// This file in UTF8 encoded // Options // ?1 European Portuguese // ?2 Brazilian Portuguese // ?3 Epenthetic [I] between consonants // ?4 Brazil mbrola voice // $alt change [e] or [o] in the stressed syllable to [E] or [O] // $alt2 change [E] or [O] in the stressed syllable to [e] or [o] // Any [E] or [O] phonemes in unstressed words must be listed explicitly // Note for "pt-pt" [R] is the same sound as [r] // for "pt" [y] is the same sound as [i] // Letters // If a letter has a "word" pronunciation which is different from its // "letter" name, then include the letter name here, with the letter // prefixed by a _ character. // accent names _lig ligad'u*& _acu ag'udU _ac2 ag'udUd'uplU _brv bR'Evi _ced sedZ'ilj& ?1 _ced syd'il^& _cir sirku~Nfl'EksU _dia tR'em& _dot p'oNtU _grv gR'avi _hac ka*'oN _mcn makR'oN _ogo ogon'ek _rng &~n'EU ?1 _rng &~n'El _stk b'ax& _tld tS'iU ?1 _tld til // alphabets _ar 'a*aby _cyr si*'ilikU _he eb*'aIkU _zh Sin'es // character names _á $accent _à $accent // à can be a word â $accent ã $accent ç $accent _é $accent // é can be a word ê $accent í $accent _ó $accent ô $accent õ $accent ú $accent ü $accent ß _^_DE v ve // not Roman numbers x Sis# _cap maI'uskulU _sub ||subskR'itU _sup ||sob*eskR'itU _?A l'etR&_ _?? s'imbolU_ _#32 esp'asU ?1 _#32 Sp'asU _#9 tab * &ste*'iskU $max3 = __igw'&l_ $max3 . p'oNtU $max3 + maIs# $max3 % pors'eINtU $max3 & _'e_ @ ax'ob& $ d'olaR € 'eU*U £ l'ibR& ¥ j'eNy ¢ seNt'avUs# § ses'&U~ _! Skl&mas'&U~ _" 'asp&s# ?1 _# k,ardin'al ?2 _# k,ardZin'aU _$ s,ifR'&U~ _& 'e ?1 _' ap'OStr,ofy ?2 _' ap'OstRofU _( ,abRipa*'eINtezy ?1 ¶ pa*'agr&fU ?2 ¶ pa*'agR&fU ● s'i*@-kulU ■ b'ax&ve*@-tSik'aUko*@-tad& ?1 ÷ divid'idUp'or ?2 ÷ dZividZ'idUp'or × v'ezys# ?1 µ m'ikrU ?2 µ m'ikRU _) f,ES&pa*'eINtezy _* &ste*'iskU _− m'enUs № n'u~me*U ∞ iNfin'itU ∫ iNtegR'aU ⅓ u~Nt'e*@-sU ⅔ doIs#t'e*@-sUs# ¼ u~Nku'a*@-tU ½ m'eIU ¾ tRes#kw'a*@-tUs# ® xeZistR'adU ↑ s'Et&as'im& ↓ s'Et&ab'aISU ← s'Et&aes#k'e*@-d& ?2 → s'Et&adZi*eIt& ?1 ™ m'a*@-k&xeZiSt'ad& ?2 ™ m'a*@-k&xeZistR'ad& _, v'irgul& _- 'ifeIN _/ b'aQ& _: d,oIsp'oNtus _; p,oNtu_iv'irgul& _< men'Or ?1 _= igw'al ?2 _= igw'aU _> maI'Or _? ,iNtex,ogas'&U~ _[ ,abRikowS'etSi _\ b,ax&,iNvertS'id& _] f,ES&kowS'etSi _^ s,irku~Nfl'Eksu _´ as'eINtu,ag'udU · p'oNtUseINtR'adU __ s,ublin^'adu _` gR'avi _{ ,abRiS'avi ?1 _| b,ax&v,ertSik'al ?2 _| b,ax&v,ertSik'aU _} f,ES&S'avi ?1 _~ t'il ?2 _~ tS'iU _¡ ,eskl&mas,&U~,iNvertS'id& _¿ ,iNtex,ogas,&U~,iNvertS'id& _" 'abRi;'asp&||d'upl&s# ?1 º O*@-din'almaskul'i~nU ?2 º o*@-dZin'aUmaskul'i~nU ?1 ª O*@-din'alfemin'i~nU ?2 ª o*@-dZin'aUfemin'i~nU ° gR'aU // numeric //******** ?1 _0 z'E*u ?2 _0 z'E*U ?1 _1 'um ?2 _1 'u~N _2 d'oIs# _3 tR'es# ?1 _4 kw'atru ?2 _4 kw'atRU ?1 _5 s'iNku ?2 _5 s'iNkU _6 s'eIs# ?1 _7 s'Ety ?2 _7 s'EtSy ?1 _8 'oItu ?2 _8 'oItU _9 n'Ovy _10 d'Es# _11 'oNzy _12 d'ozy ?1_13 tr'ezy ?2_13 tR'ezy ?1_14 k&t'orzy ?2_14 kat'o*@-zy _15 k'iNzy ?1_16 dyz&s'eis# ?2_16 d,ezes'eIs# ?1_17 dyz&s'Ety ?2_17 d,ezes'EtSy ?1_18 dyz'Oitu ?2_18 dez'oItU ?1_19 dyz&n'Ovy ?2_19 dezen'Ovy ?1_2X v'iNty ?2_2X v'iNtSy _3X tR'iNt& ?1_4X kw&*'eNt& ?2_4X kwa*'eINt& _5X siNkw'eINt& ?1_6X sys'eINt& ?2_6X ses'eINt& ?1_7X syt'eINt& ?2_7X set'eINt& _8X oIt'eINt& ?1 _9X nuv'eINt& ?2 _9X nov'eINt& _1C0 s'eIN ?1_0C s'eINtus# ?2_0C s'eINtUz _1C s'eINtu ?1_2C duz'eINtus# ?2_2C duz'eINtUz ?1_3C tryz'eINtus# ?2_3C tRez'eINtUz ?1_5C kin^'eINtus# ?2_5C kin^'eINtUz ?1_6C seIs'eINtus# ?2_6C seIs'eINtUz ?1_0M1 m'il_ ?2_0M1 m'iU_ ?1_1M1 m'il_ ?2_1M1 m'iU_ _0M2 milj'o~js# _1M2 'u~milj'&U~ _0M3 bilj'o~js# _1M3 'u~mbilj'&U~ _0M4 trilj'o~js# _1M4 'u~ntRilj'&U~ _0and i _dpt _v'irgul& // _0Z2 seNt'Ezim& // 100ths // _0Z3 mil'Ezim& // 1000ths // ordinal numbers _#º U _#ª & _ord o _1o pRim'eI* _2o seg'u~Nd _3o te*@-s'eI* _4o kw'a*@-t _5o k'iNt _6o s'est _7o s'EtSim _8o oIt'av _9o n'on _1Xo d'Esim _2Xo viZ'Ezim _3Xo tRiZ'Ezim _4Xo kwad*aZ'Ezim _5Xo kiNkwaZ'Ezim _6Xo seksaZ'Ezim _7Xo septwaZ'Ezim _8Xo oktoZ'Ezim _9Xo nonaZ'Ezim _0Co seINt'Ezim _1Co seINt'Ezim _2Co duseINt'Ezim _3Co tRiseINt'Ezim _4Co kwad*iZeINt'Ezim _5Co kiNZeINt'Ezim _6Co seIseINt'Ezim _7Co septSiZeINt'Ezim _8Co oktSiZeINt'Ezim _9Co noNZeINt'Ezim _0M1o mil'Ezim _1M1o mil'Ezim // not roman numbers cc $abbrev cd $abbrev vi vi // ABBREVIATIONS //************** aapp $abbrev abadv $abbrev abc $abbrev a.c 'as'e adsl $abbrev ae $abbrev aids $abbrev apedv $abbrev avc $abbrev bios b'i,OS d.c d,es'e cne $abbrev cpu $abbrev cpuc $abbrev dpoc $abbrev ecg $abbrev edp $abbrev ?1 etc ,ets'Et:*& ?2 etc ,ets'Ete*& e.u.a Eua eua $abbrev fbi $abbrev hiv $abbrev (http ://) ag,atete'pe_ icc $abbrev ieee $abbrev // Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers iss $abbrev jpeg Z,Ot&p'Eg mpeg ,Emp'Eg nba $abbrev nvda $abbrev oms $abbrev omt $abbrev osi $abbrev ?1 sa ,Esj'a ?1 sos ,Esj,O'Es ue $abbrev unts $abbrev usb $abbrev dr dowtor $dot dra dowt'o*& $dot mr m'ister $dot mrs m'irsys $dot prof pR'Of $dot profº pR,ofes'or profª pR,ofes'o*& engº eInZen^'eI*U engª eInZen^'eI*& nº n'u~me*U sr $dot ?1 sra ,Es;'Errj'a $dot ?2 sra $dot // articles o $u+ $nounf a $u+ $nounf os $u+ $nounf as $u+ $nounf ?1 a & $u+ $nounf um $u $nounf uma $u $nounf uns $u $nounf umas $u $nounf // pronouns eu $u+ $verbf tu $u+ $verbf você vose $u2+ $verbf ele 'ely $u+ $verbf ela $u+ $verbf nós $u+ $verbf vós $u+ $verbf vocês $u2+ $verbf eles $u+ $verbf elas $u+ $verbf me $u $verbf // reflexive te $u $verbf nos $u $nounf vos $u la $u lo lU $u las $u los $u se $u ?2 este $u+ $nounf 'estSy // this ?2 estes $u+ $nounf // these ?2 esta 'Est& $u+ $nounf ?2 nesta $u+ $nounf ?2 neste $u+ $nounf n'estSi //in this ?2 esse $u+ $nounf 'esi // that essa 'Es& $u+ $noun desse $u+ $nounf desta $nounf nesse n'esy $u+ $nounf aquela $u+ $nounf aquele $alt2 $nounf àquela $u+ $nounf àquele $alt2 $nounf daquela $u+ $nounf daquele $alt2 $nounf praquela $u+ $nounf praquele $alt2 $nounf que $u // pronunciation is in pt_rules // possessive adjectives meu $u+ $nounf // meus minha $u+ $nounf // minhas teu $u+ $nounf tua $u+ $nounf seu $u+ $nounf sua $u+ $nounf ?2 nosso $u+ $nounf // n'OsU ?2 nossa $u+ $nounf n'Os& ?2 nossos $u+ $nounf ?2 nossas $u+ $nounf dele dely $u1+ dela $u+ deles $u1+ delas $u+ nele nely $u1+ nela $u+ neles $u1+ nelas $u+ // prepositions de $u $nounf // of,from do dU $u $nounf da $u $nounf dos $u $nounf das $u $nounf dum $u $nounf duma $u $nounf duns $u $nounf dumas $u $nounf em $u $noun // in,on,at no nU $u $nounf na $u $nounf num $u $nounf numa $u $nounf nuns $u $nounf numas $u $nounf por $u $nounf // by,for,through pelo $u $nounf ?2 pela $u $nounf ao $u $nounf à ,a: à $atend $atstart $accent aos $u $nounf às $u $nounf para $u // for,to pro pRU $u $nounf pra $u $nounf pros $u $nounf pras $u $nounf prò $u $nounf prà $u $nounf pròs $u $nounf pràs $u $nounf com $u // with ?2 sem // without ?2 até $u // until ?2 desde $u // from,since ?2 entre // between,among sobre $alt2 // on,above,about ?2 sob // under,below ?2 debaixo // under,below ?2 durante // conjunctions ?1 e i $u // and ?2 e i $u // and se $u+ $verbf // if ?2 mas $u // but ?2 porém // however ?2 todavia // yet ?2 contudo // nevertheless ?2 ou $u // or ?2 quer // whether ?2 assim // thus ?2 portanto // therefore ?2 porque // because ?2 pois // because ?2 como $u // as ?2 embora // although ?2 apesar // despite ?2 caso // if ?2 (desde que) d'esdZiki/ // provided that ?2 (exceto se) es'Etusi/ // unless ?2 (salvo se) s'alvusi/ // unless ?2 (para que) p,a*&ki/ // so that ?2 quando // when ?2 onde $u // where ?2 apenas // as soon as ?2 mal // as soon as, hardly ?2 (logo que) l'Oguki/ // as soon as ?2 (antes que) '&~NtSiski/ // before ?2 (depois que) dep'oIski/ // after ?2 (sempre que) s'eNpriki/ // whenever ?2 enquanto // while // negative // questions // auxillary verbs (be, have, can, etc) // ser, to be ser $u sou $u é E $u é $atend $atstart $accent és Es $u somos $u sois $u são $u era E*& $u1 // .. imperfect éramos $u éreis $u eram E*&U~ $u1 fui $u // .. preterite foste fostSy $u1 // & fostes foi $u fomos $u fora $u // .. pluperfect fômamos $u fôreis $u foram fo*&U~ $u1 serei $u // .. future ?2 será se*a $u2 seremos $u sereis $u serão $u seria $u // .. conditional seríamos $u seríeis $u seriam $u // estar - to be estar $u estou $u está $u est'a estamos $u estais $u estão $u estava $u estávamos $u estavam $u estive $u ?2 esteve estevy $u2 estivemos $u estiveram $u estiver $u estarei $u estará $u estaremos $u estarão $u // ter - to have ter $u tenho $u tens $u tem $u temos $u tendes $u têm $u tinha $u tínhamos $u tínheis $u tinham $u tive $u tiveste $u teve tevy $u1 tivemos $u tivestes $u tiveram $u tivera $u tivéramos $u tivéreis $u tiveram $u terei $u terás $u terá $u teremos $u tereis $u terão $u // fazer - to do fazer $u+ faço $u+ faz $u+ fazemos $u+ fazem $u+ // poder - can poder $u+ posso $u+ pode $u+ podemos $u+ podem $u+ podia $u+ podíamos $u+ podiam $u+ pude $u+ pôde $u+ pudemos $u+ puderam $u+ poderei p%ode*eI $u+ poderá p%ode*a $u+ poderemos p%ode*'emUs $u+ podeão p%ode*&U~ $u+ // ir - to go (used to make future tense) vou $u+ vai $u+ vamos $u+ vão $u+ // haver há $u+ // Letter names _a a _e E _o O a a $atend e E $atend // assume letter-e at end of sentence o O $atend // some common adjectives and adverbs alguns $u $noun // some algumas $u $noun // some não n,&U~ $verbf $strend // not nunca $u+ $verbf sempre $u+ $verbf qualquer $u $nounf quaisquer $u $nounf jamais $u+ $verbf // MAIN WORD DICTIONARY //********************* // $alt changes stressed [e] or [o] phoneme to open [E] or [O] // $alt2 changes stressed [E] or [O] phoneme to close [e] or [o] aborto $alt $verb abortos $alt2 absorta $alt2 acerto $alt2 $noun acertos $alt2 acocho $alt2 $noun acordo $alt $verb acervo $alt2 adorno $alt $verb aeroporto $alt2 aflore $alt alcateia $alt alcova $alt2 alegrete $alt2 alegro $alt2 $noun almoço $alt $verb ameba $alt amores $alt2 amorno $alt amuleto $alt2 ampola $alt2 ampulheta $alt2 anchieta $alt2 anchova $alt2 andorra $alt2 andrea $alt andreia $alt antonieta $alt2 apego $alt2 $noun apelo $alt2 $noun apelos $alt2 aposto $alt $verb aperto $alt2 $noun apertos $alt2 apneia $alt apoio $alt $verb aqueia $alt arredores $alt arremesso $alt2 $noun arrocho $alt2 $noun arrochos $alt2 arroto $alt2 $noun arrotos $alt2 arroz $alt2 assembleia $alt assopro $alt2 $noun ateia $alt aterro $alt2 aterro $alt $verb avesso $alt2 axé aSE azeda $alt $verb azedo $alt $verb açores $alt2 bairro b'aIxU baitola $alt2 balancete $alt2 bangladesh $alt banquete $alt2 barreto $alt2 basileia $alt bastonete $alt2 baviera $alt beco $alt2 besta $alt2 beça $alt bilhete $alt2 bissulfeto $alt2 blazer bl'eIzer blazers bl'eIzers boca $alt2 boceta $alt2 boda $alt2 bofe $alt boleia $alt bolero $alt bolo $alt2 bolo $alt $verb borboleta $alt2 borra $alt2 $noun boto $alt2 $noun boxe $alt bracelete $alt2 brejo $alt bromelha $alt broto $alt2 $noun buceta $alt2 cabresto $alt2 cacete $alt2 cacoete $alt2 caderneta $alt2 cadete $alt2 caibro k'aIbRU cãibra k'&~IbR& caixeta $alt2 caldeia $alt camelha $alt camiseta $alt2 canaleta $alt2 cananeia $alt canhoto $alt2 capacete $alt2 caractere $alt carbureto $alt2 caroços $alt carrapeta $alt2 carroça $alt casebre $alt catacreses $alt cateto $alt2 catequeses $alt catorze $alt2 cavalete $alt2 cebola $alt2 cefaleia $alt centopeia $alt cerebelo $alt2 cerca $alt $verb cerco $alt $verb chamego $alt2 chamego $alt $verb chapeleta $alt2 chaveta $alt2 choco $alt2 $noun choça $alt chofer $alt choro $alt2 $noun chovesse $alt2 chuleta $alt2 chupeta $alt2 clamores $alt2 clero $alt cloreto $alt2 coche $alt2 cocho $alt2 coco $alt2 cofre $alt colete $alt2 colchete $alt2 colher $alt $noun colheres $alt $noun colmeia $alt colore $alt colosso $alt2 colossos $alt2 colostro $alt2 começo $alt $verb concerto $alt2 $noun concertos $alt2 concordo $alt conforto $alt $verb console $alt2 $noun consolo $alt2 $noun constroem $alt controle $alt2 $noun controles $alt2 controles $alt $verb controlo $alt2 $noun conveses $alt coreia $alt cores $alt2 cores $alt $verb coreto $alt2 corneta $alt2 cornos $alt coro $alt2 coro $alt $verb corpete $alt2 corpos $alt corto $alt corveia $alt corveta $alt2 corvos $alt costeleta $alt2 coto $alt2 cotovelo $alt2 cozem $alt cratera $alt crede $alt2 credo $alt crimeia $alt decoreba $alt decoro $alt2 $noun degelo $alt2 desacerto $alt2 desaforo $alt2 desamores $alt2 desapego $alt2 desapego $alt $verb desassossego $alt2 $noun desconfortos $alt2 desconsolo $alt2 $noun descontrole $alt2 $noun descordo $alt descorno $alt desemprego $alt2 desemprego $alt $verb desenvolto $alt2 desespero $alt2 desespero $alt $verb desfecho $alt2 desmantelo $alt2 $noun despojo $alt2 $noun despojos $alt desporto $alt2 desprezo $alt2 $noun desse $alt2 desse $alt $verb deste $alt2 deste $alt $verb destempero $alt2 $noun destemperos $alt2 desterro $alt2 destroem $alt deteriore $alt deveras $alt dez $alt diarreia $alt diego $alt2 diogo $alt2 discordo $alt dissabores $alt2 ?1 dispneia dISpyn'EI& ?2 dispneia dZIspyn'EI& dobro $alt2 dobro $alt $verb doce $alt2 dogma $alt dores $alt2 dorminhoco $alt2 dorminhocos $alt doso $alt doze $alt2 dueto $alt2 edson $alt egeia $alt eleia $alt emborco $alt emprego $alt2 emprego $alt2 $noun encasqueta $alt encosto $alt $verb endereço $alt $verb endoide $alt2 eneias $alt enforco $alt engodo $alt2 engordo $alt enredo $alt $verb enrosco $alt2 $noun ensosso $alt2 enterro $alt2 $noun entorto $alt entroso $alt envelope $alt enxaqueca $alt2 enxerto $alt2 $noun epopeia $alt eritreia $alt erro $alt2 erro $alt $verb esboço $alt $verb escopeta $alt2 escova $alt2 escova $alt $verb escovo $alt esforço $alt $verb esforços $alt esgoto $alt2 esgoto $alt $verb espectro $alt espeto $alt2 $noun espetos $alt2 espoleta $alt2 esposa $alt2 esqueleto $alt2 ester $alt estilete $alt2 estocolmo $alt estojo $alt2 estorno $alt $verb estorvo $alt $verb estrela $alt2 estrofe $alt estrogonofe $alt eta $alt2 europa $alt europeia $alt evangelho $alt ?2 ex es exagero $alt $verb exegeses $alt exorto $alt ?2 expert Eksp'E*@-t ?2 experts Eksp'E*@-ts explore $alt falangeta $alt2 farofa $alt farolete $alt2 fatora $alt felisteia $alt fezes $alt filete $alt2 flerte $alt2 $noun florete $alt2 foda $alt2 $verb fodo $alt2 fogo $alt2 fogos $alt foguete $alt2 folclore $alt folheto $alt2 fonseca $alt2 fora $alt fora $alt2 $verb forca $alt2 força $alt2 força $alt $verb forço $alt formos $alt2 forro $alt $verb fosso $alt2 frescores $alt2 frevo $alt2 fulgores $alt2 gafanhoto $alt2 galera $alt galeto $alt2 galhofa $alt galileia $alt gangorra $alt2 geleia $alt gelo $alt2 gelo $alt $verb genebra $alt gesso $alt2 gloso $alt gonorreia $alt gol gow gorda $alt2 gorjeta $alt2 gororoba $alt gosto $alt $verb gota $alt2 governo $alt2 governo $alt $verb gozo $alt2 $noun gozos $alt2 graveto $alt2 groselha $alt grosso $alt2 groso $alt gueto $alt2 hemorroida $alt hidreto $alt2 hoje $alt2 homero $alt horrores $alt2 ideia $alt inovo $alt interesse $alt2 interesse $alt $verb interregno $alt iodo $alt2 ioga $alt isolda $alt2 jereba $alt jogo $alt2 jogo $alt $verb jogos $alt joguete $alt2 judeia $alt jurubeba $alt lacerda $alt lagosta $alt2 lambreta $alt2 lembrete $alt2 lepra $alt leses $alt leste $alt2 $verb letra $alt2 ?2 lhe l^y licores $alt2 lisboeta $alt2 lodo $alt2 lopes $alt lutero $alt macete $alt2 maioneses $alt maniçoba $alt marieta $alt2 mariposa $alt2 martelete $alt2 megera $alt melhor $alt meta $alt $noun minueto $alt2 miolo $alt2 miolos $alt mister $alt mocreia $alt modelo $alt2 modelo $alt $verb moeda $alt moem $alt mofo $alt $verb mogno $alt molho $alt2 $noun montenegro $alt2 mor $alt morcego $alt2 morda $alt2 moreia $alt mui m'UI muleta $alt2 mutreta $alt2 namoro $alt2 $noun naquela $nounf naquele $alt2 $nounf nervo $alt2 niceia $alt ninfeta $alt2 nitreto $alt2 novelo $alt2 odisseia $alt oeste $alt off $alt onu $1 olho $alt2 $noun olhos $alt onomatopeia $alt opereta $alt2 orno $alt osso $alt2 ostra $alt2 outorgo $alt pacheco $alt2 paexa paeSa paella pa'el^& palacete $alt2 palermo $alt palimpsesto $alt2 palheta $alt2 palhoça $alt panaceia $alt pangeia $alt pantera $alt papoco $alt2 $noun paradoxo $alt parede $alt2 pateta $alt peba $alt pedro $alt2 peixoto $alt2 pela $alt2 pelo $alt2 penhores $alt2 $noun perda $alt2 pereba $alt peres $alt perneta $alt2 peroba $alt pesadelo $alt2 peses $alt peseta $alt2 peso $alt $verb pigmeia $alt piloto $alt2 $noun pilotos $alt2 pior $alt pipoco $alt2 $noun piquete $alt2 plateia $alt plebeia $alt poderem $alt2 polca $alt pompeia $alt popa $alt2 porcos $alt porque $alt2 porra $alt2 porto $alt $verb pose $alt2 poxa p'oS& poços $alt primavera $alt primores $alt2 program $alt proso $alt prosopopeia $alt proveta $alt2 punheta $alt2 quarteto $alt2 quatorze $alt2 queda $alt quede $alt2 quimera $alt quitinete $alt quinteto $alt2 ramalhete $alt2 rancores $alt2 ranheta $alt2 raposa $alt2 recomeço $alt $verb reconstroem $alt recordo $alt recorto $alt rede $alt2 reembolso $alt2 reembolso $alt $verb reforço $alt $verb reforços $alt refresco $alt $verb rego $alt2 $noun relevo $alt2 relevo $alt $verb remoem $alt remorso $alt renovo $alt $verb represa $alt2 represes $alt retorno $alt $verb reveses $alt rigores $alt2 risoto $alt2 robson $alt rock $alt roem $alt rola $alt2 $noun roleta $alt2 rolete $alt2 rolo $alt2 $noun rose $alt2 roseta $alt2 rubores $alt2 sabonete $alt2 sabores $alt2 saibro s'aIbRU sarjeta $alt2 seborreia $alt seca $alt2 $noun secas $alt2 seco $alt2 seco $alt $verb sede $alt2 sedes $alt selo $alt2 selo $alt $verb sexteto $alt2 ?1 senhora $alt2 senhores $alt2 serdes $alt2 sinagoga $alt sinopse $alt soco $alt2 soco $alt $verb sogra $alt soldo s'owdU soldo $alt $verb soldo $alt $verb solta s'owt& solta $alt $verb solto s'owtU solto $alt $verb sopa $alt2 sopeses $alt sopro $alt2 $noun sorvete $alt2 sossego $alt2 $noun suborno $alt $verb sudoreses $alt sufoco $alt2 $noun sufocos $alt2 sulfeto $alt2 sulfureto $alt2 super s'Uper suporto $alt suor suOr tambores $alt2 tapera $alt tapete $alt2 tebas $alt temores $alt2 tempero $alt2 $noun tenores $alt2 terdes $alt2 terma $alt test $alt terrores $alt2 teses $alt teta $alt2 tijolo $alt2 tijolos $alt togo $alt2 topo $alt2 $noun torno $alt $verb tornozelo $alt2 torre $alt2 $noun torres $alt2 torreta $alt2 torro $alt toso $alt totens $alt transtorno $alt $verb traqueia $alt travesso $alt2 tremores $alt2 treta $alt2 trevo $alt2 trocha $alt2 troco $alt2 $noun tropa $alt tropeço $alt2 $noun tropeços $alt2 trombeta $alt2 ureia $alt vanessa $alt2 vareta $alt2 vera $alt verbete $alt2 verborreia $alt verde $alt2 vileta $alt2 vinheta $alt2 vodca v'OdZik& voga $alt voice $alt xarope $alt xereta $alt2 xeroxes $alt zelo $alt2 $noun zorra $alt2 // foreign words ?2 álcool 'aUkow ?1 alt 'alt ?1 back b'Ek ?2 bahamas bax'&~m&s ?2 backup bEk'&p ?2 backups bEk'&ps bad bEd bank beINk bacon b'eIkoN ?2 basebol beIzyb'Ow beatle b'itow beatles b'itows black blEk blind bl'aind ?2 blue blu ?1 braille b:r'aily ?2 Braille bR'aili ?1 cancel k'&ns'El ?1 caps k'aps ?2 cappuccino kaputS'inU ?2 center s'eNter ?1 com kom ?1 ctrl k'oNt:r,Ol ?2 control k'oNtRow doc d'Ok ?1 delete d'il'it ?1 design d,iz'ain ?2 design dez'aIn ?2 designer dez'aIner ?2 designers dez'aIners ?2 desktops deskt'Ops ?1 dj d,i:dZ'eI ?2 diesel dZ'izEU ?2 doha d'ox& ?1 down d'a,wn ?2 down d'aUN ?1 download d'a,wnl'oud ?2 download daUNl'owd ?2 downloads daUNl'owds ?3 download dau~Nl'owd drive dR'aIv ?1 end 'end ?2 enter 'eNter ?2 esc 'Esk ?3 esc 'EskI ?1 explorer ,ekspl'O:*&r- ?2 Explorer ekspl'O*er ?1 eyes 'aiz ?2 eyes 'aIs ?1 fixe fiSy flash flES ?1 frame fr'eImy ?2 frame fR'eImi funk f&~Nk game g'eImy gay geI get gEt ?1 gmail g,em'eIl ?2 Gmail Zem'eIl ?1 google g'u:g&l ?2 google g'ugol ?2 habeas 'abe&s ?2 handebol hendZyb'Ow ?1 hardware 'ard,w'Er- ?2 hardware h'ardwe@- happy x'Epy ?2 haxixe xaS'iSy ?1 home 'omy ?2 home h'owmi hot xOt ?1 hotmail h'Ot'eIl ?2 hotmail hOtm'eIl ?1 install ,inst'al ?2 Intranet iNtRan'Et ?1 kernel k'Ern,El ?2 kernel k'Ern@l ?2 jazz dZIEs laser l'eIzer lasers l'eIzers left $alt laptop lEpt'Op ?2 laptops lEpt'Ops ?1 line l'ain layout l'eI,aUt ?2 login logiN ?1 lock l'Ok mail m'eIl mails m'eIls ?1 marketing m'arktiN ?2 marketing m'arketSiN ?2 master m'aste*@- ?2 mouse m'aUzi ?1 menu menu mickey m'ikeI next n'Ekst ok Ok'eI ?2 offline Ofl'aIN ?2 online oNlaIN org Org ?1 ovo 'ovu ?2 palmtop paUmyt'Op ?1 pause p'au:z page p'eIdZ ?1 podcast pOdkEst ?2 podcast pOdZyk'Est python p'aIT&~N ?2 quantum kw'&~Ntu~N ?2 ranking x'&NkIN ?1 readme r'i:dmi: right r'aIt ?1 sapi s,ap'i ?1 scanner sk'En&r sky sk'aI shake S'eIk ?1 shift S'ift ?1 scroll sk:r'ol ?1 site s'aIt ?2 site s'aItSy ?2 shampoo S&mpu ?2 shopping S'OpiN ?2 slide zl'aIdZy ?4 símbolo s'iNbolU ?1 software s'Oft,w'Er- ?2 software s'Oftwe@- ?1 space sp'eIsy ?2 space sp'eIs ?1 sporting sp'Ort,ing statu st'atU sutiã sutSi'&~N tab t'aby tablet t'ablet tablets t'ablets ?2 tantum t'&~Ntu~N taser t'eIzer ?1 telemóvel t,El,Em'OvEl ?1 telemóveis t,El,Em'OveIs# ?1 up &p update &pd'eIt upgrade &pgR'eId upload &pl'oud ?2 web w'Eb writer r'aIter xerox S'E*Oks ?1 yahoo 'i,ah'u ?2 yahoo iah'u yes j'Es // common person names alan 'al@N louis _^_FR // foreign product names ?1 access 'aks,Es ?1 adobe &d'Oby android &NdR'Oid apple 'Epow outdoor aUtd'Or ?2 outdoors aUtd'Ors baby b'eIby ?2 campari k&mp'a*y ?1 chrome kr'owm ?2 chrome kR'owmi corpus k'O*@-pUs# debian d'Ebj&~N ?1 excel ,Eks'El ?1 express ,Ekspr'Es espeak isp'i:k ?1 espeakedit isp'i:kEd,it facebook feIsybuk ?1 fedora _^_EN firefox f'ai@fOks ?1 front fr'ont high haI ?1 jaws dZ'au:z lady l'eIdy ?1 linux l,in'uks ?2 linux l'inUks live l'aiv ?2 lobby $alt ?1 maker m'eIk&r- mac mEk ?1 media m'Ed,i& ?1 messenger m'Es&ndZ&r- ?1 microsoft m,ik:r'os,Oft ?2 microsoft m'aIkRows'Oft ?1 movie m'uvi ?1 nero n'Eru ?2 netbooks nEtbUks ?2 notebook nowtbUk ?2 notebooks nowtbUks ?1 office 'Of,is ?2 office 'Ofsy openoffice 'opeIN|'Ofis ?1 outlook 'autl'uk ?2 Outlook ,aUtl'uk ?1 paint p'aint ?1 player pl'eI&r- ?1 playstation _^_EN ?2 playstation pleIst'eIS&~N point p'oint ?1 power p'aU&r- ?2 power p'aUEr ?1 product p:r'&d&kt ?1 Publisher p'&bl,iS&r- ?1 reader r'id,&r- ?1 setup s'Et'&p ?1 scout sk'aut // Nero scout ?1 skype sk'aip ?2 Skype sk'aIp Slackware sl'akwe@- ?1 smart sm'art // nero StartSmart ?2 society sos'aIty speak spi:k suse z'u:ts@ ?1 start st'art // nero StartSmart ?1 time t'aImy // nero show time twitter tw'iter ubuntu ub'untu ?1 unix ,u:n'iks ?2 unix j'uniks wagner v'agner ?3 wagner v'agIner ?1 windows w'iNd'ou:z ?2 windows w'iNdows ?1 window w'iNd'ou ?2 window w'iNdow // historical/famous person s ?2 Alzheimer aUz'aImEr babbage b'abidZ bernhard bern'ard darwin d'Arwin dijkstra d'ijkstrA: einstein _!'aInSt,aIn ?2 einstein _!'aInst,aIn ?2 diderot didex'o feuerbach _^_DE feynman f'ainm@n freud fR'OId friedrich fR'i:dRiS gauss g'aUs geisel g'aIzEU gottfried g'OtfRi:t hegel x'egel heidegger h'aIdege hawking h'o:king heisenberg h'aIzEnberg hitler h'itler ?2 hobbes x'Obys husserl x'usEl ?1 isaac iz'&k ?2 isaac iz'ac lavoisier lavwazj'e leibniz l'aIbni:ts locke lOk montesquieu m,oNteskj'e neumann n'OIman newton n'I;utoN oppenheimer _!'Op@nh,aImar richard x'iS&rd riemann r'i:man rijndael x'ain;d'al rousseau xus'o schrödinger Sr'edinger stephen st'i:v@n steve st'i:v turing t'u*iNg voltaire vOlt'Er von f%On // foreign common names/surnames ?1 alison &l'is&N anderson '&ndersoN antonio &~Nt'onIU ?1 cleverson kl'Evyrs&N ?2 cleverson kl'EversoN ?1 elton 'Elt&N emerson 'emE*@-soN ?1 halison &l'is&N klein kl'aIn // Very common on southern Brazil. ?1 kleverson kl'Evers&N krueger kR'iZer krüger kR'iZer kühl k'il ?2 john dZIoN ?2 juan xu&~N mike maIk mueler m'iler mueller m'iler müler m'iler müller m'iler ?1 nelson n'Els&N ?2 robert x'obe*@-t ronchi r'OnCi: Scarlet sk'a*@-let valter v'aUter vogel f'o:g@l volkmann f'Olkman washington w'OSinton wellington w'Elynton