module Crypto.Symmetric.GF128 module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST open FStar.HyperStack.All module U8 = FStar.UInt8 module U32 = FStar.UInt32 module H8 = Hacl.UInt8 module H128 = Hacl.UInt128 module Spec = Spec.GF128 module BV = FStar.BitVector open Spec open Spec.GaloisField open FStar.Mul open FStar.Ghost open FStar.Seq open FStar.Buffer open FStar.UInt open FStar.BitVector open Hacl.Cast open Hacl.Endianness type elem = Spec.elem type elemB = b:buffer H128.t{length b = 1} noextract let sel_elem h (b:elemB{live h b}): GTot elem = to_felem #gf128 (H128.v (Seq.index (as_seq h b) 0)) #set-options "--z3rlimit 20 --max_fuel 0 --initial_fuel 0" val load128_be: b:buffer U8.t{length b = 16} -> Stack H128.t (requires (fun h -> live h b)) (ensures (fun h0 n h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ live h1 b /\ to_felem #gf128 (H128.v n) = encode (as_seq h1 b))) let load128_be b = let v = load128_be b in uint128_to_sint128 v #reset-options "--z3rlimit 20 --max_fuel 1 --initial_fuel 1" val store128_be: b:buffer H8.t{length b = 16} -> n:H128.t -> Stack unit (requires (fun h -> live h b)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies_1 b h0 h1 /\ live h1 b /\ Seq.equal (decode (to_felem #gf128 (H128.v n))) (as_seq h1 b))) let store128_be b n = hstore128_be b n; let h1 = ST.get() in FStar.Old.Endianness.lemma_big_endian_inj (decode (to_felem #gf128 (H128.v n))) (as_seq h1 b) (* * Every block of message is regarded as an element in Galois field GF(2^128), **) (* * The following several functions are basic operations in this field. **) (* * gf128_add: addition. Equivalent to bitxor. **) (* * gf128_shift_reduce: shift right by 1 bit then add. Used in multiplication. **) (* * gf128_mul: multiplication. Achieved by combining 128 additions. **) (* In place addition. Calculate "a + b" and store the result in a. *) val gf128_add: a:elemB -> b:elemB {disjoint a b} -> Stack unit (requires (fun h -> live h a /\ live h b)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> live h0 a /\ live h0 b /\ live h1 a /\ modifies_1 a h0 h1 /\ sel_elem h1 a = sel_elem h0 a +@ sel_elem h0 b)) let gf128_add a b = let av = a.(0ul) in let bv = b.(0ul) in let r = H128.(av ^^ bv) in a.(0ul) <- r inline_for_extraction let zero_128 : H128.t = uint64_to_sint128 0uL inline_for_extraction let one_128 : H128.t = uint64_to_sint128 1uL inline_for_extraction let ones_128 : H128.t = H128.(((uint64_to_sint128 0xffffffffffffffffuL) <<^ 64ul) +^ (uint64_to_sint128 0xffffffffffffffffuL)) inline_for_extraction private let r_mul : H128.t = H128.(uint64_to_sint128(225uL) <<^ 120ul) val fzero_lemma: v:H128.t -> Lemma (requires v == zero_128) (ensures to_felem #gf128 (H128.v v) = #gf128) let fzero_lemma v = assert(H128.v v = 128); lemma_eq_intro (to_felem #gf128 (H128.v v)) ( #gf128) val r_mul_lemma: v:H128.t -> Lemma (requires v == r_mul) (ensures to_felem #gf128 (H128.v v) = Spec.irr) let r_mul_lemma v = assert_norm((225 * pow2 120) % pow2 128 = 0xe1000000000000000000000000000000) private val elem_vec_logand_lemma: a:BV.bv_t 128 -> i:nat{i < 128} -> Lemma (Seq.equal (BV.logand_vec a (BV.elem_vec #128 i)) (if Seq.index a i then (BV.elem_vec #128 i) else (BV.zero_vec #128))) let elem_vec_logand_lemma a i = () #reset-options "--max_fuel 0 --z3rlimit 50 --admit_smt_queries true" (* * ith_bit_mask return a mask corresponding to the i-th bit of num. **) (* * This function should be in constant time. **) private inline_for_extraction val ith_bit_mask: num:H128.t -> i:U32.t{U32.v i < 128} -> Tot (r:H128.t {(nth (H128.v num) (U32.v i) = true ==> r == ones_128) /\ (nth (H128.v num) (U32.v i) = false ==> r == zero_128)}) let ith_bit_mask num i = let mi = U32.(127ul -^ i) in let proj = H128.(one_128 <<^ mi) in FStar.Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 128 (U32.v mi); FStar.Math.Lemmas.small_modulo_lemma_1 (pow2 (U32.v mi)) (pow2 128); assert(H128.v proj = (FStar.UInt.pow2_n #128 (127 - U32.v i))); assert(Seq.equal (FStar.UInt.to_vec #128 (H128.v proj)) (BV.elem_vec #128 (U32.v i))); let res = H128.(num &^ proj) in elem_vec_logand_lemma (FStar.UInt.to_vec #128 (H128.v num)) (U32.v i); H128.eq_mask res proj #reset-options "--max_fuel 0 --z3rlimit 50 --admit_smt_queries true" private val gf128_shift_reduce: a:elemB -> Stack unit (requires (fun h -> live h a)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> live h0 a /\ live h1 a /\ modifies_1 a h0 h1 /\ sel_elem h1 a = shift_reduce (sel_elem h0 a))) let gf128_shift_reduce a = let av = a.(0ul) in let msk0 = ith_bit_mask av 127ul in let msk_r_mul = H128.(r_mul &^ msk0) in FStar.UInt.logand_lemma_1 (H128.v r_mul); FStar.UInt.logand_lemma_2 (H128.v r_mul); let av = H128.(av >>^ 1ul) in r_mul_lemma r_mul; FStar.UInt.logxor_lemma_1 (H128.v av); a.(0ul) <- H128.(av ^^ msk_r_mul) #reset-options "--max_fuel 0 --z3rlimit 50" private val gf128_cond_fadd: x:elemB -> y:elemB {disjoint x y} -> z:elemB {disjoint x z /\ disjoint y z} -> i:U32.t {U32.v i < 128} -> Stack unit (requires (fun h -> live h x /\ live h y /\ live h z)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> live h0 x /\ live h0 y /\ live h0 z /\ live h1 x /\ live h1 y /\ live h1 z /\ modifies_1 z h0 h1 /\ sel_elem h1 z = cond_fadd (sel_elem h0 x) (sel_elem h0 y) (sel_elem h0 z) (U32.v i))) let gf128_cond_fadd x y z i = let xv = x.(0ul) in let yv = y.(0ul) in let zv = z.(0ul) in let mski = ith_bit_mask yv i in let msk_x = H128.(xv &^ mski) in FStar.UInt.logand_lemma_1 (H128.v xv); FStar.UInt.logand_lemma_2 (H128.v xv); FStar.UInt.logxor_lemma_1 (H128.v zv); z.(0ul) <- H128.(zv ^^ msk_x) #reset-options "--z3rlimit 40 --max_fuel 1 --initial_fuel 1" private val fmul_loop_lemma: #f:field -> a:felem f -> b:felem f -> n:nat{n < f.bits} -> Lemma (requires True) (ensures fmul_loop a b n = cond_fadd a b (fmul_loop (shift_reduce #f a) b (n + 1)) n) let fmul_loop_lemma #f a b n = () private val gf128_mul_loop: x:elemB -> y:elemB {disjoint x y} -> z:elemB {disjoint x z /\ disjoint y z} -> ctr:U32.t{U32.v ctr <= 128} -> Stack unit (requires (fun h -> live h x /\ live h y /\ live h z)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> live h0 x /\ live h0 y /\ live h0 z /\ live h1 x /\ live h1 y /\ live h1 z /\ modifies_2 x z h0 h1 /\ sel_elem h1 z = fmul_loop (sel_elem h0 x) (sel_elem h0 y) (U32.v ctr) +@ sel_elem h0 z)) let rec gf128_mul_loop x y z ctr = if ctr = 128ul then begin let h0 = ST.get() in add_comm (fmul_loop (sel_elem h0 x) (sel_elem h0 y) (U32.v ctr)) (sel_elem h0 z); add_zero (sel_elem h0 z) (fmul_loop (sel_elem h0 x) (sel_elem h0 y) (U32.v ctr)) end else begin let h0 = ST.get() in gf128_cond_fadd x y z ctr; gf128_shift_reduce x; gf128_mul_loop x y z (U32.(ctr +^ 1ul)); fmul_loop_lemma (sel_elem h0 x) (sel_elem h0 y) (U32.v ctr); cond_fadd_lemma (sel_elem h0 x) (sel_elem h0 y) (fmul_loop (shift_reduce (sel_elem h0 x)) (sel_elem h0 y) (U32.v ctr + 1)) (sel_elem h0 z) (U32.v ctr) end #reset-options "--z3rlimit 20 --max_fuel 0 --initial_fuel 0" (* In place multiplication. Calculate "a * b" and store the result in a. *) (* WARNING: may have issues with constant time. *) val gf128_mul: x:elemB -> y:elemB {disjoint x y} -> Stack unit (requires (fun h -> live h x /\ live h y)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> live h0 x /\ live h0 y /\ live h1 x /\ live h1 y /\ modifies_1 x h0 h1 /\ sel_elem h1 x = sel_elem h0 x *@ sel_elem h0 y)) let gf128_mul x y = push_frame(); let z = create zero_128 1ul in let h0 = ST.get() in gf128_mul_loop x y z 0ul; x.(0ul) <- z.(0ul); fzero_lemma zero_128; add_zero #gf128 (fmul_loop (sel_elem h0 x) (sel_elem h0 y) 0) (sel_elem h0 z); pop_frame() val add_and_multiply: acc:elemB -> block:elemB{disjoint acc block} -> k:elemB{disjoint acc k /\ disjoint block k} -> Stack unit (requires (fun h -> live h acc /\ live h block /\ live h k)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> live h0 acc /\ live h0 block /\ live h0 k /\ live h1 acc /\ live h1 k /\ modifies_1 acc h0 h1 /\ sel_elem h1 acc = (sel_elem h0 acc +@ sel_elem h0 block) *@ sel_elem h0 k)) let add_and_multiply acc block k = gf128_add acc block; gf128_mul acc k val finish: acc:elemB -> s:buffer U8.t{length s = 16} -> Stack unit (requires (fun h -> live h acc /\ live h s /\ disjoint acc s)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> live h0 acc /\ live h0 s /\ modifies_1 acc h0 h1 /\ live h1 acc /\ decode (sel_elem h1 acc) = finish (sel_elem h0 acc) (as_seq h0 s))) let finish a s = let sf = load128_be s in a.(0ul) <- H128.(a.(0ul) ^^ sf) (* //16-09-23 Instead of the code below, we should re-use existing AEAD encodings //16-09-23 and share their injectivity proofs and crypto model. #reset-options "--initial_fuel 0 --max_fuel 0 --z3rlimit 20" private val ghash_loop_: tag:elemB -> auth_key:elemB {disjoint tag auth_key} -> str:buffer UInt8.t{disjoint tag str /\ disjoint auth_key tag} -> tmp:buffer UInt128.t{disjoint tag tmp /\ disjoint auth_key tmp /\ disjoint str tmp} -> len:U32.t{length str = U32.v len} -> dep:U32.t{U32.v dep <= U32.v len} -> Stack unit (requires (fun h -> U32.v len - U32.v dep <= 16 /\ live h tag /\ live h auth_key /\ live h str)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> live h1 tag /\ live h1 auth_key /\ live h1 str /\ modifies_1 tag h0 h1)) let ghash_loop_ tag auth_key str tmp len dep = let t = sub str dep (U32.(len -^ dep)) in tmp.(0ul) <- load128_be t; add_and_multiply tag tmp auth_key (* WARNING: may have issues with constant time. *) private val ghash_loop: tag:elemB -> auth_key:elemB {disjoint tag auth_key} -> str:buffer UInt8.t{disjoint tag str /\ disjoint auth_key str} -> tmp:buffer UInt128.t{disjoint tag tmp /\ disjoint auth_key tmp /\ disjoint str tmp} -> len:U32.t{length str = U32.v len} -> dep:U32.t{U32.v dep <= U32.v len} -> Stack unit (requires (fun h -> live h tag /\ live h auth_key /\ live h str /\ live h tmp)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> live h1 tag /\ live h1 auth_key /\ live h1 str /\ live h1 tmp /\ modifies_2 tag tmp h0 h1)) let rec ghash_loop tag auth_key str tmp len dep = (* Appending zeros if the last block is not complete *) let rest = U32.(len -^ dep) in if rest <> 0ul then if U32.(16ul >=^ rest) then ghash_loop_ tag auth_key str tmp len dep else begin let next = U32.add dep 16ul in let si = sub str dep 16ul in tmp.(0ul) <- load128_be si; add_and_multiply tag tmp auth_key; ghash_loop tag auth_key str tmp len next end (* During authentication, the length information should also be included. *) (* This function will generate an element in GF128 by: *) (* 1. express len of additional data and len of ciphertext as 64-bit int; *) (* 2. concatenate the two integers to get a 128-bit block. *) private val mk_len_info: len_info:elemB -> len_1:U32.t -> len_2:U32.t -> Stack unit (requires (fun h -> live h len_info)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> live h1 len_info /\ modifies_1 len_info h0 h1)) let mk_len_info len_info len_1 len_2 = let l1 = FStar.UInt128.uint64_to_uint128(uint32_to_uint64 len_1) in let l2 = FStar.UInt128.uint64_to_uint128(uint32_to_uint64 len_2) in let u = U128.((l1 <<^ 64ul) +^ l2) in len_info.(0ul) <- u #reset-options "--initial_fuel 0 --max_fuel 0 --z3rlimit 20" (* A hash function used in authentication. It will authenticate additional data first, *) (* then ciphertext and at last length information. The result is stored in tag. *) val ghash: k:elemB -> ad:buffer UInt8.t{disjoint k ad} -> adlen:U32.t{U32.v adlen = length ad} -> ciphertext:buffer UInt8.t{disjoint k ciphertext /\ disjoint ad ciphertext} -> len:U32.t{U32.v len = length ciphertext} -> tag:elemB{disjoint k tag /\ disjoint ad tag /\ disjoint ciphertext tag} -> Stack unit (requires (fun h -> live h k /\ live h ad /\ live h ciphertext /\ live h tag)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> live h1 tag /\ modifies_1 tag h0 h1)) let ghash k ad adlen ciphertext len tag = push_frame(); let h0 = ST.get() in let len_info = create zero_128 1ul in mk_len_info len_info adlen len; let h1 = ST.get() in assert(modifies_0 h0 h1); tag.(0ul) <- zero_128; let tmp = create zero_128 1ul in ghash_loop tag k ad tmp adlen 0ul; ghash_loop tag k ciphertext tmp len 0ul; add_and_multiply tag len_info k; //gf128_add tag len_info; //gf128_mul tag k; let h2 = ST.get() in assert(modifies_1 tag h1 h2); pop_frame() *)