# Only exercised by Travis CI. This requires a full kremlib to be setup. Regular # CI regenerates these files and compiles them from the main Makefile. It would # be nice to delegate building & running C tests to this Makefile from the main # Makefile for the purposes of sharing. SOURCES = $(wildcard *.c) CFLAGS += -I../../gcc-compatible CFLAGS += -I../../kremlin/include CFLAGS += -I../../kremlin/kremlib/dist/minimal all: $(patsubst %.c,%.test,$(SOURCES)) %.exe: %.o ../../gcc-compatible/libevercrypt.a $(KREMLIN_HOME)/kremlib/dist/generic/libkremlib.a $(CC) $^ -o $@ .PHONY: .test %.test: %.exe ./$< clean: rm -rf *.o *.d *.exe