{ "name": "RemEuclid", "module": [ "binary" ], "impl_path": "euphony_dsp::binary", "id": 63, "inputs": [ { "name": "rhs", "id": 0, "trigger": false, "default": 0.0 }, { "name": "lhs", "id": 1, "trigger": false, "default": 0.0 } ], "buffers": [], "docs": " Calculates the least nonnegative remainder of `lhs (mod rhs)`.\n\n In particular, the return value `r` satisfies `0.0 <= r < rhs.abs()` in\n most cases. However, due to a floating point round-off error it can\n result in `r == rhs.abs()`, violating the mathematical definition, if\n `lhs` is much smaller than `rhs.abs()` in magnitude and `lhs < 0.0`.\n This result is not an element of the function's codomain, but it is the\n closest floating point number in the real numbers and thus fulfills the\n property `lhs == self.div_euclid(rhs) * rhs + lhs.rem_euclid(rhs)`\n approximatively.\n" }