module Vale.Interop open FStar.Mul module List = FStar.List.Tot.Base module HS = FStar.Monotonic.HyperStack module HH = FStar.Monotonic.HyperHeap module MB = LowStar.Monotonic.Buffer module M = LowStar.Modifies module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down open Vale.Def.Opaque_s //open Vale.Interop.Base open Vale.Lib.BufferViewHelpers #reset-options "--max_fuel 2 --initial_fuel 2 --max_ifuel 1 --initial_ifuel 1" (* Write a buffer in the vale memory *) let rec write_vale_mem (contents:Seq.seq UInt8.t) (length:nat{length = FStar.Seq.Base.length contents}) addr (i:nat{i <= length}) (curr_heap:machine_heap{forall j. {:pattern (Seq.index contents j)} 0 <= j /\ j < i ==> curr_heap.[addr+j] == UInt8.v (Seq.index contents j)}) : Tot machine_heap (decreases (length - i)) = if i >= length then curr_heap else ( let heap = curr_heap.[addr + i] <- UInt8.v (FStar.Seq.index contents i) in write_vale_mem contents length addr (i+1) heap ) let rec frame_write_vale_mem (contents:Seq.seq UInt8.t) (length:nat{length = FStar.Seq.Base.length contents}) addr (i:nat{i <= length}) (curr_heap:machine_heap{forall j. {:pattern (Seq.index contents j)} 0 <= j /\ j < i ==> curr_heap.[addr + j] == UInt8.v (Seq.index contents j)}) (j:int) : Lemma (requires j < addr \/ j >= addr + length) (ensures (let new_heap = write_vale_mem contents length addr i curr_heap in curr_heap.[j] == new_heap.[j])) (decreases (length - i))= if i >= length then () else ( let heap = curr_heap.[addr + i] <- UInt8.v (FStar.Seq.index contents i) in frame_write_vale_mem contents length addr (i+1) heap j ) let rec load_store_write_vale_mem (contents:Seq.seq UInt8.t) (length:nat{length = FStar.Seq.Base.length contents}) addr (i:nat{i <= length}) (curr_heap:machine_heap{forall j. {:pattern (Seq.index contents j)} 0 <= j /\ j < i ==> curr_heap.[addr + j] == UInt8.v (Seq.index contents j)}) : Lemma (requires True) (ensures (let new_heap = write_vale_mem contents length addr i curr_heap in forall j. 0 <= j /\ j < length ==> UInt8.v (Seq.index contents j) == new_heap.[addr + j])) (decreases (length - i)) = if i >= length then () else begin let heap = curr_heap.[addr + i] <- UInt8.v (FStar.Seq.index contents i) in load_store_write_vale_mem contents length addr (i+1) heap end let rec domain_write_vale_mem (contents:Seq.seq UInt8.t) (length:nat{length = FStar.Seq.Base.length contents}) addr (i:nat{i <= length}) (curr_heap:machine_heap{forall j. {:pattern (Seq.index contents j)} 0 <= j /\ j < i ==> curr_heap.[addr + j] == UInt8.v (Seq.index contents j)}) : Lemma (requires True) (ensures (let new_heap = write_vale_mem contents length addr i curr_heap in forall j. Set.mem j (Map.domain new_heap) /\ not (Set.mem j (Map.domain curr_heap)) ==> addr <= j /\ j < addr + length)) (decreases (length - i))= if i >= length then () else begin let heap = curr_heap.[addr + i] <- UInt8.v (FStar.Seq.index contents i) in domain_write_vale_mem contents length addr (i+1) heap end let rec domain2_write_vale_mem (contents:Seq.seq UInt8.t) (length:nat{length = FStar.Seq.Base.length contents}) addr (i:nat{i <= length}) (curr_heap:machine_heap{forall j. {:pattern (Seq.index contents j)} 0 <= j /\ j < i ==> curr_heap.[addr + j] == UInt8.v (Seq.index contents j)}) : Lemma (requires forall j. addr <= j /\ j < addr + i ==> Set.mem j (Map.domain curr_heap)) (ensures (let new_heap = write_vale_mem contents length addr i curr_heap in forall j. addr <= j /\ j < addr + length ==> Set.mem j (Map.domain new_heap))) (decreases (length - i))= if i >= length then () else begin let heap = curr_heap.[addr + i] <- UInt8.v (FStar.Seq.index contents i) in domain2_write_vale_mem contents length addr (i+1) heap end let rec monotone_domain_write_vale_mem (contents:Seq.seq UInt8.t) (length:nat{length = FStar.Seq.Base.length contents}) addr (i:nat{i <= length}) (curr_heap:machine_heap{forall j. {:pattern (Seq.index contents j)} 0 <= j /\ j < i ==> curr_heap.[addr + j] == UInt8.v (Seq.index contents j)}) : Lemma (requires True) (ensures (let new_heap = write_vale_mem contents length addr i curr_heap in forall j. Set.mem j (Map.domain curr_heap) ==> Set.mem j (Map.domain new_heap))) (decreases (length - i))= if i >= length then () else begin let heap = curr_heap.[addr + i] <- UInt8.v (FStar.Seq.index contents i) in monotone_domain_write_vale_mem contents length addr (i+1) heap end #set-options "--z3rlimit 40" let correct_down_p_cancel (mem:interop_heap) heap (p:b8) : Lemma (forall p'. p == p' ==> (let b = get_downview p.bsrc in let length = DV.length b in let contents = DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) b in let addr = addrs_of_mem mem p in let new_heap = write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 heap in correct_down_p mem new_heap p')) = let rec aux (p':b8) : Lemma (p == p' ==> ( let b = get_downview p.bsrc in let length = DV.length b in let contents = DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) b in let addr = addrs_of_mem mem p in let new_heap = write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 heap in correct_down_p mem new_heap p')) = let b = get_downview p.bsrc in let length = DV.length b in let contents = DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) b in let addr = addrs_of_mem mem p in let new_heap = write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 heap in load_store_write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 heap in Classical.forall_intro aux let correct_down_p_frame (mem:interop_heap) (heap:machine_heap) (p:b8) : Lemma (forall p'. disjoint p p' /\ correct_down_p mem heap p' ==> (let b = get_downview p.bsrc in let length = DV.length b in let contents = DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) b in let addr = addrs_of_mem mem p in let new_heap = write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 heap in correct_down_p mem new_heap p')) = let rec aux (p':b8) : Lemma (disjoint p p' /\ correct_down_p mem heap p' ==> ( let b = get_downview p.bsrc in let length = DV.length b in let contents = DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) b in let addr = addrs_of_mem mem p in let new_heap = write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 heap in correct_down_p mem new_heap p')) = let b = get_downview p.bsrc in let length = DV.length b in let contents = DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) b in let addr = addrs_of_mem mem p in let new_heap = write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 heap in reveal_opaque (`%addr_map_pred) addr_map_pred; Classical.forall_intro (Classical.move_requires (frame_write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 heap)) in Classical.forall_intro aux let rec addrs_ptr_lemma (i:nat) (addrs:addr_map) (ptr:b8{i <= DV.length (get_downview ptr.bsrc)}) (acc:Set.set int) (x:int) : Lemma (requires True) (ensures Set.mem x (addrs_ptr i addrs ptr acc) <==> ((addrs ptr + i <= x /\ x < addrs ptr + DV.length (get_downview ptr.bsrc)) \/ Set.mem x acc)) (decreases (DV.length (get_downview ptr.bsrc) - i)) = if i = DV.length (get_downview ptr.bsrc) then () else addrs_ptr_lemma (i+1) addrs ptr (Set.union (Set.singleton (addrs ptr + i)) acc) x let rec addrs_set_lemma_aux (addrs:addr_map) (ptrs:list b8) (acc:Set.set int) (x:int) : Lemma (requires True) (ensures Set.mem x (List.fold_right_gtot ptrs (addrs_ptr 0 addrs) acc) <==> ((exists (b:b8{List.memP b ptrs}). addrs b <= x /\ x < addrs b + DV.length (get_downview b.bsrc)) \/ Set.mem x acc)) = match ptrs with | [] -> () | a::q -> let acc' = List.fold_right_gtot q (addrs_ptr 0 addrs) acc in addrs_ptr_lemma 0 addrs a acc' x; addrs_set_lemma_aux addrs q acc x let addrs_set_lemma mem x = addrs_set_lemma_aux (addrs_of_mem mem) (ptrs_of_mem mem) Set.empty x let addrs_set_lemma_all () = FStar.Classical.forall_intro_2 addrs_set_lemma let addrs_set_mem mem a i = addrs_set_lemma_all () let write_buffer_vale (a:b8) (heap:machine_heap) (mem:interop_heap) = let b = get_downview a.bsrc in let length = DV.length b in let contents = DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) b in let addr = addrs_of_mem mem a in write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 heap let rec down_mem_aux (ptrs:list b8{list_disjoint_or_eq ptrs}) (mem:interop_heap) (ps:list b8) (accu:list b8{forall p. List.memP p ptrs <==> List.memP p ps \/ List.memP p accu}) (h:machine_heap{forall p. {:pattern List.memP p accu} List.memP p accu ==> correct_down_p mem h p}) : GTot (heap:machine_heap{forall p. {:pattern List.memP p ptrs} List.memP p ptrs ==> correct_down_p mem heap p}) = match ps with | [] -> h | a::q -> let new_heap = write_buffer_vale a h mem in let b = get_downview a.bsrc in let length = DV.length b in let contents = DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) b in let addr = addrs_of_mem mem a in load_store_write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 h; correct_down_p_cancel mem h a; correct_down_p_frame mem h a; list_disjoint_or_eq_reveal (); down_mem_aux ptrs mem q (a::accu) new_heap let lemma_write_buffer_domain (a:b8) (heap:machine_heap) (mem:interop_heap) : Lemma (Set.equal (Set.union (Map.domain heap) (addrs_ptr 0 (addrs_of_mem mem) a Set.empty)) (Map.domain (write_buffer_vale a heap mem))) = let new_heap = write_buffer_vale a heap mem in let s1 = Map.domain heap in let s2 = addrs_ptr 0 (addrs_of_mem mem) a Set.empty in let s3 = Map.domain new_heap in let b = get_downview a.bsrc in let length = DV.length b in let contents = DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) b in let addr = addrs_of_mem mem a in domain_write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 heap; domain2_write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 heap; Classical.forall_intro (addrs_ptr_lemma 0 (addrs_of_mem mem) a Set.empty); monotone_domain_write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 heap let rec lemma_down_mem_aux_domain (ptrs:list b8{list_disjoint_or_eq ptrs}) (mem:interop_heap) (ps:list b8) (accu:list b8{forall p. List.memP p ptrs <==> List.memP p ps \/ List.memP p accu}) (h:machine_heap{forall p. {:pattern correct_down_p mem h p} List.memP p accu ==> correct_down_p mem h p}) (x:int) : Lemma (requires Set.mem x (Map.domain h) <==> (exists (b:b8{List.memP b accu}).{:pattern (addrs_of_mem mem b)} addrs_of_mem mem b <= x /\ x < addrs_of_mem mem b + DV.length (get_downview b.bsrc)) ) (ensures Set.mem x (Map.domain (down_mem_aux ptrs mem ps accu h)) <==> (exists (b:b8{List.memP b ptrs}).{:pattern (addrs_of_mem mem b)} addrs_of_mem mem b <= x /\ x < addrs_of_mem mem b + DV.length (get_downview b.bsrc)) ) = match ps with | [] -> () | a::tl -> lemma_write_buffer_domain a h mem; addrs_ptr_lemma 0 (addrs_of_mem mem) a Set.empty x; let new_heap = write_buffer_vale a h mem in let b = get_downview a.bsrc in let length = DV.length b in let contents = DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) b in let addr = addrs_of_mem mem a in load_store_write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 h; correct_down_p_cancel mem h a; correct_down_p_frame mem h a; list_disjoint_or_eq_reveal (); lemma_down_mem_aux_domain ptrs mem tl (a::accu) new_heap x let down_mem mem = (* Dummy heap *) let heap = FStar.Map.const 0 in let heap = Map.restrict Set.empty heap in let ptrs = ptrs_of_mem mem in let heap_f = down_mem_aux ptrs mem ptrs [] heap in let aux (x:int) : Lemma (Set.mem x (addrs_set mem) <==> Set.mem x (Map.domain heap_f)) = addrs_set_lemma_all (); lemma_down_mem_aux_domain ptrs mem ptrs [] heap x in Classical.forall_intro aux; heap_f private let rec frame_down_mem_aux (ptrs:list b8{list_disjoint_or_eq ptrs}) (mem:interop_heap) (ps:list b8) (accu:list b8{forall p. List.memP p ptrs <==> List.memP p ps \/ List.memP p accu}) (h:machine_heap{forall p. {:pattern List.memP p accu} List.memP p accu ==> correct_down_p mem h p}) (i:int) : Lemma (requires (forall (b:b8{List.memP b ps}). let base = addrs_of_mem mem b in i < base \/ i >= base + DV.length (get_downview b.bsrc))) (ensures h.[i] == (down_mem_aux ptrs mem ps accu h).[i]) = match ps with | [] -> () | a::q -> let new_heap = write_buffer_vale a h mem in let b = get_downview a.bsrc in let length = DV.length b in let contents = DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) b in let addr = addrs_of_mem mem a in load_store_write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 h; correct_down_p_cancel mem h a; correct_down_p_frame mem h a; list_disjoint_or_eq_reveal (); frame_down_mem_aux ptrs mem q (a::accu) new_heap i; frame_write_vale_mem contents length addr 0 h i val same_unspecified_down_aux: (hs1: HS.mem) -> (hs2: HS.mem) -> (ptrs:list b8{list_disjoint_or_eq ptrs /\ list_live hs1 ptrs /\ list_live hs2 ptrs}) -> (i:int) -> Lemma ( let mem1 = mem_of_hs_roots ptrs hs1 in let mem2 = mem_of_hs_roots ptrs hs2 in let addrs = addrs_of_mem mem1 in let heap1 = down_mem mem1 in let heap2 = down_mem mem2 in not (valid_addr mem1 i) ==> heap1.[i] == heap2.[i]) let same_unspecified_down_aux hs1 hs2 ptrs i = addrs_set_lemma_all (); let heap = Map.const 0 in let heap = Map.restrict Set.empty heap in let mem1 = mem_of_hs_roots ptrs hs1 in let mem2 = mem_of_hs_roots ptrs hs2 in let addrs = addrs_of_mem mem1 in let heapf1 = down_mem_aux ptrs mem1 ptrs [] heap in let heapf2 = down_mem_aux ptrs mem2 ptrs [] heap in Classical.move_requires (frame_down_mem_aux ptrs mem1 ptrs [] heap) i; Classical.move_requires (frame_down_mem_aux ptrs mem2 ptrs [] heap) i let same_unspecified_down hs1 hs2 ptrs = Classical.forall_intro (same_unspecified_down_aux hs1 hs2 ptrs) let get_seq_heap_as_seq (heap1 heap2:machine_heap) (mem:interop_heap) (b:b8) : Lemma (requires correct_down_p mem heap1 b /\ (forall x. x >= addrs_of_mem mem b /\ x < addrs_of_mem mem b + DV.length (get_downview b.bsrc) ==> heap1.[x] == heap2.[x])) (ensures DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) (get_downview b.bsrc) == get_seq_heap heap2 (addrs_of_mem mem) b) = assert (Seq.equal (DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) (get_downview b.bsrc)) (get_seq_heap heap2 (addrs_of_mem mem) b)) let rec up_mem_aux (h:machine_heap) (ps:list b8) (accu:list b8) (m:interop_heap{Set.equal (addrs_set m) (Map.domain h) /\ (forall p. List.memP p accu ==> correct_down_p m h p) /\ (forall p. List.memP p (ptrs_of_mem m) <==> List.memP p ps \/ List.memP p accu)}) : GTot (m':interop_heap{ptrs_of_mem m == ptrs_of_mem m' /\ correct_down m' h}) = match ps with | [] -> m | hd::tl -> let s = get_seq_heap h (addrs_of_mem m) hd in let b = get_downview hd.bsrc in DV.upd_seq_spec (hs_of_mem m) b s; let m' = DV.upd_seq (hs_of_mem m) b s in let aux1 (p:b8) : Lemma (requires (hs_of_mem m) p.bsrc /\ MB.loc_disjoint (MB.loc_buffer p.bsrc) (MB.loc_buffer hd.bsrc)) (ensures DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem m) (get_downview p.bsrc) == DV.as_seq m' (get_downview p.bsrc)) = lemma_dv_equal (down_view p.src) p.bsrc (hs_of_mem m) m' in Classical.forall_intro (Classical.move_requires aux1); list_disjoint_or_eq_reveal (); up_mem_aux h tl (hd::accu) (InteropHeap m.ptrs m.addrs m') let up_mem heap mem = up_mem_aux heap (ptrs_of_mem mem) [] mem let rec down_up_identity_aux (h:machine_heap) (ps:list b8) (accu:list b8) (m:interop_heap{correct_down m h /\ (forall p. List.memP p (ptrs_of_mem m) <==> List.memP p ps \/ List.memP p accu)}) : Lemma (m == up_mem_aux h ps accu m) = match ps with | [] -> () | hd::tl -> let s = get_seq_heap h (addrs_of_mem m) hd in let b = get_downview hd.bsrc in let m' = DV.upd_seq (hs_of_mem m) b s in DV.upd_seq_spec (hs_of_mem m) b s; assert (Seq.equal s (DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem m) b)); (* The previous assertion and lemma ensure that m == m' *) down_up_identity_aux h tl (hd::accu) (InteropHeap m.ptrs m.addrs m') let down_up_identity mem = let heap = down_mem mem in down_up_identity_aux heap (ptrs_of_mem mem) [] mem // Selecting a buffer index in any corresponding map of bytes always yields the same result let correct_down_p_same_sel (mem:interop_heap) (heap1 heap2:machine_heap) (x:int) (b:b8) : Lemma (requires (x >= addrs_of_mem mem b /\ x < addrs_of_mem mem b + DV.length (get_downview b.bsrc) /\ correct_down_p mem heap1 b /\ correct_down_p mem heap2 b)) (ensures Map.sel heap1 x == Map.sel heap2 x) = let addrs = addrs_of_mem mem in let i = x - addrs b in assert (heap1.[x] == UInt8.v (Seq.index (DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) (get_downview b.bsrc)) i)); assert (heap2.[x] == UInt8.v (Seq.index (DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem mem) (get_downview b.bsrc)) i)) let up_down_identity_aux (mem:interop_heap) (init_heap:machine_heap{correct_down mem init_heap}) (x:int) : Lemma (requires Map.contains init_heap x) (ensures Map.sel init_heap x == Map.sel (down_mem mem) x) = let ptrs = ptrs_of_mem mem in let addrs = addrs_of_mem mem in addrs_set_lemma_all (); Classical.forall_intro (Classical.move_requires (correct_down_p_same_sel mem (down_mem mem) init_heap x) ) let up_down_identity mem heap = let new_heap = down_mem (up_mem heap mem) in same_unspecified_down (hs_of_mem mem) (hs_of_mem (up_mem heap mem)) (ptrs_of_mem mem); let aux (x:int) : Lemma (requires Map.contains heap x) (ensures Map.sel heap x == Map.sel new_heap x) = up_down_identity_aux (up_mem heap mem) heap x in Classical.forall_intro (Classical.move_requires aux); assert (Map.equal heap new_heap) #reset-options "--z3rlimit 50 --max_fuel 1 --max_ifuel 1 --initial_fuel 1 --initial_ifuel 1" let rec update_buffer_up_mem_aux (h1 h2:machine_heap) (ps:list b8) (accu:list b8) (b:b8) (m:interop_heap{forall p. List.memP p (ptrs_of_mem m) <==> List.memP p ps \/ List.memP p accu}) : Lemma (requires List.memP b (ptrs_of_mem m) /\ Set.equal (Map.domain h1) (addrs_set m) /\ Set.equal (Map.domain h2) (addrs_set m) /\ (forall p. List.memP p accu ==> correct_down_p m h2 p) /\ (List.memP b accu ==> DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem m) (get_downview b.bsrc) == get_seq_heap h2 (addrs_of_mem m) b) /\ (forall p. (p =!= b /\ List.memP p (ptrs_of_mem m)) ==> correct_down_p m h1 p) /\ (forall x. x < addrs_of_mem m b \/ x >= addrs_of_mem m b + DV.length (get_downview b.bsrc) ==> h1.[x] == h2.[x]) ) (ensures (List.memP b accu ==> up_mem_aux h2 ps accu m == m) /\ (~(List.memP b accu) ==> hs_of_mem (up_mem_aux h2 ps accu m) == DV.upd_seq (hs_of_mem m) (get_downview b.bsrc) (get_seq_heap h2 (addrs_of_mem m) b))) = match ps with | [] -> () | hd::tl -> let db = get_downview hd.bsrc in let addrs = addrs_of_mem m in let mem = hs_of_mem m in let ptrs = ptrs_of_mem m in let s = get_seq_heap h2 addrs hd in DV.upd_seq_spec mem db s; let m' = DV.upd_seq mem db s in let aux1 (p:b8) : Lemma (requires (hs_of_mem m) p.bsrc /\ MB.loc_disjoint (MB.loc_buffer p.bsrc) (MB.loc_buffer hd.bsrc)) (ensures DV.as_seq (hs_of_mem m) (get_downview p.bsrc) == DV.as_seq m' (get_downview p.bsrc)) = lemma_dv_equal (down_view p.src) p.bsrc (hs_of_mem m) m' in Classical.forall_intro (Classical.move_requires aux1); list_disjoint_or_eq_reveal (); let aux2 () : Lemma (requires hd =!= b) (ensures DV.as_seq mem db == get_seq_heap h2 addrs hd) = reveal_opaque (`%addr_map_pred) addr_map_pred; get_seq_heap_as_seq h1 h2 m hd in Classical.move_requires aux2 (); update_buffer_up_mem_aux h1 h2 tl (hd::accu) b (InteropHeap ptrs addrs m') let update_buffer_up_mem m b h1 h2 = let ptrs = ptrs_of_mem m in update_buffer_up_mem_aux h1 h2 ptrs [] b m