module Vale.Wrapper.X64.GCMdecryptOpt open FStar.Mul open Vale.Stdcalls.X64.GCMdecryptOpt open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters module V = Vale.X64.Decls open Vale.SHA.Simplify_Sha open Vale.AES.Gcm_simplify open Vale.AES.GCM_helpers open FStar.Calc open FStar.Int.Cast open FStar.Integers open Vale.Arch.Types open Vale.Lib.BufferViewHelpers let wrap_slice (#a:Type0) (s:Seq.seq a) (i:int) : Seq.seq a = Seq.slice s 0 (if 0 <= i && i <= Seq.length s then i else 0) #set-options "--z3rlimit 600 --max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0" let math_aux (n:nat) : Lemma (n * 1 == n) = () let length_div (b:uint8_p) : Lemma (requires B.length b = 16) (ensures DV.length (get_downview b) / 16 = 1) = DV.length_eq (get_downview b) inline_for_extraction val gcm128_decrypt_opt': key:Ghost.erased (Seq.seq nat32) -> iv:Ghost.erased supported_iv_LE -> auth_b:uint8_p -> auth_bytes:uint64 -> auth_num:uint64 -> keys_b:uint8_p -> iv_b:uint8_p -> hkeys_b:uint8_p -> abytes_b:uint8_p -> in128x6_b:uint8_p -> out128x6_b:uint8_p -> len128x6:uint64 -> in128_b:uint8_p -> out128_b:uint8_p -> len128_num:uint64 -> inout_b:uint8_p -> cipher_num:uint64 -> scratch_b:uint8_p -> tag_b:uint8_p -> Stack UInt64.t (requires fun h0 -> B.disjoint tag_b in128x6_b /\ B.disjoint tag_b out128x6_b /\ B.disjoint tag_b in128_b /\ B.disjoint tag_b out128_b /\ B.disjoint tag_b inout_b /\ B.disjoint tag_b scratch_b /\ B.disjoint tag_b iv_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b abytes_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b in128x6_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b out128x6_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b in128_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b out128_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b inout_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b scratch_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b abytes_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b in128x6_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b out128x6_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b in128_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b out128_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b inout_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b abytes_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b in128x6_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b out128x6_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b in128_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b out128_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint out128x6_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint out128x6_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint out128x6_b abytes_b /\ B.disjoint out128x6_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint out128x6_b in128_b /\ B.disjoint out128x6_b inout_b /\ B.disjoint in128x6_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint in128x6_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint in128x6_b abytes_b /\ B.disjoint in128x6_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint in128x6_b in128_b /\ B.disjoint in128x6_b inout_b /\ B.disjoint out128_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint out128_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint out128_b abytes_b /\ B.disjoint out128_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint out128_b in128x6_b /\ B.disjoint out128_b out128x6_b /\ B.disjoint out128_b inout_b /\ B.disjoint in128_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint in128_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint in128_b abytes_b /\ B.disjoint in128_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint in128_b in128x6_b /\ B.disjoint in128_b out128x6_b /\ B.disjoint in128_b inout_b /\ B.disjoint tag_b abytes_b /\ B.disjoint tag_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint keys_b abytes_b /\ B.disjoint hkeys_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint hkeys_b abytes_b /\ B.disjoint auth_b abytes_b /\ disjoint_or_eq in128x6_b out128x6_b /\ disjoint_or_eq in128_b out128_b /\ disjoint_or_eq tag_b hkeys_b /\ disjoint_or_eq tag_b keys_b /\ disjoint_or_eq keys_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint keys_b auth_b /\ h0 auth_b /\ h0 abytes_b /\ h0 keys_b /\ h0 iv_b /\ h0 hkeys_b /\ h0 in128x6_b /\ h0 out128x6_b /\ h0 in128_b /\ h0 out128_b /\ h0 inout_b /\ h0 tag_b /\ h0 scratch_b /\ B.length auth_b = 16 * UInt64.v auth_num /\ B.length abytes_b == 16 /\ B.length iv_b = 16 /\ B.length in128x6_b == 16 * UInt64.v len128x6 /\ B.length out128x6_b == B.length in128x6_b /\ B.length in128_b == 16 * UInt64.v len128_num /\ B.length out128_b == B.length in128_b /\ B.length inout_b == 16 /\ B.length scratch_b == 144 /\ B.length hkeys_b = 128 /\ B.length tag_b == 16 /\ B.length keys_b = 176 /\ UInt64.v cipher_num < pow2_32 /\ UInt64.v auth_bytes < pow2_32 /\ UInt64.v len128x6 % 6 == 0 /\ (UInt64.v len128x6 > 0 ==> UInt64.v len128x6 >= 6) /\ 12 + UInt64.v len128x6 + 6 < pow2_32 /\ UInt64.v len128x6 * (128/8) + UInt64.v len128_num * (128/8) <= UInt64.v cipher_num /\ UInt64.v cipher_num < UInt64.v len128x6 * (128/8) + UInt64.v len128_num * (128/8) + 128/8 /\ UInt64.v auth_num * (128/8) <= UInt64.v auth_bytes /\ UInt64.v auth_bytes < UInt64.v auth_num * (128/8) + 128/8 /\ aesni_enabled /\ pclmulqdq_enabled /\ avx_enabled /\ sse_enabled /\ movbe_enabled /\ is_aes_key_LE AES_128 (Ghost.reveal key) /\ (let db = get_downview keys_b in length_aux keys_b; let ub = UV.mk_buffer db Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in Seq.equal (UV.as_seq h0 ub) (key_to_round_keys_LE AES_128 (Ghost.reveal key))) /\ (let db = get_downview hkeys_b in length_aux5 hkeys_b; let ub = UV.mk_buffer db Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in hkeys_reqs_pub (UV.as_seq h0 ub) (reverse_bytes_quad32 (aes_encrypt_LE AES_128 (Ghost.reveal key) (Mkfour 0 0 0 0)))) /\ (length_div iv_b; (low_buffer_read TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 iv_b 0 == compute_iv_BE (aes_encrypt_LE AES_128 (Ghost.reveal key) (Mkfour 0 0 0 0)) (Ghost.reveal iv)) ) ) (ensures fun h0 c h1 -> B.modifies (B.loc_union (B.loc_buffer iv_b) (B.loc_union (B.loc_buffer scratch_b) (B.loc_union (B.loc_buffer out128x6_b) (B.loc_union (B.loc_buffer out128_b) (B.loc_buffer inout_b))))) h0 h1 /\ (UInt64.v cipher_num < pow2_32 /\ UInt64.v auth_bytes < pow2_32 /\ ( let in128x6_d = get_downview in128x6_b in length_aux3 in128x6_b (UInt64.v len128x6); let in128x6_u = UV.mk_buffer in128x6_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let in128_d = get_downview in128_b in length_aux3 in128_b (UInt64.v len128_num); let in128_u = UV.mk_buffer in128_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let inout_d = get_downview inout_b in length_aux3 inout_b 1; let inout_u = UV.mk_buffer inout_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let out128x6_d = get_downview out128x6_b in length_aux3 out128x6_b (UInt64.v len128x6); let out128x6_u = UV.mk_buffer out128x6_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let out128_d = get_downview out128_b in length_aux3 out128_b (UInt64.v len128_num); let out128_u = UV.mk_buffer out128_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let cipher_in = Seq.append (Seq.append (UV.as_seq h0 in128x6_u) (UV.as_seq h0 in128_u)) (UV.as_seq h0 inout_u) in let cipher_bytes = wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes cipher_in) (UInt64.v cipher_num) in let plain_out = Seq.append (Seq.append (UV.as_seq h1 out128x6_u) (UV.as_seq h1 out128_u)) (UV.as_seq h1 inout_u) in let plain_bytes = wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes plain_out) (UInt64.v cipher_num) in let auth_d = get_downview auth_b in length_aux3 auth_b (UInt64.v auth_num); let auth_u = UV.mk_buffer auth_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let abytes_d = get_downview abytes_b in length_aux3 abytes_b 1; let abytes_u = UV.mk_buffer abytes_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let auth_in = Seq.append (UV.as_seq h0 auth_u) (UV.as_seq h0 abytes_u) in let auth_bytes = wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes auth_in) (UInt64.v auth_bytes) in (length_div tag_b; let expected_tag = le_quad32_to_bytes (low_buffer_read TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 tag_b 0) in Seq.length cipher_bytes < pow2_32 /\ Seq.length auth_bytes < pow2_32 /\ is_aes_key AES_128 (seq_nat32_to_seq_nat8_LE (Ghost.reveal key)) /\ (let plain, result = gcm_decrypt_LE AES_128 (seq_nat32_to_seq_nat8_LE (Ghost.reveal key)) (Ghost.reveal iv) cipher_bytes auth_bytes expected_tag in Seq.equal plain plain_bytes /\ (UInt64.v c = 0) == result )))) ) #push-options "--z3cliopt --smtencoding.nl_arith_repr boxwrap" #restart-solver inline_for_extraction let gcm128_decrypt_opt' key iv auth_b auth_bytes auth_num keys_b iv_b hkeys_b abytes_b in128x6_b out128x6_b len128x6 in128_b out128_b len128_num inout_b cipher_num scratch_b tag_b = let h0 = get() in B.disjoint_neq iv_b auth_b; B.disjoint_neq iv_b keys_b; B.disjoint_neq iv_b hkeys_b; B.disjoint_neq iv_b abytes_b; B.disjoint_neq iv_b in128x6_b; B.disjoint_neq iv_b out128x6_b; B.disjoint_neq iv_b in128_b; B.disjoint_neq iv_b out128_b; B.disjoint_neq iv_b inout_b; B.disjoint_neq iv_b scratch_b; B.disjoint_neq iv_b tag_b; DV.length_eq (get_downview auth_b); DV.length_eq (get_downview keys_b); DV.length_eq (get_downview iv_b); DV.length_eq (get_downview hkeys_b); DV.length_eq (get_downview abytes_b); DV.length_eq (get_downview in128x6_b); DV.length_eq (get_downview out128x6_b); DV.length_eq (get_downview in128_b); DV.length_eq (get_downview out128_b); DV.length_eq (get_downview inout_b); DV.length_eq (get_downview scratch_b); DV.length_eq (get_downview tag_b); math_aux (B.length auth_b); math_aux (B.length keys_b); math_aux (B.length iv_b); math_aux (B.length hkeys_b); math_aux (B.length in128x6_b); math_aux (B.length scratch_b); math_aux (B.length out128_b); FStar.Math.Lemmas.cancel_mul_mod (UInt64.v auth_num) 16; assert_norm (176 % 16 = 0); assert_norm (16 % 16 = 0); assert_norm (144 % 16 = 0); FStar.Math.Lemmas.cancel_mul_mod (UInt64.v len128x6) 16; FStar.Math.Lemmas.cancel_mul_mod (UInt64.v len128_num) 16; calc (<=) { 256 * ((16 * UInt64.v len128_num) / 16); (==) { FStar.Math.Lemmas.cancel_mul_div (UInt64.v len128_num) 16 } 256 * (UInt64.v len128_num); ( <= ) { assert_norm (256 <= 4096); FStar.Math.Lemmas.lemma_mult_le_right (UInt64.v len128_num) 256 4096 } 4096 * (UInt64.v len128_num); }; assert (DV.length (get_downview tag_b) % 16 = 0); assert (DV.length (get_downview scratch_b) % 16 = 0); assert (DV.length (get_downview out128_b) % 16 = 0); as_vale_buffer_len #TUInt8 #TUInt128 auth_b; as_vale_buffer_len #TUInt8 #TUInt128 keys_b; as_vale_buffer_len #TUInt8 #TUInt128 iv_b; as_vale_buffer_len #TUInt8 #TUInt128 hkeys_b; as_vale_buffer_len #TUInt8 #TUInt128 abytes_b; as_vale_buffer_len #TUInt8 #TUInt128 out128x6_b; as_vale_buffer_len #TUInt8 #TUInt128 in128x6_b; as_vale_buffer_len #TUInt8 #TUInt128 out128x6_b; as_vale_buffer_len #TUInt8 #TUInt128 in128_b; as_vale_buffer_len #TUInt8 #TUInt128 inout_b; as_vale_buffer_len #TUInt8 #TUInt128 scratch_b; as_vale_buffer_len #TUInt8 #TUInt128 tag_b; bounded_buffer_addrs_all TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 auth_b; bounded_buffer_addrs_all TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 in128x6_b; bounded_buffer_addrs_all TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 out128x6_b; bounded_buffer_addrs_all TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 in128_b; bounded_buffer_addrs_all TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 out128_b; bounded_buffer_addrs_all TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 inout_b; bounded_buffer_addrs_all TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 iv_b; bounded_buffer_addrs_all TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 keys_b; bounded_buffer_addrs_all TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 hkeys_b; let (x, _) = gcm128_decrypt_opt key iv auth_b auth_bytes auth_num keys_b iv_b hkeys_b abytes_b in128x6_b out128x6_b len128x6 in128_b out128_b len128_num inout_b cipher_num scratch_b tag_b () in let h1 = get() in x #pop-options inline_for_extraction val gcm128_decrypt_opt_alloca: key:Ghost.erased (Seq.seq nat32) -> iv:Ghost.erased supported_iv_LE -> cipher_b:uint8_p -> cipher_len:uint64 -> auth_b:uint8_p -> auth_len:uint64 -> iv_b:uint8_p -> out_b:uint8_p -> tag_b:uint8_p -> keys_b:uint8_p -> hkeys_b:uint8_p -> scratch_b:uint8_p -> inout_b : uint8_p -> abytes_b : uint8_p -> Stack UInt64.t (requires fun h0 -> B.disjoint scratch_b tag_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b out_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b cipher_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b iv_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b inout_b /\ B.disjoint scratch_b abytes_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b tag_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b out_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b cipher_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b iv_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint inout_b abytes_b /\ B.disjoint abytes_b tag_b /\ B.disjoint abytes_b out_b /\ B.disjoint abytes_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint abytes_b cipher_b /\ B.disjoint abytes_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint abytes_b iv_b /\ B.disjoint abytes_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint tag_b out_b /\ B.disjoint tag_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint tag_b cipher_b /\ B.disjoint tag_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint tag_b iv_b /\ disjoint_or_eq tag_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b out_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b cipher_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint iv_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint out_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint out_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint out_b auth_b /\ disjoint_or_eq out_b cipher_b /\ B.disjoint cipher_b keys_b /\ B.disjoint cipher_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint cipher_b auth_b /\ disjoint_or_eq keys_b hkeys_b /\ B.disjoint keys_b auth_b /\ B.disjoint hkeys_b auth_b /\ h0 auth_b /\ h0 keys_b /\ h0 iv_b /\ h0 hkeys_b /\ h0 out_b /\ h0 cipher_b /\ h0 tag_b /\ h0 scratch_b /\ h0 inout_b /\ h0 abytes_b /\ B.length auth_b = (UInt64.v auth_len / 16) * 16 /\ B.length iv_b = 16 /\ B.length cipher_b = (UInt64.v cipher_len / 16) * 16 /\ B.length out_b = B.length cipher_b /\ B.length hkeys_b = 128 /\ B.length tag_b == 16 /\ B.length keys_b = 176 /\ B.length scratch_b = 144 /\ B.length inout_b = 16 /\ B.length abytes_b = 16 /\ UInt64.v cipher_len < pow2_32 /\ UInt64.v auth_len < pow2_32 /\ aesni_enabled /\ pclmulqdq_enabled /\ avx_enabled /\ sse_enabled /\ movbe_enabled /\ is_aes_key_LE AES_128 (Ghost.reveal key) /\ (Seq.equal (B.as_seq h0 keys_b) (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (key_to_round_keys_LE AES_128 (Ghost.reveal key))))) /\ hkeys_reqs_pub (le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h0 hkeys_b))) (reverse_bytes_quad32 (aes_encrypt_LE AES_128 (Ghost.reveal key) (Mkfour 0 0 0 0))) /\ (length_div iv_b; (le_bytes_to_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h0 iv_b))) == compute_iv_BE (aes_encrypt_LE AES_128 (Ghost.reveal key) (Mkfour 0 0 0 0)) (Ghost.reveal iv) ) ) (ensures fun h0 c h1 -> B.modifies (B.loc_union (B.loc_buffer iv_b) (B.loc_union (B.loc_buffer scratch_b) (B.loc_union (B.loc_buffer out_b) (B.loc_buffer inout_b)))) h0 h1 /\ (UInt64.v cipher_len) < pow2_32 /\ (UInt64.v auth_len) < pow2_32 /\ (let cipher_d = get_downview cipher_b in length_aux3 cipher_b (UInt64.v cipher_len / 16); let cipher_u = UV.mk_buffer cipher_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let inout_d = get_downview inout_b in length_aux3 inout_b 1; let inout_u = UV.mk_buffer inout_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let out_d = get_downview out_b in length_aux3 out_b (UInt64.v cipher_len / 16); let out_u = UV.mk_buffer out_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let cipher_in = Seq.append (UV.as_seq h0 cipher_u) (UV.as_seq h0 inout_u) in let cipher_bytes = wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes cipher_in) (UInt64.v cipher_len) in let plain_out = Seq.append (UV.as_seq h1 out_u) (UV.as_seq h1 inout_u) in let plain_bytes = wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes plain_out) (UInt64.v cipher_len) in let auth_d = get_downview auth_b in length_aux3 auth_b (UInt64.v auth_len / 16); let auth_u = UV.mk_buffer auth_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let abytes_d = get_downview abytes_b in length_aux3 abytes_b 1; let abytes_u = UV.mk_buffer abytes_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let auth_in = Seq.append (UV.as_seq h0 auth_u) (UV.as_seq h0 abytes_u) in let auth_bytes = wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes auth_in) (UInt64.v auth_len) in let expected_tag = seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h0 tag_b) in (Seq.length cipher_bytes) < pow2_32 /\ (Seq.length auth_bytes) < pow2_32 /\ (let plain, result = gcm_decrypt_LE AES_128 (seq_nat32_to_seq_nat8_LE (Ghost.reveal key)) (Ghost.reveal iv) cipher_bytes auth_bytes expected_tag in Seq.equal plain plain_bytes /\ (UInt64.v c = 0) == result ) )) let lemma_same_seq_dv (h:HS.mem) (b:uint8_p) : Lemma (Seq.equal (B.as_seq h b) (DV.as_seq h (get_downview b))) = let db = get_downview b in DV.length_eq db; let aux (i:nat{i < B.length b}) : Lemma (Seq.index (B.as_seq h b) i == Seq.index (DV.as_seq h db) i) = DV.as_seq_sel h db i; DV.get_sel h db i; Vale.Interop.Views.put8_reveal () in Classical.forall_intro aux let lemma_uv_split (h:HS.mem) (b:uint8_p) (n:UInt32.t) : Lemma (requires B.length b % 16 = 0 /\ UInt32.v n % 16 = 0 /\ UInt32.v n <= B.length b) (ensures ( let b1 = B.gsub b 0ul n in let b2 = B.gsub b n (UInt32.uint_to_t (B.length b) - n) in let b1_d = get_downview b1 in length_aux3 b1 (B.length b1 / 16); let b1_u = UV.mk_buffer b1_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let b2_d = get_downview b2 in length_aux3 b2 (B.length b2 / 16); let b2_u = UV.mk_buffer b2_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let b_d = get_downview b in length_aux3 b (B.length b / 16); let b_u = UV.mk_buffer b_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let split_bs = Seq.append (UV.as_seq h b1_u) (UV.as_seq h b2_u) in let bs = UV.as_seq h b_u in Seq.equal bs split_bs) ) = let b1 = B.gsub b 0ul n in let b2 = B.gsub b n (UInt32.uint_to_t (B.length b) - n) in let b1_d = get_downview b1 in length_aux3 b1 (B.length b1 / 16); let b1_u = UV.mk_buffer b1_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let b2_d = get_downview b2 in length_aux3 b2 (B.length b2 / 16); let b2_u = UV.mk_buffer b2_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let b_d = get_downview b in length_aux3 b (B.length b / 16); let b_u = UV.mk_buffer b_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let split_bs = Seq.append (UV.as_seq h b1_u) (UV.as_seq h b2_u) in let bs = UV.as_seq h b_u in calc (==) { Seq.length split_bs; (==) { } Seq.length (UV.as_seq h b1_u) + Seq.length (UV.as_seq h b2_u); (==) { UV.length_eq b1_u; UV.length_eq b2_u } DV.length b1_d / 16 + DV.length b2_d / 16; (==) { DV.length_eq b1_d; DV.length_eq b2_d; math_aux (B.length b1); math_aux (B.length b2) } B.length b1 / 16 + B.length b2 / 16; (==) { } B.length b / 16; (==) { DV.length_eq b_d; UV.length_eq b_u; math_aux (B.length b) } Seq.length bs; }; assert (Seq.length bs == Seq.length split_bs); let aux (i:nat{ i < Seq.length bs}) : Lemma (Seq.index bs i = Seq.index split_bs i) = UV.length_eq b_u; lemma_same_seq_dv h b; calc (==) { Seq.index bs i; (==) { UV.as_seq_sel h b_u i } UV.sel h b_u i; (==) { UV.get_sel h b_u i } Vale.Interop.Views.get128 (Seq.slice (DV.as_seq h b_d) (i * 16) (i * 16 + 16)); (==) { lemma_same_seq_dv h b } Vale.Interop.Views.get128 (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b) (i * 16) (i * 16 + 16)); (==) { assert (Seq.equal (B.as_seq h b) (Seq.append (B.as_seq h b1) (B.as_seq h b2))) } Vale.Interop.Views.get128 (Seq.slice (Seq.append (B.as_seq h b1) (B.as_seq h b2)) (i * 16) (i * 16 + 16)); }; if i < Seq.length (UV.as_seq h b1_u) then ( lemma_same_seq_dv h b1; UV.length_eq b1_u; calc (==) { Vale.Interop.Views.get128 (Seq.slice (Seq.append (B.as_seq h b1) (B.as_seq h b2)) (i * 16) (i * 16 + 16)); (==) { } Vale.Interop.Views.get128 (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b1) (i * 16) (i * 16 + 16)); (==) { UV.get_sel h b1_u i } UV.sel h b1_u i; (==) { UV.as_seq_sel h b1_u i } Seq.index (UV.as_seq h b1_u) i; (==) { } Seq.index split_bs i; } ) else ( lemma_same_seq_dv h b2; UV.length_eq b2_u; let j = i - UV.length b1_u in calc (==) { Vale.Interop.Views.get128 (Seq.slice (Seq.append (B.as_seq h b1) (B.as_seq h b2)) (i * 16) (i * 16 + 16)); (==) { } Vale.Interop.Views.get128 (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b2) (j * 16) (j * 16 + 16)); (==) { UV.get_sel h b2_u j } UV.sel h b2_u j; (==) { UV.as_seq_sel h b2_u j } Seq.index (UV.as_seq h b2_u) j; (==) { } Seq.index split_bs i; } ) in Classical.forall_intro aux let math_cast_aux (n:UInt64.t) : Lemma (requires UInt64.v n < pow2 32) (ensures UInt32.v (uint64_to_uint32 n) = UInt64.v n) = FStar.Math.Lemmas.small_mod (UInt64.v n) (pow2 32) inline_for_extraction let gcm128_decrypt_opt_alloca key iv cipher_b cipher_len auth_b auth_bytes iv_b out_b tag_b keys_b hkeys_b scratch_b inout_b abytes_b = let h0 = get() in let lemma_uv_key () : Lemma (let db = get_downview keys_b in length_aux keys_b; let ub = UV.mk_buffer db Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in Seq.equal (UV.as_seq h0 ub) (key_to_round_keys_LE AES_128 (Ghost.reveal key))) = length_aux keys_b; let db = get_downview keys_b in let ub = UV.mk_buffer db Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in le_bytes_to_seq_quad32_to_bytes (key_to_round_keys_LE AES_128 (Ghost.reveal key)); assert (Seq.equal (le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h0 keys_b))) (key_to_round_keys_LE AES_128 (Ghost.reveal key))); calc (==) { le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h0 keys_b)); (==) { lemma_seq_nat8_le_seq_quad32_to_bytes_uint32 keys_b h0 } le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (UV.as_seq h0 ub)))); (==) { le_bytes_to_seq_quad32_to_bytes (UV.as_seq h0 ub) } UV.as_seq h0 ub; } in lemma_uv_key (); // Simplify the precondition for hkeys_b let lemma_uv_hkey () : Lemma (let db = get_downview hkeys_b in length_aux5 hkeys_b; let ub = UV.mk_buffer db Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in UV.as_seq h0 ub == le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h0 hkeys_b))) = length_aux5 hkeys_b; let db = get_downview hkeys_b in let ub = UV.mk_buffer db Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in calc (==) { le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h0 hkeys_b)); (==) { lemma_seq_nat8_le_seq_quad32_to_bytes_uint32 hkeys_b h0 } le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (UV.as_seq h0 ub)))); (==) { le_bytes_to_seq_quad32_to_bytes (UV.as_seq h0 ub) } UV.as_seq h0 ub; } in lemma_uv_hkey (); // Simplify the expression for the iv DV.length_eq (get_downview iv_b); length_aux4 iv_b; calc (==) { compute_iv_BE (aes_encrypt_LE AES_128 (Ghost.reveal key) (Mkfour 0 0 0 0)) (Ghost.reveal iv); (==) { } le_bytes_to_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h0 iv_b)); (==) { gcm_simplify2 iv_b h0 } le_bytes_to_quad32 (le_quad32_to_bytes (low_buffer_read TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 iv_b 0)); (==) { le_bytes_to_quad32_to_bytes (low_buffer_read TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 iv_b 0) } low_buffer_read TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 iv_b 0; }; // Simplify post condition for tag gcm_simplify2 tag_b h0; length_div tag_b; // Compute length of biggest blocks of 6 * 128-bit blocks let len128x6 = UInt64.mul (cipher_len / 96uL) 96uL in if len128x6 / 16uL >= 6uL then ( let len128_num = ((cipher_len / 16uL) * 16uL) - len128x6 in // Casting to uint32 is here the equality math_cast_aux len128x6; math_cast_aux len128_num; let in128x6_b = B.sub cipher_b 0ul (uint64_to_uint32 len128x6) in let out128x6_b = B.sub out_b 0ul (uint64_to_uint32 len128x6) in let in128_b = B.sub cipher_b (uint64_to_uint32 len128x6) (uint64_to_uint32 len128_num) in let out128_b = B.sub out_b (uint64_to_uint32 len128x6) (uint64_to_uint32 len128_num) in let auth_num = UInt64.div auth_bytes 16uL in let len128x6' = UInt64.div len128x6 16uL in let len128_num' = UInt64.div len128_num 16uL in let c = gcm128_decrypt_opt' key iv auth_b auth_bytes auth_num keys_b iv_b hkeys_b abytes_b in128x6_b out128x6_b len128x6' in128_b out128_b len128_num' inout_b cipher_len scratch_b tag_b in let h1 = get() in lemma_uv_split h0 cipher_b (uint64_to_uint32 len128x6); // Still need the two asserts for z3 to pick up seq equality assert ( let in128x6_d = get_downview in128x6_b in length_aux3 in128x6_b (UInt64.v len128x6'); let in128x6_u = UV.mk_buffer in128x6_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let in128_d = get_downview in128_b in length_aux3 in128_b (UInt64.v len128_num'); let in128_u = UV.mk_buffer in128_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let inout_d = get_downview inout_b in length_aux3 inout_b 1; let inout_u = UV.mk_buffer inout_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let cipher_d = get_downview cipher_b in length_aux3 cipher_b (UInt64.v cipher_len / 16); let cipher_u = UV.mk_buffer cipher_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in Seq.equal (Seq.append (Seq.append (UV.as_seq h0 in128x6_u) (UV.as_seq h0 in128_u)) (UV.as_seq h0 inout_u)) (Seq.append (UV.as_seq h0 cipher_u) (UV.as_seq h0 inout_u))); lemma_uv_split h1 out_b (uint64_to_uint32 len128x6); assert ( let out128x6_d = get_downview out128x6_b in length_aux3 out128x6_b (UInt64.v len128x6'); let out128x6_u = UV.mk_buffer out128x6_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let out128_d = get_downview out128_b in length_aux3 out128_b (UInt64.v len128_num'); let out128_u = UV.mk_buffer out128_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let inout_d = get_downview inout_b in length_aux3 inout_b 1; let inout_u = UV.mk_buffer inout_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let out_d = get_downview out_b in length_aux3 out_b (UInt64.v cipher_len / 16); let out_u = UV.mk_buffer out_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in Seq.equal (Seq.append (Seq.append (UV.as_seq h1 out128x6_u) (UV.as_seq h1 out128_u)) (UV.as_seq h1 inout_u)) (Seq.append (UV.as_seq h1 out_u) (UV.as_seq h1 inout_u))); c ) else ( let len128x6 = 0ul in // Compute the size of the remaining 128-bit blocks let len128_num = ((cipher_len / 16uL) * 16uL) in // Casting to uint32 is here the equality FStar.Math.Lemmas.small_mod (UInt64.v len128_num) pow2_32; let in128x6_b = B.sub cipher_b 0ul len128x6 in let out128x6_b = B.sub out_b 0ul len128x6 in let in128_b = B.sub cipher_b len128x6 (uint64_to_uint32 len128_num) in let out128_b = B.sub out_b len128x6 (uint64_to_uint32 len128_num) in let auth_num = UInt64.div auth_bytes 16uL in let len128_num' = UInt64.div len128_num 16uL in let len128x6' = 0uL in let c = gcm128_decrypt_opt' key iv auth_b auth_bytes auth_num keys_b iv_b hkeys_b abytes_b in128x6_b out128x6_b len128x6' in128_b out128_b len128_num' inout_b cipher_len scratch_b tag_b in let h1 = get() in lemma_uv_split h0 cipher_b len128x6; // Still need the two asserts for z3 to pick up seq equality assert ( let in128x6_d = get_downview in128x6_b in length_aux3 in128x6_b (UInt64.v len128x6'); let in128x6_u = UV.mk_buffer in128x6_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let in128_d = get_downview in128_b in length_aux3 in128_b (UInt64.v len128_num'); let in128_u = UV.mk_buffer in128_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let inout_d = get_downview inout_b in length_aux3 inout_b 1; let inout_u = UV.mk_buffer inout_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let plain_d = get_downview cipher_b in length_aux3 cipher_b (UInt64.v cipher_len / 16); let plain_u = UV.mk_buffer plain_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in Seq.equal (Seq.append (Seq.append (UV.as_seq h0 in128x6_u) (UV.as_seq h0 in128_u)) (UV.as_seq h0 inout_u)) (Seq.append (UV.as_seq h0 plain_u) (UV.as_seq h0 inout_u))); lemma_uv_split h1 out_b len128x6; assert ( let out128x6_d = get_downview out128x6_b in length_aux3 out128x6_b (UInt64.v len128x6'); let out128x6_u = UV.mk_buffer out128x6_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let out128_d = get_downview out128_b in length_aux3 out128_b (UInt64.v len128_num'); let out128_u = UV.mk_buffer out128_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let inout_d = get_downview inout_b in length_aux3 inout_b 1; let inout_u = UV.mk_buffer inout_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let out_d = get_downview out_b in length_aux3 out_b (UInt64.v cipher_len / 16); let out_u = UV.mk_buffer out_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in Seq.equal (Seq.append (Seq.append (UV.as_seq h1 out128x6_u) (UV.as_seq h1 out128_u)) (UV.as_seq h1 inout_u)) (Seq.append (UV.as_seq h1 out_u) (UV.as_seq h1 inout_u))); c ) let lemma_identical_uv (b:uint8_p) (h0 h1:HS.mem) : Lemma (requires B.length b % 16 = 0 /\ Seq.equal (B.as_seq h0 b) (B.as_seq h1 b)) (ensures ( let b_d = get_downview b in length_aux3 b (B.length b / 16); let b_u = UV.mk_buffer b_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in Seq.equal (UV.as_seq h0 b_u) (UV.as_seq h1 b_u))) = lemma_dv_equal Vale.Interop.Views.down_view8 b h0 h1; length_aux3 b (B.length b / 16); lemma_uv_equal Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 (get_downview b) h0 h1 let length_aux6 (b:uint8_p) : Lemma (B.length b = DV.length (get_downview b)) = DV.length_eq (get_downview b) #push-options "--z3cliopt" let lemma_slice_uv_extra (b:uint8_p) (b_start:uint8_p) (b_extra:uint8_p) (h:HS.mem) : Lemma (requires B.length b_start = B.length b / 16 * 16 /\ b_start == B.gsub b 0ul (UInt32.uint_to_t (B.length b_start)) /\ B.length b_extra = 16 /\ Seq.equal (B.as_seq h b) (Seq.slice (Seq.append (B.as_seq h b_start) (B.as_seq h b_extra)) 0 (B.length b)) ) (ensures ( let b_start_d = get_downview b_start in length_aux6 b_start; let b_start_u = UV.mk_buffer b_start_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let b_extra_d = get_downview b_extra in length_aux6 b_extra; let b_extra_u = UV.mk_buffer b_extra_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let suv = Seq.append (UV.as_seq h b_start_u) (UV.as_seq h b_extra_u) in let sf = wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes suv) (B.length b) in Seq.equal sf (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b)) )) = let b_start_d = get_downview b_start in length_aux6 b_start; let b_start_u = UV.mk_buffer b_start_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let b_extra_d = get_downview b_extra in length_aux6 b_extra; let b_extra_u = UV.mk_buffer b_extra_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let suv = Seq.append (UV.as_seq h b_start_u) (UV.as_seq h b_extra_u) in let sf = wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes suv) (B.length b) in let b_f = seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b) in // if B.length b > B.length b_start then ( calc (==) { sf; (==) { DV.length_eq b_start_d; lemma_seq_nat8_le_seq_quad32_to_bytes_uint32 b_start h; le_bytes_to_seq_quad32_to_bytes (UV.as_seq h b_start_u) } wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (Seq.append (le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_start))) (UV.as_seq h b_extra_u))) (B.length b); (==) { DV.length_eq b_extra_d; lemma_seq_nat8_le_seq_quad32_to_bytes_uint32 b_extra h; le_bytes_to_seq_quad32_to_bytes (UV.as_seq h b_extra_u) } wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (Seq.append (le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_start))) (le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_extra))))) (B.length b); (==) { append_distributes_le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_start))) (le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_extra))) } wrap_slice (Seq.append (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_start)))) (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_extra))))) (B.length b); (==) { le_seq_quad32_to_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_start)); le_seq_quad32_to_bytes_to_seq_quad32 (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_extra)) } wrap_slice (Seq.append (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_start)) (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_extra))) (B.length b); (==) { Seq.lemma_eq_intro b_f (wrap_slice (Seq.append (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_start)) (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_extra))) (B.length b)) } b_f; } // ) else ( // calc (==) { // sf; // (==) { } // wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (UV.as_seq h b_start_u)) (B.length b); // (==) { DV.length_eq (get_downview b_start); // gcm_simplify1 b_start h (B.length b) } // seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h b_start); // (==) { } // b_f; // } // ) #pop-options let lemma_slice_sub (b:uint8_p) (b_sub:uint8_p) (b_extra:uint8_p) (h:HS.mem) : Lemma (requires B.length b_extra = 16 /\ B.length b_sub = B.length b / 16 * 16 /\ b_sub == B.gsub b 0ul (UInt32.uint_to_t (B.length b_sub)) /\ Seq.equal (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b) (B.length b_sub) (B.length b_sub + B.length b % 16)) (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b_extra) 0 (B.length b % 16)) ) (ensures Seq.equal (B.as_seq h b) (Seq.slice (Seq.append (B.as_seq h b_sub) (B.as_seq h b_extra)) 0 (B.length b)) ) = calc (==) { Seq.slice (Seq.append (B.as_seq h b_sub) (B.as_seq h b_extra)) 0 (B.length b); (==) { Seq.lemma_eq_intro (Seq.slice (Seq.append (B.as_seq h b_sub) (B.as_seq h b_extra)) 0 (B.length b)) (Seq.append (B.as_seq h b_sub) (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b_extra) 0 (B.length b % 16))) } Seq.append (B.as_seq h b_sub) (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b_extra) 0 (B.length b % 16)); (==) { } Seq.append (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b) 0 (B.length b_sub)) (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b_extra) 0 (B.length b % 16)); (==) { } Seq.append (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b) 0 (B.length b_sub)) (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b) (B.length b_sub) (B.length b)); (==) { Seq.lemma_eq_intro (B.as_seq h b) (Seq.append (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b) 0 (B.length b_sub)) (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b) (B.length b_sub) (B.length b))) } B.as_seq h b; } #set-options "--z3rlimit 600 --max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0" inline_for_extraction let gcm128_decrypt_opt_stdcall key iv cipher_b cipher_len auth_b auth_len iv_b out_b tag_b keys_b hkeys_b scratch_b = let h0 = get() in push_frame(); // Extra space to have a full input/output with length % 16 = 0 let inout_b = B.sub scratch_b 0ul 16ul in // Same for auth_b let abytes_b = B.sub scratch_b 16ul 16ul in // Scratch space for Vale procedure let scratch_b = B.sub scratch_b 32ul 144ul in // Copy the remainder of cipher_b into inout_b math_cast_aux cipher_len; math_cast_aux auth_len; let cipher_len' = (uint64_to_uint32 cipher_len / 16ul) * 16ul in let auth_len' = (uint64_to_uint32 auth_len / 16ul) * 16ul in let cipher_b' = B.sub cipher_b 0ul cipher_len' in let out_b' = B.sub out_b 0ul cipher_len' in let auth_b' = B.sub auth_b 0ul auth_len' in B.blit cipher_b cipher_len' inout_b 0ul (uint64_to_uint32 cipher_len % 16ul); let h1 = get() in // Same with auth_b and abytes_b B.blit auth_b auth_len' abytes_b 0ul (uint64_to_uint32 auth_len % 16ul); let h1 = get() in let c = gcm128_decrypt_opt_alloca key iv cipher_b' cipher_len auth_b' auth_len iv_b out_b' tag_b keys_b hkeys_b scratch_b inout_b abytes_b in let h_post = get() in // Copy back the remainder in inout_b into out_b B.blit inout_b 0ul out_b ((uint64_to_uint32 cipher_len / 16ul) * 16ul) (uint64_to_uint32 cipher_len % 16ul); let h2 = get() in assert ( let cipher_d = get_downview cipher_b' in length_aux3 cipher_b' (UInt64.v cipher_len / 16); let cipher_u = UV.mk_buffer cipher_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let inout_d = get_downview inout_b in length_aux3 inout_b 1; let inout_u = UV.mk_buffer inout_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let out_d = get_downview out_b' in length_aux3 out_b' (UInt64.v cipher_len / 16); let out_u = UV.mk_buffer out_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let cipher_in = Seq.append (UV.as_seq h1 cipher_u) (UV.as_seq h1 inout_u) in let cipher_bytes = wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes cipher_in) (UInt64.v cipher_len) in let plain_out = Seq.append (UV.as_seq h_post out_u) (UV.as_seq h_post inout_u) in let plain_bytes = wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes plain_out) (UInt64.v cipher_len) in let auth_d = get_downview auth_b' in length_aux3 auth_b' (UInt64.v auth_len / 16); let auth_u = UV.mk_buffer auth_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let abytes_d = get_downview abytes_b in length_aux3 abytes_b 1; let abytes_u = UV.mk_buffer abytes_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let auth_in = Seq.append (UV.as_seq h1 auth_u) (UV.as_seq h1 abytes_u) in let auth_bytes = wrap_slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes auth_in) (UInt64.v auth_len) in let expected_tag = seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h0 tag_b) in (Seq.length cipher_bytes) < pow2_32 /\ (Seq.length auth_bytes) < pow2_32 /\ (let plain, result = gcm_decrypt_LE AES_128 (seq_nat32_to_seq_nat8_LE (Ghost.reveal key)) (Ghost.reveal iv) cipher_bytes auth_bytes expected_tag in Seq.equal plain plain_bytes /\ (UInt64.v c = 0) == result )); lemma_identical_uv out_b' h_post h2; lemma_identical_uv inout_b h_post h2; assert ( let out_d = get_downview out_b' in length_aux3 out_b' (UInt64.v cipher_len / 16); let out_u = UV.mk_buffer out_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in UV.as_seq h_post out_u == UV.as_seq h2 out_u); assert ( let inout_d = get_downview inout_b in length_aux3 inout_b 1; let inout_u = UV.mk_buffer inout_d Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in UV.as_seq h_post inout_u == UV.as_seq h2 inout_u); lemma_slice_sub cipher_b cipher_b' inout_b h1; lemma_slice_uv_extra cipher_b cipher_b' inout_b h1; lemma_slice_sub auth_b auth_b' abytes_b h1; lemma_slice_sub out_b out_b' inout_b h2; lemma_slice_uv_extra auth_b auth_b' abytes_b h1; lemma_slice_uv_extra out_b out_b' inout_b h2; assert ( let cipher = seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h1 cipher_b) in let auth = seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h1 auth_b) in let expected_tag = seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h1 tag_b) in let plain, result = gcm_decrypt_LE AES_128 (seq_nat32_to_seq_nat8_LE (Ghost.reveal key)) (Ghost.reveal iv) cipher auth expected_tag in Seq.equal (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (B.as_seq h2 out_b)) plain /\ (UInt64.v c = 0) == result); pop_frame(); c