//! Turns on LED with the option to change LED intensity depending on `duty` //! value. Possible values (`u32`) are in range 0..100. //! //! This assumes that a LED is connected to the pin assigned to `led`. (GPIO4) #![no_std] #![no_main] use esp32h2_hal::{ clock::ClockControl, gpio::IO, ledc::{ channel::{self, ChannelIFace}, timer::{self, TimerIFace}, LSGlobalClkSource, LowSpeed, LEDC, }, peripherals::Peripherals, prelude::*, }; use esp_backtrace as _; #[entry] fn main() -> ! { let peripherals = Peripherals::take(); let system = peripherals.SYSTEM.split(); let clocks = ClockControl::boot_defaults(system.clock_control).freeze(); let io = IO::new(peripherals.GPIO, peripherals.IO_MUX); let led = io.pins.gpio4.into_push_pull_output(); let mut ledc = LEDC::new(peripherals.LEDC, &clocks); ledc.set_global_slow_clock(LSGlobalClkSource::APBClk); let mut lstimer0 = ledc.get_timer::(timer::Number::Timer2); lstimer0 .configure(timer::config::Config { duty: timer::config::Duty::Duty5Bit, clock_source: timer::LSClockSource::APBClk, frequency: 24u32.kHz(), }) .unwrap(); let mut channel0 = ledc.get_channel(channel::Number::Channel0, led); channel0 .configure(channel::config::Config { timer: &lstimer0, duty_pct: 10, pin_config: channel::config::PinConfig::PushPull, }) .unwrap(); channel0.start_duty_fade(0, 100, 2000).expect_err( "Fading from 0% to 100%, at 24kHz and 5-bit resolution, over 2 seconds, should fail", ); loop { // Set up a breathing LED: fade from off to on over a second, then // from on back off over the next second. Then loop. channel0.start_duty_fade(0, 100, 1000).unwrap(); while channel0.is_duty_fade_running() {} channel0.start_duty_fade(100, 0, 1000).unwrap(); while channel0.is_duty_fade_running() {} } }