module Test.NoHeap module H = EverCrypt.Hash module B = LowStar.Buffer module L = Test.Lowstarize module U32 = FStar.UInt32 open FStar.HyperStack.ST open FStar.Integers open LowStar.BufferOps open Test.Lowstarize /// A module that contains stack-only tests, suitable for both C and Wasm. Other /// tests that may make arbitrary use of the heap are in Test and Test.Hash. /// /// .. note:: /// Tests in this module are *VERIFIED*. Please keep it this way. noextract unfold inline_for_extraction let (!$) = C.String.((!$)) noextract unfold inline_for_extraction let failwith = C.Failure.failwith /// Using meta-evaluated Low* test vectors from Test.Vectors /// ======================================================== /// /// Hashes /// ------ #set-options "--max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0 --z3rlimit 300" val test_one_hash: hash_vector -> Stack unit (fun _ -> true) (fun _ _ _ -> true) let test_one_hash vec = let a, input, (LB expected_len expected), repeat = vec in let input_len = C.String.strlen input in let tlen = Hacl.Hash.Definitions.hash_len a in if expected_len <> tlen then failwith !$"Wrong length of expected tag\n" else if repeat = 0ul then failwith !$"Repeat must be non-zero\n" else if not (input_len <= (0xfffffffful - 1ul) / repeat) then failwith !$"Repeated input is too large\n" else begin push_frame(); let computed = B.alloca 0uy tlen in assert_norm (v 0xfffffffful = pow2 32 - 1); assert (v input_len * v repeat + 1 < pow2 32); let total_input_len = input_len * repeat in let total_input = B.alloca 0uy (total_input_len + 1ul) in let total_input = B.sub total_input 0ul total_input_len in let h0 = get () in C.Loops.for 0ul repeat (fun h i -> h total_input /\ B.modifies (B.loc_buffer total_input) h0 h) (fun i -> assert (v input_len * v i + v input_len <= v input_len * (v repeat - 1) + v input_len); assert (v input_len * v i + v input_len <= v input_len * v repeat); C.String.memcpy (B.sub total_input (input_len * i) input_len) input input_len ); EverCrypt.Hash.uint32_fits_maxLength a total_input_len; assert (v total_input_len <= Spec.Hash.Definitions.max_input_length a + 1); EverCrypt.Hash.hash a computed total_input total_input_len; B.recall expected; let str = H.string_of_alg a in TestLib.compare_and_print str expected computed tlen; pop_frame() end let test_hash = test_many !$"Hashes" test_one_hash /// HMAC /// ---- let supported_hmac_algorithm a = let open Spec.Hash.Definitions in match a with | MD5 | SHA2_224 -> false | _ -> true let keysized (a:H.alg) (l: UInt32.t): Tot (b:bool{b ==> Spec.Agile.HMAC.keysized a (UInt32.v l) }) = EverCrypt.Hash.uint32_fits_maxLength a l; assert (v l <= Spec.Hash.Definitions.max_input_length a); assert_norm (v 0xfffffffful = pow2 32 - 1); l <= 0xfffffffful - Hacl.Hash.Definitions.block_len a val test_one_hmac: hmac_vector -> Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) let test_one_hmac vec = let ha, (LB keylen key), (LB datalen data), (LB expectedlen expected) = vec in if expectedlen <> Hacl.Hash.Definitions.hash_len ha then failwith !$"Wrong length of expected tag\n" else if not (keysized ha keylen) then failwith !$"Keysized predicate not satisfied\n" else if not (datalen <= 0xfffffffful - Hacl.Hash.Definitions.block_len ha) then failwith !$"Datalen predicate not satisfied\n" else if supported_hmac_algorithm ha then begin push_frame(); assert (Spec.Agile.HMAC.keysized ha (v keylen)); assert (v datalen + Spec.Hash.Definitions.block_length ha < pow2 32); B.recall key; B.recall data; let computed = B.alloca 0uy (Hacl.Hash.Definitions.hash_len ha) in EverCrypt.HMAC.compute ha computed key keylen data datalen; let str = EverCrypt.Hash.string_of_alg ha in B.recall expected; TestLib.compare_and_print str expected computed (Hacl.Hash.Definitions.hash_len ha); pop_frame() end let test_hmac = test_many !$"HMAC" test_one_hmac /// HMAC-DRBG /// ---- val test_one_hmac_drbg: hmac_drbg_vector -> Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) let test_one_hmac_drbg vec = let open Hacl.HMAC_DRBG in let open EverCrypt.DRBG in let open Lib.IntTypes in let a, LB entropy_input_len entropy_input, LB nonce_len nonce, LB personalization_string_len personalization_string, LB entropy_input_reseed_len entropy_input_reseed, LB additional_input_reseed_len additional_input_reseed, (LB additional_input_1_len additional_input_1, LB additional_input_2_len additional_input_2), LB returned_bits_len returned_bits = vec in // EverCrypt.DRBG sources entropy internally. // We don't use entropy_input, entropy_input_reseed, nonce, and returned_bits // from the test vector, but we test safety of the API. B.recall personalization_string; B.recall additional_input_reseed; B.recall additional_input_1; B.recall additional_input_2; if not (Spec.HMAC_DRBG.is_supported_alg a && 0ul <. returned_bits_len && returned_bits_len <. 0xFFFFFFFFul) then C.exit (-1l) else begin push_frame(); let output = B.alloca (u8 0) returned_bits_len in let st = alloca a in [@inline_let] let a = Ghost.hide a in let ok = instantiate a st personalization_string personalization_string_len in if ok then // We always provide prediction_resistance, so technically we don't need to reseed let ok = reseed a st additional_input_reseed additional_input_reseed_len in if ok then let ok = generate a output st returned_bits_len additional_input_1 additional_input_1_len in if ok then let ok = generate a output st returned_bits_len additional_input_2 additional_input_2_len in if ok then TestLib.compare_and_print !$"HMAC-DRBG" output output returned_bits_len else C.exit 1l else C.exit 1l else C.exit 1l else C.exit 1l; pop_frame() end let test_hmac_drbg = test_many !$"HMAC-DRBG" test_one_hmac_drbg /// HKDF /// ---- val test_one_hkdf: hkdf_vector -> Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) let test_one_hkdf vec = let ha, (LB ikmlen ikm), (LB saltlen salt), (LB infolen info), (LB prklen expected_prk), (LB okmlen expected_okm) = vec in if prklen <> Hacl.Hash.Definitions.hash_len ha then failwith !$"Wrong length of expected PRK\n" else if okmlen > 255ul * Hacl.Hash.Definitions.hash_len ha then failwith !$"Wrong output length\n" else if not (keysized ha saltlen) then failwith !$"Saltlen is not keysized\n" else if not (keysized ha prklen) then failwith !$"Prklen is not keysized\n" else if not (ikmlen <= 0xfffffffful - Hacl.Hash.Definitions.block_len ha) then failwith !$"ikmlen is too large\n" else if not (infolen <= 0xfffffffful - Hacl.Hash.Definitions.(block_len ha + hash_len ha + 1ul)) then failwith !$"infolen is too large\n" else if supported_hmac_algorithm ha then begin push_frame(); assert (Spec.Agile.HMAC.keysized ha (v saltlen)); assert (v ikmlen + Spec.Hash.Definitions.block_length ha < pow2 32); assert Spec.Hash.Definitions.(hash_length ha + v infolen + 1 + block_length ha < pow2 32); B.recall salt; B.recall ikm; B.recall info; let str = EverCrypt.Hash.string_of_alg ha in let computed_prk = B.alloca 0uy (Hacl.Hash.Definitions.hash_len ha) in EverCrypt.HKDF.extract ha computed_prk salt saltlen ikm ikmlen; B.recall expected_prk; TestLib.compare_and_print str expected_prk computed_prk (Hacl.Hash.Definitions.hash_len ha); let computed_okm = B.alloca 0uy (okmlen + 1ul) in let computed_okm = B.sub computed_okm 0ul okmlen in EverCrypt.HKDF.expand ha computed_okm computed_prk prklen info infolen okmlen; B.recall expected_okm; TestLib.compare_and_print str expected_okm computed_okm okmlen; pop_frame() end let test_hkdf = test_many !$"HKDF" test_one_hkdf /// Chacha20 /// -------- friend Lib.IntTypes let test_one_chacha20 (v: chacha20_vector): Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) = let (LB key_len key), (LB iv_len iv), ctr, (LB plain_len plain), (LB cipher_len cipher) = v in if cipher_len = 0xfffffffful then failwith !$"Cipher too long" else if cipher_len <> plain_len then failwith !$"Cipher len and plain len don't match" else if key_len <> 32ul then failwith !$"invalid key len" else if iv_len <> 12ul then failwith !$"invalid iv len" else if not (ctr <= 0xfffffffful - cipher_len / 64ul) then failwith !$"invalid len" else begin push_frame (); B.recall key; B.recall iv; B.recall plain; B.recall cipher; let cipher' = B.alloca 0uy (cipher_len + 1ul) in let cipher' = B.sub cipher' 0ul cipher_len in EverCrypt.Cipher.chacha20 plain_len cipher' plain key iv ctr; TestLib.compare_and_print !$"of ChaCha20 message" cipher cipher' cipher_len; pop_frame () end let test_chacha20 = test_many !$"CHACHA20" test_one_chacha20 /// Using generated vectors in the vectors/ directory /// ================================================= /// Poly1305 /// -------- let test_one_poly1305 (v: Test.Vectors.Poly1305.vector): Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) = let open Test.Vectors.Poly1305 in let Vector tag tag_len key key_len input input_len = v in push_frame (); if not (4294967295ul `U32.sub` 16ul `U32.gte` input_len) then C.Failure.failwith !$"Error: skipping a test_poly1305 instance because bounds do not hold\n" else begin B.recall key; B.recall tag; B.recall input; let h0 = get () in let dst = B.alloca 0uy 16ul in let h1 = get () in B.recall input; B.recall key; B.recall tag; if key_len = 32ul then EverCrypt.Poly1305.poly1305 dst input input_len key; B.recall tag; if tag_len = 16ul then TestLib.compare_and_print !$"Poly1305" tag dst 16ul end; pop_frame () let test_poly1305 () : Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) = test_many !$"poly1305" test_one_poly1305 Test.Vectors.Poly1305.(LB vectors_len vectors) /// Curve25519 /// ---------- let test_one_curve25519 (v: Test.Vectors.Curve25519.vector): Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) = let open Test.Vectors.Curve25519 in let Vector result result_len public public_len private_ private__len valid = v in push_frame (); B.recall result; B.recall public; B.recall private_; let h0 = get () in let dst = B.alloca 0uy 32ul in let h1 = get () in B.recall result; B.recall public; B.recall private_; if public_len = 32ul && private__len = 32ul then EverCrypt.Curve25519.scalarmult dst private_ public; B.recall result; if result_len = 32ul && valid then TestLib.compare_and_print !$"Curve25519" result dst 32ul; pop_frame () let test_curve25519 () : Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) = test_many !$"curve25519" test_one_curve25519 Test.Vectors.Curve25519.(LB vectors_len vectors) /// Chacha20-Poly1305 /// ----------------- #push-options "--z3rlimit 32" let test_one_chacha20poly1305 (v: Test.Vectors.Chacha20Poly1305.vector): Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) = let Test.Vectors.Chacha20Poly1305.Vector cipher_and_tag cipher_and_tag_len plain plain_len aad aad_len nonce nonce_len key key_len = v in if not (key_len = 32ul) then C.Failure.failwith !$"chacha20poly1305: not (key_len = 32ul)" else if not (nonce_len = 12ul) then C.Failure.failwith !$"chacha20poly1305: not (nonce_len = 12ul)" else if not ((4294967295ul `U32.sub` 16ul) `U32.gte` plain_len) then C.Failure.failwith !$"chacha20poly1305: not ((4294967295ul `U32.sub` 16ul) `U32.gte` plain_len)" else if not ((plain_len `U32.div` 64ul) `U32.lte` (4294967295ul `U32.sub` aad_len)) then C.Failure.failwith !$"chacha20poly1305: not ((plain_len `U32.div` 64ul) `U32.lte` (4294967295ul `U32.sub` aad_len))" else if not (cipher_and_tag_len = plain_len `U32.add` 16ul) then C.Failure.failwith !$"chacha20poly1305: not (cipher_and_tag_len = plain_len `U32.add` 16ul)" else begin B.recall plain; B.recall cipher_and_tag; B.recall aad; B.recall nonce; B.recall key; push_frame (); let tmp = B.alloca 0uy (plain_len `U32.add` 16ul) in let tmp_msg' = B.sub tmp 0ul plain_len in let tag' = B.sub tmp plain_len 16ul in EverCrypt.Chacha20Poly1305.aead_encrypt key nonce aad_len aad plain_len plain tmp_msg' tag'; TestLib.compare_and_print !$"chacha20poly1305 cipher and tag" cipher_and_tag tmp cipher_and_tag_len; let cipher = B.sub cipher_and_tag 0ul plain_len in let tag = B.sub cipher_and_tag plain_len 16ul in let res = EverCrypt.Chacha20Poly1305.aead_decrypt key nonce aad_len aad plain_len tmp_msg' cipher tag in if res = 0ul then TestLib.compare_and_print !$"chacha20poly1305 plain" plain tmp_msg' plain_len else C.Failure.failwith !$"Failure: chacha20poly1305 aead_decrypt returned nonzero value"; pop_frame () end #pop-options let test_chacha20poly1305 () : Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) = test_many !$"chacha20poly1305" test_one_chacha20poly1305 Test.Vectors.Chacha20Poly1305.(LB vectors_len vectors) /// A main for WASM tests only (ignored by Test) /// ============================================ let main () = let open Test.Vectors in C.String.print !$"Start WASM tests\n"; test_hash hash_vectors_low; test_hmac hmac_vectors_low; test_hmac_drbg hmac_drbg_vectors_low; test_hkdf hkdf_vectors_low; test_chacha20 chacha20_vectors_low; test_poly1305 (); test_curve25519 (); test_chacha20poly1305 (); C.String.print !$"End WASM tests\n"; 0l