//! Demonstrates deep sleep with timer, using gpio2 (low) and gpio3 (high) as //! wakeup. #![no_std] #![no_main] use core::time::Duration; use esp32c3_hal::{ clock::ClockControl, entry, gpio::RTCPinWithResistors, peripherals::Peripherals, prelude::*, rtc_cntl::{ get_reset_reason, get_wakeup_cause, sleep::{RtcioWakeupSource, TimerWakeupSource, WakeupLevel}, SocResetReason, }, Cpu, Delay, Rtc, IO, }; use esp_backtrace as _; use esp_println::println; #[entry] fn main() -> ! { let peripherals = Peripherals::take(); let system = peripherals.SYSTEM.split(); let clocks = ClockControl::boot_defaults(system.clock_control).freeze(); let mut rtc = Rtc::new(peripherals.LPWR); let io = IO::new(peripherals.GPIO, peripherals.IO_MUX); let mut pin2 = io.pins.gpio2; let mut pin3 = io.pins.gpio3; println!("up and runnning!"); let reason = get_reset_reason(Cpu::ProCpu).unwrap_or(SocResetReason::ChipPowerOn); println!("reset reason: {:?}", reason); let wake_reason = get_wakeup_cause(); println!("wake reason: {:?}", wake_reason); let mut delay = Delay::new(&clocks); let timer = TimerWakeupSource::new(Duration::from_secs(10)); let wakeup_pins: &mut [(&mut dyn RTCPinWithResistors, WakeupLevel)] = &mut [ (&mut pin2, WakeupLevel::Low), (&mut pin3, WakeupLevel::High), ]; let rtcio = RtcioWakeupSource::new(wakeup_pins); println!("sleeping!"); delay.delay_ms(100u32); rtc.sleep_deep(&[&timer, &rtcio], &mut delay); }