module Vale.SHA.SHA_helpers open FStar.Mul open Vale.Def.Prop_s open Vale.Def.Opaque_s open Spec.SHA2 open Spec.SHA2.Lemmas open Spec.Agile.Hash open Spec.Hash.Definitions open Spec.Hash.Lemmas open Vale.X64.CryptoInstructions_s open Vale.Def.Types_s open Vale.Def.Words_s open FStar.Seq open FStar.UInt32 // Interop with UInt-based SHA spec open Vale.Arch.Types friend Spec.SHA2 friend Spec.SHA2.Lemmas friend Vale.X64.CryptoInstructions_s #reset-options "--max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0" // Define these specific converters here, so that F* only reasons about // the correctness of the conversion once, rather that at every call site let vv (u:Lib.IntTypes.uint32) : nat32 = Lib.IntTypes.v u let to_uint32 (n:nat32) : Lib.IntTypes.uint32 = Lib.IntTypes.u32 n let word = Lib.IntTypes.uint32 let k = (Spec.SHA2.k0 SHA2_256) let reveal_word () = () val add_mod_lemma:x:Lib.IntTypes.uint32 -> y:Lib.IntTypes.uint32 -> Lemma (add_mod x y == Lib.IntTypes.(x +. y)) [SMTPat (Lib.IntTypes.(x +. y))] let add_mod_lemma x y = () unfold let ws_opaque_aux = ws let ws_opaque (b:block_w) (t:counter{t < size_k_w_256}) : nat32 = vv (ws_opaque_aux SHA2_256 b t) unfold let shuffle_core_opaque_aux = shuffle_core let shuffle_core_opaque (block:block_w) (hash:hash256) (t:counter{t < size_k_w_256}):hash256 = shuffle_core_opaque_aux SHA2_256 block hash t [@"opaque_to_smt"] let update_multi_opaque_aux = opaque_make update_multi irreducible let update_multi_reveal = opaque_revealer (`%update_multi_opaque_aux) update_multi_opaque_aux update_multi let update_multi_opaque (hash:hash256) (blocks:bytes_blocks):hash256 = fst (update_multi_opaque_aux SHA2_256 (hash, ()) blocks) let update_multi_transparent (hash:hash256) (blocks:bytes_blocks) = fst (update_multi SHA2_256 (hash, ()) blocks) let add_mod32 (x:word) (y:nat32) : nat32 = vv (add_mod x (to_uint32 y)) let word_to_nat32 = vv let nat32_to_word = to_uint32 let byte_to_nat8 = UInt8.v let nat8_to_byte = UInt8.uint_to_t let make_hash_def (abef cdgh:quad32) : (hash:words_state' SHA2_256 { length hash == 8 /\ hash.[0] == to_uint32 abef.hi3 /\ hash.[1] == to_uint32 abef.hi2 /\ hash.[2] == to_uint32 cdgh.hi3 /\ hash.[3] == to_uint32 cdgh.hi2 /\ hash.[4] == to_uint32 abef.lo1 /\ hash.[5] == to_uint32 abef.lo0 /\ hash.[6] == to_uint32 cdgh.lo1 /\ hash.[7] == to_uint32 cdgh.lo0 } ) = let a = to_uint32 abef.hi3 in let b = to_uint32 abef.hi2 in let c = to_uint32 cdgh.hi3 in let d = to_uint32 cdgh.hi2 in let e = to_uint32 abef.lo1 in let f = to_uint32 abef.lo0 in let g = to_uint32 cdgh.lo1 in let h = to_uint32 cdgh.lo0 in let l = [a; b; c; d; e; f; g; h] in let hash = seq_of_list l in assert_norm (length hash == 8); elim_of_list l; //assert_norm (index hash 2 == c); hash [@"opaque_to_smt"] let make_hash = opaque_make make_hash_def irreducible let make_hash_reveal = opaque_revealer (`%make_hash) make_hash make_hash_def let make_ordered_hash_def (abcd efgh:quad32) : (hash:words_state' SHA2_256 { length hash == 8 /\ hash.[0] == to_uint32 abcd.lo0 /\ hash.[1] == to_uint32 abcd.lo1 /\ hash.[2] == to_uint32 abcd.hi2 /\ hash.[3] == to_uint32 abcd.hi3 /\ hash.[4] == to_uint32 efgh.lo0 /\ hash.[5] == to_uint32 efgh.lo1 /\ hash.[6] == to_uint32 efgh.hi2 /\ hash.[7] == to_uint32 efgh.hi3 }) = let a = to_uint32 abcd.lo0 in let b = to_uint32 abcd.lo1 in let c = to_uint32 abcd.hi2 in let d = to_uint32 abcd.hi3 in let e = to_uint32 efgh.lo0 in let f = to_uint32 efgh.lo1 in let g = to_uint32 efgh.hi2 in let h = to_uint32 efgh.hi3 in let l = [a; b; c; d; e; f; g; h] in let hash = seq_of_list l in assert_norm (length hash == 8); elim_of_list l; hash [@"opaque_to_smt"] let make_ordered_hash = opaque_make make_ordered_hash_def irreducible let make_ordered_hash_reveal = opaque_revealer (`%make_ordered_hash) make_ordered_hash make_ordered_hash_def let shuffle_core_properties (block:block_w) (hash:hash256) (t:counter{t < size_k_w_256}) : Lemma(let h = shuffle_core_opaque block hash t in let open Lib.IntTypes in let a0 = hash.[0] in let b0 = hash.[1] in let c0 = hash.[2] in let d0 = hash.[3] in let e0 = hash.[4] in let f0 = hash.[5] in let g0 = hash.[6] in let h0 = hash.[7] in let t1 = h0 +. (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e0) +. (_Ch SHA2_256 e0 f0 g0) +. (k0 SHA2_256).[t] +. (ws SHA2_256 block t) in let t2 = (_Sigma0 SHA2_256 a0) +. (_Maj SHA2_256 a0 b0 c0) in h.[0] == t1 +. t2 /\ h.[1] == a0 /\ h.[2] == b0 /\ h.[3] == c0 /\ h.[4] == d0 +. t1 /\ h.[5] == e0 /\ h.[6] == f0 /\ h.[7] == g0) = Pervasives.reveal_opaque (`%shuffle_core) shuffle_core; let h = shuffle_core SHA2_256 block hash t in let a0 = hash.[0] in let b0 = hash.[1] in let c0 = hash.[2] in let d0 = hash.[3] in let e0 = hash.[4] in let f0 = hash.[5] in let g0 = hash.[6] in let h0 = hash.[7] in let t1 = h0 +. (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e0) +. (_Ch SHA2_256 e0 f0 g0) +. (k0 SHA2_256).[t] +. (ws SHA2_256 block t) in let t2 = (_Sigma0 SHA2_256 a0) +. (_Maj SHA2_256 a0 b0 c0) in let l = [ t1 +. t2; a0; b0; c0; d0 +. t1; e0; f0; g0 ] in assert (h == seq_of_list l); elim_of_list l; () let sha256_rnds2_spec_update_quad32 (abef cdgh:quad32) (wk:UInt32.t) : (quad32 & quad32) = let hash0 = make_hash abef cdgh in let a', b', c', d', e', f', g', h' = sha256_rnds2_spec_update hash0.[0] hash0.[1] hash0.[2] hash0.[3] hash0.[4] hash0.[5] hash0.[6] hash0.[7] wk in let abef' = Mkfour (vv f') (vv e') (vv b') (vv a') in let cdgh' = Mkfour (vv h') (vv g') (vv d') (vv c') in (abef', cdgh') let sha256_rnds2_spec_quad32 (src1 src2 wk:quad32) : quad32 = let abef', cdgh' = sha256_rnds2_spec_update_quad32 src2 src1 (to_uint32 wk.lo0) in let abef'', cdgh'' = sha256_rnds2_spec_update_quad32 abef' cdgh' (to_uint32 wk.lo1) in abef'' let lemma_sha256_rnds2_spec_quad32 (src1 src2 wk:quad32) : Lemma (sha256_rnds2_spec src1 src2 wk == sha256_rnds2_spec_quad32 src1 src2 wk) = sha256_rnds2_spec_reveal (); () let lemma_add_mod_commutes (x y:UInt32.t) : Lemma (add_mod x y == add_mod y x) = () (* let lemma_add_mod32_associates (x y z:int) : Lemma ( ((x + y % pow2_32) + z) % pow2_32 == (x + ((y + z) % pow2_32)) % pow2_32 ) = () *) let lemma_add_mod_associates_U32 (x y z:UInt32.t) : Lemma (add_mod x (add_mod y z) == add_mod (add_mod x y) z) = let open Lib.IntTypes in calc (==) { v (x +. (y +. z)); (==) { } (v x + (v y + v z) % pow2 32) % pow2 32; (==) { FStar.Math.Lemmas.lemma_mod_add_distr (v x) (v y + v z) (pow2 32) } ((v x + v y) + v z) % pow2 32; (==) { FStar.Math.Lemmas.lemma_mod_add_distr (v z) (v x + v y) (pow2 32) } ((v x + v y) % pow2 32 + v z) % pow2 32; (==) { } v ((x +. y) +. z); }; v_inj (x +. (y +. z)) ((x +. y) +. z) (* assert_norm (pow2 32 == pow2_32); //assert (add_mod y z == to_uint32 ((vv y + vv z) % pow2_32)); //assert (add_mod x (add_mod y z) == to_uint32 ((vv x + vv (to_uint32 ((vv y + vv z) % pow2_32))) % pow2_32)); lemma_add_mod32_associates (vv x) (vv y) (vv z); //assert (to_uint32 ((vv x + vv (to_uint32 ((vv y + vv z) % pow2_32))) % pow2_32) == // to_uint32 (((vv x + vv y % pow2_32) + vv z) % pow2_32)); *) #reset-options "--max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0" let lemma_add_wrap_is_add_mod (n0 n1:nat32) : Lemma (add_wrap n0 n1 == vv (add_mod (to_uint32 n0) (to_uint32 n1))) = assert_norm (pow2 32 == pow2_32); () let add_wrap_commutes (x y:nat32) : Lemma(add_wrap x y == add_wrap y x) = () // Walk F* through the math steps required to rearrange all of the add_mods let lemma_add_mod_a (a b c d e f g h wk:UInt32.t) : Lemma ( let u = add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod wk (add_mod h (add_mod (_Maj SHA2_256 a b c) (_Sigma0 SHA2_256 a))))) in let t1 = add_mod h (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) wk)) in let t2 = add_mod (_Sigma0 SHA2_256 a) (_Maj SHA2_256 a b c) in let core = add_mod t1 t2 in u == core) = let t1 = add_mod h (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) wk)) in let t2 = add_mod (_Sigma0 SHA2_256 a) (_Maj SHA2_256 a b c) in let core = add_mod t1 t2 in lemma_add_mod_commutes (_Sigma0 SHA2_256 a) (_Maj SHA2_256 a b c); assert (t2 == add_mod (_Maj SHA2_256 a b c) (_Sigma0 SHA2_256 a)); lemma_add_mod_commutes h (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) wk)); assert (t1 == add_mod (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) wk)) h); lemma_add_mod_associates_U32 (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) wk)) h (add_mod (_Maj SHA2_256 a b c) (_Sigma0 SHA2_256 a)); assert (core == add_mod (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) wk)) (add_mod h (add_mod (_Maj SHA2_256 a b c) (_Sigma0 SHA2_256 a)))); lemma_add_mod_associates_U32 (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) wk; // ==> add_mod (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g)) wk) lemma_add_mod_commutes (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g); // ==> add_mod (add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e)) wk) lemma_add_mod_associates_U32 (add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e)) wk (add_mod h (add_mod (_Maj SHA2_256 a b c) (_Sigma0 SHA2_256 a))); assert (core == add_mod (add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e)) (add_mod wk (add_mod h (add_mod (_Maj SHA2_256 a b c) (_Sigma0 SHA2_256 a))))); lemma_add_mod_associates_U32 (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod wk (add_mod h (add_mod (_Maj SHA2_256 a b c) (_Sigma0 SHA2_256 a)))); () let lemma_add_mod_e (a b c d e f g h wk:UInt32.t) : Lemma ( let u = add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod wk (add_mod h d))) in let t1 = add_mod h (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) wk)) in let core = add_mod d t1 in u == core) = let t1 = add_mod h (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) wk)) in let core = add_mod d t1 in lemma_add_mod_commutes h (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) wk)); // t1 == add_mod (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) wk)) h); lemma_add_mod_commutes d t1; // core == add_mod t1 d lemma_add_mod_associates_U32 (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) wk; assert (t1 == add_mod (add_mod (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g)) wk) h); lemma_add_mod_associates_U32 (add_mod (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g)) wk) h d; assert (core == add_mod (add_mod (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g)) wk) (add_mod h d)); lemma_add_mod_associates_U32 (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g)) wk (add_mod h d); assert (core == add_mod (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g)) (add_mod wk (add_mod h d))); lemma_add_mod_associates_U32 (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod wk (add_mod h d)); assert (core == add_mod (_Ch SHA2_256 e f g) (add_mod (_Sigma1 SHA2_256 e) (add_mod wk (add_mod h d)))); () let lemma_sha256_rnds2_spec_update_is_shuffle_core (hash:hash256) (wk:UInt32.t) (t:counter) (block:block_w) : Lemma (requires t < size_k_w SHA2_256 /\ wk == to_uint32 (add_mod32 (k0 SHA2_256).[t] (ws_opaque block t))) (ensures (let a', b', c', d', e', f', g', h' = sha256_rnds2_spec_update hash.[0] hash.[1] hash.[2] hash.[3] hash.[4] hash.[5] hash.[6] hash.[7] wk in let u = seq_of_list [a'; b'; c'; d'; e'; f'; g'; h'] in let c = shuffle_core_opaque block hash t in u == c)) = let a', b', c', d', e', f', g', h' = sha256_rnds2_spec_update hash.[0] hash.[1] hash.[2] hash.[3] hash.[4] hash.[5] hash.[6] hash.[7] wk in let l:list Lib.IntTypes.uint32 = [a'; b'; c'; d'; e'; f'; g'; h'] in let u:Seq.seq UInt32.t = seq_of_list l in assert_norm (List.length l == 8); let c = shuffle_core_opaque block hash t in Pervasives.reveal_opaque (`%shuffle_core) shuffle_core; Pervasives.reveal_opaque (`%ws) ws; shuffle_core_properties block hash t; elim_of_list l; Classical.forall_intro_3 lemma_add_mod_associates_U32; lemma_add_mod_a hash.[0] hash.[1] hash.[2] hash.[3] hash.[4] hash.[5] hash.[6] hash.[7] wk; lemma_add_mod_e hash.[0] hash.[1] hash.[2] hash.[3] hash.[4] hash.[5] hash.[6] hash.[7] wk let sha256_rnds2_spec_update_core_quad32 (abef cdgh:quad32) (wk:UInt32.t) (block:block_w) (t:counter{t < size_k_w_256}) : (quad32 & quad32) = let hash0 = make_hash abef cdgh in let hash1 = shuffle_core_opaque block hash0 t in let abef' = Mkfour (vv hash1.[5]) (vv hash1.[4]) (vv hash1.[1]) (vv hash1.[0]) in let cdgh' = Mkfour (vv hash1.[7]) (vv hash1.[6]) (vv hash1.[3]) (vv hash1.[2]) in (abef', cdgh') let lemma_rnds_quad32 (abef cdgh:quad32) (wk:UInt32.t) (block:block_w) (t:counter{t < size_k_w_256}) : Lemma (requires wk == to_uint32 (add_mod32 (k0 SHA2_256).[t] (ws_opaque block t))) (ensures sha256_rnds2_spec_update_core_quad32 abef cdgh wk block t == sha256_rnds2_spec_update_quad32 abef cdgh wk) = let hash0 = make_hash abef cdgh in let hash1 = shuffle_core_opaque block hash0 t in let a', b', c', d', e', f', g', h' = sha256_rnds2_spec_update hash0.[0] hash0.[1] hash0.[2] hash0.[3] hash0.[4] hash0.[5] hash0.[6] hash0.[7] wk in let l = [a'; b'; c'; d'; e'; f'; g'; h'] in elim_of_list l; lemma_sha256_rnds2_spec_update_is_shuffle_core hash0 wk t block; () #push-options "--z3rlimit 30" let lemma_rnds2_spec_quad32_is_shuffle_core_x2 (abef cdgh:quad32) (wk0 wk1:UInt32.t) (block:block_w) (t:counter{t < size_k_w_256 - 1}) : Lemma (requires vv wk0 == add_mod32 (k0 SHA2_256).[t] (ws_opaque block t) /\ vv wk1 == add_mod32 (k0 SHA2_256).[t+1] (ws_opaque block (t+1))) (ensures (let hash0 = make_hash abef cdgh in let hash1 = shuffle_core_opaque block hash0 t in let hash2 = shuffle_core_opaque block hash1 (t + 1) in let abef', cdgh' = sha256_rnds2_spec_update_quad32 abef cdgh wk0 in let abef'', cdgh'' = sha256_rnds2_spec_update_quad32 abef' cdgh' wk1 in hash2 == make_hash abef'' cdgh'')) = let hash0 = make_hash abef cdgh in let hash1 = shuffle_core_opaque block hash0 t in let hash2 = shuffle_core_opaque block hash1 (t + 1) in let abef', cdgh' = sha256_rnds2_spec_update_quad32 abef cdgh wk0 in let abef'', cdgh'' = sha256_rnds2_spec_update_quad32 abef' cdgh' wk1 in lemma_rnds_quad32 abef cdgh wk0 block t; lemma_rnds_quad32 abef' cdgh' wk1 block (t+1); assert (equal (make_hash abef' cdgh') hash1); assert (equal (make_hash abef'' cdgh'') hash2); () #pop-options let sha256_rnds2_spec_update_quad32_x2_shifts (abef cdgh:quad32) (wk0 wk1:UInt32.t) : Lemma ((let abef', cdgh' = sha256_rnds2_spec_update_quad32 abef cdgh wk0 in let abef'', cdgh'' = sha256_rnds2_spec_update_quad32 abef' cdgh' wk1 in cdgh'' == abef)) = () let sha256_rnds2_spec_quad32_is_shuffle_core_x2 (abef cdgh wk:quad32) (block:block_w) (t:counter{t < size_k_w_256 - 1}) : Lemma (requires wk.lo0 == add_mod32 (k0 SHA2_256).[t] (ws_opaque block t) /\ wk.lo1 == add_mod32 (k0 SHA2_256).[t+1] (ws_opaque block (t+1))) (ensures (let hash0 = make_hash abef cdgh in let hash1 = shuffle_core_opaque block hash0 t in let hash2 = shuffle_core_opaque block hash1 (t + 1) in let abef' = sha256_rnds2_spec_quad32 cdgh abef wk in hash2 == make_hash abef' abef)) = lemma_rnds2_spec_quad32_is_shuffle_core_x2 abef cdgh (to_uint32 wk.lo0) (to_uint32 wk.lo1) block t; sha256_rnds2_spec_update_quad32_x2_shifts abef cdgh (to_uint32 wk.lo0) (to_uint32 wk.lo1); () let lemma_sha256_rnds2_two_steps (abef cdgh xmm0:quad32) (t:counter) (block:block_w) : Lemma (requires t + 1 < size_k_w_256 /\ xmm0.lo0 == add_wrap (vv (k0 SHA2_256).[t] ) (ws_opaque block t) /\ xmm0.lo1 == add_wrap (vv (k0 SHA2_256).[t+1]) (ws_opaque block (t+1)) ) (ensures (let hash0 = make_hash abef cdgh in let hash1 = shuffle_core_opaque block hash0 t in let hash2 = shuffle_core_opaque block hash1 (t + 1) in hash2 == make_hash (sha256_rnds2_spec cdgh abef xmm0) abef)) = let hash0 = make_hash abef cdgh in let hash1 = shuffle_core_opaque block hash0 t in let hash2 = shuffle_core_opaque block hash1 (t + 1) in lemma_add_wrap_is_add_mod (vv (k0 SHA2_256).[t] ) (ws_opaque block t); lemma_add_wrap_is_add_mod (vv (k0 SHA2_256).[t+1]) (ws_opaque block (t+1)); sha256_rnds2_spec_quad32_is_shuffle_core_x2 abef cdgh xmm0 block t; lemma_sha256_rnds2_spec_quad32 cdgh abef xmm0; () // Top-level proof for the SHA256_rnds2 instruction let lemma_sha256_rnds2 (abef cdgh xmm0:quad32) (t:counter) (block:block_w) (hash_in:hash256) : Lemma (requires t + 1 < size_k_w_256 /\ xmm0.lo0 == add_wrap (word_to_nat32 k.[t]) (ws_opaque block t) /\ xmm0.lo1 == add_wrap (word_to_nat32 k.[t+1]) (ws_opaque block (t+1)) /\ make_hash abef cdgh == Spec.Loops.repeat_range 0 t (shuffle_core_opaque block) hash_in ) (ensures make_hash (sha256_rnds2_spec cdgh abef xmm0) abef == Spec.Loops.repeat_range 0 (t+2) (shuffle_core_opaque block) hash_in) = lemma_add_wrap_is_add_mod (vv (k0 SHA2_256).[t] ) (ws_opaque block t); lemma_add_wrap_is_add_mod (vv (k0 SHA2_256).[t+1]) (ws_opaque block (t+1)); lemma_sha256_rnds2_two_steps abef cdgh xmm0 t block; Spec.Loops.repeat_range_induction 0 (t + 1) (shuffle_core_opaque block) hash_in; Spec.Loops.repeat_range_induction 0 (t + 2) (shuffle_core_opaque block) hash_in; () (* Proof work for the SHA256_msg* instructions *) let _sigma0_quad32 (q:quad32) : quad32 = Mkfour (vv (_sigma0 SHA2_256 (to_uint32 q.lo0))) (vv (_sigma0 SHA2_256 (to_uint32 q.lo1))) (vv (_sigma0 SHA2_256 (to_uint32 q.hi2))) (vv (_sigma0 SHA2_256 (to_uint32 q.hi3))) let _sigma1_quad32 (q:quad32) : quad32 = Mkfour (vv (_sigma1 SHA2_256 (to_uint32 q.lo0))) (vv (_sigma1 SHA2_256 (to_uint32 q.lo1))) (vv (_sigma1 SHA2_256 (to_uint32 q.hi2))) (vv (_sigma1 SHA2_256 (to_uint32 q.hi3))) let ws_partial_def (t:counter) (block:block_w) : quad32 = if 16 <= t && t < size_k_w_256 then (let init = ws_quad32 (t-16) block in let sigma0_in = ws_quad32 (t-15) block in let sigma0_out = _sigma0_quad32 sigma0_in in add_wrap_quad32 init sigma0_out) else Mkfour 0 0 0 0 let add_mod_quad32 (q0 q1:quad32) : quad32 = Mkfour (vv (add_mod (to_uint32 q0.lo0) (to_uint32 q1.lo0))) (vv (add_mod (to_uint32 q0.lo1) (to_uint32 q1.lo1))) (vv (add_mod (to_uint32 q0.hi2) (to_uint32 q1.hi2))) (vv (add_mod (to_uint32 q0.hi3) (to_uint32 q1.hi3))) let lemma_add_wrap_quad32_is_add_mod_quad32 (q0 q1:quad32) : Lemma (add_mod_quad32 q0 q1 == add_wrap_quad32 q0 q1) = FStar.Classical.forall_intro_2 lemma_add_wrap_is_add_mod; () #reset-options "--max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0 --z3rlimit 30" // Top-level proof for the SHA256_msg1 instruction let lemma_sha256_msg1 (dst src:quad32) (t:counter) (block:block_w) : Lemma (requires 16 <= t /\ t < size_k_w(SHA2_256) /\ dst == ws_quad32 (t-16) block /\ src.lo0 == ws_opaque block (t-12)) (ensures sha256_msg1_spec dst src == ws_partial t block) = sha256_msg1_spec_reveal (); let init = ws_quad32 (t-16) block in let sigma0_in = ws_quad32 (t-15) block in let sigma0_out = _sigma0_quad32 sigma0_in in lemma_add_wrap_quad32_is_add_mod_quad32 init sigma0_out; ws_partial_reveal (); () #reset-options "--max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0" let lemma_add_mod_ws_rearrangement (a b c d:UInt32.t) : Lemma (let open Lib.IntTypes in a +. b +. c +. d == d +. c +. b +. a) = let open Lib.IntTypes in calc (==) { a +. b +. c +. d; (==) {} (((a +. b) +. c) +. d); (==) { lemma_add_mod_commutes ((a +. b) +. c) d; lemma_add_mod_commutes (a +. b) c; lemma_add_mod_commutes a b } d +. (c +. (b +. a)); (==) { lemma_add_mod_associates_U32 d c (b +. a); lemma_add_mod_associates_U32 (d +. c) b a} (((d +. c) +. b) +. a); } let ws_computed (b:block_w) (t:counter{t < size_k_w_256}): Tot (UInt32.t) = if t < block_word_length then to_uint32 (ws_opaque b t) else let t16 = to_uint32 (ws_opaque b (t - 16)) in let t15 = to_uint32 (ws_opaque b (t - 15)) in let t7 = to_uint32 (ws_opaque b (t - 7)) in let t2 = to_uint32 (ws_opaque b (t - 2)) in let s1 = _sigma1 SHA2_256 t2 in let s0 = _sigma0 SHA2_256 t15 in let open Lib.IntTypes in (t16 +. s0 +. t7 +. s1) #push-options "--max_fuel 1" let lemma_ws_computed_is_ws (b:block_w) (t:counter{t < size_k_w_256}) : Lemma (ws_computed b t == ws SHA2_256 b t) = Pervasives.reveal_opaque (`%ws) ws; if t < block_word_length then ( assert (vv (ws_computed b t) == ws_opaque b t); assert (to_uint32 (ws_opaque b t) == ws SHA2_256 b t); () ) else ( let t16 = to_uint32 (ws_opaque b (t - 16)) in let t15 = to_uint32 (ws_opaque b (t - 15)) in let t7 = to_uint32 (ws_opaque b (t - 7)) in let t2 = to_uint32 (ws_opaque b (t - 2)) in let s1 = _sigma1 SHA2_256 t2 in let s0 = _sigma0 SHA2_256 t15 in lemma_add_mod_ws_rearrangement s1 t7 s0 t16; () ) #pop-options let lemma_ws_computed_is_ws_opaque (b:block_w) (t:counter{t < size_k_w_256}) : Lemma (vv (ws_computed b t) == ws_opaque b t) = lemma_ws_computed_is_ws b t; Pervasives.reveal_opaque (`%ws) ws; () let ws_computed_quad32 (t:counter{t < size_k_w_256 - 3}) (block:block_w) : quad32 = Mkfour (vv (ws_computed block t)) (vv (ws_computed block (t+1))) (vv (ws_computed block (t+2))) (vv (ws_computed block (t+3))) let lemma_ws_computed_is_ws_quad32 (b:block_w) (t:counter{t < size_k_w_256 - 3}) : Lemma (ws_computed_quad32 t b == ws_quad32 t b) = let w = ws_computed_quad32 t b in let w' = ws_quad32 t b in lemma_ws_computed_is_ws_opaque b t; lemma_ws_computed_is_ws_opaque b (t+1); lemma_ws_computed_is_ws_opaque b (t+2); lemma_ws_computed_is_ws_opaque b (t+3); () #push-options "--z3rlimit 30" let lemma_ws_computed_quad32 (t:counter{16 <= t /\ t < size_k_w_256 - 4}) (block:block_w) : Lemma (let t_minus_16 = ws_quad32 (t-16) block in let t_minus_15 = ws_quad32 (t-15) block in let t_minus_7 = ws_quad32 (t - 7) block in let t_minus_2 = ws_quad32 (t - 2) block in let m1 = add_mod_quad32 t_minus_16 (_sigma0_quad32 t_minus_15) in let m2 = add_mod_quad32 m1 t_minus_7 in let m3 = add_mod_quad32 m2 (_sigma1_quad32 t_minus_2) in m3 == ws_computed_quad32 t block ) = () #pop-options let sha256_msg1_spec_t (t:counter{t < size_k_w_256 - 1}) (block:block_w) : quad32 = let init = ws_quad32 t block in let next = ws_quad32 (t + 1) block in let msg1 = add_mod_quad32 init (_sigma0_quad32 next) in msg1 #push-options "--ifuel 1" let lemma_sha256_msg1_spec_t_partial (t:counter) (block:block_w) : Lemma (requires 16 <= t /\ t < size_k_w_256 - 3) (ensures ws_partial t block == sha256_msg1_spec_t (t-16) block) = ws_partial_reveal (); let init = ws_quad32 (t-16) block in let next = ws_quad32 (t-15) block in lemma_add_wrap_quad32_is_add_mod_quad32 init (_sigma0_quad32 next); () #pop-options let lemma_sha256_msg1_spec_t (src1 src2:quad32) (t:counter) (block:block_w) : Lemma (requires t < size_k_w_256 - 4 /\ src1 == ws_quad32 t block /\ src2.lo0 == ws_opaque block (t+4)) (ensures sha256_msg1_spec_t t block == sha256_msg1_spec src1 src2) = sha256_msg1_spec_reveal (); () #push-options "--z3rlimit 70" let lemma_sha256_step2 (src1 src2:quad32) (t:counter) (block:block_w) : Lemma (requires 16 <= t /\ t < size_k_w(SHA2_256) - 3 /\ src2.hi2 == ws_opaque block (t-2) /\ src2.hi3 == ws_opaque block (t-1) /\ (let w = sha256_msg1_spec_t (t-16) block in let mid = ws_quad32 (t-7) block in src1 == add_mod_quad32 w mid)) (ensures sha256_msg2_spec src1 src2 == ws_computed_quad32 t block) = sha256_msg2_spec_reveal (); let w = sha256_msg1_spec_t (t-16) block in let mid = ws_quad32 (t-7) block in let final = sha256_msg2_spec src1 src2 in lemma_ws_computed_is_ws_opaque block (t); lemma_ws_computed_is_ws_opaque block (t+1); () #pop-options // Top-level proof for the SHA256_msg2 instruction let lemma_sha256_msg2 (src1 src2:quad32) (t:counter) (block:block_w) : Lemma (requires 16 <= t /\ t < size_k_w(SHA2_256) - 3 /\ (let step1 = ws_partial t block in let t_minus_7 = ws_quad32 (t-7) block in src1 == add_wrap_quad32 step1 t_minus_7 /\ src2.hi2 == ws_opaque block (t-2) /\ src2.hi3 == ws_opaque block (t-1))) (ensures sha256_msg2_spec src1 src2 == ws_quad32 t block) = let step1 = ws_partial t block in let t_minus_7 = ws_quad32 (t-7) block in lemma_sha256_msg1_spec_t_partial t block; // ==> step1 == sha256_msg1_spec_t (t-16) block lemma_add_wrap_quad32_is_add_mod_quad32 step1 t_minus_7; lemma_sha256_step2 src1 src2 t block; lemma_ws_computed_is_ws_quad32 block t; () (* Abbreviations and lemmas for the code itself *) #reset-options "--z3rlimit 20 --max_fuel 1" let lemma_quads_to_block qs = reveal_opaque (`%seq_four_to_seq_LE) (seq_four_to_seq_LE #nat32); reveal_opaque (`%ws) ws #reset-options "--max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0" let translate_hash_update (h0 h1 h0' h1' a0 a1:quad32) : Lemma (requires h0' == add_wrap_quad32 a0 h0 /\ h1' == add_wrap_quad32 a1 h1) (ensures ( let h = make_hash h0 h1 in let a = make_hash a0 a1 in let h' = make_hash h0' h1' in let open Lib.IntTypes in let mapped = Spec.Loops.seq_map2 ( +. ) h a in mapped == h')) = let h = make_hash h0 h1 in let a = make_hash a0 a1 in let h' = make_hash h0' h1' in let open Lib.IntTypes in let mapped = Spec.Loops.seq_map2 ( +. ) h a in FStar.Classical.forall_intro_2 lemma_add_wrap_is_add_mod; assert (equal mapped h'); () unfold let shuffle_opaque = shuffle let update_block (hash:hash256) (block:block_w): Tot (hash256) = let hash_1 = shuffle_opaque SHA2_256 hash block in let open Lib.IntTypes in Spec.Loops.seq_map2 ( +. ) hash hash_1 let lemma_update_block_equiv (hash:hash256) (block:bytes{length block = block_length}) : Lemma (update_block hash (words_of_bytes SHA2_256 #block_word_length block) == fst (update SHA2_256 (hash, ()) block)) = Pervasives.reveal_opaque (`%Spec.SHA2.update) Spec.SHA2.update; Pervasives.reveal_opaque (`%Spec.SHA2.shuffle) Spec.SHA2.shuffle; assert (equal (update_block hash (words_of_bytes SHA2_256 #block_word_length block)) (fst (update SHA2_256 (hash, ()) block))); () let update_lemma (src1 src2 src1' src2' h0 h1:quad32) (block:block_w) : Lemma (requires (let hash_orig = make_hash h0 h1 in make_hash src1 src2 == Spec.Loops.repeat_range 0 64 (shuffle_core_opaque block) hash_orig /\ src1' == add_wrap_quad32 src1 h0 /\ src2' == add_wrap_quad32 src2 h1)) (ensures (let hash_orig = make_hash h0 h1 in make_hash src1' src2' == update_block hash_orig block)) = let hash_orig = make_hash h0 h1 in let hash_1 = shuffle_opaque SHA2_256 hash_orig block in Pervasives.reveal_opaque (`%shuffle) shuffle; Pervasives.reveal_opaque (`%shuffle_core) shuffle_core; let rec f (i:nat{i <= 64}) : Lemma ( Spec.Loops.repeat_range 0 i (shuffle_core_opaque block) hash_orig == Spec.Loops.repeat_range 0 i (shuffle_core SHA2_256 block) hash_orig) = if i = 0 then ( Spec.Loops.repeat_range_base 0 (shuffle_core_opaque block) hash_orig; Spec.Loops.repeat_range_base 0 (shuffle_core SHA2_256 block) hash_orig ) else ( f (i - 1); Spec.Loops.repeat_range_induction 0 i (shuffle_core_opaque block) hash_orig; Spec.Loops.repeat_range_induction 0 i (shuffle_core SHA2_256 block) hash_orig ) in f 64; (* let h = make_hash src1 src2 in assert (forall (block:block_w) (hash:hash256) . FStar.FunctionalExtensionality.feq (shuffle_core_opaque block hash) (shuffle_core_opaque_aux SHA2_256 block hash)); //assert (forall (block:block_w) . (shuffle_core_opaque block) == (shuffle_core_opaque_aux SHA2_256 block)); assert (shuffle_core_opaque == shuffle_core_opaque_aux SHA2_256); assert (shuffle_core_opaque == shuffle_core SHA2_256); assert (shuffle_core_opaque block == shuffle_core SHA2_256 block); assert (Spec.Loops.repeat_range 0 64 (shuffle_core_opaque block) hash_orig == Spec.Loops.repeat_range 0 64 (shuffle_core SHA2_256 block) hash_orig); assert (make_hash src1 src2 == shuffle SHA2_256 hash_orig block); assert (make_hash src1 src2 == shuffle_opaque SHA2_256 hash_orig block); *) translate_hash_update src1 src2 src1' src2' h0 h1; shuffle_is_shuffle_pre SHA2_256 hash_orig block; assert (equal (make_hash src1' src2') (update_block hash_orig block)); () let lemma_le_bytes_to_seq_quad32_empty (b:seq nat8) : Lemma (requires b == empty) (ensures le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 b == empty) = reveal_opaque (`%le_bytes_to_seq_quad32) le_bytes_to_seq_quad32; assert (equal (le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 b) empty) let lemma_le_bytes_to_seq_quad32_length (b:seq nat8) : Lemma (requires length b % 16 == 0) (ensures length (le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 b) == length b / 16) = reveal_opaque (`%le_bytes_to_seq_quad32) le_bytes_to_seq_quad32; () #push-options "--max_fuel 1" // Without this, F* refuses to do even one unfolding of recursive functions :( let lemma_slice_commutes_reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq (s:seq quad32) (pivot:nat) : Lemma (requires pivot <= length s) (ensures slice (reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq s) 0 pivot == reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq (slice s 0 pivot)) = let rs = reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq s in let srs = slice (reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq s) 0 pivot in let ss = slice s 0 pivot in let rss = reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq ss in if pivot = 0 then ( assert (equal ss empty); assert (equal srs empty); assert (equal empty (reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq empty)); () ) else ( assert (equal srs rss) ) // One level of expansion that we can use in places that can't use fuel let lemma_update_multi_quads_unfold (s:seq quad32) (hash_orig:hash256) : Lemma (requires length s >= 4) (ensures (let prefix, qs = split s (length s - 4) in let h_prefix = update_multi_quads prefix hash_orig in let hash = update_block h_prefix (quads_to_block qs) in update_multi_quads s hash_orig == hash)) = () let lemma_update_multi_quads_short (s:seq quad32) (hash_orig:hash256) : Lemma (requires length s < 4) (ensures update_multi_quads s hash_orig == hash_orig) = () let update_multi_one (h:hash256) (b:bytes_blocks {length b = block_length}) : Lemma (ensures (update_multi SHA2_256 (h, ()) b == update SHA2_256 (h, ()) b)) = let block, rem = Seq.split b (block_length) in assert (Seq.length rem == 0); update_multi_zero SHA2_256 (update SHA2_256 (h, ()) b) #pop-options friend Lib.ByteSequence #reset-options "--z3rlimit 50 --max_fuel 1 --max_ifuel 0 --z3cliopt" let lemma_be_to_n_4 (s:seq4 nat8) : Lemma (Lib.ByteSequence.nat_from_bytes_be #Lib.IntTypes.SEC (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 s) == be_bytes_to_nat32 s) = let open Lib.IntTypes in let open Vale.Def.Words.Four_s in assert (pow2 8 = 0x100); assert (pow2 16 = 0x10000); assert_norm (pow2 24 = 0x1000000); let x = seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 s in let f = Lib.ByteSequence.nat_from_intseq_be_ #U8 #SEC in calc (==) { f x <: nat ; == { } FStar.UInt8.v (last x) + pow2 8 * f (slice x 0 3); == {} index s 3 + pow2 8 * f (slice x 0 3); == {} index s 3 + pow2 8 * index s 2 + pow2 16 * f (slice x 0 2); == {} index s 3 + pow2 8 * index s 2 + pow2 16 * index s 1 + pow2 24 * f (slice x 0 1); == {} index s 3 + pow2 8 * index s 2 + pow2 16 * index s 1 + pow2 24 * index s 0 + pow2 32 * f (slice x 0 0); == {} index s 3 + pow2 8 * index s 2 + pow2 16 * index s 1 + pow2 24 * index s 0; == {} four_to_nat_unfold 8 (seq_to_four_BE s); == {reveal_opaque (`%four_to_nat) four_to_nat} be_bytes_to_nat32 s; } #reset-options "--max_fuel 0 --max_ifuel 0 --z3rlimit 40" let lemma_endian_relation (quads qs:seq quad32) (input2:seq UInt8.t) : Lemma (requires length qs == 4 /\ length input2 == 64 /\ qs == reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq quads /\ input2 == seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes quads)) (ensures quads_to_block qs == words_of_bytes SHA2_256 #block_word_length input2) = let fi (i:nat{i < length (quads_to_block qs)}) : Lemma ((quads_to_block qs).[i] == (words_of_bytes SHA2_256 #block_word_length input2).[i]) = let open Vale.Def.Words.Four_s in let open Vale.Lib.Seqs_s in let ni = (seq_four_to_seq_LE quads).[i] in let b = slice input2 (4 * i) (4 * i + 4) in // FStar.Kremlin.Endianness.lemma_be_to_n_is_bounded b; calc (==) { b; == {} slice input2 (4 * i) (4 * i + 4); == {} slice (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes quads)) (4 * i) (4 * i + 4); == {le_seq_quad32_to_bytes_reveal ()} slice (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (seq_nat32_to_seq_nat8_LE (seq_four_to_seq_LE quads))) (4 * i) (4 * i + 4); equal {} seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (slice (seq_nat32_to_seq_nat8_LE (seq_four_to_seq_LE quads)) (4 * i) (4 * i + 4)); == {} seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (slice (seq_four_to_seq_LE (seq_map (nat_to_four 8) (seq_four_to_seq_LE quads))) (4 * i) (4 * i + 4)); == {slice_commutes_seq_four_to_seq_LE (seq_map (nat_to_four 8) (seq_four_to_seq_LE quads)) i (i + 1)} seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (seq_four_to_seq_LE (slice (seq_map (nat_to_four 8) (seq_four_to_seq_LE quads)) i (i + 1))); equal {reveal_opaque (`%seq_four_to_seq_LE) (seq_four_to_seq_LE #nat8)} seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 (seq_four_to_seq_LE quads).[i])); }; let open Lib.IntTypes in calc (==) { (words_of_bytes SHA2_256 #block_word_length input2).[i]; == { } (Lib.ByteSequence.uints_from_bytes_be #U32 #SEC #block_word_length input2).[i]; == { Lib.ByteSequence.index_uints_from_bytes_be #U32 #SEC #block_word_length input2 i } Lib.ByteSequence.uint_from_bytes_be (Lib.Sequence.sub #uint8 #64 input2 (i * 4) 4); == { let open Lib.Sequence in calc (==) { sub #uint8 #64 input2 (i * 4) 4; == { } Seq.slice input2 (4 * i) (4 * i + 4); } } Lib.ByteSequence.uint_from_bytes_be #U32 #SEC b; == { calc (==) { Lib.ByteSequence.nat_from_bytes_be #SEC b; (==) { } Lib.ByteSequence.nat_from_bytes_be #SEC (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 ni))); (==) { lemma_be_to_n_4 (four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 ni)) } be_bytes_to_nat32 (four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 ni)); }; v_inj (Lib.ByteSequence.uint_from_bytes_be #U32 #SEC b) (u32 (be_bytes_to_nat32 (four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 ni)))) } nat32_to_word (be_bytes_to_nat32 (four_to_seq_LE (nat_to_four 8 ni))); == {} nat32_to_word (be_bytes_to_nat32 (reverse_seq (nat32_to_be_bytes ni))); == {reverse_bytes_nat32_reveal ()} nat32_to_word (reverse_bytes_nat32 ni); == {} nat32_to_word (reverse_bytes_nat32 (seq_four_to_seq_LE quads).[i]); == {reveal_opaque (`%seq_four_to_seq_LE) (seq_four_to_seq_LE #nat32)} nat32_to_word (seq_four_to_seq_LE qs).[i]; == {} (quads_to_block qs).[i]; } in FStar.Classical.forall_intro fi; assert (equal (quads_to_block qs) (words_of_bytes SHA2_256 #block_word_length input2)) let lemma_mod_transform (quads:seq quad32) : Lemma (requires length quads % 4 == 0) (ensures length (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes quads)) % 64 == 0) = () #reset-options "--max_fuel 0 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 20" let rec lemma_update_multi_equiv_vale (hash hash':hash256) (quads:seq quad32) (r_quads:seq quad32) (nat8s:seq nat8) (blocks:seq UInt8.t) : Lemma (requires length quads % 4 == 0 /\ r_quads == reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq quads /\ nat8s == le_seq_quad32_to_bytes quads /\ blocks == seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 nat8s /\ hash' == update_multi_quads r_quads hash) (ensures length blocks % 64 == 0 /\ hash' == update_multi_opaque_vale hash blocks) (decreases (length quads)) = lemma_mod_transform quads; assert (length blocks % 64 == 0); update_multi_reveal (); if length quads = 0 then begin lemma_le_seq_quad32_to_bytes_length quads; //assert (length nat8s == 0); //assert (length r_quads == 0); lemma_update_multi_quads_short r_quads hash; //assert (hash' == hash); //assert (length blocks == 0); assert (equal blocks empty); update_multi_zero SHA2_256 (hash, ()); //assert (update_multi SHA2_256 hash blocks == hash); () end else begin let num_blocks = (length quads) / 4 in let bytes_pivot = (num_blocks - 1) * 64 in // Use associativity of update_multi to rearrange recursion to better match update_multi_quads' recursion let input1,input2 = Lib.UpdateMulti.split_block block_length blocks (bytes_pivot / 64) in let h_bytes1 = update_multi SHA2_256 (hash, ()) input1 in let h_bytes2 = update_multi SHA2_256 h_bytes1 input2 in update_multi_associative SHA2_256 (hash, ()) input1 input2; assert (input1 `Seq.append` input2 == blocks); Seq.lemma_eq_intro (fst h_bytes2) (fst (update_multi SHA2_256 (hash, ()) blocks)); assert (h_bytes2 == update_multi SHA2_256 (hash, ()) blocks); // Unfold update_multi_quads one level, so we can start matching parts up let prefix, qs = split r_quads (length r_quads - 4) in let h_prefix = update_multi_quads prefix hash in let h_final = update_block h_prefix (quads_to_block qs) in lemma_update_multi_quads_unfold r_quads hash; // hash' == update_multi_quads r_quads hash == h_final (*+ Goal: h_bytes_2 == h_final +*) (* Step 1: Show that h_prefix == h_bytes1 *) // Inductive hypothesis says that we roughly line up on input1 let r_prefix = reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq prefix in lemma_update_multi_equiv_vale hash h_prefix r_prefix prefix (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes r_prefix) (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes r_prefix)); assert (h_prefix == fst (update_multi SHA2_256 (hash, ()) (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes r_prefix)))); // To show that h_prefix == h_bytes1, we need to show that: // seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes r_prefix) == input1 // calc { // input1 // slice blocks 0 bytes_pivot // slice ( (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes quads)) 0 bytes_pivot assert (equal (slice (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes quads)) 0 bytes_pivot) (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes quads) 0 bytes_pivot))); // seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes quads) 0 bytes_pivot) slice_commutes_le_seq_quad32_to_bytes0 quads (bytes_pivot / 16); // seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (slice quads 0 (bytes_pivot / 16))) // seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (slice quads 0 ((num_blocks - 1) * 4))) assert (bytes_pivot / 16 == length quads - 4); // seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (slice quads 0 (length quads - 4))) // // seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (slice quads 0 (length quads - 4))))) assert (reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq (reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq (slice quads 0 (length quads - 4))) == slice quads 0 (length quads - 4)); // seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq (reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq (slice quads 0 (length quads - 4))))) Vale.Lib.Seqs.slice_seq_map_commute reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32 quads 0 (length quads - 4); // seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq (slice (reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq quads) 0 (length quads - 4))) // seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes r_prefix) // } // assert (seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes r_prefix) == input1); // Conclusion of the calc assert (Seq.equal h_prefix (fst h_bytes1)); // Conclusion of Step 1 // To invoke lemma_endian_relation below, // we need to show (1): // calc { // qs Vale.Lib.Seqs.slice_seq_map_commute reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32 quads (length quads - 4) (length quads); // slice (reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq quads) (length quads - 4) (length quads)) // reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq (slice quads (length quads - 4) (length quads)) // } // And (2): // calc { // input2 // slice blocks bytes_pivot (length blocks) // slice (seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes quads)) bytes_pivot (length blocks) // assert (equal (slice (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes quads)) bytes_pivot (length blocks)) // (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes quads) bytes_pivot (length blocks)))); // seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (slice (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes quads) bytes_pivot (length blocks)) slice_commutes_le_seq_quad32_to_bytes quads (bytes_pivot/16) ((length blocks)/16); // seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (slice quads bytes_pivot/16 (length blocks)/16) // // seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (slice quads (length quads - 4) (length quads)))) // } //assert (input2 == seq_nat8_to_seq_U8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (slice quads (length quads - 4) (length quads)))); // Conclusion of the calc (* Step 2: Show that update_block SHA2_256 h_prefix (quads_to_block qs) == update_multi SHA2_256 h_bytes1 input2 *) // calc { // update_block SHA2_256 h_prefix (quads_to_block qs) // { from Step 1 } // update_block SHA2_256 h_bytes1 (quads_to_block qs) // assert (equal input2 (seq_nat8_to_seq_uint8 (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes (slice quads (length quads - 4) (length quads))))); lemma_endian_relation (slice quads (length quads - 4) (length quads)) qs input2; // ==> quads_to_block qs == words_of_bytes SHA2_256 block_word_length input2 // update_block SHA2_256 h_bytes1 (words_of_bytes SHA2_256 16 input2) lemma_update_block_equiv (fst h_bytes1) input2; // update SHA2_256 h_bytes1 input2 update_multi_one (fst h_bytes1) input2; // update_multi SHA2_256 h_bytes1 input2 // } // // assert (update_block SHA2_256 h_prefix (quads_to_block qs) == update_multi SHA2_256 h_bytes1 input2); // Conclusion of calc // assert (h_final == h_bytes2); // Conclusion of Goal () end // #push-options "--max_fuel 1" // Without this, F* refuses to do even one unfolding of update_multi_quads :( let rec lemma_update_multi_quads (s:seq quad32) (hash_orig:hash256) (bound:nat) : Lemma (requires bound + 4 <= length s) (ensures (let prefix_LE = slice s 0 bound in let prefix_BE = reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq prefix_LE in let h_prefix = update_multi_quads prefix_BE hash_orig in let block_quads_LE = slice s bound (bound + 4) in let block_quads_BE = reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq block_quads_LE in let input_LE = slice s 0 (bound+4) in let input_BE = reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq input_LE in let h = update_block h_prefix (quads_to_block block_quads_BE) in h == update_multi_quads input_BE hash_orig)) = let prefix_LE = slice s 0 bound in let prefix_BE = reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq prefix_LE in let h_prefix = update_multi_quads prefix_BE hash_orig in let block_quads_LE = slice s bound (bound + 4) in let block_quads_BE = reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq block_quads_LE in let input_LE = slice s 0 (bound+4) in let input_BE = reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq input_LE in let h = update_block h_prefix (quads_to_block block_quads_BE) in lemma_slice_commutes_reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq s bound; lemma_slice_commutes_reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq s (bound + 4); assert (prefix_BE == slice (reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq s) 0 bound); assert (input_BE == slice (reverse_bytes_nat32_quad32_seq s) 0 (bound + 4)); if bound = 0 then () else ( let prefix, qs = split input_BE (length input_BE - 4) in assert (equal prefix prefix_BE); assert (equal qs block_quads_BE); () ) #pop-options let lemma_le_bytes_to_hash_quads_part1 (s:seq quad32) : Lemma (requires length s == 2) (ensures le_bytes_to_hash (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes s) == Vale.Lib.Seqs_s.seq_map nat32_to_word (Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s.seq_four_to_seq_LE s)) = let lhs = le_bytes_to_hash (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes s) in assert (lhs == Vale.Lib.Seqs_s.seq_map nat32_to_word (Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s.seq_nat8_to_seq_nat32_LE (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes s))); le_seq_quad32_to_bytes_reveal (); Vale.Def.Words.Seq.seq_nat8_to_seq_nat32_to_seq_nat8_LE (Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s.seq_four_to_seq_LE s); () // #push-options "--z3rlimit 30" let lemma_le_bytes_to_hash_quads (s:seq quad32) : Lemma (requires length s == 2) (ensures (let rhs = le_bytes_to_hash (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes s) in rhs.[0] == to_uint32 (s.[0]).lo0 /\ rhs.[1] == to_uint32 (s.[0]).lo1 /\ rhs.[2] == to_uint32 (s.[0]).hi2 /\ rhs.[3] == to_uint32 (s.[0]).hi3 /\ rhs.[4] == to_uint32 (s.[1]).lo0 /\ rhs.[5] == to_uint32 (s.[1]).lo1 /\ rhs.[6] == to_uint32 (s.[1]).hi2 /\ rhs.[7] == to_uint32 (s.[1]).hi3 /\ length rhs == 8)) = reveal_opaque (`%seq_four_to_seq_LE) (seq_four_to_seq_LE #nat32); let rhs = le_bytes_to_hash (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes s) in lemma_le_bytes_to_hash_quads_part1 s; assert (rhs == Vale.Lib.Seqs_s.seq_map nat32_to_word (Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s.seq_four_to_seq_LE s)); () #pop-options let lemma_hash_to_bytes (s:seq quad32) : Lemma (requires length s == 2) (ensures make_ordered_hash s.[0] s.[1] == le_bytes_to_hash (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes s)) = lemma_le_bytes_to_hash_quads s; assert (equal (make_ordered_hash s.[0] s.[1]) (le_bytes_to_hash (le_seq_quad32_to_bytes s))); () let lemma_update_multi_opaque_vale_is_update_multi (hash:hash256) (blocks:bytes) : Lemma (requires length blocks % 64 = 0) (ensures update_multi_opaque_vale hash blocks == update_multi_transparent hash blocks) = update_multi_reveal (); ()