module Hacl.Streaming.Poly1305 module HS = FStar.HyperStack module B = LowStar.Buffer module G = FStar.Ghost module S = FStar.Seq module U32 = FStar.UInt32 module U64 = FStar.UInt64 module F = Hacl.Streaming.Functor module I = Hacl.Streaming.Interface module P = Hacl.Impl.Poly1305 module F32xN = Hacl.Spec.Poly1305.Field32xN module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST open LowStar.BufferOps open FStar.Mul /// Opening a bunch of modules for Poly1305 /// ======================================= inline_for_extraction noextract let uint8 = Lib.IntTypes.uint8 inline_for_extraction noextract let uint32 = Lib.IntTypes.uint32 open Hacl.Impl.Poly1305.Fields /// An instance of the stateful type class for poly1305 state /// ========================================================= /// /// We use a custom view that separates r and acc, to respect abstraction boundaries established by Poly1305. #set-options "--fuel 0 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 100" inline_for_extraction noextract let t (fs : field_spec) = b:B.buffer (limb fs) { B.length b == 25 } inline_for_extraction noextract let as_raw (#fs : field_spec) (x: t fs): B.buffer (limb fs) = x inline_for_extraction noextract let as_lib (#fs : field_spec) (x: t fs): P.poly1305_ctx fs = assert (Lib.IntTypes.(v (add #U32 (nlimb fs) (precomplen fs))) == 25); x inline_for_extraction noextract let k = I.stateful_buffer uint8 32ul (Lib.IntTypes.u8 0) inline_for_extraction noextract let as_lib_k (x: B.buffer uint8 { B.length x = 32 }): Lib.Buffer.lbuffer uint8 32ul = x inline_for_extraction noextract let num_lanes (fs : field_spec) : F32xN.lanes = match fs with | M32 -> 1 | M128 -> 2 | M256 -> 4 inline_for_extraction noextract let stateful_poly1305_ctx (fs : field_spec) : I.stateful unit = I.Stateful (fun () -> t fs) (fun #_ _ s -> B.loc_addr_of_buffer (as_raw s)) (fun #_ _ s -> B.freeable (as_raw s)) (fun #_ h s -> h (as_raw s) /\ P.state_inv_t h (as_lib s)) (fun () -> Spec.Poly1305.felem & Spec.Poly1305.felem) (fun () h s -> P.as_get_acc h (as_lib s), P.as_get_r h (as_lib s)) (fun #_ _ _ -> ()) (fun #_ l s h0 h1 -> P.reveal_ctx_inv (as_lib s) h0 h1; B.modifies_buffer_elim (as_raw s) l h0 h1) (fun #_ _ _ _ _ -> ()) (fun () -> [@inline_let] let n = num_lanes fs in let r = B.alloca ( n) 25ul in let h1 = ST.get () in P.ctx_inv_zeros #fs r h1; r) (fun () r -> [@inline_let] let n = num_lanes fs in let r = B.malloc r ( n) 25ul in let h1 = ST.get () in P.ctx_inv_zeros #fs r h1; r) (fun _ s -> s) (fun _ src dst -> let h0 = ST.get () in B.blit src 0ul dst 0ul 25ul; let h1 = ST.get () in P.reveal_ctx_inv' (as_lib src) (as_lib dst) h0 h1) /// Interlude for spec equivalence proofs /// ===================================== /// /// A quick explanation about this proof of equivalence. At the spec level, /// ``poly1305_update`` needs both ``r`` and the accumulator ``acc``. This thus /// makes poly1305 update a function of two arguments. However, the streaming /// facility is constructed over specifications that take one single argument. /// Not a problem! We carry the pair ``(r, acc)`` as our "streaming functor /// accumulator", and we now have to show that a specification in terms of /// ``update (update (r, acc) init)`` is the same as poly1305. For that, we need /// to do a little proof of equivalence to show first that this is the same as /// ``(update r) ((update r) acc)`` (note that the update function now becomes a /// partial application), then use the update-multi-repeat conversion lemma to /// get the original specification of poly1305. inline_for_extraction noextract let block = (block: S.seq uint8 { S.length block = Spec.Poly1305.size_block }) inline_for_extraction noextract let update_ (acc, r) (block: block) = Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_update1 r Spec.Poly1305.size_block block acc, r /// Same as [update_], but with the input not necessarily a full block (can be smaller) inline_for_extraction noextract let update__ (acc, r) (input: S.seq uint8{S.length input <= Spec.Poly1305.size_block}) = Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_update1 r (S.length input) input acc, r inline_for_extraction noextract let update' r acc (block: block) = Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_update1 r Spec.Poly1305.size_block block acc inline_for_extraction noextract let update_multi = Lib.UpdateMulti.mk_update_multi Spec.Poly1305.size_block update_ inline_for_extraction noextract let update_multi' r = Lib.UpdateMulti.mk_update_multi Spec.Poly1305.size_block (update' r) #push-options "--fuel 1" inline_for_extraction noextract let rec with_or_without_r (acc r: Spec.Poly1305.felem) (blocks: S.seq uint8): Lemma (requires S.length blocks % Spec.Poly1305.size_block = 0) (ensures update_multi (acc, r) blocks == (update_multi' r acc blocks, r)) (decreases (S.length blocks)) = if S.length blocks = 0 then () else let block, rem = Lib.UpdateMulti.split_block Spec.Poly1305.size_block blocks 1 in let acc = update' r acc block in with_or_without_r acc r rem #pop-options inline_for_extraction noextract let update_last (acc, r) (input: S.seq uint8 { S.length input <= Spec.Poly1305.size_block }) = if S.length input = 0 then acc, r else Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_update1 r (S.length input) input acc, r inline_for_extraction noextract let update_last' r acc (input: S.seq uint8 { S.length input <= Spec.Poly1305.size_block }) = if S.length input = 0 then acc else Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_update1 r (S.length input) input acc inline_for_extraction noextract let finish_ k (acc, r) = Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_finish k acc inline_for_extraction noextract let spec k input = Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_mac input k val update_last_not_block_is_update (input: S.seq uint8) (acc: Spec.Poly1305.felem) (r: Spec.Poly1305.felem): Lemma (requires (S.length input < Spec.Poly1305.size_block)) (ensures (update_last (acc, r) input == (Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_update input acc r, r))) let update_last_not_block_is_update input acc r = let open Lib.UpdateMulti.Lemmas in let block_length = Spec.Poly1305.size_block in assert_norm (block_length < pow2 32); calc (==) { update_last (acc, r) input; (==) { } update_last' r acc input, r; (==) { Lib.UpdateMulti.update_multi_zero Spec.Poly1305.size_block (update' r) acc } update_last' r (update_multi' r acc S.empty) input, r; (==) { update_full_is_repeat_blocks block_length (update' r) (update_last' r) acc input input } Lib.Sequence.repeat_blocks #uint8 #Spec.Poly1305.felem block_length input (repeat_f block_length (update' r)) (repeat_l block_length (update_last' r) input) acc, r; (==) { Lib.Sequence.Lemmas.repeat_blocks_extensionality block_length input (repeat_f block_length (update' r)) Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update1 r size_block) (repeat_l block_length (update_last' r) input) Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update_last r) acc } Lib.Sequence.repeat_blocks #uint8 #Spec.Poly1305.felem block_length input Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update1 r size_block) Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update_last r) acc, r; } val update_last_block_is_update (input: S.seq uint8) (acc: Spec.Poly1305.felem) (r: Spec.Poly1305.felem): Lemma (requires (S.length input = Spec.Poly1305.size_block)) (ensures (update_last (acc, r) input == (Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_update input acc r, r))) open FStar.Tactics #push-options "--fuel 1 --print_implicits" let update_last_block_is_update input acc r = let open Lib.UpdateMulti.Lemmas in let block_length = Spec.Poly1305.size_block in assert_norm (block_length < pow2 32); assert(input `S.equal` S.append input S.empty); let acc1 = update' r acc input in let acc1' = update_multi' r acc input in // SH: fun fact: this lemma call and the following assert should be the // last part of the below calc. However, if put below/inside the calc, // the proof loops. Lib.Sequence.Lemmas.repeat_blocks_extensionality block_length input (repeat_f block_length (update' r)) Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update1 r size_block) (repeat_l block_length (update_last' r) input) Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update_last r) acc; assert( Lib.Sequence.repeat_blocks #uint8 #Spec.Poly1305.felem block_length input (repeat_f block_length (update' r)) (repeat_l block_length (update_last' r) input) acc == Lib.Sequence.repeat_blocks #uint8 #Spec.Poly1305.felem block_length input Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update1 r size_block) Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update_last r) acc); assert( let block, rem = Lib.UpdateMulti.split_block block_length input 1 in block `S.equal` input /\ rem `S.equal` S.empty); assert( Lib.UpdateMulti.mk_update_multi block_length (update' r) acc1 S.empty == acc1'); assert(acc1 == acc1'); calc (==) { update_last (acc, r) input; (==) { } update_last' r acc input, r; (==) { } update_last' r (update' r acc input) S.empty, r; (==) { } update_last' r (update_multi' r acc input) S.empty, r; (==) { update_full_is_repeat_blocks block_length (update' r) (update_last' r) acc input input } Lib.Sequence.repeat_blocks #uint8 #Spec.Poly1305.felem block_length input (repeat_f block_length (update' r)) (repeat_l block_length (update_last' r) input) acc, r; } #pop-options val update_last_is_update (input: S.seq uint8) (acc: Spec.Poly1305.felem) (r: Spec.Poly1305.felem): Lemma (requires (S.length input <= Spec.Poly1305.size_block)) (ensures (update_last (acc, r) input == (Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_update input acc r, r))) let update_last_is_update input acc r = if S.length input = Spec.Poly1305.size_block then update_last_block_is_update input acc r else update_last_not_block_is_update input acc r val update_multi_is_update (input: S.seq uint8) (acc: Spec.Poly1305.felem) (r: Spec.Poly1305.felem): Lemma (requires (S.length input % Spec.Poly1305.size_block = 0)) (ensures (update_multi (acc, r) input == (Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_update input acc r, r))) let update_multi_is_update input acc r = let open Lib.UpdateMulti.Lemmas in let block_length = Spec.Poly1305.size_block in assert_norm (block_length < pow2 32); calc (==) { update_multi (acc, r) input; (==) { with_or_without_r acc r input } update_multi' r acc input, r; (==) { } update_last' r (update_multi' r acc input) S.empty, r; (==) { update_full_is_repeat_blocks block_length (update' r) (update_last' r) acc input input } Lib.Sequence.repeat_blocks #uint8 #Spec.Poly1305.felem block_length input (repeat_f block_length (update' r)) (repeat_l block_length (update_last' r) input) acc, r; (==) { Lib.Sequence.Lemmas.repeat_blocks_extensionality block_length input (repeat_f block_length (update' r)) Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update1 r size_block) (repeat_l block_length (update_last' r) input) Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update_last r) acc } Lib.Sequence.repeat_blocks #uint8 #Spec.Poly1305.felem block_length input Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update1 r size_block) Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update_last r) acc, r; } val poly_is_incremental: key: S.seq uint8 { S.length key = 32 } -> input:S.seq uint8 { S.length input <= pow2 32 - 1 } -> Lemma (ensures ( let hash = Lib.UpdateMulti.update_full Spec.Poly1305.size_block update_ update_last (Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_init key) input in finish_ key hash `S.equal` spec key input)) let poly_is_incremental key input = let open Lib.UpdateMulti.Lemmas in let block_length = Spec.Poly1305.size_block in assert_norm (block_length < pow2 32); let n = S.length input / block_length in let bs, l = S.split input (n * block_length) in FStar.Math.Lemmas.multiple_modulo_lemma n block_length; let acc, r = Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_init key in calc (S.equal) { finish_ key (update_last (update_multi (acc, r) bs) l); (S.equal) { with_or_without_r acc r bs } Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_finish key (update_last' r (update_multi' r acc bs) l); (S.equal) { update_full_is_repeat_blocks block_length (update' r) (update_last' r) acc input input } Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_finish key (Lib.Sequence.repeat_blocks #uint8 #Spec.Poly1305.felem block_length input (repeat_f block_length (update' r)) (repeat_l block_length (update_last' r) input) acc); (S.equal) { Lib.Sequence.Lemmas.repeat_blocks_extensionality block_length input (repeat_f block_length (update' r)) Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update1 r size_block) (repeat_l block_length (update_last' r) input) Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update_last r) acc } Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_finish key (Lib.Sequence.repeat_blocks #uint8 #Spec.Poly1305.felem block_length input Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update1 r size_block) Spec.Poly1305.(poly1305_update_last r) acc); } /// Same lemma as above, but we take into account the fact that the hash stream /// processes the buffer lazily. val poly_is_incremental_lazy: key: S.seq uint8 { S.length key = 32 } -> input:S.seq uint8 { S.length input <= pow2 32 - 1 } -> Lemma (ensures ( let hash = Lib.UpdateMulti.update_full_lazy Spec.Poly1305.size_block update_ update_last (Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_init key) input in finish_ key hash `S.equal` spec key input)) #push-options "--fuel 1" let poly_is_incremental_lazy key input = let open Lib.UpdateMulti.Lemmas in let block_length = Spec.Poly1305.size_block in assert_norm (block_length < pow2 32); let n = S.length input / block_length in let rem = S.length input % block_length in let n', rem' = if rem = 0 && n > 0 then n - 1, block_length else n, rem in (**) let bs, l = S.split input (n' * block_length) in let acc, r = Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_init key in let acc1 = update_multi (acc, r) bs in let acc_f = update_last acc1 l in if rem = 0 && n > 0 then begin assert(acc_f == update__ acc1 l); assert( let block, rem = Lib.UpdateMulti.split_block Spec.Poly1305.size_block l 1 in block `S.equal` l /\ rem `S.equal` S.empty); let acc2 = update__ acc1 l in assert_norm(Lib.UpdateMulti.mk_update_multi Spec.Poly1305.size_block update_ acc2 S.empty == acc2); assert(acc_f == update_multi acc1 l); Lib.UpdateMulti.update_multi_associative Spec.Poly1305.size_block update_ (acc, r) bs l; assert(input `S.equal` S.append bs l); assert(acc_f = update_multi (acc, r) input); assert(update_last acc_f S.empty == acc_f); assert(input `S.equal` S.append input S.empty); poly_is_incremental key input end else poly_is_incremental key input #pop-options /// The block instance for poly1305! /// ================================ #push-options "--z3rlimit 300" inline_for_extraction noextract let poly1305 (fs : field_spec) : I.block unit = I.Block I.Runtime (stateful_poly1305_ctx fs) k (fun () -> pow2 32 - 1) (fun () -> 16ul) (fun () -> 16ul) (fun () -> match fs with | M32 -> 16ul // block_length | M128 -> 32ul // 2 * block_length | M256 -> 64ul) // 4 * block_length (fun () -> Spec.Poly1305.poly1305_init) (fun () acc prevlen data -> update_multi acc data) (fun () x _ y -> update_last x y) (fun () -> finish_) (fun () -> spec) (fun () acc prevlen -> Lib.UpdateMulti.update_multi_zero Spec.Poly1305.size_block update_ acc) (fun () acc prevlen1 prevlen2 input1 input2 -> Lib.UpdateMulti.update_multi_associative Spec.Poly1305.size_block update_ acc input1 input2) (fun () -> poly_is_incremental_lazy) (fun _ _ -> ()) (fun _ k s -> match fs with | M32 -> Hacl.Poly1305_32.poly1305_init s k | M128 -> Hacl.Poly1305_128.poly1305_init s k | M256 -> Hacl.Poly1305_256.poly1305_init s k) (fun _ s prevlen blocks len -> let h0 = ST.get () in begin let acc, r = P.as_get_acc h0 (as_lib s), P.as_get_r h0 (as_lib s) in update_multi_is_update (B.as_seq h0 blocks) acc r end; match fs with | M32 -> Hacl.Poly1305_32.poly1305_update s len blocks | M128 -> Hacl.Poly1305_128.poly1305_update s len blocks | M256 -> Hacl.Poly1305_256.poly1305_update s len blocks) (fun _ s prev_len last last_len -> let h0 = ST.get () in begin let acc, r = P.as_get_acc h0 (as_lib s), P.as_get_r h0 (as_lib s) in update_last_is_update (B.as_seq h0 last) acc r end; match fs with | M32 -> Hacl.Poly1305_32.poly1305_update s last_len last | M128 -> Hacl.Poly1305_128.poly1305_update s last_len last | M256 -> Hacl.Poly1305_256.poly1305_update s last_len last) (fun _ k s dst -> let h0 = ST.get () in ST.push_frame (); let h1 = ST.get () in [@inline_let] let nl = num_lanes fs in let tmp = B.alloca ( nl) 25ul in let h2 = ST.get () in B.modifies_only_not_unused_in B.loc_none h1 h2; B.blit s 0ul tmp 0ul 25ul; let h3 = ST.get () in B.modifies_only_not_unused_in B.loc_none h1 h3; P.reveal_ctx_inv' (as_lib s) (as_lib tmp) h0 h3; begin match fs with | M32 -> Hacl.Poly1305_32.poly1305_finish dst k tmp | M128 -> Hacl.Poly1305_128.poly1305_finish dst k tmp | M256 -> Hacl.Poly1305_256.poly1305_finish dst k tmp end; let h4 = ST.get () in ST.pop_frame (); let h5 = ST.get () in B.modifies_only_not_unused_in B.(loc_buffer dst) h1 h4; B.modifies_fresh_frame_popped h0 h1 B.(loc_buffer dst) h4 h5; assert B.(loc_disjoint (loc_buffer s) (loc_buffer dst)); P.reveal_ctx_inv (as_lib s) h0 h5 ) #pop-options