EU4binM( hqi, ragusa2.eu48*RAG2Ragusa.( ( . . ManchuK11.29.4.0.Conquest of ParadiseWealth of Nations Res Publica Art of War El Dorado Common Sense The Cossacks Mare Nostrum Rights of ManMandate of Heaven Third RomeCradle of CivilizationRule BritanniaDharmaGolden Century5)333$72ce90e3-eff3-4be4-9395-f1c3d33fd1c73 AQ5  M5  game_countryN5RAG Ragusa  M5  longest_reign  Isidoro Vucic( .  M5 wars_won( .  M5  wars_lost  M5  army_kills( (Y2 P5   M5  army_losses( ؏PP5   M5  navy_kills( .P5   M5  navy_losses( P5   M5 countries_removed(   M5  provs_taken( 8J  M5  provs_lost  M5  leader_count(   M5  best_leader "GGiulio Vucic! ( 4 / 3 / 3 / 2 )( 8J  M5 religionN5reformed Reformed  M5  best_prov  Dubrovnik( R  M5  disastersy 38713cbbdeb7b58b612421f4be7af247