module MerkleTree.Low.Serialization open FStar.Integers open FStar.Mul open LowStar.Modifies open LowStar.BufferOps open LowStar.Vector open LowStar.RVector open LowStar.Regional open LowStar.Regional.Instances open MerkleTree.Low module HS = FStar.HyperStack module HST = FStar.HyperStack.ST module HH = FStar.Monotonic.HyperHeap module B = LowStar.Buffer module CB = LowStar.ConstBuffer module V = LowStar.Vector module RV = LowStar.RVector module RVI = LowStar.Regional.Instances module U16 = FStar.UInt16 module U32 = FStar.UInt32 module U64 = FStar.UInt64 module U8 = FStar.UInt8 open MerkleTree.Low.Datastructures open MerkleTree.Low.Hashfunctions module MTS = MerkleTree.Spec let uint8_t = U8.t let uint16_t = U16.t let uint32_t = U32.t let uint64_t = U64.t let uint8_p = B.buffer uint8_t type const_uint8_p = const_pointer uint8_t #reset-options "--z3rlimit 5 --initial_fuel 0 --max_fuel 0 --initial_ifuel 0 --max_ifuel 0" private let serialize_bool (ok:bool) (x:bool) (buf:uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{B.len buf = sz}) (pos:uint32_t) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, 0ul) else begin B.upd buf pos (if x then 1uy else 0uy); (true, pos + 1ul) end private let serialize_uint8_t (ok:bool) (x:uint8_t) (buf:uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{B.len buf = sz}) (pos:uint32_t) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, 0ul) else begin B.upd buf pos x; (true, pos + 1ul) end private let serialize_uint16_t (ok:bool) (x:uint16_t) (buf:uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{B.len buf = sz}) (pos:uint32_t) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1)) = let ok, pos = serialize_uint8_t ok (Int.Cast.uint16_to_uint8 (U16.shift_right x 8ul)) buf sz pos in serialize_uint8_t ok (Int.Cast.uint16_to_uint8 x) buf sz pos private let serialize_uint32_t (ok:bool) (x:uint32_t) (buf:uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{B.len buf = sz}) (pos:uint32_t) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1)) = let ok, pos = serialize_uint16_t ok (Int.Cast.uint32_to_uint16 (U32.shift_right x 16ul)) buf sz pos in serialize_uint16_t ok (Int.Cast.uint32_to_uint16 x) buf sz pos private let serialize_uint64_t (ok:bool) (x:uint64_t) (buf:uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{B.len buf = sz}) (pos:uint32_t) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1)) = let ok, pos = serialize_uint32_t ok (Int.Cast.uint64_to_uint32 (U64.shift_right x 32ul)) buf sz pos in serialize_uint32_t ok (Int.Cast.uint64_to_uint32 x) buf sz pos private let serialize_offset_t = serialize_uint64_t private let serialize_index_t = serialize_uint32_t private let rec serialize_hash_i (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (ok:bool) (x:hash #hash_size) (buf:uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{B.len buf = sz}) (pos:uint32_t) (i:uint32_t{i < hash_size}) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf /\ h0 x /\ B.len x = hash_size)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, 0ul) else let b = x.(i) in let ok, pos = serialize_uint8_t ok (Lib.RawIntTypes.u8_to_UInt8 b) buf sz pos in let j = i + 1ul in if j < hash_size then serialize_hash_i #hash_size ok x buf sz pos j else (ok, pos) private let serialize_hash (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (ok:bool) (x:hash #hash_size) (buf:uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{B.len buf = sz}) (pos:uint32_t) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf /\ h0 x /\ B.len x = hash_size)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, 0ul) else serialize_hash_i ok x buf sz pos 0ul private inline_for_extraction let u64_add_fits (x:uint64_t) (y:uint64_t): Tot (r:bool{r ==> UInt.size (U64.v x + U64.v y) 64}) = uint64_max - x >= y #push-options "--z3rlimit 10 --initial_fuel 1 --max_fuel 1" private inline_for_extraction let hash_vec_bytes (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (v:hash_vec #hash_size) : Tot uint64_t = let vs_hs = U64.mul (u32_64 (V.size_of v)) (u32_64 hash_size) in if u64_add_fits vs_hs 4UL then vs_hs + 4UL else uint64_max #pop-options private let rec serialize_hash_vec_i (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (ok:bool) (x:hash_vec #hash_size) (buf:uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{B.len buf = sz}) (pos:uint32_t) (i:uint32_t{i < V.size_of x}) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf /\ RV.rv_inv h0 x /\ loc_disjoint (B.loc_buffer buf) (loc_rvector x))) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> RV.rv_inv h1 x /\ modifies (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, 0ul) else begin let vi = V.index x i in let ok, pos = serialize_hash ok vi buf sz pos in let j = i + 1ul in if j < V.size_of x then serialize_hash_vec_i ok x buf sz pos j else (ok, pos) end private let serialize_hash_vec (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (ok:bool) (x:hash_vec #hash_size) (buf:uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{B.len buf = sz}) (pos:uint32_t) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf /\ RV.rv_inv h0 x /\ HS.disjoint (B.frameOf buf) (Rgl?.region_of (hvreg hash_size) x))) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> RV.rv_inv h1 x /\ modifies (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, 0ul) else begin let h0 = HST.get() in let ok, pos = serialize_uint32_t ok (V.size_of x) buf sz pos in let h1 = HST.get() in RV.rv_inv_preserved x (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1; if ok && V.size_of x > 0ul then serialize_hash_vec_i ok x buf sz pos 0ul else (ok, pos) end private inline_for_extraction let rec hash_vv_bytes_i (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (vv:hash_vv hash_size) (i:uint32_t) : HST.ST uint64_t (requires (fun h0 -> h0 vv)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1)) = if i >= V.size_of vv then 4UL else begin let vvi = V.index vv i in let r = hash_vec_bytes vvi in let rest = hash_vv_bytes_i vv (i+1ul) in if u64_add_fits r rest then begin assert (UInt.size (U64.v r + U64.v rest) 64); r + rest end else uint64_max end private inline_for_extraction let hash_vv_bytes (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (vv:hash_vv hash_size {V.size_of vv = merkle_tree_size_lg}) : HST.ST uint64_t (requires (fun h0 -> h0 vv)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1)) = hash_vv_bytes_i vv 0ul private let rec serialize_hash_vv_i (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (ok:bool) (x:hash_vv hash_size) (buf:uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{B.len buf = sz}) (pos:uint32_t) (i:uint32_t{i < V.size_of x}) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf /\ RV.rv_inv h0 x /\ HS.disjoint (B.frameOf buf) (Rgl?.region_of (hvvreg hash_size) x))) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, 0ul) else begin let vi = V.index x i in let h0 = HST.get() in let ok, pos = serialize_hash_vec #hash_size ok vi buf sz pos in let h1 = HST.get() in RV.rv_inv_preserved x (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1; let j = i + 1ul in if j < V.size_of x then serialize_hash_vv_i #hash_size ok x buf sz pos j else (ok, pos) end private let serialize_hash_vv (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (ok:bool) (x:hash_vv hash_size) (buf:uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{B.len buf = sz}) (pos:uint32_t) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf /\ RV.rv_inv h0 x /\ HS.disjoint (B.frameOf buf) (Rgl?.region_of (hvvreg hash_size) x))) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, 0ul) else begin let h0 = HST.get() in let ok, pos = serialize_uint32_t ok (V.size_of x) buf sz pos in let h1 = HST.get() in RV.rv_inv_preserved x (B.loc_buffer buf) h0 h1; if (V.size_of x > 0ul) then serialize_hash_vv_i ok x buf sz pos 0ul else (ok, pos) end private let deserialize_bool (ok:bool) (buf:const_uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{CB.length buf = U32.v sz}) (pos:uint32_t): HST.ST (bool & uint32_t & bool) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, pos, false) else (true, pos + 1ul, (match CB.index buf pos with| 0uy -> false | _ -> true)) private let deserialize_uint8_t (ok:bool) (buf:const_uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{CB.length buf = U32.v sz}) (pos:uint32_t): HST.ST (bool & uint32_t & uint8_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, pos, 0uy) else (true, pos + 1ul, CB.index buf pos) private let deserialize_uint16_t (ok:bool) (buf:const_uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{CB.length buf = U32.v sz}) (pos:uint32_t): HST.ST (bool & uint32_t & uint16_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, pos, 0us) else begin let ok, pos, b0 = deserialize_uint8_t ok buf sz pos in let ok, pos, b1 = deserialize_uint8_t ok buf sz pos in (ok, pos, (U16.shift_left (Int.Cast.uint8_to_uint16 b0) 8ul) + Int.Cast.uint8_to_uint16 b1) end private let deserialize_uint32_t (ok:bool) (buf:const_uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{CB.length buf = U32.v sz}) (pos:uint32_t): HST.ST (bool & uint32_t & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, pos, 0ul) else begin let ok, pos, b0 = deserialize_uint16_t ok buf sz pos in let ok, pos, b1 = deserialize_uint16_t ok buf sz pos in (ok, pos, (U32.shift_left (Int.Cast.uint16_to_uint32 b0) 16ul) + Int.Cast.uint16_to_uint32 b1) end private let deserialize_uint64_t (ok:bool) (buf:const_uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{CB.length buf = U32.v sz}) (pos:uint32_t): HST.ST (bool & uint32_t & uint64_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, pos, 0UL) else begin let ok, pos, b0 = deserialize_uint32_t ok buf sz pos in let ok, pos, b1 = deserialize_uint32_t ok buf sz pos in (ok, pos, (U64.shift_left (u32_64 b0) 32ul) + u32_64 b1) end private let deserialize_offset_t = deserialize_uint64_t private let deserialize_index_t = deserialize_uint32_t private let deserialize_hash (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (ok:bool) (buf:const_uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{CB.length buf = U32.v sz}) (r:HST.erid) (pos:uint32_t) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t & hash #hash_size) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf)) (ensures (fun h0 (k, _, h) h1 -> (k ==> Rgl?.r_inv (hreg hash_size) h1 h) /\ loc_disjoint (loc_buffer (CB.cast buf)) (loc_buffer h) /\ modifies B.loc_none h0 h1)) = let rg = hreg hash_size in if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, pos, rg_dummy rg) else if sz - pos < hash_size then (false, pos, rg_dummy rg) else begin let hash = rg_alloc rg r in Lib.RawBuffer.blit (CB.cast buf) pos hash 0ul hash_size; (true, pos + hash_size, hash) end private let rec deserialize_hash_vec_i (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (ok:bool) (buf:const_uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{CB.length buf = U32.v sz}) (r:HST.erid) (pos:uint32_t) (res:hash_vec #hash_size) (i:uint32_t{i < V.size_of res}) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf /\ h0 res)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> B.modifies (B.loc_buffer (V.Vec?.vs res)) h0 h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, pos) else begin let ok, pos, h = deserialize_hash ok buf sz r pos in if not ok then (false, pos) else begin V.assign res i h; (* * AR: 04/01: The call deserialize_hash_vec_i below needs liveness of buf * So we have to frame buf liveness for the V.assign call * V.assign provides a modifies postcondition in terms of * loc_vector_within, which is a recursive predicate and * I guess hard to reason about directly * Whereas to reason about liveness of buf, we only need an * overapproximation that V.assign modifies V.Vec?.vs res * Looking at the Vector library, I found the following lemma * that does the trick *) V.loc_vector_within_included res i (i + 1ul); let j = i + 1ul in if j < V.size_of res then deserialize_hash_vec_i ok buf sz r pos res j else (true, pos) end end private let deserialize_hash_vec (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (ok:bool) (buf:const_uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{CB.length buf = U32.v sz}) (r:HST.erid) (pos:uint32_t) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t & hash_vec #hash_size) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> B.modifies B.loc_none h0 h1)) = let rg = hvreg hash_size in if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, pos, rg_dummy rg) else begin let ok, pos, n = deserialize_uint32_t ok buf sz pos in if not ok then (false, pos, V.alloc_empty hash) else if n = 0ul then (true, pos, V.alloc_empty hash) else begin let hrg = hreg hash_size in let res = V.alloc n (rg_dummy hrg) in let ok, pos = deserialize_hash_vec_i ok buf sz r pos res 0ul in (ok, pos, res) end end private let rec deserialize_hash_vv_i (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (ok:bool) (buf:const_uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{CB.length buf = U32.v sz}) (r:HST.erid) (pos:uint32_t) (res:hash_vv hash_size) (i:uint32_t{i < V.size_of res}) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf /\ h0 res /\ B.loc_disjoint (CB.loc_buffer buf) (V.loc_vector res))) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (B.loc_buffer (V.Vec?.vs res)) h0 h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, 0ul) else begin let ok, pos, hv = deserialize_hash_vec ok buf sz r pos in let h0 = HST.get() in if not ok then (false, pos) else begin V.assign res i hv; (* * AR: 04/01: The call deserialize_hash_vv_i below needs liveness of buf * So we have to frame buf liveness for the V.assign call * V.assign provides a modifies postcondition in terms of * loc_vector_within, which is a recursive predicate and * I guess hard to reason about directly * Whereas to reason about liveness of buf, we only need an * overapproximation that V.assign modifies V.Vec?.vs res * Looking at the Vector library, I found the following lemma * that does the trick *) V.loc_vector_within_included res i (i + 1ul); let j = i + 1ul in if j = V.size_of res then (true, pos) else deserialize_hash_vv_i ok buf sz r pos res j end end private let deserialize_hash_vv (#hash_size:hash_size_t) (ok:bool) (buf:const_uint8_p) (sz:uint32_t{CB.length buf = U32.v sz}) (r:HST.erid) (pos:uint32_t) : HST.ST (bool & uint32_t & hash_vv hash_size) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 buf)) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies B.loc_none h0 h1)) = if not ok || pos >= sz then (false, pos, V.alloc_empty hash_vec) else begin let ok, pos, n = deserialize_uint32_t ok buf sz pos in if not ok then (false, pos, V.alloc_empty hash_vec) else if n = 0ul then (true, pos, V.alloc_empty hash_vec) else begin let rg = hvreg hash_size in let res = V.alloc n (rg_dummy rg) in let ok, pos = deserialize_hash_vv_i ok buf sz r pos res 0ul in (ok, pos, res) end end #push-options "--z3rlimit 10" val mt_serialize_size: mt:const_mt_p -> HST.ST uint64_t (requires (fun h0 -> mt_safe h0 (CB.cast mt))) (ensures (fun _ _ h1 -> mt_safe h1 (CB.cast mt))) let mt_serialize_size mt = let mtv = !*(CB.cast mt) in let hs = MT?.hs mtv in let rhs_ok = MT?.rhs_ok mtv in let rhs = MT?.rhs mtv in let hs_sz = hash_vv_bytes hs in if hs_sz < uint32_max then 1UL + // format version 4UL + // hash_size 8UL + // offset 4UL + 4UL + // i, j hs_sz + // hs 1UL + // rhs_ok hash_vec_bytes rhs + // rhs u32_64 (MT?.hash_size mtv) // mroot else uint64_max #pop-options #push-options "--z3rlimit 15 --initial_fuel 1 --max_fuel 1" val mt_serialize: mt:const_mt_p -> output:uint8_p -> sz:uint64_t -> HST.ST uint64_t (requires (fun h0 -> mt_safe h0 (CB.cast mt) /\ h0 output /\ B.length output = U64.v sz /\ HS.disjoint (B.frameOf output) (B.frameOf (CB.cast mt)))) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> mt_safe h1 (CB.cast mt) /\ modifies (B.loc_buffer output) h0 h1)) let mt_serialize mt output sz = let mt = CB.cast mt in let sz = FStar.Int.Cast.uint64_to_uint32 sz in let mtv = !*mt in let h0 = HST.get() in let ok, pos = serialize_uint8_t true 1uy output sz 0ul in // format version = 1uy let h1 = HST.get() in mt_safe_preserved mt (B.loc_buffer output) h0 h1; let ok, pos = serialize_uint32_t ok (MT?.hash_size mtv) output sz pos in let h2 = HST.get() in mt_safe_preserved mt (B.loc_buffer output) h1 h2; let ok, pos = serialize_offset_t ok (MT?.offset mtv) output sz pos in let h3 = HST.get() in mt_safe_preserved mt (B.loc_buffer output) h2 h3; let ok, pos = serialize_uint32_t ok (MT?.i mtv) output sz pos in let h4 = HST.get() in mt_safe_preserved mt (B.loc_buffer output) h3 h4; let ok, pos = serialize_uint32_t ok (MT?.j mtv) output sz pos in let h5 = HST.get() in mt_safe_preserved mt (B.loc_buffer output) h4 h5; let ok, pos = serialize_hash_vv ok (MT?.hs mtv) output sz pos in let h6 = HST.get() in mt_safe_preserved mt (B.loc_buffer output) h5 h6; let ok, pos = serialize_bool ok (MT?.rhs_ok mtv) output sz pos in let h7 = HST.get() in mt_safe_preserved mt (B.loc_buffer output) h6 h7; let ok, pos = serialize_hash_vec ok (MT?.rhs mtv) output sz pos in let h8 = HST.get() in mt_safe_preserved mt (B.loc_buffer output) h7 h8; let ok, pos = serialize_hash ok (MT?.mroot mtv) output sz pos in let h9 = HST.get() in mt_safe_preserved mt (B.loc_buffer output) h8 h9; if ok then (FStar.Int.Cast.uint32_to_uint64 pos) else 0UL #pop-options #push-options "--z3rlimit 15 --initial_fuel 2 --max_fuel 2 --initial_ifuel 1 --max_ifuel 1" val mt_deserialize: #hsz:Ghost.erased hash_size_t -> rid:HST.erid -> input:const_uint8_p -> sz:uint64_t{CB.length input = U64.v sz} -> hash_spec:Ghost.erased(MTS.hash_fun_t #(U32.v (Ghost.reveal hsz))) -> hash_fun:hash_fun_t #(Ghost.reveal hsz) #hash_spec -> HST.ST (B.pointer_or_null merkle_tree) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 input /\ HS.disjoint rid (B.frameOf (CB.cast input)))) (ensures (fun h0 r h1 -> modifies B.loc_none h0 h1 /\ (not (g_is_null r)) ==> MT?.hash_size (B.get h1 r 0) = Ghost.reveal hsz)) let mt_deserialize #ghsz rid input sz hash_spec hash_fun = let sz = FStar.Int.Cast.uint64_to_uint32 sz in let hrid = HST.new_region rid in let hvrid = HST.new_region rid in let hvvrid = HST.new_region rid in let ok, pos, format_version = deserialize_uint8_t true input sz 0ul in let ok = ok && format_version = 1uy in let ok, pos, hsz = deserialize_uint32_t ok input sz pos in if hsz = 0ul then B.null #merkle_tree else begin let ok, pos, offset = deserialize_offset_t ok input sz pos in let ok, pos, i = deserialize_index_t ok input sz pos in let ok, pos, j = deserialize_index_t ok input sz pos in let ok, pos, hs = deserialize_hash_vv #hsz ok input sz hvvrid pos in let ok, pos, rhs_ok = deserialize_bool ok input sz pos in let ok, pos, rhs = deserialize_hash_vec #hsz ok input sz hvrid pos in let ok, pos, mroot = deserialize_hash #hsz ok input sz hrid pos in begin if not ok || not (merkle_tree_conditions #hsz offset i j hs rhs_ok rhs mroot) then B.null #merkle_tree else begin assume (hsz = Ghost.reveal ghsz); // We trust the user to provide a suitable hash_fun. B.malloc rid (MT hsz offset i j hs rhs_ok rhs mroot hash_spec hash_fun) 1ul end end end val mt_serialize_path: #hsz:Ghost.erased hash_size_t -> p:const_path_p -> output:uint8_p -> sz:uint64_t -> HST.ST uint64_t (requires (fun h0 -> let ncp = CB.cast p in let phv = B.get h0 ncp 0 in Path?.hash_size phv = Ghost.reveal hsz /\ path_safe h0 (B.frameOf (CB.cast p)) ncp /\ RV.rv_inv #(hash #hsz) #hash_size_t #(hreg hsz) h0 (Path?.hashes phv) /\ h0 output /\ B.length output = U64.v sz /\ HS.disjoint (B.frameOf output) (B.frameOf ncp))) (ensures (fun h0 _ h1 -> path_safe h1 (B.frameOf (CB.cast p)) (CB.cast p) /\ modifies (B.loc_buffer output) h0 h1)) let mt_serialize_path #hsz p output sz = let hsz = Path?.hash_size !*(CB.cast p) in let sz = FStar.Int.Cast.uint64_to_uint32 sz in let ncp = CB.cast p in let h0 = HST.get() in let ok, pos = serialize_uint32_t true hsz output sz 0ul in let h1 = HST.get() in let ncpd = !*ncp in let ok, pos = serialize_hash_vec #hsz ok (Path?.hashes ncpd) output sz pos in if ok then (FStar.Int.Cast.uint32_to_uint64 pos) else 0UL val mt_deserialize_path: rid:HST.erid -> input:const_uint8_p -> sz:uint64_t{CB.length input = U64.v sz} -> HST.ST (B.pointer_or_null path) (requires (fun h0 -> h0 input /\ HS.disjoint rid (B.frameOf (CB.cast input)))) (ensures (fun h0 r h1 -> modifies B.loc_none h0 h1)) let mt_deserialize_path rid input sz = let sz = FStar.Int.Cast.uint64_to_uint32 sz in let hvvrid = HST.new_region rid in let ok, pos, hash_size = deserialize_uint32_t true input sz 0ul in if not ok || hash_size = 0ul then B.null #path else let ok, pos, hs = deserialize_hash_vec #hash_size ok input sz hvvrid pos in begin if not ok then (B.null #path) else (B.malloc rid (Path hash_size hs) 1ul) end #pop-options