use essential_builder_db::{self as builder_db}; use essential_builder_types::SolutionFailure; use rusqlite::Connection; use std::time::Duration; mod util; #[test] fn get_solution() { // Generate some test solutions with unique timestamps, some overlapping. let solutions: Vec<_> = util::test_blocks(10) .into_iter() .flat_map(|b| |s| (s, b.timestamp))) .collect(); // Create an in-memory SQLite database. let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap(); // Create the necessary tables and write the solutions. let tx = conn.transaction().unwrap(); builder_db::create_tables(&tx).unwrap(); for (solution, timestamp) in &solutions { builder_db::insert_solution_submission(&tx, solution, *timestamp).unwrap(); } tx.commit().unwrap(); // Check we can retrieve all solutions. for (expected_solution, _ts) in &solutions { let ca = essential_hash::content_addr(expected_solution); let solution = builder_db::get_solution(&conn, &ca).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected_solution, &solution); } } #[test] fn list_solutions() { // Generate some test solutions with unique timestamps and corresponding blobs. let solutions: Vec<_> = util::test_blocks(10) .into_iter() .flat_map(|b| |s| (s, b.timestamp))) .collect(); // Create an in-memory SQLite database. let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap(); // Create the necessary tables and write the solutions. let tx = conn.transaction().unwrap(); builder_db::create_tables(&tx).unwrap(); for (solution, timestamp) in &solutions { builder_db::insert_solution_submission(&tx, solution, *timestamp).unwrap(); } tx.commit().unwrap(); // List all solutions. let min = Duration::ZERO; let max = Duration::from_secs(i64::MAX as u64); let range = min..max; let limit = i64::MAX; let fetched_solutions = builder_db::list_solutions(&conn, range.clone(), limit).unwrap(); // Check they match. for (expected, fetched) in solutions.iter().zip(&fetched_solutions) { let (expected_solution, expected_ts) = expected; let (ca, solution, ts) = fetched; assert_eq!(expected_solution, solution); assert_eq!(expected_ts, ts); assert_eq!(&essential_hash::content_addr(solution), ca); } // Check that duplicates are still yielded for each submission. // Let's write some duplicates of the first solution into the DB. let pre_occurrences = fetched_solutions .iter() .filter(|(ca, _, _)| essential_hash::content_addr(&solutions[0].0) == *ca) .count(); // Write the duplicates. const NUM_ADDED: usize = 4; let tx = conn.transaction().unwrap(); for (solution, timestamp) in (0..NUM_ADDED).map(|_| &solutions[0]) { builder_db::insert_solution_submission(&tx, solution, *timestamp).unwrap(); } tx.commit().unwrap(); // We added the first solution again 3 times, so there should be 4 occurrences. let fetched_solutions = builder_db::list_solutions(&conn, range, limit).unwrap(); let post_occurrences = fetched_solutions .iter() .filter(|(ca, _, _)| essential_hash::content_addr(&solutions[0].0) == *ca) .count(); assert_eq!(pre_occurrences + NUM_ADDED, post_occurrences); } #[test] fn list_submissions() { // Generate some test solutions with unique timestamps, some overlapping. let solutions: Vec<_> = util::test_blocks(10) .into_iter() .flat_map(|b| |s| (s, b.timestamp))) .collect(); // Create an in-memory SQLite database. let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap(); // Create the necessary tables and write the solutions. let tx = conn.transaction().unwrap(); builder_db::create_tables(&tx).unwrap(); for (solution, timestamp) in &solutions { builder_db::insert_solution_submission(&tx, solution, *timestamp).unwrap(); } tx.commit().unwrap(); // Query all submissions. let min = Duration::ZERO; let max = Duration::from_secs(i64::MAX as u64); let range_all = min..max; let limit = i64::MAX; let submissions = builder_db::list_submissions(&conn, range_all.clone(), limit).unwrap(); let expected_submissions: Vec<_> = solutions .iter() .map(|(s, ts)| (essential_hash::content_addr(s), *ts)) .collect(); assert_eq!(&expected_submissions, &submissions); // Query the solutions for each submission. let queried_solutions: Vec<_> = submissions .iter() .map(|(ca, ts)| { let solution = builder_db::get_solution(&conn, ca).unwrap().unwrap(); (solution, *ts) }) .collect(); assert_eq!(&solutions, &queried_solutions); // Query the solutions between 1 and 4 seconds. let min = Duration::from_secs(1); let max = Duration::from_secs(4); let range = min..max; let submissions = builder_db::list_submissions(&conn, range.clone(), limit).unwrap(); for (_ca, timestamp) in &submissions { assert!(range.contains(timestamp)); } // Query all solutions, but limit to only the first 3. let limit = 3; let submissions = builder_db::list_submissions(&conn, range_all, limit).unwrap(); assert_eq!(submissions.len(), limit as usize); // Delete all solutions, then check that our query is empty. let tx = conn.transaction().unwrap(); for (solution, _) in &solutions { let ca = essential_hash::content_addr(solution); builder_db::delete_solution(&tx, &ca).unwrap(); } tx.commit().unwrap(); // Query all submissions. let min = Duration::ZERO; let max = Duration::from_secs(i64::MAX as u64); let range_all = min..max; let limit = i64::MAX; let submissions = builder_db::list_submissions(&conn, range_all.clone(), limit).unwrap(); assert!(submissions.is_empty()); } #[test] fn latest_solution_failures() { // Generate a test solution and its content address. let block = util::test_block(0, Duration::from_secs(0)); let block_ca = essential_hash::content_addr(&block); let solution =[0].clone(); let ca = essential_hash::content_addr(&solution); // Create an in-memory SQLite database. let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap(); // Create the necessary tables. let tx = conn.transaction().unwrap(); builder_db::create_tables(&tx).unwrap(); builder_db::insert_solution_submission(&tx, &solution, block.timestamp).unwrap(); tx.commit().unwrap(); // Insert multiple solution failures. let failures = vec![ SolutionFailure { attempt_block_num: 1, attempt_block_addr: block_ca.clone(), attempt_solution_ix: 0, err_msg: "Failure 1".into(), }, SolutionFailure { attempt_block_num: 2, attempt_block_addr: block_ca.clone(), attempt_solution_ix: 1, err_msg: "Failure 2".into(), }, SolutionFailure { attempt_block_num: 3, attempt_block_addr: block_ca, attempt_solution_ix: 2, err_msg: "Failure 3".into(), }, ]; for failure in &failures { builder_db::insert_solution_failure(&conn, &ca, failure.clone()).unwrap(); } // Query the last 2 failures and check ordering by block number and solution index. let latest_failures = builder_db::latest_solution_failures(&conn, &ca, 2).unwrap(); assert_eq!(latest_failures.len(), 2); assert_eq!(latest_failures[0], failures[2]); // Most recent failure assert_eq!(latest_failures[1], failures[1]); // Second most recent failure } #[test] fn list_solution_failures() { // Generate a test solution and its content address. let block = util::test_block(0, Duration::from_secs(0)); let block_ca = essential_hash::content_addr(&block); let solution =[0].clone(); let ca = essential_hash::content_addr(&solution); // Create an in-memory SQLite database. let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap(); // Create the necessary tables. let tx = conn.transaction().unwrap(); builder_db::create_tables(&tx).unwrap(); builder_db::insert_solution_submission(&tx, &solution, block.timestamp).unwrap(); tx.commit().unwrap(); // Insert multiple solution failures. let failures = vec![ SolutionFailure { attempt_block_num: 1, attempt_block_addr: block_ca.clone(), attempt_solution_ix: 0, err_msg: "Failure 1".into(), }, SolutionFailure { attempt_block_num: 2, attempt_block_addr: block_ca.clone(), attempt_solution_ix: 1, err_msg: "Failure 2".into(), }, SolutionFailure { attempt_block_num: 3, attempt_block_addr: block_ca, attempt_solution_ix: 2, err_msg: "Failure 3".into(), }, ]; for failure in &failures { builder_db::insert_solution_failure(&conn, &ca, failure.clone()).unwrap(); } // Query the last 2 failures and check ordering by block number and solution index. let latest_failures = builder_db::list_solution_failures(&conn, 0, 2).unwrap(); assert_eq!(latest_failures.len(), 2); assert_eq!(latest_failures[0], failures[2]); // Most recent failure assert_eq!(latest_failures[1], failures[1]); // Second most recent failure }