module Hacl.Hash.Core.SHA1 open Lib.IntTypes module B = LowStar.Buffer module IB = LowStar.ImmutableBuffer module HS = FStar.HyperStack module HST = FStar.HyperStack.ST module Spec = Spec.SHA1 module U32 = FStar.UInt32 open Hacl.Hash.Definitions open Spec.Hash.Definitions friend Spec.SHA1 friend Hacl.Hash.PadFinish friend Spec.Agile.Hash #reset-options "--max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0 --z3rlimit 100" (** Top-level constant arrays for the MD5 algorithm. *) let _h0 = IB.igcmalloc_of_list HS.root Spec.init_as_list noextract inline_for_extraction let legacy_alloca () = B.alloca_of_list Spec.init_as_list, () (* We read values from constant buffers through accessors to isolate all recall/liveness issues away. Thus, clients will not need to know that their output buffers be disjoint from our constant immutable buffers. *) inline_for_extraction let h0 (i: U32.t { U32.v i < 5 } ) : HST.Stack uint32 (requires (fun _ -> True)) (ensures (fun h res h' -> B.modifies B.loc_none h h' /\ res == Seq.index Spec.h0 (U32.v i) )) = IB.recall_contents _h0 Spec.h0; B.index _h0 i let legacy_init s = let h = HST.get () in let inv (h' : HS.mem) (i: nat) : GTot Type0 = h' s /\ B.modifies (B.loc_buffer s) h h' /\ i <= 5 /\ Seq.slice (B.as_seq h' s) 0 i == Seq.slice Spec.h0 0 i in C.Loops.for 0ul 5ul inv (fun i -> B.upd s i (h0 i); let h' = HST.get () in Seq.snoc_slice_index (B.as_seq h' s) 0 (U32.v i); Seq.snoc_slice_index (Spec.h0) 0 (U32.v i) ) inline_for_extraction let w_t = B.lbuffer (word SHA1) 80 inline_for_extraction let block_t = (block: B.buffer uint8 { B.length block == block_length SHA1 } ) let w_inv' (i: nat) (mi: Spec.word_block) (b: w_t) (h: HS.mem) : GTot Type0 = i <= 80 /\ h b /\ ( let s = B.as_seq h b in (forall (j: nat) . {:pattern (Seq.index s j) } (j < i) ==> Spec.w mi (U32.uint_to_t j) == Seq.index s j) ) let w_inv = w_inv' 80 let w_loop_inv (h0: Ghost.erased HS.mem) (m: block_t) (b: w_t) (h: HS.mem) (i: nat) : GTot Type0 = let h0 = Ghost.reveal h0 in i <= 80 /\ B.disjoint m b /\ h0 m /\ h m /\ h b /\ B.modifies (B.loc_buffer b) h0 h /\ ( let mi = Lib.ByteSequence.uints_from_bytes_be #U32 #SEC #block_word_length (B.as_seq h m) in w_inv' i mi b h ) let w_inv_elim (h: HS.mem) (m: Spec.word_block) (b: w_t) (i: nat) (j: nat) : Lemma (requires (w_inv' i m b h /\ j < i)) (ensures (Seq.index (B.as_seq h b) j == Spec.w m (U32.uint_to_t j))) = () let w_loop_inv_elim (h0: Ghost.erased HS.mem) (h: HS.mem) (m: block_t) (b: w_t) (i: nat) (j: nat) : Lemma (requires (w_loop_inv h0 m b h i /\ j < i)) (ensures (Seq.index (B.as_seq h b) j == Spec.w (Lib.ByteSequence.uints_from_bytes_be #U32 #SEC #block_word_length (B.as_seq h m)) (U32.uint_to_t j))) = () inline_for_extraction let index_32_be' (n: UInt32.t) (b: B.buffer uint8) (i: UInt32.t): HST.Stack uint32 (requires (fun h -> h b /\ B.length b == 4 `Prims.op_Multiply` UInt32.v n /\ UInt32.v i < UInt32.v n)) (ensures (fun h0 r h1 -> B.(modifies loc_none h0 h1) /\ r == Seq.index (Lib.ByteSequence.uints_from_bytes_be #U32 #SEC #(v n) (B.as_seq h0 b)) (UInt32.v i))) = Lib.ByteBuffer.uint_at_index_be #U32 #SEC #n b i #push-options "--max_fuel 1" inline_for_extraction let w_body_value (h0: Ghost.erased HS.mem) (m: block_t) (b: w_t) (i: U32.t) : HST.Stack uint32 (requires (fun h -> w_loop_inv h0 m b h (U32.v i) /\ U32.v i < 80)) (ensures (fun h v h' -> B.modifies B.loc_none h h' /\ v == Spec.w (Lib.ByteSequence.uints_from_bytes_be #U32 #SEC #block_word_length (B.as_seq (Ghost.reveal h0) m)) i)) = if i 16ul then index_32_be' (size block_word_length) m i else let wmit3 = B.index b (i `U32.sub` 3ul) in let wmit8 = B.index b (i `U32.sub` 8ul) in let wmit14 = B.index b (i `U32.sub` 14ul) in let wmit16 = B.index b (i `U32.sub` 16ul) in (wmit3 ^. wmit8 ^. wmit14 ^. wmit16) <<<. 1ul #pop-options let lt_S_r (j i: nat) : Lemma (requires (j < i + 1)) (ensures (j = i \/ j < i)) = () inline_for_extraction let w_body (h0: Ghost.erased HS.mem) (m: block_t) (b: w_t) (i: U32.t { U32.v i < 80 }) : HST.Stack unit (requires (fun h -> w_loop_inv h0 m b h (U32.v i))) (ensures (fun _ _ h' -> w_loop_inv h0 m b h' (U32.v i + 1))) = let h = HST.get () in let v = w_body_value h0 m b i in B.upd b i v; let h' = HST.get () in let f (j: nat) : Lemma (requires (j < U32.v i + 1)) (ensures (j < U32.v i + 1 /\ Seq.index (B.as_seq h' b) j == Spec.w (Lib.ByteSequence.uints_from_bytes_be #U32 #SEC #block_word_length (B.as_seq (Ghost.reveal h0) m)) (U32.uint_to_t j))) = lt_S_r j (U32.v i); if j = U32.v i then () else w_loop_inv_elim h0 h m b (U32.v i) j in Classical.forall_intro (Classical.move_requires f) inline_for_extraction let w (m: block_t) (b: w_t) : HST.Stack unit (requires (fun h -> h m /\ h b /\ B.disjoint m b)) (ensures (fun h _ h' -> B.modifies (B.loc_buffer b) h h' /\ w_inv (Lib.ByteSequence.uints_from_bytes_be #U32 #SEC #block_word_length (B.as_seq h m)) b h')) = let h = Ghost.hide (HST.get ()) in C.Loops.for 0ul 80ul (w_loop_inv h m b) (fun i -> w_body h m b i) inline_for_extraction let upd5 (#t: Type) (b: B.buffer t { B.length b == 5 } ) (x0 x1 x2 x3 x4: t) : HST.Stack unit (requires (fun h -> h b)) (ensures (fun h _ h' -> B.modifies (B.loc_buffer b) h h' /\ h' b /\ B.as_seq h' b `Seq.equal` Seq.seq_of_list [x0; x1; x2; x3; x4] )) = B.upd b 0ul x0; B.upd b 1ul x1; B.upd b 2ul x2; B.upd b 3ul x3; B.upd b 4ul x4; // JP: why define this helper instead of letting callers call intro_of_list? let h = FStar.HyperStack.ST.get () in [@inline_let] let l = [ x0; x1; x2; x3; x4 ] in assert_norm (List.length l = 5); Seq.intro_of_list (B.as_seq h b) l inline_for_extraction let step3_body (mi: Ghost.erased Spec.word_block) (w: w_t) (gw: Ghost.erased (Spec.step3_body_w_t (Ghost.reveal mi))) (b: state (|SHA1, ()|)) (t: U32.t {U32.v t < 80}) : HST.Stack unit (requires (fun h -> w_inv (Ghost.reveal mi) w h /\ h b /\ B.disjoint w b )) (ensures (fun h _ h' -> B.modifies (B.loc_buffer b) h h' /\ B.as_seq h' b == Spec.step3_body' (Ghost.reveal mi) (B.as_seq h b) t (Ghost.reveal gw (U32.v t)) )) = let _a = B.index b 0ul in let _b = B.index b 1ul in let _c = B.index b 2ul in let _d = B.index b 3ul in let _e = B.index b 4ul in let wmit = B.index w t in let _T = (_a <<<. 5ul) +. Spec.f t _b _c _d +. _e +. Spec.k t +. wmit in upd5 b _T _a (_b <<<. 30ul) _c _d; reveal_opaque (`%Spec.step3_body') Spec.step3_body' inline_for_extraction let zero_out (b: B.buffer uint32) (len: U32.t { U32.v len == B.length b }) : HST.Stack unit (requires (fun h -> h b)) (ensures (fun h _ h' -> B.modifies (B.loc_buffer b) h h' /\ h' b)) = let h0 = HST.get () in C.Loops.for 0ul len (fun h _ -> h b /\ B.modifies (B.loc_buffer b) h0 h) (fun i -> B.upd b i (u32 0)) let spec_step3_body (mi: Spec.word_block) (gw: Ghost.erased (Spec.step3_body_w_t mi)) (st: Ghost.erased (words_state' SHA1)) (t: nat {t < 80}) : Tot (Ghost.erased (words_state' SHA1)) = Ghost.elift1 (fun h -> Spec.step3_body mi (Ghost.reveal gw) h t) st let spec_step3_body_spec (mi: Spec.word_block) (gw: Ghost.erased (Spec.step3_body_w_t mi)) (st: Ghost.erased (words_state' SHA1)) (t: nat { t < 80 } ) : Lemma (Ghost.reveal (spec_step3_body mi gw st t) == Spec.step3_body mi (Ghost.reveal gw) (Ghost.reveal st) t) [SMTPat (Ghost.reveal (spec_step3_body mi gw st t))] = () inline_for_extraction let step3 (m: block_t) (h: state (|SHA1, ()|)) : HST.Stack unit (requires (fun h0 -> h0 m /\ h0 h /\ B.disjoint m h )) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> B.modifies (B.loc_buffer h) h0 h1 /\ h1 h /\ B.as_seq h1 h == Spec.step3 (Lib.ByteSequence.uints_from_bytes_be #U32 #SEC #block_word_length (B.as_seq h0 m)) (B.as_seq h0 h) )) = let h0 = HST.get () in HST.push_frame (); let _w = B.alloca (u32 0) 80ul in w m _w; let mi = Ghost.hide ( Lib.ByteSequence.uints_from_bytes_be #U32 #SEC #block_word_length (B.as_seq h0 m)) in let h1 = HST.get () in let cwt = Ghost.hide (Spec.compute_w (Ghost.reveal mi) 0 Seq.empty) in let gw: Ghost.erased (Spec.step3_body_w_t (Ghost.reveal mi)) = Ghost.elift1 (Spec.index_compute_w (Ghost.reveal mi)) cwt in let f : Ghost.erased (C.Loops.repeat_range_body_spec (words_state' SHA1) 80) = Ghost.hide (Spec.step3_body (Ghost.reveal mi) (Ghost.reveal gw)) in let inv (h' : HS.mem) : GTot Type0 = B.modifies (B.loc_buffer h) h1 h' /\ h' h in let interp (h' : HS.mem { inv h' } ) : GTot (words_state' SHA1) = B.as_seq h' h in C.Loops.repeat_range 0ul 80ul f inv interp (fun i -> step3_body mi _w gw h i); zero_out _w 80ul; HST.pop_frame (); reveal_opaque (`%Spec.step3) Spec.step3 inline_for_extraction let step4 (m: block_t) (h: state (|SHA1, ()|)) : HST.Stack unit (requires (fun h0 -> h0 m /\ h0 h /\ B.disjoint m h )) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> B.modifies (B.loc_buffer h) h0 h1 /\ h1 h /\ B.as_seq h1 h == Spec.step4 (Lib.ByteSequence.uints_from_bytes_be #U32 #SEC #block_word_length (B.as_seq h0 m)) (B.as_seq h0 h) )) = let ha = B.index h 0ul in let hb = B.index h 1ul in let hc = B.index h 2ul in let hd = B.index h 3ul in let he = B.index h 4ul in step3 m h; let sta = B.index h 0ul in let stb = B.index h 1ul in let stc = B.index h 2ul in let std = B.index h 3ul in let ste = B.index h 4ul in upd5 h (sta +. ha) (stb +. hb) (stc +. hc) (std +. hd) (ste +. he); reveal_opaque (`%Spec.step4) Spec.step4 let legacy_update h ev l = step4 l h let legacy_pad: pad_st SHA1 = Hacl.Hash.PadFinish.pad SHA1 let legacy_finish: finish_st (|SHA1, ()|) = Hacl.Hash.PadFinish.finish (|SHA1, ()|)