module Test module G = FStar.Ghost module B = LowStar.Buffer module U32 = FStar.UInt32 open FStar.HyperStack.ST open EverCrypt.Helpers open EverCrypt.Error module AC = EverCrypt.AutoConfig2 module SC = EverCrypt.StaticConfig module H = EverCrypt.Hash open Test.Vectors open LowStar.BufferOps open C.Failure open Spec.Hash.Definitions open Test.Lowstarize // This contains hashes, hmac, hmac_drbg, hkdf, chacha20, poly1305, curve25519, chacha20poly1305 open Test.NoHeap (* the following two are necessary to connect with EverCrypt.Cipher and EverCrypt.Curve25519 *) friend Lib.Buffer friend Lib.IntTypes // #reset-options "--using_facts_from '* -Test.Vectors'" // #push-options "--z3rlimit 50 --max_fuel 1 --max_ifuel 0" let aead_vector = cipher * vec8 * vec8 * vec8 * vec8 * vec8 * vec8 // 2018.08.08 SZ: TODO: verify the rest once we have a proper EverCrypt.Specs type block_cipher_vector = block_cipher * vec8 * vec8 * vec8 module HST = FStar.HyperStack.ST // JP: disabling legacy tests (* val test_one_aes_ecb : block_cipher -> block_cipher_vector -> Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) let test_one_aes_ecb block0 v = let block, (LB key_len key), (LB plain_len plain), (LB cipher_len cipher) = v in if block <> block0 then () else if not (cipher_len = 16ul) then C.Failure.failwith !$"Error: skipping a test_aes_ecb instance because bounds do not hold\n" else begin push_frame(); let cipher' = B.alloca 0uy 16ul in let s0 = TestLib.cpucycles () in let h0 = HST.get () in [@inline_let] // to isolate the "assume False" into a delimited scope let f () : HST.Stack unit (requires (fun h -> h == h0)) (ensures (fun _ _ h -> B.modifies (B.loc_buffer cipher') h0 h)) = match block with | AES128 -> let k = assume False; EverCrypt.aes128_create key in EverCrypt.aes128_compute k plain cipher'; EverCrypt.aes128_free k | AES256 -> let k = assume False; EverCrypt.aes256_create key in EverCrypt.aes256_compute k plain cipher'; EverCrypt.aes256_free k in f (); let s1 = TestLib.cpucycles () in TestLib.print_cycles_per_round s0 s1 1ul; B.recall cipher; TestLib.compare_and_print !$"of AES128 block" cipher cipher' 16ul; pop_frame() end *) /// Test drivers (* let test_aes_ecb (block0: block_cipher) : Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) = Test.NoHeap.test_many !$"cipher" (test_one_aes_ecb block0) block_cipher_vectors_low *) let aead_key_length32 (al: Spec.Agile.AEAD.alg) : Tot (x: U32.t { U32.v x == Spec.Agile.AEAD.key_length al } ) = let open Spec.Agile.AEAD in match al with | AES128_GCM -> 16ul | AES256_GCM -> 32ul | CHACHA20_POLY1305 -> 32ul | AES128_CCM -> 16ul | AES128_CCM8 -> 16ul | AES256_CCM -> 32ul | AES256_CCM8 -> 32ul let aead_max_length32 (al: Spec.Agile.AEAD.alg) : Tot (x: U32.t { Spec.Agile.AEAD.is_supported_alg al ==> U32.v x == Spec.Agile.AEAD.max_length al }) = let open Spec.Agile.AEAD in match al with | CHACHA20_POLY1305 -> 4294967295ul `U32.sub` 16ul | AES128_GCM | AES256_GCM -> 4294967295ul | _ -> 0ul // dummy let aead_tag_length32 (al: Spec.Agile.AEAD.alg) : Tot (x: U32.t { U32.v x == Spec.Agile.AEAD.tag_length al /\ (Spec.Agile.AEAD.is_supported_alg al ==> U32.v x <= Spec.Agile.AEAD.max_length al) } ) = let open Spec.Agile.AEAD in match al with | AES128_CCM8 -> 8ul | AES256_CCM8 -> 8ul | AES128_GCM -> 16ul | AES256_GCM -> 16ul | CHACHA20_POLY1305 -> 16ul | AES128_CCM -> 16ul | AES256_CCM -> 16ul let aead_iv_length32 (al: Spec.Agile.AEAD.supported_alg) (x:U32.t) : Tot (res:bool{res <==> Spec.Agile.AEAD.iv_length al (U32.v x)}) = let open Spec.Agile.AEAD in match al with | AES128_GCM -> 0ul `` x | AES256_GCM -> 0ul `` x | CHACHA20_POLY1305 -> x = 12ul #reset-options "--using_facts_from '* -Test.Vectors'" #push-options "--z3rlimit 700 --max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0" let test_aead_st alg key key_len iv iv_len aad aad_len tag tag_len plaintext plaintext_len ciphertext ciphertext_len: ST unit (requires (fun _ -> B.recallable key /\ B.recallable iv /\ B.recallable aad /\ B.recallable tag /\ B.recallable plaintext /\ B.recallable ciphertext /\ B.len key == key_len /\ B.len iv == iv_len /\ B.len aad == aad_len /\ B.len tag == tag_len /\ B.len plaintext == plaintext_len /\ B.len ciphertext == ciphertext_len /\ B.disjoint plaintext aad // required by EverCrypt.AEAD.encrypt_st )) (ensures (fun _ _ _ -> True)) = let max_len = aead_max_length32 alg in let _ = assert_norm (pow2 31 == 2147483648) in if not ( Spec.Agile.AEAD.is_supported_alg alg ) then C.Failure.failwith !$"Error: skipping a test_aead_st instance because algo unsupported etc.\n" else if not (key_len = aead_key_length32 alg) then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_aead_st: not (key_len = aead_key_length32 alg)" else if not (tag_len = aead_tag_length32 alg) then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_aead_st: not (tag_len = aead_tag_length32 alg)" else if not (ciphertext_len = plaintext_len) then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_aead_st: not (ciphertext_len = plaintext_len)" else if not (aead_iv_length32 alg iv_len) then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_aead_st: not (iv_len = aead_iv_length32 alg)" else if not (aad_len `U32.lte` max_len) then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_aead_st: not (aad_len `U32.lte` max_len)" else if not (aad_len `U32.lte` 2147483648ul) then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_aead_st: not (aad_len `U32.lte` 2147483648ul)" else if not ((max_len `U32.sub` tag_len) `U32.gte` ciphertext_len) then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_aead_st: not ((max_len `U32.sub` tag_len) `U32.gte` ciphertext_len)" else begin push_frame(); B.recall key; B.recall iv; B.recall aad; B.recall plaintext; let st = B.alloca B.null 1ul in let e = EverCrypt.AEAD.create_in #alg HyperStack.root st key in begin match e with | UnsupportedAlgorithm -> () // Non-fatal since, say, some CI machines may not have AESNI. Was: C.Failure.failwith !$"Failure: AEAD create_in UnsupportedAlgorithm" | Success -> let h1 = HST.get () in let st = B.index st 0ul in assert (B.loc_disjoint (B.loc_buffer iv) (EverCrypt.AEAD.footprint h1 st)); push_frame (); let plaintext_blen = if plaintext_len = 0ul then 1ul else plaintext_len in let plaintext' = B.alloca 0uy plaintext_blen in let plaintext' = B.sub plaintext' 0ul plaintext_len in let ciphertext_blen = if ciphertext_len = 0ul then 1ul else ciphertext_len in let ciphertext' = B.alloca 0uy ciphertext_blen in let ciphertext' = B.sub ciphertext' 0ul ciphertext_len in let tag_blen = if tag_len = 0ul then 1ul else tag_len in let tag' = B.alloca 0uy tag_len in let tag' = B.sub tag' 0ul tag_len in let h2 = HST.get () in EverCrypt.AEAD.frame_invariant B.loc_none st h1 h2; if EverCrypt.AEAD.(encrypt #(G.hide alg) st iv iv_len aad aad_len plaintext plaintext_len ciphertext' tag' <> Success) then C.Failure.failwith !$"Failure AEAD encrypt\n"; let h3 = HST.get () in (match EverCrypt.AEAD.decrypt #(G.hide alg) st iv iv_len aad aad_len ciphertext' ciphertext_len tag' plaintext' with | Success -> B.recall ciphertext; TestLib.compare_and_print !$"of AEAD cipher" ciphertext ciphertext' plaintext_len; TestLib.compare_and_print !$"of AEAD plain" plaintext plaintext' plaintext_len; B.recall tag; TestLib.compare_and_print !$"of AEAD tag" tag tag' tag_len | _ -> C.Failure.failwith !$"Failure AEAD decrypt\n"); pop_frame () end; //EverCrypt.aead_free st; pop_frame () end #pop-options #reset-options let alg_of_alg = function | CHACHA20_POLY1305 -> Spec.Agile.AEAD.CHACHA20_POLY1305 | AES_128_GCM -> Spec.Agile.AEAD.AES128_GCM | AES_256_GCM -> Spec.Agile.AEAD.AES256_GCM val test_aead_loop: Test.Vectors.cipher -> lbuffer aead_vector -> St unit let rec test_aead_loop alg0 (LB len vs) = if len = 0ul then () else begin let open FStar.Integers in let _ = B.recall vs in let v = vs.(0ul) in let alg, (LB key_len key), (LB iv_len iv), (LB aad_len aad), (LB tag_len tag), (LB plaintext_len plaintext), (LB ciphertext_len ciphertext) = v in if alg = alg0 then begin assume (B.disjoint plaintext aad); // required by EverCrypt.AEAD.encrypt_st, and currently we cannot have the tactic automatically prove it test_aead_st (alg_of_alg alg) key key_len iv iv_len aad aad_len tag tag_len plaintext plaintext_len ciphertext ciphertext_len end; B.recall vs; test_aead_loop alg0 (LB (len - 1ul) (B.offset vs 1ul)) end let test_aead (alg0: Test.Vectors.cipher) : St unit = test_aead_loop alg0 aead_vectors_low let rec test_aes128_gcm_loop (i: U32.t): St unit = let open Test.Vectors.Aes128Gcm in if i `U32.gte` vectors_len then () else begin B.recall vectors; assert (U32.v i < B.length vectors); let Vector output output_len tag tag_len input input_len aad aad_len nonce nonce_len key key_len = vectors.(i) in test_aead_st Spec.Agile.AEAD.AES128_GCM key key_len nonce nonce_len aad aad_len tag tag_len input input_len output output_len; test_aes128_gcm_loop (i `U32.add_mod` 1ul) end let test_aes128_gcm () : St unit = test_aes128_gcm_loop 0ul let nonce_bound a (len: UInt32.t): Tot (b:bool { b ==> Spec.Agile.Cipher.nonce_bound a (UInt32.v len) }) = let open Spec.Agile.Cipher in match a with | CHACHA20 -> len = 12ul | _ -> len `U32.lte` 16ul let block_len a: Tot (x:UInt32.t { UInt32.v x = Spec.Agile.Cipher.block_length a }) = match a with | Spec.Agile.Cipher.CHACHA20 -> 64ul | _ -> 16ul let key_len a: Tot (x:UInt32.t { UInt32.v x = Spec.Agile.Cipher.key_length a }) = match a with | Spec.Agile.Cipher.CHACHA20 -> 32ul | Spec.Agile.Cipher.AES128 -> 16ul | Spec.Agile.Cipher.AES256 -> 32ul #push-options "--max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0 --z3rlimit 100" let rec test_ctr_st (a: Spec.Agile.Cipher.cipher_alg) (counter: B.buffer UInt8.t) (counter_len: UInt32.t) (nonce: B.buffer UInt8.t) (nonce_len: UInt32.t) (k: B.buffer UInt8.t) (k_len: UInt32.t) (input: B.buffer UInt8.t) (input_len: UInt32.t) (output: B.buffer UInt8.t) (output_len: UInt32.t): ST unit (requires (fun h0 -> h0 counter /\ B.recallable nonce /\ B.recallable k /\ B.recallable input /\ B.recallable output /\ B.len k == k_len /\ B.len nonce == nonce_len /\ B.len counter == counter_len /\ B.len input == input_len /\ B.len output == output_len /\ B.disjoint input output )) (ensures (fun _ _ _ -> True)) = let open EverCrypt.CTR in if not (k_len = key_len a) then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_ctr_st: not (key_len = key_len a)" else if not (counter_len = 4ul) then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_ctr_st: not (counter_len = 4)" else if not (nonce_bound a nonce_len) then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_ctr_st: not (nonce_bound a nonce_len)" else if not (input_len = output_len) then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_ctr_st: not (input_len = output_len)" else if not (input_len `U32.gte` block_len a) then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_ctr_st: not (input_len >= block_len a)" else begin B.recall k; B.recall nonce; B.recall input; B.recall output; // Might only be correct for AES let ctr = LowStar.Endianness.load32_be counter in if ctr = 0xfffffffful then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_ctr_st: ctr = max_uint32" else begin push_frame (); let output' = B.alloca 0uy (block_len a) in let s = B.alloca B.null 1ul in let r = EverCrypt.CTR.create_in a HyperStack.root s k nonce nonce_len ctr in if r <> Success then C.Failure.failwith !$"test_ctr_st: create_in <> Success" else begin let s = B.index s 0ul in let input_block = B.sub input 0ul (block_len a) in let output_block = B.sub output 0ul (block_len a) in update_block (Ghost.hide a) s output' input_block; free (Ghost.hide a) s; TestLib.compare_and_print !$"of CTR" output_block output' (block_len a); let rest = input_len `U32.sub` block_len a in if rest `` 0ul then begin LowStar.Endianness.store32_be counter (ctr `U32.add_mod` 1ul); test_ctr_st a counter counter_len nonce nonce_len k k_len (B.sub input (block_len a) rest) rest (B.sub output (block_len a) rest) rest end end; pop_frame () end end let rec test_chacha20_ctr_loop (vs: lbuffer chacha20_vector): St unit = let LB len vs = vs in if len <> 0ul then begin B.recall vs; let v = vs.(0ul) in let (LB key_len key), (LB iv_len iv), ctr, (LB plain_len plain), (LB cipher_len cipher) = v in let round_len = (plain_len `U32.div` 64ul) `U32.mul` 64ul in B.recall plain; B.recall cipher; B.recall key; B.recall iv; if cipher_len <> plain_len then failwith !$"chacha-ctr: cipher len and plain len don't match" else begin let plain = B.sub plain 0ul round_len in let cipher = B.sub cipher 0ul round_len in push_frame (); let counter = B.alloca 0uy 4ul in LowStar.Endianness.store32_be counter ctr; assume (B.disjoint plain cipher); test_ctr_st Spec.Agile.Cipher.CHACHA20 counter 4ul iv iv_len key key_len plain round_len cipher round_len; pop_frame () end; B.recall vs; test_chacha20_ctr_loop (LB (len `U32.sub` 1ul) (B.offset vs 1ul)) end #pop-options let test_chacha20_ctr () : St unit = test_chacha20_ctr_loop Test.Vectors.chacha20_vectors_low let rec test_aes128_ctr_loop (i: U32.t): St unit = let open Test.Vectors.Aes128 in if i `U32.gte` vectors_len then () else begin B.recall vectors; assert (U32.v i < B.length vectors); let Vector output output_len counter counter_len nonce nonce_len key key_len input input_len = vectors.(i) in assume (B.disjoint input output); B.recall counter; test_ctr_st Spec.Agile.Cipher.AES128 counter counter_len nonce nonce_len key key_len input input_len output output_len; test_aes128_ctr_loop (i `U32.add_mod` 1ul) end let test_aes128_ctr () : St unit = test_aes128_ctr_loop 0ul let rec test_rng (ctr:UInt32.t) : St unit = () // AR: 09/07: B.alloca won't work, we don't know is_stack_region (get_tip h0) // let open FStar.Integers in // if ctr = 0ul then () // else // begin // let b = B.alloca 0uy 32ul in // EverCrypt.random_sample 32ul b; // C.print_bytes b 32ul; // test_rng (ctr - 1ul) // end let test_dh () : St unit = let p = h"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" in let q = "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" in let g = h"02" in // TODO supposed to use tactics now? () inline_for_extraction noeq type features = { features_avx: bool; features_avx2: bool; features_bmi2: bool; features_adx: bool; features_aesni: bool; features_shaext: bool; } inline_for_extraction let f_concat (f1 f2: features) : Tot features = [@inline_let] let avx = f1.features_avx || f2.features_avx in [@inline_let] let avx2 = f1.features_avx2 || f2.features_avx2 in [@inline_let] let bmi2 = f1.features_bmi2 || f2.features_bmi2 in [@inline_let] let adx = f1.features_adx || f2.features_adx in [@inline_let] let aesni = f1.features_aesni || f2.features_aesni in [@inline_let] let shaext = f1.features_shaext || f2.features_shaext in { features_avx = avx; features_avx2 = avx2; features_bmi2 = bmi2; features_adx = adx; features_aesni = aesni; features_shaext = shaext; } inline_for_extraction let f_none : features = { features_avx = false; features_avx2 = false; features_bmi2 = false; features_adx = false; features_aesni = false; features_shaext = false; } inline_for_extraction let f_avx : features = // [@inline_let] ({ f_none with features_avx = true; }) { features_avx = true; features_avx2 = false; features_bmi2 = false; features_adx = false; features_aesni = false; features_shaext = false; } inline_for_extraction let f_avx2 : features = // [@inline_let] ({ f_none with features_avx2 = true; }) { features_avx = false; features_avx2 = true; features_bmi2 = false; features_adx = false; features_aesni = false; features_shaext = false; } inline_for_extraction let f_bmi2 : features = // [@inline_let] ({ f_none with features_bmi2 = true; }) { features_avx = false; features_avx2 = false; features_bmi2 = true; features_adx = false; features_aesni = false; features_shaext = false; } inline_for_extraction let f_adx : features = // [@inline_let] ({ f_none with features_adx = true; }) { features_avx = false; features_avx2 = false; features_bmi2 = false; features_adx = true; features_aesni = false; features_shaext = false; } inline_for_extraction let f_aesni : features = // [@inline_let] ({ f_none with features_aesni = true; }) { features_avx = false; features_avx2 = false; features_bmi2 = false; features_adx = false; features_aesni = true; features_shaext = false; } inline_for_extraction let f_shaext : features = // [@inline_let] ({ f_none with features_shaext = true; }) { features_avx = false; features_avx2 = false; features_bmi2 = false; features_adx = false; features_aesni = false; features_shaext = true; } inline_for_extraction type impl = | Hacl | Vale | OpenSSL | BCrypt inline_for_extraction let config = (impl & features) inline_for_extraction let check_static_config (c: config) : Stack bool (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) = match c with | (i, f) -> AC.init (); let no_avx = not (AC.has_avx ()) in let no_avx2 = not (AC.has_avx2 ()) in let no_bmi2 = not (AC.has_bmi2 ()) in let no_adx = not (AC.has_adx ()) in let no_aesni = not (AC.has_aesni ()) in let no_shaext = not (AC.has_shaext ()) in if (f.features_avx && no_avx) || (f.features_avx2 && no_avx2) || (f.features_bmi2 && no_bmi2) || (f.features_adx && no_adx) || (f.features_aesni && no_aesni) || (f.features_shaext && no_shaext) then false else match i with | Hacl -> SC.hacl | Vale -> SC.vale | OpenSSL -> SC.openssl | BCrypt -> SC.bcrypt #push-options "--z3rlimit 16" inline_for_extraction let set_config (c: config) : Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) = match c with | (i, f) -> (if i <> Hacl then AC.disable_hacl ()); (if i <> Vale then AC.disable_vale ()); (if i <> OpenSSL then AC.disable_openssl ()); (if i <> BCrypt then AC.disable_bcrypt ()); (if not f.features_avx then AC.disable_avx ()); (if not f.features_avx2 then AC.disable_avx2 ()); (if not f.features_bmi2 then AC.disable_bmi2 ()); (if not f.features_adx then AC.disable_adx ()); (if not f.features_aesni then AC.disable_aesni ()); (if not f.features_shaext then AC.disable_shaext ()) #pop-options inline_for_extraction let print_config (c: config) : Stack unit (fun _ -> True) (fun _ _ _ -> True) = match c with | (i, f) -> begin match i with | Hacl -> C.String.print !$"HACL" | Vale -> C.String.print !$"Vale" | OpenSSL -> C.String.print !$"OpenSSL" | BCrypt -> C.String.print !$"BCrypt" end; (if f.features_avx then C.String.print !$" avx"); (if f.features_avx2 then C.String.print !$" avx2"); (if f.features_bmi2 then C.String.print !$" bmi2"); (if f.features_adx then C.String.print !$" adx"); (if f.features_aesni then C.String.print !$" aesni"); (if f.features_shaext then C.String.print !$" shaext") inline_for_extraction noextract type test_set = ((C.String.t -> St unit) -> St unit) -> St unit inline_for_extraction noextract let ts_nil : test_set = fun _ -> () inline_for_extraction noextract let ts_one (c: config) : Tot test_set = fun test -> if check_static_config c then begin set_config c; test (fun s -> print_config c; C.String.print s) end else begin print_config c; C.String.print !$" SKIP because not in static config\n" end inline_for_extraction noextract let ts_append (ts1 ts2: test_set) : Tot test_set = fun test -> ts1 test; ts2 test inline_for_extraction noextract let ts_snoc (ts: test_set) (c: config) : Tot test_set = ts `ts_append` ts_one c inline_for_extraction noextract let ts_cons (c: config) (ts: test_set) : Tot test_set = ts_one c `ts_append` ts inline_for_extraction noextract let poly1305_test_set = (Hacl, f_avx2) `ts_cons` ( (Hacl, f_avx) `ts_cons` ( (Hacl, f_none) `ts_cons` ( (Vale, f_none) `ts_cons` ( ts_nil)))) inline_for_extraction noextract let curve25519_test_set = (Hacl, f_bmi2 `f_concat` f_adx) `ts_cons` ( (Hacl, f_none) `ts_cons` ts_nil) inline_for_extraction noextract let aes_gcm_test_set = (Vale, f_aesni `f_concat` f_avx) `ts_cons` ( ts_nil) inline_for_extraction noextract let chacha20poly1305_test_set = (Hacl, f_none) `ts_cons` ts_nil inline_for_extraction noextract let hash_test_set = (Vale, f_none) `ts_cons` ( (Vale, f_shaext) `ts_cons` ( (Hacl, f_none) `ts_cons` ( ts_nil))) inline_for_extraction noextract let chacha20_test_set = (Hacl, f_none) `ts_cons` ts_nil inline_for_extraction noextract let aes128_ecb_test_set = (Vale, f_aesni) `ts_cons` ( (Hacl, f_none) `ts_cons` ( ts_nil)) inline_for_extraction noextract let aes256_ecb_test_set = (Hacl, f_none) `ts_cons` ( ts_nil) (* Test bodies *) inline_for_extraction noextract let test_poly1305_body (print: C.String.t -> St unit) : St unit = print !$" >>>>>>>>> Poly1305\n"; test_poly1305 () inline_for_extraction noextract let test_curve25519_body (print: C.String.t -> St unit) : St unit = print !$" >>>>>>>>> Curve25519\n"; test_curve25519 () inline_for_extraction noextract let test_aes_gcm_body (print: C.String.t -> St unit) : St unit = print !$" >>>>>>>>> AEAD (AES128_GCM old vectors)\n"; test_aead AES_128_GCM; print !$" >>>>>>>>> AEAD (AES256_GCM old vectors)\n"; test_aead AES_256_GCM; print !$" >>>>>>>>> AEAD (AES128_GCM vectors)\n"; test_aes128_gcm () inline_for_extraction noextract let test_aes_ctr_body (print: C.String.t -> St unit) : St unit = print !$" >>>>>>>>> CTR (AES128_CTR vectors)\n"; test_aes128_ctr () inline_for_extraction noextract let test_chacha20_ctr_body (print: C.String.t -> St unit) : St unit = print !$" >>>>>>>>> CTR (CHACHA20 vectors)\n"; test_chacha20_ctr () inline_for_extraction let test_chacha20poly1305_body (print: C.String.t -> St unit) : St unit = print !$" >>>>>>>>> AEAD (ChachaPoly vectors)\n"; test_chacha20poly1305 (); print !$" >>>>>>>>> AEAD (ChachaPoly old vectors)\n"; test_aead CHACHA20_POLY1305 inline_for_extraction noextract let test_hash_body (print: C.String.t -> St unit) : St unit = print !$" >>>>>>>>> Hash (Test.Hash)\n"; Test.Hash.main (); print !$" >>>>>>>>> Hash (Test.NoHeap)\n"; test_hash hash_vectors_low; print !$" >>>>>>>>> HMAC (Test.NoHeap)\n"; test_hmac hmac_vectors_low; print !$" >>>>>>>>> HMAC_DRBG (Test.NoHeap)\n"; test_hmac_drbg hmac_drbg_vectors_low; print !$" >>>>>>>>> HKDF (Test.NoHeap)\n"; test_hkdf hkdf_vectors_low inline_for_extraction noextract let test_chacha20_body (print: C.String.t -> St unit) : St unit = print !$" >>>>>>>>> Chacha20\n"; test_chacha20 chacha20_vectors_low (* inline_for_extraction noextract let test_aes128_ecb_body (print: C.String.t -> St unit) : St unit = print !$" >>>>>>>>> AES128_ECB\n"; test_aes_ecb AES128 inline_for_extraction noextract let test_aes256_ecb_body (print: C.String.t -> St unit) : St unit = print !$" >>>>>>>>> AES256_ECB\n"; test_aes_ecb AES256 *) (* Summary *) let print_sep () : St unit = C.String.print !$"=====================\n" let test_all () : St unit = // The CTR-mode tests reuse the test modifiers for the underlying ciphers. poly1305_test_set test_poly1305_body; print_sep (); curve25519_test_set test_curve25519_body; print_sep (); aes_gcm_test_set test_aes_gcm_body; print_sep (); aes_gcm_test_set test_aes_ctr_body; print_sep (); chacha20_test_set test_chacha20_ctr_body; print_sep (); chacha20poly1305_test_set test_chacha20poly1305_body; print_sep (); hash_test_set test_hash_body; print_sep (); chacha20_test_set test_chacha20_body(*; print_sep (); aes128_ecb_test_set test_aes128_ecb_body; print_sep (); aes256_ecb_test_set test_aes256_ecb_body*) let main (): St C.exit_code = push_frame (); test_all (); // AR: 09/07: commenting it, random_init calls fails to verify, also see comment on test_rng above // print !$"\n PSEUDO-RANDOM GENERATOR\n"; // if EverCrypt.random_init () = 1ul then // begin // test_rng 10ul; // EverCrypt.random_cleanup () // end // else // begin // print !$"Failed to seed the PRNG!\n"; // C.portable_exit 3l // end; pop_frame (); C.EXIT_SUCCESS