# Seeds for failure cases proptest has generated in the past. It is # automatically read and these particular cases re-run before any # novel cases are generated. # # It is recommended to check this file in to source control so that # everyone who runs the test benefits from these saved cases. cc bea28b0e26af0e201236a15cd393aca1f8a94b70de66dd675cb35283abbba161 # shrinks to ipv4 = Ipv4Header { dscp: Ipv4Dscp(44), ecn: Ipv4Ecn(2), total_len: 35493, identification: 38923, dont_fragment: false, more_fragments: false, fragment_offset: IpFragOffset(4491), time_to_live: 157, protocol: 95 (MICP (deprecated) - Mobile Internetworking Control Pro.), header_checksum: 42512, source: [0, 0, 0, 0], destination: [5, 90, 100, 61], options: [] }, udp = UdpHeader { source_port: 28436, destination_port: 576, length: 42868, checksum: 57008 }, tcp = TcpHeader { source_port: 33227, destination_port: 16188, sequence_number: 2098146184, acknowledgment_number: 963144137, data_offset: 5, ns: true, fin: true, syn: false, rst: false, psh: false, ack: true, urg: false, ece: false, cwr: true, window_size: 17323, checksum: 15303, urgent_pointer: 22752, options: [] }, icmpv4 = Icmpv4Header { icmp_type: Unknown { type_u8: 252, code_u8: 154, bytes5to8: [196, 196, 233, 94] }, checksum: 61125 }, icmpv6 = Icmpv6Header { icmp_type: Unknown { type_u8: 187, code_u8: 225, bytes5to8: [172, 176, 129, 161] }, checksum: 53431 } cc a2e9a50ed8bae611d487c399db98a675694df83e5d3d706a84a3c68abc90c303 # shrinks to ipv6 = Ipv6Header { traffic_class: 148, flow_label: Ipv6FlowLabel(494246), payload_length: 8442, next_header: 20 (HMP - Host Monitoring), hop_limit: 228, source: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], destination: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] }, udp = UdpHeader { source_port: 24006, destination_port: 15797, length: 46422, checksum: 30229 }, tcp = TcpHeader { source_port: 48728, destination_port: 46298, sequence_number: 4167087310, acknowledgment_number: 3560287757, data_offset: 13, ns: true, fin: false, syn: true, rst: true, psh: false, ack: true, urg: false, ece: true, cwr: true, window_size: 28234, checksum: 27234, urgent_pointer: 49127, options: [Err(UnknownId(118))] }, icmpv4 = Icmpv4Header { icmp_type: Unknown { type_u8: 9, code_u8: 191, bytes5to8: [200, 204, 140, 178] }, checksum: 24840 }, icmpv6 = Icmpv6Header { icmp_type: Unknown { type_u8: 35, code_u8: 74, bytes5to8: [138, 73, 230, 137] }, checksum: 63947 }