# EVA ICS v4 Local Service Launcher Local service launcher for [EVA ICS v4](https://www.eva-ics.com) industrial automation platform. Allows to run and test EVA ICS services locally. More info about EVA ICS Rust SDK: ## Installation ```bash cargo install eva-lsl ``` ## Usage ### Creating a basic service ```bash eva-lsl new myservice ``` See also: ### Testing a service * Deploy the service configuration to a EVA ICS node. The service can be disabled and point to any non-existing command. * Allow remote connections to the node (`eva edit config/bus`). If a node is installed on the same machine, skip this step. * Inside a Rust service project, run: ```bash eva-lsl run -b IP:PORT SVC_ID ``` (for a local node but non-standard path, specify path to `bus.ipc`) The command builds the service and run it locally, connecting to the node bus. Log messages are printed to the local console. The command can also override, the service bus id, user, data path etc. Check other options with `eva-lsl --help`.