module Vale.Wrapper.X64.AES open Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s open FStar.HyperStack.ST module B = LowStar.Buffer module HS = FStar.HyperStack module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down module UV = LowStar.BufferView.Up open FStar.Mul open Vale.Def.Words_s open Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s open Vale.AES.AES_s open Vale.Interop.Base open Vale.Def.Types_s unfold let uint8_p = B.buffer UInt8.t let length_aux (b:uint8_p) : Lemma (requires B.length b = 176) (ensures DV.length (get_downview b) % 16 = 0) = let db = get_downview b in DV.length_eq db let length_aux2 (b:uint8_p) : Lemma (requires B.length b = 240) (ensures DV.length (get_downview b) % 16 = 0) = let db = get_downview b in DV.length_eq db inline_for_extraction unfold let key_offset (a: algorithm { a = AES_128 \/ a = AES_256 }) = match a with | AES_128 -> 176 | AES_256 -> 240 inline_for_extraction unfold let key_length (a: algorithm { a = AES_128 \/ a = AES_256 }) = match a with | AES_128 -> 16 | AES_256 -> 32 inline_for_extraction let key_expansion_st (a: algorithm { a = AES_128 \/ a = AES_256 }) = (input_key_b:uint8_p) -> (output_key_expansion_b:uint8_p) -> Stack unit (requires fun h0 -> B.disjoint input_key_b output_key_expansion_b /\ h0 input_key_b /\ h0 output_key_expansion_b /\ B.length input_key_b = key_length a /\ B.length output_key_expansion_b = key_offset a /\ aesni_enabled && avx_enabled && sse_enabled) (ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> B.modifies (B.loc_buffer output_key_expansion_b) h0 h1 /\ (let key = seq_nat8_to_seq_nat32_LE (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h0 input_key_b)) in Seq.equal (B.as_seq h1 output_key_expansion_b) (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (key_to_round_keys_LE a key))))) inline_for_extraction val aes128_key_expansion_stdcall: key_expansion_st AES_128 inline_for_extraction val aes256_key_expansion_stdcall: key_expansion_st AES_256