module Spec.Hash.Incremental module S = FStar.Seq module Blake2 = Spec.Blake2 open Spec.Agile.Hash open Spec.Hash.Definitions open Spec.Hash.PadFinish open Spec.Hash.Lemmas friend Spec.Agile.Hash open FStar.Mul module Loops = Lib.LoopCombinators #set-options "--fuel 0 --ifuel 0 --z3rlimit 50" /// A declaration whose sole purpose is to force synchronize the .fst and the .fsti let _sync_decl = unit /// Below we prove once and for all properties about the values returned by /// some utility functions. Note that some of those functions have post-conditions, /// so don't be surprise not to see obvious properties which are already given by /// those postconditions (we don't duplicate them). /// We introduce those lemmas below because they are easy to prove independantly, /// and allow us to make proofs while disabling non-linear artihmetic in Z3 later, /// so as to ensure proofs stability. let blake2_size_block_props (a : hash_alg{is_blake a}) : Lemma( Spec.Blake2.size_block (to_blake_alg a) > 0 /\ Spec.Blake2.size_block (to_blake_alg a) == block_length a) = () let blake2_split_props (a:Blake2.alg) (len:nat) : Lemma( let nb, rem = Blake2.split a len in rem <= len /\ rem <= Blake2.size_block a) = () #push-options "--z3rlimit 100" let split_blocks_props (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (input:bytes) : Lemma (requires (S.length input <= max_input_length a)) (ensures ( let nb, rem = Blake2.split (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input) in let bs, l = split_blocks a input in Seq.length bs = nb * block_length a /\ Seq.length l = rem /\ rem <= block_length a /\ Seq.length input = Seq.length bs + rem /\ rem = Seq.length input - Seq.length bs /\ l `S.equal` S.slice input (S.length input - rem) (S.length input) /\ (Seq.length input <= block_length a ==> (nb = 0 /\ rem = Seq.length input)))) = let nb, rem = Blake2.split (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input) in blake2_split_props (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input); let bs, l = split_blocks a input in () #pop-options let last_split_blake_props (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (input : bytes) : Lemma (requires (Seq.length input <= block_length a)) (ensures ( let blocks, last_block, rem = last_split_blake a input in blocks `Seq.equal` Seq.empty /\ rem = Seq.length input /\ last_block `Seq.equal` Blake2.get_last_padded_block (to_blake_alg a) input rem)) = () let last_split_blake_get_last_padded_block_eq (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (input : bytes) : Lemma (requires S.length input <= max_input_length a) (ensures ( let nb, rem = Blake2.split (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input) in let bs, l = split_blocks a input in let last_block1 = Blake2.get_last_padded_block (to_blake_alg a) input rem in let blocks, last_block2, rem = last_split_blake a l in last_block2 `Seq.equal` last_block1)) = let nb, rem = Blake2.split (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input) in let bs, l = split_blocks a input in let last_block1 = Blake2.get_last_padded_block (to_blake_alg a) input rem in let blocks, last_block2, rem = last_split_blake a l in assert(input `Seq.equal` Seq.append bs l); blake2_split_props (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input); split_blocks_props a input; last_split_blake_props a l; () /// Below are various lemmas used to prove ``repeati_blake2_update1_is_update_multi``. let blake2_update_multi_one_block_eq (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (block : bytes_block a) (hash : words_state' a) (totlen : nat{(totlen + block_length a) <= max_extra_state a}) : Lemma (ensures ( let totlen' = totlen + block_length a in update_multi a (hash, nat_to_extra_state a totlen) block == (Blake2.blake2_update_block (to_blake_alg a) false totlen' block hash, nat_to_extra_state a totlen'))) = let s = (hash, nat_to_extra_state a totlen) in let totlen' = nat_to_extra_state a (totlen + block_length a) in extra_state_add_nat_bound_lem1 #a (nat_to_extra_state a totlen) (block_length a); assert(totlen' == extra_state_add_nat #a (nat_to_extra_state a totlen) (block_length a)); let block1, block2 = Lib.UpdateMulti.split_block (block_length a) block 1 in assert(block2 `S.equal` S.empty); assert(block1 `S.equal` block); calc (==) { update_multi a s block; (==) {} update_multi a (Spec.Agile.Hash.update a s block1) block2; (==) { update_multi_zero a (Spec.Agile.Hash.update a s block1) } Spec.Agile.Hash.update a s block; }; (* TODO: doesn't succeed if I merge this assert with the calc above *) assert( Spec.Agile.Hash.update a s block == ((Blake2.blake2_update_block (to_blake_alg a) false (extra_state_v #a totlen') block hash, totlen'))) /// Auxiliary lemma to help type postconditions let nb_blocks_props (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (nb prev data_length : nat) : Lemma (requires ( nb * block_length a <= data_length /\ prev + data_length <= Blake2.max_limb (to_blake_alg a) /\ prev + nb * block_length a <= max_extra_state a)) (ensures ( nb * block_length a >= 0 /\ nb <= data_length / Spec.Blake2.size_block (to_blake_alg a) /\ nb * block_length a % block_length a = 0)) = Math.Lemmas.nat_times_nat_is_nat nb (block_length a); assert(nb * block_length a >= 0); assert_norm(Spec.Blake2.size_block (to_blake_alg a) > 0); assert_norm(block_length a == Blake2.size_block (to_blake_alg a)); calc (<=) { (nb <: int); (==) { Math.Lemmas.cancel_mul_div nb (block_length a) } (nb * block_length a) / block_length a; (<=) { Math.Lemmas.lemma_div_le (nb * block_length a) data_length (block_length a) } data_length / block_length a; (==) {} data_length / Spec.Blake2.size_block (to_blake_alg a); }; assert_norm(block_length a > 0); Math.Lemmas.multiple_modulo_lemma nb (block_length a) /// Auxiliary lemma to help type postconditions let nb_nonzero_blocks_props (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (nb prev data_length : nat) : Lemma (requires ( nb > 0 /\ nb * block_length a <= data_length /\ prev + data_length <= Blake2.max_limb (to_blake_alg a) /\ prev + nb * block_length a <= max_extra_state a)) (ensures ( nb * block_length a >= 0 /\ nb <= data_length / Spec.Blake2.size_block (to_blake_alg a) /\ nb * block_length a % block_length a = 0 /\ (nb - 1) * block_length a >= 0 /\ (nb - 1) * block_length a < nb * block_length a /\ (nb * block_length a) - ((nb-1) * block_length a) = block_length a /\ Blake2.size_block (to_blake_alg a) == block_length a)) = nb_blocks_props a nb prev data_length; blake2_size_block_props a; Math.Lemmas.lemma_mult_le_right (block_length a) (nb-1) nb; Math.Lemmas.nat_times_nat_is_nat (nb-1) (block_length a); Math.Lemmas.lemma_div_le (nb * block_length a) data_length (block_length a); Math.Lemmas.cancel_mul_div nb (block_length a); Math.Lemmas.distributivity_sub_left nb (nb-1) (block_length a); Math.Lemmas.mul_one_left_is_same (block_length a) #push-options "--z3cliopt" let repeati_blake2_update1_eq (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (nb prev : nat) (d : bytes) (hash : words_state' a) : Lemma (requires ( nb > 0 /\ nb * block_length a <= Seq.length d /\ prev + Seq.length d <= Blake2.max_limb (to_blake_alg a) /\ prev + nb * block_length a <= max_extra_state a)) (ensures ( (**) nb_nonzero_blocks_props a nb prev (Seq.length d); let update1 = Blake2.blake2_update1 (to_blake_alg a) prev d in let block = S.slice d ((nb-1) * block_length a) (nb * block_length a) in Loops.repeati nb update1 hash == Blake2.blake2_update_block (to_blake_alg a) false (prev + nb * block_length a) block (Loops.repeati (nb-1) update1 hash) )) = nb_nonzero_blocks_props a nb prev (Seq.length d); let update1 = Blake2.blake2_update1 (to_blake_alg a) prev d in let block = S.slice d ((nb-1) * block_length a) (nb * block_length a) in Loops.unfold_repeati nb update1 hash (nb - 1) #pop-options let blake2_update_multi_associate_eq1 (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (nb prev : nat) (blocks : bytes{S.length blocks == nb * block_length a}) (hash : words_state' a) : Lemma (requires ( nb > 0 /\ prev + nb * block_length a <= Blake2.max_limb (to_blake_alg a) /\ prev + nb * block_length a <= max_extra_state a )) (ensures ( let blocks1, blocks2 = Seq.split blocks ((nb-1) * block_length a) in update_multi a (hash, nat_to_extra_state a prev) blocks == update_multi a (update_multi a (hash, nat_to_extra_state a prev) blocks1) blocks2)) = let blocks1, blocks2 = Seq.split blocks ((nb-1) * block_length a) in assert(blocks `S.equal` S.append blocks1 blocks2); assert(Seq.length blocks1 == (nb - 1) * block_length a); Math.Lemmas.multiple_modulo_lemma (nb-1) (block_length a); assert(Seq.length blocks2 == 1 * block_length a); Math.Lemmas.multiple_modulo_lemma 1 (block_length a); update_multi_associative a (hash, nat_to_extra_state a prev) blocks1 blocks2 #push-options "--z3cliopt" val repeati_blake2_update1_is_update_multi_aux (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (nb prev : nat) (d : bytes) (hash : words_state' a) : Lemma (requires ( nb * block_length a <= Seq.length d /\ prev + Seq.length d <= Blake2.max_limb (to_blake_alg a) /\ prev + nb * block_length a <= max_extra_state a )) (ensures ( (**) nb_blocks_props a nb prev (Seq.length d); let blocks, _ = Seq.split d (nb * block_length a) in (Loops.repeati #(words_state' a) nb (Blake2.blake2_update1 (to_blake_alg a) prev d) hash, nat_to_extra_state a (prev + nb * block_length a)) == update_multi a (hash, nat_to_extra_state a prev) blocks)) #pop-options #push-options "--fuel 1 --z3cliopt" let rec repeati_blake2_update1_is_update_multi_aux a nb prev d hash = nb_blocks_props a nb prev (Seq.length d); blake2_size_block_props a; let update1 = Blake2.blake2_update1 (to_blake_alg a) prev d in let blocks, _ = Seq.split d (nb * block_length a) in if nb = 0 then begin Loops.eq_repeati0 #(words_state' a) nb update1 hash; assert(Loops.repeati #(words_state' a) nb (Blake2.blake2_update1 (to_blake_alg a) prev d) hash == hash); Math.Lemmas.mul_zero_left_is_zero (block_length a); assert(Seq.length blocks = 0); Spec.Hash.Lemmas.update_multi_zero a (hash, nat_to_extra_state a prev); assert(update_multi a (hash, nat_to_extra_state a prev) blocks == (hash, nat_to_extra_state a prev)); calc (==) { prev + nb * block_length a; (==) { Math.Lemmas.mul_zero_left_is_zero (block_length a) } prev + 0; (==) { Math.Lemmas.add_zero_right_is_same prev } prev; } end else begin repeati_blake2_update1_eq a nb prev d hash; Math.Lemmas.nat_times_nat_is_nat (nb-1) (block_length a); Math.Lemmas.lemma_mult_le_right (block_length a) (nb - 1) nb; assert((nb - 1) * block_length a <= nb * block_length a); let blocks1, blocks2 = Seq.split blocks ((nb-1) * block_length a) in assert(Seq.append blocks1 blocks2 `Seq.equal` blocks); blake2_update_multi_associate_eq1 a nb prev blocks hash; calc (==) { Seq.length blocks1 % block_length a; (==) {} ((nb - 1) * block_length a) % block_length a; (==) { Math.Lemmas.cancel_mul_mod (nb-1) (block_length a) } 0; }; calc (==) { Seq.length blocks2; (==) {} (nb * block_length a) - ((nb-1) * block_length a); (==) { Math.Lemmas.distributivity_sub_left nb (nb-1) (block_length a) } 1 * block_length a; (==) { Math.Lemmas.mul_one_left_is_same (block_length a) } block_length a; }; calc (==) { Seq.length blocks2 % block_length a; (==) {} 1 * block_length a % block_length a; (==) { Math.Lemmas.cancel_mul_mod 1 (block_length a) } 0; }; let s0 = (hash, nat_to_extra_state a prev) in let s1 = update_multi a s0 blocks1 in let s2 = update_multi a s1 blocks2 in let s2' = update_multi a s0 blocks in assert(s2 == s2'); assert((nb - 1) * block_length a <= Seq.length d); assert(prev + Seq.length d <= Blake2.max_limb (to_blake_alg a)); assert(prev + (nb-1) * block_length a <= max_extra_state a); repeati_blake2_update1_is_update_multi_aux a (nb - 1) prev d hash; assert(blocks1 `S.equal` Seq.slice d 0 ((nb-1) * block_length a)); assert( s1 == (Loops.repeati #(words_state' a) (nb-1) update1 hash, nat_to_extra_state a (prev + (nb-1) * block_length a))); blake2_update_multi_one_block_eq a blocks2 (fst s1) (extra_state_v (snd s1)); Loops.unfold_repeati #(words_state' a) nb update1 hash (nb-1) end #pop-options let repeati_blake2_update1_is_update_multi a nb prev d hash = repeati_blake2_update1_is_update_multi_aux a nb prev d hash /// TODO: duplicate with Hacl.Streaming.Blake2.fst - MOVE /// Equality between the state types defined by blake2s and the generic hash. /// The below equality is not trivial because of the way types are encoded for Z3. val blake2_state_types_equalities (a : hash_alg{is_blake a}) : Lemma(Blake2.state (to_blake_alg a) == words_state' a) let blake2_state_types_equalities a = let open Lib.Sequence in let open Lib.IntTypes in (* Because of the necessity to be able to normalize, we basically do * the same proof twice. TODO: find a better way *) match a with | Blake2S -> let a = Blake2S in (* small trick to get a proper normalization *) let row = Blake2.row (to_blake_alg a) in assert(Blake2.state (to_blake_alg a) == lseq row 4); assert_norm(words_state' a == m:Seq.seq row {Seq.length m = 4}); assert_norm(lseq row 4 == m:Seq.seq row {Seq.length m == 4}); assert(lseq row 4 == m:Seq.seq row {Seq.length m = 4}) | Blake2B -> let a = Blake2B in let row = Blake2.row (to_blake_alg a) in assert(Blake2.state (to_blake_alg a) == lseq row 4); assert_norm(words_state' a == m:Seq.seq row {Seq.length m = 4}); assert_norm(lseq row 4 == m:Seq.seq row {Seq.length m == 4}); assert(lseq row 4 == m:Seq.seq row {Seq.length m = 4}) let extra_state_v_nat_to_extra_state_is_id (a : hash_alg{is_blake a}) (n : nat{n <= max_extra_state a}) : Lemma(extra_state_v (nat_to_extra_state a n) = n) = () /// In order to prove that incremental blake is equal to blake, we prove /// that the intermediary states computed at each step of the two algorithms are /// equal, with one auxiliary lemma per step. /// We begin by providing properly unfolded versions of the blake functions below, /// which will be used as references to match the different steps. We prove that /// those functions are equal to the original ones for sanity check. /// The alternative blake2 function let blake2' (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (input : bytes {S.length input <= max_input_length a}) : r:lbytes (Spec.Blake2.max_output (to_blake_alg a)) { r == Blake2.blake2 (to_blake_alg a) input 0 Seq.empty (Spec.Blake2.max_output (to_blake_alg a))} = let nn = Blake2.max_output (to_blake_alg a) in let kk = 0 in let prev0 = 0 in let s1 = Blake2.blake2_init_hash (to_blake_alg a) kk nn in let nb, rem = Blake2.split (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input) in let s2 = Loops.repeati #(Blake2.state (to_blake_alg a)) nb (Blake2.blake2_update1 (to_blake_alg a) prev0 input) s1 in let s3 = Blake2.blake2_update_last (to_blake_alg a) prev0 rem input s2 in let s4 = Blake2.blake2_finish (to_blake_alg a) s3 (Spec.Blake2.max_output (to_blake_alg a)) in s4 /// The alternative incremental blake2 function let blake2_hash_incremental' (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (input : bytes {S.length input <= max_input_length a}) : r:lbytes (hash_length a) { r == blake2_hash_incremental a input } = let bs, l = split_blocks a input in let is1 = blake2_init a in let is2 = update_multi a is1 bs in let is3 = update_last a is2 (S.length bs) l in let is4 = finish a is3 in is4 /// Below, we prove all the intermediary lemmas which relate the states from the /// two functions above val blake2_is_hash_incremental_aux1 (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (input : bytes {S.length input <= max_input_length a}) : Lemma( (**) let nn = Spec.Blake2.max_output (to_blake_alg a) in let kk = 0 in let prev0 = 0 in let s1 = Blake2.blake2_init_hash (to_blake_alg a) kk nn in (**) let bs, l = split_blocks a input in let is1 = blake2_init a in ((s1 <: words_state' a), nat_to_extra_state a prev0) == is1) let blake2_is_hash_incremental_aux1 a input = () val blake2_is_hash_incremental_aux2 (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (input : bytes {S.length input <= max_input_length a}) (s1 : Blake2.state (to_blake_alg a)) : Lemma( // let prev0 = Blake2.compute_prev0 (to_blake_alg a) kk in let prev0 = 0 in let nb, rem = Blake2.split (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input) in let s2 = Loops.repeati #(Blake2.state (to_blake_alg a)) nb (Blake2.blake2_update1 (to_blake_alg a) prev0 input) s1 in let bs, l = split_blocks a input in let is2 : words_state a = update_multi a (s1, nat_to_extra_state a prev0) bs in is2 == ((s2 <: words_state' a), nat_to_extra_state a (prev0 + nb * block_length a))) #push-options "--z3cliopt" let blake2_is_hash_incremental_aux2 a input s1 = (* Preliminaries: variables introduction *) blake2_size_block_props a; let prev0 = 0 in let nb, rem = Blake2.split (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input) in blake2_split_props (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input); assert(Spec.Blake2.size_block (to_blake_alg a) > 0); assert(nb <= Seq.length input / Spec.Blake2.size_block (to_blake_alg a)); assert(prev0 <= block_length a); assert(prev0 + Seq.length input <= Spec.Blake2.max_limb (to_blake_alg a)); let s2 = Loops.repeati #(Blake2.state (to_blake_alg a)) nb (Blake2.blake2_update1 (to_blake_alg a) prev0 input) s1 in let bs, l = split_blocks a input in split_blocks_props a input; let is2 : words_state a = update_multi a (s1, nat_to_extra_state a prev0) bs in (* The proof *) assert(S.length bs == nb * block_length a); assert( nb * block_length a <= Seq.length input /\ prev0 + Seq.length input <= Blake2.max_limb (to_blake_alg a) /\ prev0 + nb * block_length a <= max_extra_state a); repeati_blake2_update1_is_update_multi a nb prev0 input s1; assert( (Loops.repeati #(words_state' a) nb (Blake2.blake2_update1 (to_blake_alg a) prev0 input) s1, nat_to_extra_state a (prev0 + nb * block_length a)) == update_multi a (s1, nat_to_extra_state a prev0) bs); blake2_state_types_equalities a; assert(words_state' a == Blake2.state (to_blake_alg a)); assert(is2 == ((s2 <: words_state' a), nat_to_extra_state a (prev0 + nb * block_length a))) #pop-options val blake2_is_hash_incremental_aux3 (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (input : bytes {S.length input <= max_input_length a}) (s2 : Blake2.state (to_blake_alg a)) : Lemma( let prev0 = 0 in let nb, rem = Blake2.split (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input) in let bs, l = split_blocks a input in let is2 : words_state a = ((s2 <: words_state' a), nat_to_extra_state a (prev0 + nb * block_length a)) in let s3 = Blake2.blake2_update_last (to_blake_alg a) prev0 rem input s2 in let is3 : words_state a = update_last a is2 (S.length bs) l in is3 == ((s3 <: words_state' a), nat_to_extra_state a 0)) #push-options "--z3cliopt" let blake2_is_hash_incremental_aux3 a input s2 = (* Preliminaries: variables introduction *) blake2_size_block_props a; let prev0 = 0 in let nb, rem = Blake2.split (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input) in blake2_split_props (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input); let bs, l = split_blocks a input in split_blocks_props a input; let is2 : words_state a = ((s2 <: words_state' a), nat_to_extra_state a (prev0 + nb * block_length a)) in let s3 = Blake2.blake2_update_last (to_blake_alg a) prev0 rem input s2 in let is3 : words_state a = update_last a is2 (S.length bs) l in (* The proof *) (* First, work on [s3] *) assert(rem == S.length input - S.length bs); assert(l `S.equal` S.slice input (S.length input - rem) (S.length input)); let pblock = Blake2.get_last_padded_block (to_blake_alg a) input rem in assert( s3 == Blake2.blake2_update_block (to_blake_alg a) true (prev0 + S.length input) pblock s2); (* Then, work on [is3] *) assert(is3 == update_last_blake a is2 (S.length bs) l); let blocks, last_block, rem' = last_split_blake a l in last_split_blake_props a l; last_split_blake_get_last_padded_block_eq a input; assert(rem = rem'); assert( blocks == S.empty /\ last_block == pblock /\ rem' = S.length l); let h' : words_state a = update_multi a is2 S.empty in update_multi_zero a is2; assert(h' == is2); assert_norm(max_input_length a == max_extra_state a); assert(snd h' == nat_to_extra_state a (prev0 + S.length bs)); calc(==) { extra_state_v (snd h'); (==) {} extra_state_v (nat_to_extra_state a (prev0 + S.length bs)); (==) { extra_state_v_nat_to_extra_state_is_id a (prev0 + S.length bs) } prev0 + S.length bs; }; calc(==) { extra_state_v (snd h') + rem; (==) {} (prev0 + S.length bs) + rem; (==) { Math.Lemmas.paren_add_left prev0 (S.length bs) rem } prev0 + S.length bs + rem; (==) { Math.Lemmas.paren_add_right prev0 (S.length bs) rem } prev0 + (S.length bs + rem); (==) {} prev0 + S.length input; }; assert(extra_state_v (snd h') + rem <= max_extra_state a); assert(rem <= max_extra_state a); calc (==) { extra_state_v (extra_state_add_nat (snd h') rem); (==) { extra_state_add_nat_bound_lem2 #a (snd h') rem } extra_state_v (nat_to_extra_state a ((extra_state_v (snd h')) + rem)); (==) {} extra_state_v (nat_to_extra_state a (prev0 + S.length input)); (==) { extra_state_v_nat_to_extra_state_is_id a (prev0 + S.length input) } prev0 + S.length input; }; assert( is3 == (Spec.Blake2.blake2_update_block (to_blake_alg a) true (extra_state_v (extra_state_add_nat (snd h') rem)) last_block (fst h'), nat_to_extra_state a 0)); (* Prove the final equality *) assert(s3 == fst is3) #pop-options val blake2_is_hash_incremental_aux4 (a:hash_alg{is_blake a}) (input : bytes {S.length input <= max_input_length a}) (s3 : Blake2.state (to_blake_alg a)) : Lemma( let s4 = Blake2.blake2_finish (to_blake_alg a) s3 (Spec.Blake2.max_output (to_blake_alg a)) in let is4 = finish a ((s3 <: words_state' a), nat_to_extra_state a 0) in s4 == is4) let blake2_is_hash_incremental_aux4 a input s3 = () /// The final theorem about blake2 let blake2_is_hash_incremental (a : hash_alg{is_blake a}) (input : bytes {S.length input <= max_input_length a}) : Lemma ( S.equal (Blake2.blake2 (to_blake_alg a) input 0 Seq.empty (Spec.Blake2.max_output (to_blake_alg a))) (blake2_hash_incremental a input)) = blake2_is_hash_incremental_aux1 a input; let nn = Spec.Blake2.max_output (to_blake_alg a) in let kk = 0 in let s1 = Blake2.blake2_init_hash (to_blake_alg a) kk nn in blake2_is_hash_incremental_aux2 a input s1; let prev0 = 0 in let nb, rem = Blake2.split (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input) in blake2_split_props (to_blake_alg a) (S.length input); let s2 = Loops.repeati #(Blake2.state (to_blake_alg a)) nb (Blake2.blake2_update1 (to_blake_alg a) prev0 input) s1 in blake2_is_hash_incremental_aux3 a input s2; let s3 = Blake2.blake2_update_last (to_blake_alg a) prev0 rem input s2 in blake2_is_hash_incremental_aux4 a input s3 #push-options "--z3rlimit 100" let md_is_hash_incremental (a:hash_alg{is_md a}) (input: bytes { S.length input <= max_input_length a }) (s:words_state a) : Lemma ( let blocks, rest = split_blocks a input in update_multi a s (input `S.append` (pad a (S.length input))) == update_last a (update_multi a s blocks) (S.length blocks) rest) = let blocks, rest = split_blocks a input in assert (S.length input == S.length blocks + S.length rest); let padding = pad a (S.length input) in calc (==) { update_last a (update_multi a s blocks) (S.length blocks) rest; (==) { } update_multi a (update_multi a s blocks) S.(rest @| padding); (==) { update_multi_associative a s blocks S.(rest @| padding) } update_multi a s S.(blocks @| (rest @| padding)); (==) { S.append_assoc blocks rest padding } update_multi a s S.((blocks @| rest) @| padding); (==) { } update_multi a s S.(input @| padding); } #pop-options let blake2_hash_incremental_no_key_eq (a: hash_alg{is_blake a}) (input: bytes { S.length input <= max_input_length a }) : Lemma(Seq.equal (blake2_hash_incremental a input) (hash_incremental a input)) = assert(init a == blake2_init a) let hash_is_hash_incremental (a: hash_alg) (input: bytes { S.length input <= max_input_length a }): Lemma (S.equal (hash a input) (hash_incremental a input)) = if is_blake a then begin blake2_is_hash_incremental a input; blake2_hash_incremental_no_key_eq a input end else md_is_hash_incremental a input (init a)