module Hacl.P256 open FStar.HyperStack.All open FStar.HyperStack module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST open Lib.IntTypes open Lib.Buffer open Lib.ByteSequence open FStar.Mul open Spec.P256 open Spec.P256.Lemmas open Spec.P256.Definitions open Spec.Hash.Definitions open Spec.DH open Spec.ECDSAP256.Definition open Hacl.Impl.P256.Compression open Spec.P256.MontgomeryMultiplication [@@ CPrologue " /******************************************************************************* ECDSA and ECDH functions over the P-256 NIST curve. This module implements signing and verification, key validation, conversions between various point representations, and ECDH key agreement. *******************************************************************************/ /**************/ /* Signatures */ /**************/ /* Per the standard, a hash function *shall* be used. Therefore, we recommend using one of the three combined hash-and-sign variants. */"; Comment "Hash the message with SHA2-256, then sign the resulting digest with the P256 signature function. Input: result buffer: uint8[64], \n m buffer: uint8 [mLen], \n priv(ate)Key: uint8[32], \n k (nonce): uint32[32]. \n Output: bool, where True stands for the correct signature generation. False value means that an error has occurred. \n The private key and the nonce are expected to be more than 0 and less than the curve order."] val ecdsa_sign_p256_sha2: result: lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> mLen: size_t -> m: lbuffer uint8 mLen -> privKey: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> k: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h result /\ live h m /\ live h privKey /\ live h k /\ disjoint result m /\ disjoint result privKey /\ disjoint result k /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h privKey) > 0 /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h k) > 0 /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h privKey) < prime_p256_order /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h k) < prime_p256_order ) (ensures fun h0 flag h1 -> modifies (loc result) h0 h1 /\ (assert_norm (pow2 32 < pow2 61); let resultR = gsub result (size 0) (size 32) in let resultS = gsub result (size 32) (size 32) in let r, s, flagSpec = Spec.ECDSA.ecdsa_signature_agile (Spec.ECDSA.Hash SHA2_256) (uint_v mLen) (as_seq h0 m) (as_seq h0 privKey) (as_seq h0 k) in as_seq h1 resultR == nat_to_bytes_be 32 r /\ as_seq h1 resultS == nat_to_bytes_be 32 s /\ flag == flagSpec ) ) [@ (Comment "Hash the message with SHA2-384, then sign the resulting digest with the P256 signature function. Input: result buffer: uint8[64], \n m buffer: uint8 [mLen], \n priv(ate)Key: uint8[32], \n k (nonce): uint32[32]. \n Output: bool, where True stands for the correct signature generation. False value means that an error has occurred. \n The private key and the nonce are expected to be more than 0 and less than the curve order.")] val ecdsa_sign_p256_sha384: result: lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> mLen: size_t -> m: lbuffer uint8 mLen -> privKey: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> k: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h result /\ live h m /\ live h privKey /\ live h k /\ disjoint result m /\ disjoint result privKey /\ disjoint result k /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h privKey) > 0 /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h k) > 0 /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h privKey) < prime_p256_order /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h k) < prime_p256_order ) (ensures fun h0 flag h1 -> modifies (loc result) h0 h1 /\ (assert_norm (pow2 32 < pow2 61); let resultR = gsub result (size 0) (size 32) in let resultS = gsub result (size 32) (size 32) in let r, s, flagSpec = Spec.ECDSA.ecdsa_signature_agile (Spec.ECDSA.Hash SHA2_384) (uint_v mLen) (as_seq h0 m) (as_seq h0 privKey) (as_seq h0 k) in as_seq h1 resultR == nat_to_bytes_be 32 r /\ as_seq h1 resultS == nat_to_bytes_be 32 s /\ flag == flagSpec ) ) [@ (Comment "Hash the message with SHA2-512, then sign the resulting digest with the P256 signature function. Input: result buffer: uint8[64], \n m buffer: uint8 [mLen], \n priv(ate)Key: uint8[32], \n k (nonce): uint32[32]. \n Output: bool, where True stands for the correct signature generation. False value means that an error has occurred. \n The private key and the nonce are expected to be more than 0 and less than the curve order.")] val ecdsa_sign_p256_sha512: result: lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> mLen: size_t -> m: lbuffer uint8 mLen -> privKey: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> k: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h result /\ live h m /\ live h privKey /\ live h k /\ disjoint result m /\ disjoint result privKey /\ disjoint result k /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h privKey) > 0 /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h k) > 0 /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h privKey) < prime_p256_order /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h k) < prime_p256_order ) (ensures fun h0 flag h1 -> modifies (loc result) h0 h1 /\ (assert_norm (pow2 32 < pow2 61); let resultR = gsub result (size 0) (size 32) in let resultS = gsub result (size 32) (size 32) in let r, s, flagSpec = Spec.ECDSA.ecdsa_signature_agile (Spec.ECDSA.Hash SHA2_512) (uint_v mLen) (as_seq h0 m) (as_seq h0 privKey) (as_seq h0 k) in as_seq h1 resultR == nat_to_bytes_be 32 r /\ as_seq h1 resultS == nat_to_bytes_be 32 s /\ flag == flagSpec ) ) [@ (Comment "P256 signature WITHOUT hashing first. This function is intended to receive a hash of the input. For convenience, we recommend using one of the hash-and-sign combined functions above. The argument `m` MUST be at least 32 bytes (i.e. `mLen >= 32`). NOTE: The equivalent functions in OpenSSL and Fiat-Crypto both accept inputs smaller than 32 bytes. These libraries left-pad the input with enough zeroes to reach the minimum 32 byte size. Clients who need behavior identical to OpenSSL need to perform the left-padding themselves. Input: result buffer: uint8[64], \n m buffer: uint8 [mLen], \n priv(ate)Key: uint8[32], \n k (nonce): uint32[32]. \n Output: bool, where True stands for the correct signature generation. False value means that an error has occurred. \n The private key and the nonce are expected to be more than 0 and less than the curve order. \n The message m is expected to be hashed by a strong hash function, the lenght of the message is expected to be 32 bytes and more.")] val ecdsa_sign_p256_without_hash: result: lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> mLen: size_t {uint_v mLen >= Spec.ECDSA.min_input_length Spec.ECDSA.NoHash} -> m: lbuffer uint8 mLen -> privKey: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> k: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h result /\ live h m /\ live h privKey /\ live h k /\ disjoint result m /\ disjoint result privKey /\ disjoint result k /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h privKey) > 0 /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h k) > 0 /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h privKey) < prime_p256_order /\ nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h k) < prime_p256_order ) (ensures fun h0 flag h1 -> modifies (loc result) h0 h1 /\ (assert_norm (pow2 32 < pow2 61); let resultR = gsub result (size 0) (size 32) in let resultS = gsub result (size 32) (size 32) in let r, s, flagSpec = Spec.ECDSA.ecdsa_signature_agile Spec.ECDSA.NoHash (uint_v mLen) (as_seq h0 m) (as_seq h0 privKey) (as_seq h0 k) in as_seq h1 resultR == nat_to_bytes_be 32 r /\ as_seq h1 resultS == nat_to_bytes_be 32 s /\ flag == flagSpec ) ) [@@ CPrologue " /****************/ /* Verification */ /****************/ /* Verify a message signature. These functions internally validate the public key using validate_public_key. */ "; (Comment " The input of the function is considered to be public, thus this code is not secret independent with respect to the operations done over the input. \n Input: m buffer: uint8 [mLen], \n pub(lic)Key: uint8[64], \n r: uint8[32], \n s: uint8[32]. \n Output: bool, where true stands for the correct signature verification. ")] val ecdsa_verif_p256_sha2: mLen: size_t -> m: lbuffer uint8 mLen -> pubKey: lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> r: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> s: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h pubKey /\ live h r /\ live h s /\ live h m) (ensures fun h0 result h1 -> assert_norm (pow2 32 < pow2 61); let publicKeyX = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 (gsub pubKey (size 0) (size 32))) in let publicKeyY = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 (gsub pubKey (size 32) (size 32))) in let r = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 r) in let s = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 s) in modifies0 h0 h1 /\ result == Spec.ECDSA.ecdsa_verification_agile (Spec.ECDSA.Hash SHA2_256) (publicKeyX, publicKeyY) r s (v mLen) (as_seq h0 m) ) [@ (Comment " The input of the function is considered to be public, thus this code is not secret independent with respect to the operations done over the input. \n Input: m buffer: uint8 [mLen], \n pub(lic)Key: uint8[64], \n r: uint8[32], \n s: uint8[32]. \n Output: bool, where true stands for the correct signature verification. ")] val ecdsa_verif_p256_sha384: mLen: size_t -> m: lbuffer uint8 mLen -> pubKey: lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> r: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> s: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h pubKey /\ live h r /\ live h s /\ live h m) (ensures fun h0 result h1 -> assert_norm (pow2 32 < pow2 61); let publicKeyX = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 (gsub pubKey (size 0) (size 32))) in let publicKeyY = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 (gsub pubKey (size 32) (size 32))) in let r = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 r) in let s = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 s) in modifies0 h0 h1 /\ result == Spec.ECDSA.ecdsa_verification_agile (Spec.ECDSA.Hash SHA2_384) (publicKeyX, publicKeyY) r s (v mLen) (as_seq h0 m) ) [@ (Comment " The input of the function is considered to be public, thus this code is not secret independent with respect to the operations done over the input. \n Input: m buffer: uint8 [mLen], \n pub(lic)Key: uint8[64], \n r: uint8[32], \n s: uint8[32]. \n Output: bool, where true stands for the correct signature verification. ")] val ecdsa_verif_p256_sha512: mLen: size_t -> m: lbuffer uint8 mLen -> pubKey: lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> r: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> s: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h pubKey /\ live h r /\ live h s /\ live h m) (ensures fun h0 result h1 -> assert_norm (pow2 32 < pow2 61); let publicKeyX = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 (gsub pubKey (size 0) (size 32))) in let publicKeyY = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 (gsub pubKey (size 32) (size 32))) in let r = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 r) in let s = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 s) in modifies0 h0 h1 /\ result == Spec.ECDSA.ecdsa_verification_agile (Spec.ECDSA.Hash SHA2_512) (publicKeyX, publicKeyY) r s (v mLen) (as_seq h0 m) ) [@ (Comment " The input of the function is considered to be public, thus this code is not secret independent with respect to the operations done over the input. \n Input: m buffer: uint8 [mLen], \n pub(lic)Key: uint8[64], \n r: uint8[32], \n s: uint8[32]. \n Output: bool, where true stands for the correct signature verification. \n The message m is expected to be hashed by a strong hash function, the lenght of the message is expected to be 32 bytes and more.")] val ecdsa_verif_without_hash: mLen: size_t {uint_v mLen >= Spec.ECDSA.min_input_length Spec.ECDSA.NoHash} -> m:lbuffer uint8 mLen -> pubKey:lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> r:lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> s:lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h pubKey /\ live h r /\ live h s /\ live h m) (ensures fun h0 result h1 -> let publicKeyX = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 (gsub pubKey (size 0) (size 32))) in let publicKeyY = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 (gsub pubKey (size 32) (size 32))) in let r = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 r) in let s = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 s) in modifies0 h0 h1 /\ result == Spec.ECDSA.ecdsa_verification_agile Spec.ECDSA.NoHash (publicKeyX, publicKeyY) r s (v mLen) (as_seq h0 m) ) [@@ CPrologue " /******************/ /* Key validation */ /******************/ "; Comment "Validate a public key. \n The input of the function is considered to be public, thus this code is not secret independent with respect to the operations done over the input. \n Input: pub(lic)Key: uint8[64]. \n Output: bool, where 0 stands for the public key to be correct with respect to SP 800-56A: \n Verify that the public key is not the “point at infinity”, represented as O. \n Verify that the affine x and y coordinates of the point represented by the public key are in the range [0, p – 1] where p is the prime defining the finite field. \n Verify that y2 = x3 + ax + b where a and b are the coefficients of the curve equation. \n Verify that nQ = O (the point at infinity), where n is the order of the curve and Q is the public key point. \n The last extract is taken from :"] val validate_public_key: pubKey: lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h pubKey) (ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\ ( let publicKeyX = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 (gsub pubKey (size 0) (size 32))) in let publicKeyY = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h1 (gsub pubKey (size 32) (size 32))) in let pkJ = Spec.P256.toJacobianCoordinates (publicKeyX, publicKeyY) in r == Spec.ECDSA.verifyQValidCurvePointSpec pkJ ) ) [@@ Comment "Validate a private key, e.g. prior to signing. Input: scalar: uint8[32]. \n Output: bool, where true stands for the scalar to be more than 0 and less than order."] val validate_private_key: x: lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h x) (ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\ ( let scalar = nat_from_bytes_be (as_seq h0 x) in r <==> (scalar > 0 && scalar < prime_p256_order) ) ) [@@ CPrologue " /*****************************************/ /* Point representations and conversions */ /*****************************************/ /* Elliptic curve points have 2 32-byte coordinates (x, y) and can be represented in 3 ways: - \"raw\" form (64 bytes): the concatenation of the 2 coordinates, also known as \"internal\" - \"compressed\" form (33 bytes): first the sign byte of y (either 0x02 or 0x03), followed by x - \"uncompressed\" form (65 bytes): first a constant byte (always 0x04), followed by the \"raw\" form For all of the conversation functions below, the input and output MUST NOT overlap. */ "; (Comment "Convert 65-byte uncompressed to raw. The function errors out if the first byte is incorrect, or if the resulting point is invalid. \n \n Input: a point in not compressed form (uint8[65]), \n result: uint8[64] (internal point representation). \n Output: bool, where true stands for the correct decompression. ")] val uncompressed_to_raw: b: notCompressedForm -> result: lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h b /\ live h result /\ disjoint b result) (ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc result) h0 h1 /\ ( let id = Lib.Sequence.index (as_seq h0 b) 0 in let x = Lib.Sequence.sub (as_seq h0 b) 1 32 in let xResult = Lib.Sequence.sub (as_seq h1 result) 0 32 in let y = Lib.Sequence.sub (as_seq h0 b) 33 32 in let yResult = Lib.Sequence.sub (as_seq h1 result) 32 32 in if uint_v id = 4 then r == true /\ x == xResult /\ y == yResult else r == false ) ) [@ (Comment "Convert 33-byte compressed to raw. The function errors out if the first byte is incorrect, or if the resulting point is invalid. Input: a point in compressed form (uint8[33]), \n result: uint8[64] (internal point representation). \n Output: bool, where true stands for the correct decompression. ")] val compressed_to_raw: b: compressedForm -> result: lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h b /\ live h result /\ disjoint b result) (ensures fun h0 r h1 -> ( let id = Lib.Sequence.index (as_seq h0 b) 0 in let xSequence = Lib.Sequence.sub (as_seq h0 b) 1 32 in let x = Lib.ByteSequence.nat_from_bytes_be xSequence in if uint_v id = 2 || uint_v id = 3 then if x < prime256 then r == true /\ ( let y = let sq = sq_root_spec (((x * x * x + Spec.P256.aCoordinateP256 * x + Spec.P256.bCoordinateP256) % prime256)) in if (uint_v id) % 2 = (sq % 2) then sq else (0 - sq) % prime256 in as_seq h1 (gsub result (size 0) (size 32)) == xSequence /\ as_seq h1 (gsub result (size 32) (size 32)) == Lib.ByteSequence.nat_to_bytes_be 32 y) else r == false else r == false ) /\ modifies (loc result) h0 h1 ) [@ (Comment "Convert raw to 65-byte uncompressed. This function effectively prepends a 0x04 byte. Input: a point buffer (internal representation: uint8[64]), \n result: a point in not compressed form (uint8[65]).")] val raw_to_uncompressed: b: lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> result: notCompressedForm -> Stack unit (requires fun h -> live h b /\ live h result /\ disjoint b result) (ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc result) h0 h1 /\ ( let id = Lib.Sequence.index (as_seq h1 result) 0 in let x = Lib.Sequence.sub (as_seq h0 b) 0 32 in let xResult = Lib.Sequence.sub (as_seq h1 result) 1 32 in let y = Lib.Sequence.sub (as_seq h0 b) 32 32 in let yResult = Lib.Sequence.sub (as_seq h1 result) 33 32 in uint_v id == 4 /\ xResult == x /\ yResult == y ) ) [@ (Comment "Convert raw to 33-byte compressed. Input: `b`, the pointer buffer in internal representation, of type `uint8[64]` Output: `result`, a point in compressed form, of type `uint8[33]` ")] val raw_to_compressed: b: lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> result: compressedForm -> Stack unit (requires fun h -> live h b /\ live h result /\ disjoint b result) (ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc result) h0 h1 /\ ( let identifier = Lib.Sequence.index (as_seq h1 result) 0 in let x = Lib.Sequence.sub (as_seq h0 b) 0 32 in let xResult = Lib.Sequence.sub (as_seq h1 result) 1 32 in let y = Lib.Sequence.sub (as_seq h0 b) 32 32 in uint_v identifier == (Lib.ByteSequence.nat_from_intseq_be y % pow2 1) + 2 /\ x == xResult ) ) [@@ CPrologue " /******************/ /* ECDH agreement */ /******************/"; (Comment "Convert a private key into a raw public key. This function performs no key validation. Input: `scalar`, the private key, of type `uint8[32]`. Output: `result`, the public key, of type `uint8[64]`. Returns: - `true`, for success, meaning the public key is not a point at infinity - `false`, otherwise. `scalar` and `result` MUST NOT overlap.")] val dh_initiator: result:lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> scalar:lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h result /\ live h scalar /\ disjoint result scalar) (ensures fun h0 r h1 -> let pointX, pointY, flag = ecp256_dh_i (as_seq h0 scalar) in modifies (loc result) h0 h1 /\ r == flag /\ as_seq h1 (gsub result (size 0) (size 32)) == pointX /\ as_seq h1 (gsub result (size 32) (size 32)) == pointY) [@ (Comment "ECDH key agreement. This function takes a 32-byte secret key, another party's 64-byte raw public key, and computeds the 64-byte ECDH shared key. This function ONLY validates the public key. The pub(lic)_key input of the function is considered to be public, thus this code is not secret independent with respect to the operations done over this variable. \n Input: result: uint8[64], \n pub(lic)Key: uint8[64], \n scalar: uint8[32]. \n Output: bool, where True stands for the correct key generation. False value means that an error has occurred (possibly the provided public key was incorrect or the result represents point at infinity). ")] val dh_responder: result:lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> pubKey:lbuffer uint8 (size 64) -> scalar:lbuffer uint8 (size 32) -> Stack bool (requires fun h -> live h result /\ live h pubKey /\ live h scalar /\ disjoint result pubKey /\ disjoint result scalar) (ensures fun h0 r h1 -> let pubKeyX = gsub pubKey (size 0) (size 32) in let pubKeyY = gsub pubKey (size 32) (size 32) in let pointX, pointY, flag = ecp256_dh_r (as_seq h0 pubKeyX) (as_seq h0 pubKeyY) (as_seq h0 scalar) in r == flag /\ modifies (loc result) h0 h1 /\ as_seq h1 (gsub result (size 0) (size 32)) == pointX /\ as_seq h1 (gsub result (size 32) (size 32)) == pointY)