use essential_node::{ self as node, db::{ pool::{Config, Source}, ConnectionPool, }, }; use essential_node_api as node_api; use std::future::Future; const LOCALHOST: &str = ""; #[cfg(feature = "tracing")] pub fn init_tracing_subscriber() { let _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_env_filter( tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::builder() .with_default_directive(tracing_subscriber::filter::LevelFilter::INFO.into()) .from_env_lossy(), ) .try_init(); } pub fn test_conn_pool() -> ConnectionPool { let conf = Config { source: Source::Memory(uuid::Uuid::new_v4().into()), ..Default::default() }; ConnectionPool::with_tables(&conf).unwrap() } pub fn client() -> reqwest::Client { reqwest::Client::builder() .http2_prior_knowledge() // Enforce HTTP/2 .build() .unwrap() } async fn test_listener() -> tokio::net::TcpListener { tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(format!("{LOCALHOST}:0")) .await .unwrap() } /// A function that waits until the server at the given port is ready to receive requests. async fn await_server_online(port: u16, timeout_duration: std::time::Duration) { let server_ready = async { let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); let client = client(); let url = format!("http://{LOCALHOST}:{port}/"); loop { interval.tick().await; match client.get(&url).send().await { Ok(_) => return, Err(_) => continue, // Retry if the server is not ready yet } } }; tokio::time::timeout(timeout_duration, server_ready) .await .unwrap() } /// Spawns a test server, then calls the given asynchronous function. Upon /// completion, closes the server, panicking if any errors occurred. pub async fn with_test_server( state: node_api::State, f: impl FnOnce(u16) -> Fut, ) -> Fut::Output where Fut: Future, { let router = node_api::router(state); let listener = test_listener().await; let port = listener.local_addr().unwrap().port(); let (shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel(); let api_jh = tokio::spawn(async move { tokio::select! { _ = node_api::serve(&router, &listener, node_api::DEFAULT_CONNECTION_LIMIT) => {}, _ = shutdown_rx => {}, } }); await_server_online(port, std::time::Duration::from_secs(3)).await; let output = f(port).await; shutdown_tx.send(()).unwrap(); api_jh.await.unwrap(); output } pub fn get_url(port: u16, endpoint_path: &str) -> String { format!("http://{LOCALHOST}:{port}{endpoint_path}") } /// Shorthand for making a get request to the server instance at the given port for the given endpoint path. pub async fn reqwest_get(port: u16, endpoint_path: &str) -> reqwest::Response { client() .get(get_url(port, endpoint_path)) .send() .await .unwrap() } /// State that only has a DB connection pool and no new block TX (for non-subscription tests). pub fn state_db_only(conn_pool: node::db::ConnectionPool) -> node_api::State { node_api::State { conn_pool, new_block: None, } }