as_words(), BIGNUM_3.as_words(), compute_mprime(&BIGNUM_3), ); let r = compute_r(&BIGNUM_3); let base = &BIGNUM_1.as_words(); let pre_hw_exp = SystemTimer::now(); mod_exp.start_exponentiation(&base, r.as_words()); mod_exp.read_results(&mut outbuf); let post_hw_exp = SystemTimer::now(); println!( "it took {} cycles for hw modular exponentiation", post_hw_exp - pre_hw_exp ); let residue_params = DynResidueParams::new(&BIGNUM_3); let residue = DynResidue::new(&BIGNUM_1, residue_params); let pre_sw_exp = SystemTimer::now(); let sw_out = residue.pow(&BIGNUM_2); let post_sw_exp = SystemTimer::now(); println!( "it took {} cycles for sw modular exponentiation", post_sw_exp - pre_sw_exp ); assert_eq!(U512::from_words(outbuf), sw_out.retrieve()); println!("modular exponentiation done"); } fn multiplication_example(rsa: &mut Rsa) { let mut out = [0_u32; U1024::LIMBS]; let operand_a = BIGNUM_1; let operand_b = BIGNUM_2; let mut rsamulti = RsaMultiplication::::new(rsa, operand_a.as_words()); let pre_hw_mul = SystemTimer::now(); rsamulti.start_multiplication(operand_b.as_words()); rsamulti.read_results(&mut out); let post_hw_mul = SystemTimer::now(); println!( "it took {} cycles for hw multiplication", post_hw_mul - pre_hw_mul ); let pre_sw_mul = SystemTimer::now(); let sw_out = BIGNUM_1.mul_wide(&BIGNUM_2); let post_sw_mul = SystemTimer::now(); println!( "it took {} cycles for sw multiplication", post_sw_mul - pre_sw_mul ); assert_eq!(U1024::from_words(out), sw_out.1.concat(&sw_out.0)); println!("multiplication done"); }