// This file is UTF8 encoded // letters _cap m'aJ^us _?? s'imbolo _#32 Esp'aTjo // accent names _lig liQaD'ura _acu aQ'uDo _ac2 d'oble||aQ'uDo _brv br'eBe _ced seD'iJ^a _cir sirkumfl'exo _dia dj'Eresis _dac d'oble||aQ'uDo _dot p'unto _grv gr'aBe _hac kar'on _mcn makr'on _ogo kol'ita _rng an'iJ^o _stk b'aRR2a _tld t'ilde _sup supE**'indiTe _sub suB'indiTe // names of symbols ° grados _. punto _, koma _; p,untoik'oma _: d,osp'untos _! TERR2'araDmiraTj'on _? TERR2'arintERR2,oQaTj'on _¡ aBr'iraDmiraTj'on _¿ aBr'irintERR2,oQaTj'on _< men'orke _> maJ^'orke _' apostr'ofo ꞌ salt'il^o $only _" kom'iJ^as _- gJ^on __ suBraJ^'aDo _/ baRR2a _\ b'aRR2aimbErt'iDa _` aT'Ento||gr'aBe _´ aT'Ento||aQ'uDo _( ,aBrepar'Entesis _) Tj,ERR2apar'Entesis _[ ,aBrekortS'ete _] Tj,ERR2akortS'ete _{ ,aBreJ^'aBe _} Tj,ERR2aJ^'aBe _« kom'iJ^as||iTkJ^'ErDas _» kom'iJ^as||dEr'EtSas = iQw'al + m'as # almoaD'iJ^a * astEr'isko . punto ^ Tirkumfl'exo ₠ 'eU*o € eUro % porTj'Ento & ampErs'ant @ aRR2'oBa / baRR2a © kopiRR2'aIt £ liBras ¶ p'aRR2afo § sEkTj'on ¬ n'ot · p'unto||m'edjo // Language names _cyr Ti*'iliko_ _hy arm'enjo _he eB@-*'Eo _ar 'a*aBe _hi 'i:ndi _bn beNg,al'i_ _ta t'amil _te tel'ugu _si TiNgal'es _th t'a:i _my birm'ano _ja x,apon'Es _zh tS'ino // numbers _0 nitija _1 toU?k# _2 mahtsk# _3 toUoUhk# _4 mAktAAz.k# _5 mugooz.k# _6 toUht8k# _7 vuz.toUht8k# _8 toUtoUht8k# _9 tAz.toUht8k# _1X mAhk# _2X ii?p _3X mAhk#ii?p _4X v8htkup _5X v8htkupmAhk# _6X toUoUhk#ii?p _7X toUoUhk#ii?pmAhk# _8X mAktAAz.k#ii?p _9X mAktAAz.k#ii?pmAhk# _0C mugooz.k#ii?p _dpt koma _roman Rom'ano // ordinal numbers _#º o _#ª a _ord mu ºc gr'ados||T'e ºf gr'ados||'Efe ºk gr'ados||k'a // Letters (names taken from Spanish) // If a letter has a "word" pronunciation which is different from its // "letter" name, then include the letter name here, with the letter // prefixed by a _ character. _b be _c Te _d de _f Efe _g xe _h atSe _j xota _k ka _l Ele _m Eme _n Ene _ñ En^e _p pe _q ku _r Ere _s Ese _t te _v uBe _w uBe||d'oBle _x Ekis _z TEta _a a _e e _o o _y igri'eQa _á 'a||aTEntw'aDa _é 'e||aTEntw'aDa _í 'i||aTEntw'aDa _ó 'o||aTEntw'aDa _ú 'u||aTEntw'aDa _ü 'u||kon||dj'ErEsis _ç $accent // Proper Names and countries amsterdam $3 bardem $2 jerusalem $4 méxico m'Exiko vietnam $2 // foreign words android 'androId apple 'ap@l copyright k'opiRR2,aIt chrome kr'owm curriculum $2 diem d'i:em $only eloquence 'elokwens english ínglish $text espeak 'isp'ik eyes 'aIs facebook f'eIsbuk firefox f'aIrfoks free fr'i google g'ug@l hardware h'ardwer iphone 'aIfon ipod 'aIpod jaws dZ'os jazz dZ'as linux $1 live l'aIB messenger m'esendZer microsoft m'aIkrosoft mozilla moT'ila office 'ofis platform pl'atfom power p'awer service s'erBis skype sk'aIp snapshot sn'apS,ot // _^_en software s'oftwer spanish sp'aniS speech sp'itS thunderbird t'anderbird twit tw'it twitter tw'iter window w'indow (e speak) 'isp'ik (i phone) 'aIfon (i pod) 'aIpod