module Vale.Wrapper.X64.Sha open FStar.Mul module UV = LowStar.BufferView.Up module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down open Vale.Interop.Base open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers open Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s open Vale.SHA.Simplify_Sha open Vale.Def.Types_s open Vale.Def.Words_s open Vale.Def.Words.Four_s open Vale.Def.Words.Seq open Vale.Lib.Seqs_s friend Lib.IntTypes friend Vale.SHA.SHA_helpers #set-options "--z3rlimit 100 --max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0" let math_aux (n:nat) : Lemma ( ((64 * n) * 1) / 16 == 4 * n) = () val lemma_k_reqs_equiv (k_b:ibuf_t TUInt32 TUInt128) (h:HS.mem) : Lemma (requires h k_b /\ IB.length k_b == 64 /\ Seq.equal (B.as_seq h k_b) (Spec.SHA2.Constants.k224_256)) (ensures ( DV.length_eq (get_downview k_b); k_reqs (UV.as_seq h (UV.mk_buffer (get_downview k_b) Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128)))) #push-options "--z3cliopt" let lemma_k_reqs_equiv k_b h = let db = get_downview k_b in DV.length_eq db; let ub = UV.mk_buffer db Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in let k_seq = UV.as_seq h ub in assert (Seq.equal (B.as_seq h k_b) k); UV.length_eq ub; let aux (i:nat{i < size_k_w_256/4}) : Lemma ((k_seq.[i]).lo0 == word_to_nat32 (k.[4 * i]) /\ (k_seq.[i]).lo1 == word_to_nat32 (k.[4 * i + 1]) /\ (k_seq.[i]).hi2 == word_to_nat32 (k.[4 * i + 2]) /\ (k_seq.[i]).hi3 == word_to_nat32 (k.[4 * i + 3])) = let down_s = DV.as_seq h db in let s = B.as_seq h k_b in UV.as_seq_sel h ub i; // Proves // assert (k_seq.[i] == UV.sel h ub i); UV.get_sel h ub i; //Proves //assert (k_seq.[i] == Vale.Interop.Views.get128 (Seq.slice down_s (i*16) (i*16+16))); Vale.Interop.Views.get128_reveal (); // We get the following by revealing the definition of get128 // let s_slice = seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (Seq.slice down_s (i*16) (i*16+16)) in // assert (k_seq.[i] == le_bytes_to_quad32 s_slice); le_bytes_to_quad32_reveal (); reveal_opaque (`%seq_to_seq_four_LE) (seq_to_seq_four_LE #nat8); // Revealing le_bytes_to_quad32 gives us the following assert (k_seq.[i] == Mkfour (four_to_nat 8 (seq_to_four_LE (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (Seq.slice down_s (i*16) (i*16+4))))) (four_to_nat 8 (seq_to_four_LE (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (Seq.slice down_s (i*16+4) (i*16+8))))) (four_to_nat 8 (seq_to_four_LE (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (Seq.slice down_s (i*16+8) (i*16+12))))) (four_to_nat 8 (seq_to_four_LE (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (Seq.slice down_s (i*16+12) (i*16+16)))))); // Gives us that Seq.slice down_s (i*16) (i*16+4) == Vale.Interop.Views.put32 (Seq.index s (4*i)) and same for other indices DV.put_sel h db (4*4*i); DV.put_sel h db (4*(4*i+1)); DV.put_sel h db (4*(4*i+2)); DV.put_sel h db (4*(4*i+3)); Vale.Interop.Views.put32_reveal (); // Apply the only lemmas without SMTPat to simplify the following patterns: // assert (four_to_nat 8 ( // seq_to_four_LE ( // seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 ( // seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 ( // four_to_seq_LE ( // nat_to_four 8 (UInt32.v (Seq.index s (4*i)))))))) == // UInt32.v (Seq.index s (4*i))); seq_to_four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 (UInt32.v (Seq.index s (4*i)))); seq_to_four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 (UInt32.v (Seq.index s (4*i+1)))); seq_to_four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 (UInt32.v (Seq.index s (4*i+2)))); seq_to_four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 (UInt32.v (Seq.index s (4*i+3)))) in Classical.forall_intro aux #pop-options val simplify_le_bytes_to_hash_uint32 (b:buf_t TUInt32 TUInt128) (h:HS.mem) : Lemma (requires h b /\ B.length b == 8) (ensures (reveal_word(); DV.length_eq (get_downview b); Seq.equal (le_bytes_to_hash (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (UV.as_seq h (UV.mk_buffer (get_downview b) Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128)))) (B.as_seq h b))) #push-options "--z3cliopt" let simplify_le_bytes_to_hash_uint32 b h = let db = get_downview b in let down_s = DV.as_seq h db in DV.length_eq db; let ub = UV.mk_buffer db Vale.Interop.Views.up_view128 in UV.length_eq ub; let s_init = B.as_seq h b in let s = UV.as_seq h ub in let s' = le_seq_quad32_to_bytes s in let sf = le_bytes_to_hash s' in // Since Seq.length s' == 32, we have the following by def of le_bytes_to_hash assert (sf == seq_map nat32_to_word (seq_nat8_to_seq_nat32_LE s')); le_seq_quad32_to_bytes_reveal (); reveal_opaque (`%seq_four_to_seq_LE) (seq_four_to_seq_LE #nat32); // After revealing the previous def, the seq_nat8_to_seq_nat32_LE_to_nat8 simplifies assert (sf == seq_map nat32_to_word (seq_four_to_seq_LE s)); let aux (i:nat {i < Seq.length sf}) : Lemma (Seq.index sf i = Seq.index s_init i) = let i' = i/4 in UV.as_seq_sel h ub i'; UV.get_sel h ub i'; reveal_opaque (`%seq_to_seq_four_LE) (seq_to_seq_four_LE #nat8); Vale.Interop.Views.get128_reveal (); le_bytes_to_quad32_reveal (); // Revealing these definitions gives us the following assert (Vale.Interop.Views.get128 (Seq.slice (DV.as_seq h db) (i' * 16) (i' * 16 + 16)) == Mkfour (four_to_nat 8 (seq_to_four_LE (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (Seq.slice down_s (i'*16) (i'*16+4))))) (four_to_nat 8 (seq_to_four_LE (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (Seq.slice down_s (i'*16+4) (i'*16+8))))) (four_to_nat 8 (seq_to_four_LE (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (Seq.slice down_s (i'*16+8) (i'*16+12))))) (four_to_nat 8 (seq_to_four_LE (seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 (Seq.slice down_s (i'*16+12) (i'*16+16)))))); // Gives us that Seq.slice down_s (i*16) (i*16+4) == Vale.Interop.Views.put32 (Seq.index s (4*i)) and same for other indices DV.put_sel h db (4*4*i'); DV.put_sel h db (4*(4*i'+1)); DV.put_sel h db (4*(4*i'+2)); DV.put_sel h db (4*(4*i'+3)); Vale.Interop.Views.put32_reveal (); // Apply the only lemmas without SMTPat to simplify the following patterns: // assert (four_to_nat 8 ( // seq_to_four_LE ( // seq_uint8_to_seq_nat8 ( // seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 ( // four_to_seq_LE ( // nat_to_four 8 (UInt32.v (Seq.index s (4*i)))))))) == // UInt32.v (Seq.index s (4*i))); seq_to_four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 (UInt32.v (Seq.index s_init (4*i')))); seq_to_four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 (UInt32.v (Seq.index s_init (4*i'+1)))); seq_to_four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 (UInt32.v (Seq.index s_init (4*i'+2)))); seq_to_four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 (UInt32.v (Seq.index s_init (4*i'+3)))); Vale.Interop.Views.get32_128_reveal (); assert (UInt32.uint_to_t (four_select (Seq.index s i') (i%4)) == Seq.index (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b) (i' * 4) (i'*4+4)) (i%4)); assert (Seq.index (B.as_seq h b) i == Seq.index (Seq.slice (B.as_seq h b) (i' * 4) (i'*4+4)) (i%4)) in Classical.forall_intro aux; assert (Seq.equal sf s_init) #pop-options let sha256_update ctx_b in_b num_val k_b = let h0 = get() in DV.length_eq (get_downview in_b); bounded_buffer_addrs_all TUInt8 TUInt128 h0 in_b; DV.length_eq (get_downview ctx_b); DV.length_eq (get_downview k_b); lemma_k_reqs_equiv k_b h0; math_aux (UInt64.v num_val); as_vale_buffer_len #TUInt8 #TUInt128 in_b; let (x, _) = Vale.Stdcalls.X64.Sha.sha256_update ctx_b in_b num_val k_b () in let h1 = get() in reveal_word(); simplify_le_bytes_to_hash_uint32 ctx_b h0; simplify_le_bytes_to_hash_uint32 ctx_b h1; lemma_seq_nat8_le_seq_quad32_to_bytes_uint32 in_b h0; ()