module EverCrypt.CTR module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST module HS = FStar.HyperStack module B = LowStar.Buffer module G = FStar.Ghost friend Spec.Cipher.Expansion friend EverCrypt.CTR.Keys open EverCrypt.CTR.Keys open FStar.HyperStack.ST open LowStar.BufferOps open Spec.Cipher.Expansion open Spec.Agile.CTR #set-options "--max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0" noextract let nonce_upper_bound a = match a with | AES128 | AES256 -> block_length a | CHACHA20 -> 12 noeq type state_s (a: Spec.cipher_alg) = | State: i:impl -> g_iv: G.erased (Spec.nonce a) -> iv: B.buffer uint8 { B.length iv = nonce_upper_bound a } -> iv_len: UInt32.t { UInt32.v iv_len = Seq.length (G.reveal g_iv) } -> g_key: G.erased (Spec.key a) -> xkey: B.buffer uint8 { B.length xkey = concrete_xkey_length i } -> ctr: UInt32.t -> state_s a let freeable_s #a s = let State _ _ iv _ _ key _ = s in B.freeable iv /\ B.freeable key let footprint_s #a s = let State _ _ iv _ _ key _ = s in B.(loc_addr_of_buffer iv `loc_union` loc_addr_of_buffer key) let cpu_features_invariant (i: impl): Type0 = match i with | Vale_AES128 | Vale_AES256 -> EverCrypt.TargetConfig.hacl_can_compile_vale /\ Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s.(aesni_enabled /\ pclmulqdq_enabled /\ avx_enabled /\ sse_enabled) | Hacl_CHACHA20 -> True let invariant_s #a h s = let State i g_iv iv _ g_key ek _ = s in let g_iv = G.reveal g_iv in a = cipher_alg_of_impl i /\ h iv /\ h ek /\ B.disjoint ek iv /\ g_iv `Seq.equal` Seq.slice (B.as_seq h iv) 0 (Seq.length g_iv) /\ concrete_expand i (G.reveal g_key) `Seq.equal` B.as_seq h ek /\ cpu_features_invariant i let _: squash (inversion impl) = allow_inversion impl let _: squash (inversion cipher_alg) = allow_inversion cipher_alg let invert_state_s (a: alg): Lemma (requires True) (ensures (inversion (state_s a))) [ SMTPat (state_s a) ] = allow_inversion (state_s a) let invariant_loc_in_footprint #_ _ _ = () let frame_invariant #_ _ _ _ _ = () let kv #a (s: state_s a) = let State _ _ _ _ g_key _ _ = s in G.reveal g_key let iv #a (s: state_s a) = let State _ g_iv _ _ _ _ _ = s in G.reveal g_iv let ctr #a (h: HS.mem) (s: state a) = UInt32.v (State?.ctr (B.deref h s)) let alg_of_state _ s = let State i _ _ _ _ _ _ = !*s in cipher_alg_of_impl i let vale_impl_of_alg (a: vale_cipher_alg): vale_impl = match a with | AES128 -> Vale_AES128 | AES256 -> Vale_AES256 friend Lib.IntTypes #push-options "--z3rlimit 100" inline_for_extraction noextract let create_in_vale (i: vale_impl): create_in_st (cipher_alg_of_impl i) = fun r dst k iv iv_len c -> let has_aesni = EverCrypt.AutoConfig2.has_aesni () in let has_pclmulqdq = EverCrypt.AutoConfig2.has_pclmulqdq () in let has_avx = EverCrypt.AutoConfig2.has_avx() in let has_sse = EverCrypt.AutoConfig2.has_sse() in [@inline_let] let a = cipher_alg_of_impl i in if iv_len `` 12ul then InvalidIVLength else if EverCrypt.TargetConfig.hacl_can_compile_vale && (has_aesni && has_pclmulqdq && has_avx && has_sse) then (**) let h0 = ST.get () in (**) let g_iv = G.hide (B.as_seq h0 iv) in (**) let g_key: G.erased (key a) = G.hide (B.as_seq h0 (k <: B.buffer uint8)) in let ek = B.malloc r 0uy (concrete_xkey_len i) in vale_expand i k ek; (**) let h1 = ST.get () in (**) B.modifies_only_not_unused_in B.loc_none h0 h1; let iv' = B.malloc r 0uy 16ul in B.blit iv 0ul iv' 0ul iv_len; (**) let h2 = ST.get () in (**) B.modifies_only_not_unused_in B.loc_none h0 h2; let p = B.malloc r (State (vale_impl_of_alg a) g_iv iv' iv_len g_key ek c) 1ul in (**) let h3 = ST.get () in (**) B.modifies_only_not_unused_in B.loc_none h0 h3; assert (B.fresh_loc (footprint h3 p) h0 h3); dst *= p; (**) let h4 = ST.get () in (**) B.modifies_only_not_unused_in B.(loc_buffer dst) h0 h4; Success else UnsupportedAlgorithm let create_in a r dst k iv iv_len c = match a with | AES128 -> create_in_vale Vale_AES128 r dst k iv iv_len c | AES256 -> create_in_vale Vale_AES256 r dst k iv iv_len c | CHACHA20 -> (**) let h0 = ST.get () in (**) let g_iv = G.hide (B.as_seq h0 iv) in (**) let g_key: G.erased (key a) = G.hide (B.as_seq h0 (k <: B.buffer uint8)) in [@inline_let] let l = concrete_xkey_len Hacl_CHACHA20 in let ek = B.malloc r 0uy l in B.blit k 0ul ek 0ul l; (**) let h1 = ST.get () in (**) B.modifies_only_not_unused_in B.loc_none h0 h1; let iv' = B.malloc r 0uy iv_len in B.blit iv 0ul iv' 0ul iv_len; (**) let h2 = ST.get () in (**) B.modifies_only_not_unused_in B.loc_none h0 h2; let p = B.malloc r (State Hacl_CHACHA20 g_iv iv' 12ul g_key ek c) 1ul in (**) let h3 = ST.get () in (**) B.modifies_only_not_unused_in B.loc_none h0 h3; assert (B.fresh_loc (footprint h3 p) h0 h3); dst *= p; (**) let h4 = ST.get () in (**) B.modifies_only_not_unused_in B.(loc_buffer dst) h0 h4; Success inline_for_extraction noextract let copy_or_expand (i: impl) (k: B.buffer uint8 { B.length k = Spec.key_length (cipher_alg_of_impl i) }) (ek: B.buffer uint8 { B.len ek = concrete_xkey_len i }): Stack unit (requires (fun h0 -> h0 k /\ h0 ek /\ B.disjoint k ek /\ cpu_features_invariant i)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> B.(modifies (loc_buffer ek) h0 h1) /\ B.as_seq h1 ek `Seq.equal` concrete_expand i (B.as_seq h0 k))) = match i with | Vale_AES128 -> if EverCrypt.TargetConfig.hacl_can_compile_vale then vale_expand Vale_AES128 k ek | Vale_AES256 -> if EverCrypt.TargetConfig.hacl_can_compile_vale then vale_expand Vale_AES256 k ek | Hacl_CHACHA20 -> B.blit k 0ul ek 0ul 32ul let init a p k iv iv_len c = let State i _ iv' _ _ ek _ = !*p in [@inline_let] let k: B.buffer uint8 = k in (**) let h0 = ST.get () in (**) let g_iv = G.hide (B.as_seq h0 iv) in (**) let g_key: G.erased (key (cipher_alg_of_impl i)) = G.hide (B.as_seq h0 k) in B.blit iv 0ul iv' 0ul iv_len; (**) let h1 = ST.get () in (**) assert B.(modifies (footprint_s (B.deref h0 p)) h0 h1); copy_or_expand i k ek; (**) let h2 = ST.get () in (**) assert B.(modifies (footprint_s (B.deref h0 p)) h1 h2); // TODO: two in-place updates p *= (State i g_iv iv' iv_len g_key ek c) noextract let as_vale_key (i: vale_impl) (k: key (cipher_alg_of_impl i)): s:Seq.seq Vale.Def.Types_s.nat32 { Vale.AES.AES_s.is_aes_key_LE (vale_alg_of_vale_impl i) s } = let open Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s in let k_nat = seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 k in let k_w = seq_nat8_to_seq_nat32_LE k_nat in k_w // Main (missing) proof of functional equivalence between Vale and HACL. let vale_encrypt_is_hacl_encrypt (i: vale_impl) (k: key (cipher_alg_of_impl i)) (ctr_block: Seq.lseq uint8 16) (input: Seq.lseq uint8 16): Lemma (ensures ( let open Vale.Def.Words_s in let open Vale.Def.Types_s in let open Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s in // Vale version let a = vale_alg_of_vale_impl i in let ctr_block_nat8 = seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 ctr_block in let k_nat32 = as_vale_key i k in let input_nat8 = seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 input in let cipher_nat8 = Vale.AES.GCTR_s.gctr_encrypt_LE (le_bytes_to_quad32 ctr_block_nat8) (Vale.AES.GCTR.make_gctr_plain_LE input_nat8) a k_nat32 in let cipher = seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 cipher_nat8 in // HACL version let a = aes_alg_of_alg (cipher_alg_of_impl i) in let cipher' = Spec.Loops.seq_map2 xor8 input Spec.AES.(aes_encrypt_block a (aes_key_expansion a k) ctr_block) in cipher `Seq.equal` cipher')) = admit () inline_for_extraction noextract let gctr_bytes (i: vale_impl): Vale.Wrapper.X64.GCTR.gctr_bytes_st (vale_alg_of_vale_impl i) = match i with | Vale_AES128 -> Vale.Wrapper.X64.GCTR.gctr_bytes_stdcall128 | Vale_AES256 -> Vale.Wrapper.X64.GCTR.gctr_bytes_stdcall256 friend Spec.Agile.Cipher inline_for_extraction let uint128_of_uint32 (x: UInt32.t): y:UInt128.t { UInt128.v y = UInt32.v x } = let open FStar.Int.Cast.Full in uint64_to_uint128 (uint32_to_uint64 x) inline_for_extraction noextract let update_block_vale (i: vale_impl): update_block_st (cipher_alg_of_impl i) = fun p dst src -> let State _ g_iv iv iv_len g_key ek c0 = !*p in let open Vale.Wrapper.X64.GCTR in let open LowStar.Endianness in push_frame (); // Prepare the block. See Spec.AES.aes_ctr_key_block for instance. let ctr_block = B.alloca (0uy <: uint8) 16ul in (**) let h0 = ST.get () in B.blit iv 0ul ctr_block 0ul iv_len; (**) let h1 = ST.get () in // Proof steps missing: // - show that repeati is equivalent to a blit // - show that the uint128 addition does what aes_ctr_block_add_counter // does (the right lemmas should be there already...) (* assert ( let open Lib.ByteSequence in let open Lib.IntTypes in let open Lib.Sequence in let open Lib.LoopCombinators in let block0 = B.as_seq h0 ctr_block in let spec0 = create 16 (u8 0) in let iv = B.as_seq h0 iv in let block1 = B.as_seq h1 ctr_block in let spec1 = repeati #(lbytes 16) (length iv) (fun i b -> b.[i] <- Seq.index iv i) spec0 in block0 `Seq.equal` spec0 /\ block1 `Seq.equal` spec1 ); admit () | _ -> admit () *) // Interpreting potential overflow bytes of the IV as part of a 128-bit // counter dictated by HACL* spec. let c: UInt128.t = load128_be ctr_block `UInt128.add_mod` (uint128_of_uint32 c0) in store128_le ctr_block c; (**) let h2 = ST.get () in (**) Vale.Arch.BufferFriend.lemma_be_to_n_is_nat_from_bytes (B.as_seq h1 ctr_block); (**) Vale.Arch.BufferFriend.lemma_n_to_be_is_nat_to_bytes 16 (UInt128.v c); gctr_bytes i (G.elift1 (as_vale_key i) g_key) src 16uL dst (B.sub ek 0ul (key_offset i)) ctr_block; (**) vale_encrypt_is_hacl_encrypt i (G.reveal g_key) (B.as_seq h2 ctr_block) (B.as_seq h2 src); let c = c0 `UInt32.add_mod` 1ul in p *= (State #(cipher_alg_of_impl i) i g_iv iv iv_len g_key ek c); pop_frame (); admit () let update_block a p dst src = let State i g_iv iv iv_len g_key ek c0 = !*p in match i with | Vale_AES128 -> if EverCrypt.TargetConfig.hacl_can_compile_vale then update_block_vale Vale_AES128 p dst src | Vale_AES256 -> if EverCrypt.TargetConfig.hacl_can_compile_vale then update_block_vale Vale_AES256 p dst src | Hacl_CHACHA20 -> let open Hacl.Impl.Chacha20 in push_frame (); let ctx = B.alloca 0ul 16ul in // NOTE: chacha20_init must be called with 0ul because encrypt_block also // takes a counter argument and increments too! There may be a way to keep // the allocated initial block in the state, but not doing that for now. chacha20_init ctx ek (B.sub iv 0ul 12ul) 0ul; chacha20_encrypt_block ctx dst c0 src; pop_frame (); // There's a non-trivial proof of spec equivalence here. See discussion in // Spec.Chacha20. admit () let free a p = let State i g_iv iv iv_len g_key ek c0 = !*p in iv; ek; p