module Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig open Vale.Arch.HeapImpl open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters open Vale.Interop.Base module B = LowStar.Buffer module BS = Vale.X64.Machine_Semantics_s module UV = LowStar.BufferView.Up module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down module HS = FStar.HyperStack module ME = Vale.X64.Memory module SI = Vale.X64.Stack_i module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions module V = Vale.X64.Decls module VS = Vale.X64.State module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64 module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig module Map16 = Vale.Lib.Map16 open FStar.Mul [@__reduce__] let nat_to_uint (t:ME.base_typ) (x:ME.base_typ_as_vale_type t) : base_typ_as_type t = let open ME in match t with | TUInt8 -> UInt8.uint_to_t x | TUInt16 -> UInt16.uint_to_t x | TUInt32 -> UInt32.uint_to_t x | TUInt64 -> UInt64.uint_to_t x | TUInt128 -> x let uint_to_nat (t:ME.base_typ) (x:base_typ_as_type t) : ME.base_typ_as_vale_type t = let open ME in match t with | TUInt8 -> UInt8.v x | TUInt16 -> UInt16.v x | TUInt32 -> UInt32.v x | TUInt64 -> UInt64.v x | TUInt128 -> x let nat_to_uint_seq_t (t:ME.base_typ) (b:Seq.seq (ME.base_typ_as_vale_type t)) : Seq.seq (base_typ_as_type t) = Seq.init (Seq.length b) (fun (i:nat{i < Seq.length b}) -> nat_to_uint t (Seq.index b i)) let uint_to_nat_seq_t (t:ME.base_typ) (b:Seq.seq (base_typ_as_type t)) : Seq.seq (ME.base_typ_as_vale_type t) = Seq.init (Seq.length b) (fun (i:nat{i < Seq.length b}) -> uint_to_nat t (Seq.index b i)) [@__reduce__] let view_of_base_typ (t:ME.base_typ) : UV.view UInt8.t (base_typ_as_type t) = let open ME in match t with | TUInt8 -> Vale.Interop.Views.up_view8 | TUInt16 -> Vale.Interop.Views.up_view16 | TUInt32 -> Vale.Interop.Views.up_view32 | TUInt64 -> Vale.Interop.Views.up_view64 | TUInt128 -> Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //lowstar_sig pre post: // Interepreting a vale pre/post as a Low* function type ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// let hprop = HS.mem -> prop let hsprop = HS.mem -> VS.vale_state -> prop module IB = Vale.Interop.Base [@__reduce__] let mem_correspondence_1 (src t:ME.base_typ) (x:IB.buf_t src t) (h:HS.mem) (s:VS.vale_state) = let y = as_vale_buffer x in let db = get_downview x in DV.length_eq db; Seq.equal (nat_to_uint_seq_t t (ME.buffer_as_seq (ME.get_vale_heap s.VS.vs_heap) y)) (UV.as_seq h (UV.mk_buffer db (view_of_base_typ t))) [@__reduce__] let mem_imm_correspondence_1 (src t:ME.base_typ) (x:IB.ibuf_t src t) (h:HS.mem) (s:VS.vale_state) = let y = as_vale_immbuffer x in let db = get_downview x in DV.length_eq db; Seq.equal (nat_to_uint_seq_t t (ME.buffer_as_seq (ME.get_vale_heap s.VS.vs_heap) y)) (UV.as_seq h (UV.mk_buffer db (view_of_base_typ t))) [@__reduce__] let rec mem_correspondence (args:list arg) : hsprop = match args with | [] -> fun h s -> True | hd :: tl -> let (| tag, x |) = hd in match tag with | TD_Buffer src bt _ -> fun h s -> mem_correspondence_1 src bt x h s /\ mem_correspondence tl h s | TD_ImmBuffer src bt _ -> fun h s -> mem_imm_correspondence_1 src bt x h s /\ mem_correspondence tl h s | TD_Base _ -> mem_correspondence tl [@__reduce__] let arg_as_nat64 (a:arg) (s:VS.vale_state) : GTot ME.nat64 = let (| tag, x |) = a in let open ME in match tag with | TD_Base TUInt8 -> UInt8.v x | TD_Base TUInt16 -> UInt16.v x | TD_Base TUInt32 -> UInt32.v x | TD_Base TUInt64 -> UInt64.v x | TD_Buffer src bt _ -> buffer_addr_is_nat64 (as_vale_buffer #src #bt x) s; ME.buffer_addr (as_vale_buffer #src #bt x) (ME.get_vale_heap s.VS.vs_heap) | TD_ImmBuffer src bt _ -> buffer_addr_is_nat64 (as_vale_immbuffer #src #bt x) s; ME.buffer_addr (as_vale_immbuffer #src #bt x) (ME.get_vale_heap s.VS.vs_heap) [@__reduce__] let rec register_args (max_arity:nat) (arg_reg:IX64.arg_reg_relation max_arity) (n:nat) (args:list arg{List.Tot.length args = n}) : VSig.sprop = match args with | [] -> (fun s -> True) | hd::tl -> fun s -> register_args max_arity arg_reg (n - 1) tl s /\ (if n > max_arity then True // This arg is passed on the stack else VS.eval_reg_64 (arg_reg.IX64.of_arg (n - 1)) s == arg_as_nat64 hd s) [@__reduce__] let rec stack_args (max_arity:nat) (n:nat) (args:list arg{List.Tot.length args = n}) : VSig.sprop = match args with | [] -> (fun s -> True) | hd::tl -> fun s -> stack_args max_arity (n - 1) tl s /\ (if n <= max_arity then True // This arg is passed in registers else let ptr = ((n - max_arity) - 1) * 8 + (if then 32 else 0) + 8 + VS.eval_reg_64 MS.rRsp s in SI.valid_stack_slot64 ptr s.VS.vs_stack MS.Public s.VS.vs_stackTaint /\ SI.load_stack64 ptr s.VS.vs_stack == arg_as_nat64 hd s) [@__reduce__] let taint_hyp_arg (m:ME.vale_heap) (tm:MS.memTaint_t) (a:arg) = let (| tag, x |) = a in match tag with | TD_Buffer src TUInt64 {taint=tnt} -> ME.valid_taint_buf64 (as_vale_buffer #src #TUInt64 x) m tm tnt | TD_Buffer src TUInt128 {taint=tnt} -> ME.valid_taint_buf128 (as_vale_buffer #src #TUInt128 x) m tm tnt | TD_ImmBuffer src TUInt64 {taint=tnt} -> ME.valid_taint_buf64 (as_vale_immbuffer #src #TUInt64 x) m tm tnt | TD_ImmBuffer src TUInt128 {taint=tnt} -> ME.valid_taint_buf128 (as_vale_immbuffer #src #TUInt128 x) m tm tnt | _ -> True [@__reduce__] let taint_hyp (args:list arg) : VSig.sprop = fun s0 -> BigOps.big_and' (taint_hyp_arg (ME.get_vale_heap s0.VS.vs_heap) (full_heap_taint s0.VS.vs_heap)) args [@__reduce__] let vale_pre_hyp (#max_arity:nat) (#arg_reg:IX64.arg_reg_relation max_arity) (args:IX64.arg_list) : VSig.sprop = fun s0 -> V.state_inv s0 /\ ME.is_initial_heap s0.VS.vs_heap.vf_layout s0.VS.vs_heap.vf_heap /\ ME.get_heaplet_id s0.VS.vs_heap.vf_heap == None /\ VSig.disjoint_or_eq args /\ VSig.readable args (ME.get_vale_heap s0.VS.vs_heap) /\ register_args max_arity arg_reg (List.length args) args s0 /\ stack_args max_arity (List.length args) args s0 /\ VS.eval_reg_64 MS.rRsp s0 == SI.init_rsp s0.VS.vs_stack /\ taint_hyp args s0 [@__reduce__] let to_low_pre (#max_arity:nat) (#arg_reg:IX64.arg_reg_relation max_arity) (pre:VSig.vale_pre_tl []) (args:IX64.arg_list) (hs_mem:mem_roots args) : prop = (forall (s0:V.va_state). V.va_get_ok s0 /\ vale_pre_hyp #max_arity #arg_reg args s0 /\ mem_correspondence args hs_mem s0 ==> elim_nil pre s0) [@__reduce__] let to_low_post (post:VSig.vale_post_tl []) (args:list arg) (hs_mem0:mem_roots args) (res:UInt64.t) (hs_mem1:mem_roots args) : prop = let open V in B.modifies (loc_modified_args args) hs_mem0 hs_mem1 /\ (exists (s0:va_state) (s1:va_state) (f:va_fuel). mem_correspondence args hs_mem0 s0 /\ mem_correspondence args hs_mem1 s1 /\ UInt64.v res == VS.eval_reg_64 MS.rRax s1 /\ elim_nil post s0 s1 f) [@__reduce__] let create_initial_vale_state (#max_arity:nat) (#arg_reg:IX64.arg_reg_relation max_arity) (args:IX64.arg_list) : IX64.state_builder_t max_arity args V.vale_state_with_inv = fun h0 -> let (t_state, mem) = IX64.create_initial_trusted_state max_arity arg_reg args h0 in let open VS in { vs_ok = true; vs_regs = Vale.X64.Regs.of_fun t_state.BS.ms_regs; vs_flags = Vale.X64.Flags.of_fun IA.init_flags; vs_heap = create_initial_vale_full_heap mem (heap_taint t_state.BS.ms_heap); vs_stack = as_vale_stack t_state.BS.ms_stack; vs_stackTaint = t_state.BS.ms_stackTaint; }