{ "name": "Clamp", "module": [ "tertiary" ], "impl_path": "euphony_dsp::tertiary", "id": 76, "inputs": [ { "name": "input", "id": 0, "trigger": false, "default": 0.0 }, { "name": "min", "id": 1, "trigger": false, "default": 0.0 }, { "name": "max", "id": 2, "trigger": false, "default": 0.0 } ], "buffers": [], "docs": " Restrict a value to a certain interval unless it is NaN.\n\n Returns `max` if `input` is greater than `max`, and `min` if `input` is\n less than `min`. Otherwise this returns `input`.\n\n Note that this function returns NaN if the initial value was NaN as\n well or `min > max`\n" }