module Vale.Interop.Base open Vale.Arch.HeapTypes_s include Vale.Interop.Types include Vale.Interop.Heap_s module MB = LowStar.Monotonic.Buffer module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down module B = LowStar.Buffer module IB = LowStar.ImmutableBuffer include Vale.Arch.Heap module BS = Vale.X64.Machine_Semantics_s module BV = LowStar.BufferView module HS = FStar.HyperStack module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s module P = Vale.Def.Prop_s module HS = FStar.HyperStack module W = Vale.Def.Words_s module L = FStar.List.Tot open FStar.Mul [@__reduce__] let buf_t src t = b:B.buffer (base_typ_as_type src){(B.length b * view_n_unfold src) % view_n_unfold t = 0} [@__reduce__] let ibuf_t src t = b:IB.ibuffer (base_typ_as_type src){(B.length b * view_n_unfold src) % view_n_unfold t = 0} let lemma_seq_neq_intro (#a:Type) (s1:Seq.seq a) (s2:Seq.seq a) : Lemma (requires (Seq.length s1 =!= Seq.length s2)) (ensures (~ (Seq.equal s1 s2))) = () let default_v_of_typ (t:base_typ) : (base_typ_as_type t) = match t with | TUInt8 -> UInt8.uint_to_t 0 | TUInt16 -> UInt16.uint_to_t 0 | TUInt32 -> UInt32.uint_to_t 0 | TUInt64 -> UInt64.uint_to_t 0 | TUInt128 -> Vale.Def.Words_s.Mkfour #W.nat32 0 0 0 0 let imm_to_b8 (src:base_typ) (b:IB.ibuffer (base_typ_as_type src)) : GTot b8 = Buffer false b let mut_to_b8 (src:base_typ) (b:B.buffer (base_typ_as_type src)) : GTot b8 = Buffer true b [@__reduce__] let coerce (x:'a{'a == 'b}) : 'b = x //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// type buffer_qualifiers = { modified:bool; taint:taint; strict_disjointness:bool } [@__reduce__] let default_bq = { modified = true; taint = Secret; strict_disjointness = false } [@__reduce__] let stack_bq = { modified = true; taint = Public; strict_disjointness = true } let valid_base_type = x:base_typ{x <> TUInt128} //type descriptors type td = | TD_Base of valid_base_type // The initial type of the buffer, and the final type we want in Vale | TD_Buffer : base_typ -> base_typ -> buffer_qualifiers -> td | TD_ImmBuffer : base_typ -> base_typ -> buffer_qualifiers -> td unfold let normal (#a:Type) (x:a) : a = FStar.Pervasives.norm [iota; zeta; delta_attr [`%__reduce__; `%BigOps.__reduce__]; delta_only [`%TD_Buffer?; `%BS.Mkmachine_state?.ms_ok; `%BS.Mkmachine_state?.ms_regs; `%BS.Mkmachine_state?.ms_flags; `%BS.Mkmachine_state?.ms_heap; `%BS.Mkmachine_state?.ms_stack; `%BS.Mkmachine_state?.ms_stackTaint; `%BS.Mkmachine_state?.ms_trace; `%FStar.FunctionalExtensionality.on_dom; `%FStar.FunctionalExtensionality.on; `%List.Tot.fold_right_gtot; `%List.Tot.map_gtot; `%List.Tot.length; `%fst; `%snd; `%Mktuple2?._1; `%Mktuple2?._2 ]; primops; simplify] x //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #set-options "--initial_ifuel 1" [@__reduce__] let td_as_type : td -> Type = function | TD_Base bt -> base_typ_as_type bt | TD_Buffer src bt _ -> buf_t src bt | TD_ImmBuffer src bt _ -> ibuf_t src bt let arg = t:td & td_as_type t //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // n_arrow: Arrows with a generic number of vale types as the domain // and a result type `codom` that does not depend on the domain //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [@(unifier_hint_injective) (__reduce__)] let rec n_arrow (dom:list td) (codom:Type) = match dom with | [] -> codom | hd::tl -> td_as_type hd -> n_arrow tl codom [@(unifier_hint_injective) (__reduce__)] let arr (dom:Type) (codom:Type) = dom -> codom [@__reduce__] let elim_1 (#dom:list td{Cons? dom}) (#r:Type) (f:n_arrow dom r) : td_as_type (Cons?.hd dom) -> n_arrow (Cons?.tl dom) r = f [@__reduce__] let elim_nil (#dom:list td{Nil? dom}) (#r:Type) (f:n_arrow dom r) : r = f [@__reduce__] let intro_n_arrow_nil (a:Type) (x:a) : n_arrow [] a = x [@__reduce__] let intro_n_arrow_cons (hd:td) (b:Type) (tl:list td) (x:td_as_type hd -> n_arrow tl b) : n_arrow (hd::tl) b = x //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // n_dep_arrow: Arrows with a generic number of vale types as the domain // and a result type codom that depends on the domain //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [@(unifier_hint_injective) (__reduce__)] let rec n_dep_arrow (dom:list td) (codom: n_arrow dom Type) = match dom with | [] -> codom | hd::tl -> x:td_as_type hd -> n_dep_arrow tl (elim_1 codom x) [@__reduce__] let intro_dep_arrow_nil (b:Type) (f:b) : n_dep_arrow [] b = f [@__reduce__] let intro_dep_arrow_1 (a:td) (b:n_arrow [a] Type) (f:(x:td_as_type a -> elim_1 b x)) : n_dep_arrow [a] b = f [@__reduce__] let intro_dep_arrow_cons (hd:td) (tl:list td) (b: n_arrow (hd::tl) Type) (f: (x:td_as_type hd -> n_dep_arrow tl (elim_1 b x))) : n_dep_arrow (hd::tl) b = f [@__reduce__] let elim_dep_arrow_nil (#codom:n_arrow [] Type) (f:n_dep_arrow [] codom) : elim_nil codom = f [@__reduce__] let elim_dep_arrow_cons (hd:td) (tl:list td) (#codom:n_arrow (hd::tl) Type) (f:n_dep_arrow (hd::tl) codom) : x:td_as_type hd -> n_dep_arrow tl (elim_1 codom x) = f //Just a small test function to see how these coercions work let __test : n_dep_arrow [TD_Base TUInt8] (fun (x:UInt8.t) -> y:UInt8.t{x == y}) = fun (x:UInt8.t) -> intro_dep_arrow_nil (y:UInt8.t{x == y}) x //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [@__reduce__] let disjoint_not_eq (#src1 #src2:base_typ) (#rel1 #rrel1:MB.srel (base_typ_as_type src1)) (#rel2 #rrel2:MB.srel (base_typ_as_type src2)) (x:MB.mbuffer (base_typ_as_type src1) rel1 rrel1) (y:MB.mbuffer (base_typ_as_type src2) rel2 rrel2) = B.loc_disjoint (B.loc_buffer x) (B.loc_buffer y) /\ ~ (src1 == src2 /\ rel1 == rel2 /\ rrel1 == rrel2 /\ x == y) [@__reduce__] let disjoint_or_eq_1 (a:arg) (b:arg) = match a, b with | (| TD_Buffer _ _ {strict_disjointness=true}, xb |), (| TD_Buffer _ _ _, yb |) | (| TD_ImmBuffer _ _ {strict_disjointness=true}, xb |), (| TD_ImmBuffer _ _ _, yb |) | (| TD_Buffer _ _ _, xb |), (| TD_Buffer _ _ {strict_disjointness=true}, yb |) | (| TD_ImmBuffer _ _ _, xb |), (| TD_ImmBuffer _ _ {strict_disjointness=true}, yb |) // An immutable buffer and a trivial buffer should not be equal | (| TD_ImmBuffer _ _ _, xb |), (| TD_Buffer _ _ _, yb |) | (| TD_Buffer _ _ _, xb |), (| TD_ImmBuffer _ _ _, yb |) -> disjoint_not_eq xb yb | (| TD_Buffer srcx tx {taint=tntx}, xb |), (| TD_Buffer srcy ty {taint=tnty}, yb |) | (| TD_ImmBuffer srcx tx {taint=tntx}, xb |), (| TD_ImmBuffer srcy ty {taint=tnty}, yb |) -> disjoint_not_eq xb yb \/ (xb === yb /\ tntx == tnty /\ tx == ty /\ srcx == srcy) | _ -> True [@__reduce__] let disjoint_or_eq (l:list arg) = BigOps.pairwise_and' disjoint_or_eq_1 l [@__reduce__] let live_arg (h:HS.mem) (x:arg) = match x with | (|TD_Buffer _ _ _, x|) | (|TD_ImmBuffer _ _ _, x|) -> h x | (|TD_Base _, _ |) -> True [@__reduce__] let all_live (h:HS.mem) (bs:list arg) = BigOps.big_and' (live_arg h) bs [@__reduce__] let mem_roots_p (h0:HS.mem) (args:list arg) = disjoint_or_eq args /\ all_live h0 args [@__reduce__] let mem_roots (args:list arg) = h0:HS.mem{ mem_roots_p h0 args } [@__reduce__] let args_b8 (args:list arg) : GTot (list b8) = let maybe_cons_buffer (x:arg) (args:list b8) : GTot (list b8) = match x with | (|TD_Buffer src _ _, x|) -> mut_to_b8 src x :: args | (|TD_ImmBuffer src _ _, x|) -> imm_to_b8 src x :: args | (|TD_Base _, _ |) -> args in List.Tot.fold_right_gtot args maybe_cons_buffer [] [@__reduce__] let modified_arg_loc (x:arg) : GTot B.loc = match x with | (|TD_Buffer _ _ {modified=true}, x|) -> B.loc_buffer x | _ -> B.loc_none [@__reduce__] let loc_modified_args (args:list arg) : GTot B.loc = let maybe_union_loc (x:arg) l = match x with | (|TD_Buffer _ _ {modified=true}, x|) -> B.loc_union (B.loc_buffer x) l | _ -> l in List.Tot.fold_right_gtot args maybe_union_loc B.loc_none [@__reduce__] let arg_loc (x:arg) : GTot B.loc = match x with | (|TD_Buffer _ _ _, x|) -> B.loc_buffer x | (|TD_ImmBuffer _ _ _, x|) -> B.loc_buffer x | (|TD_Base _, _|) -> B.loc_none [@__reduce__] let loc_all_args (args:list arg) : GTot B.loc = let l = List.Tot.map_gtot arg_loc args in List.Tot.fold_right_gtot l B.loc_union B.loc_none let all_live_cons (hd:arg) (tl:list arg) (h0:HS.mem) : Lemma (all_live h0 (hd :: tl) <==> (live_arg h0 hd /\ all_live h0 tl)) = () let disjoint_or_eq_def (l:list arg) : Lemma (disjoint_or_eq l == BigOps.pairwise_and' disjoint_or_eq_1 l) = () let disjoint_or_eq_cons (hd:arg) (tl:list arg) : Lemma (disjoint_or_eq (hd::tl) <==> (BigOps.big_and' (disjoint_or_eq_1 hd) tl /\ disjoint_or_eq tl)) = BigOps.pairwise_and'_cons disjoint_or_eq_1 hd tl #set-options "--initial_ifuel 2 --max_fuel 2" let rec args_b8_mem (l:list arg) (y:b8) : Lemma (L.memP y (args_b8 l) <==> (exists (a:arg). {:pattern L.memP a l} L.memP a l /\ (match a with | (| TD_Base _, _|) -> False | (| TD_Buffer src _ _, x|) -> mut_to_b8 src x == y | (| TD_ImmBuffer src _ _, x|) -> imm_to_b8 src x == y))) = let goal (l:list arg) (a:arg) = L.memP a l /\ (match a with | (| TD_Base _, _|) -> False | (| TD_Buffer src _ _, x|) -> mut_to_b8 src x == y | (| TD_ImmBuffer src _ _, x|) -> imm_to_b8 src x == y) in match l with | [] -> () | hd::tl -> match hd with | (| TD_Base _, _ |) -> args_b8_mem tl y; assert ((exists a. goal tl a) ==> (exists a. goal l a)) | (| TD_Buffer bt _ q, x |) -> let aux_1 () : Lemma (requires (y == mut_to_b8 bt x)) (ensures (exists a. goal l a)) = FStar.Classical.exists_intro (goal l) hd in let aux_2 () : Lemma (requires (mut_to_b8 bt x =!= y)) (ensures (L.memP y (args_b8 l) <==> (exists a. goal l a))) = args_b8_mem tl y in FStar.Classical.move_requires aux_1 (); FStar.Classical.move_requires aux_2 () | (| TD_ImmBuffer bt _ q, x |) -> let aux_1 () : Lemma (requires (y == imm_to_b8 bt x)) (ensures (exists a. goal l a)) = FStar.Classical.exists_intro (goal l) hd in let aux_2 () : Lemma (requires (imm_to_b8 bt x =!= y)) (ensures (L.memP y (args_b8 l) <==> (exists a. goal l a))) = args_b8_mem tl y in FStar.Classical.move_requires aux_1 (); FStar.Classical.move_requires aux_2 () let rec args_b8_disjoint_or_eq (args:list arg) : Lemma (requires (disjoint_or_eq args)) (ensures (list_disjoint_or_eq (args_b8 args))) = list_disjoint_or_eq_reveal (); match args with | [] -> () | hd::tl -> disjoint_or_eq_cons hd tl; args_b8_disjoint_or_eq tl; BigOps.big_and'_forall (disjoint_or_eq_1 hd) tl; FStar.Classical.forall_intro (args_b8_mem tl) let rec args_b8_live (hs:HS.mem) (args:list arg{all_live hs args}) : Lemma (list_live hs (args_b8 args)) = match args with | [] -> () | hd::tl -> all_live_cons hd tl hs; assert (live_arg hs hd); assert (all_live hs tl); args_b8_live hs tl; match hd with | (| TD_Base _ , _ |) -> assert (args_b8 args == args_b8 tl) | (| TD_Buffer t _ _, x |) -> assert ( hs x); assert (args_b8 args == Buffer true x :: args_b8 tl) | (| TD_ImmBuffer t _ _, x |) -> assert ( hs x); assert (args_b8 args == imm_to_b8 t x :: args_b8 tl) let liveness_disjointness (args:list arg) (h:mem_roots args) : Lemma (list_disjoint_or_eq (args_b8 args) /\ list_live h (args_b8 args)) = args_b8_disjoint_or_eq args; args_b8_live h args let mk_mem (args:list arg) (h:mem_roots args) : GTot interop_heap = liveness_disjointness args h; mem_of_hs_roots (args_b8 args) h let mk_mem_injective (args:list arg) (h:mem_roots args) : Lemma (hs_of_mem (mk_mem args h) == h /\ ptrs_of_mem (mk_mem args h) == args_b8 args) = () let rec mem_roots_p_modifies_none (args:list arg) (h0:HS.mem) (h1:HS.mem) : Lemma (requires mem_roots_p h0 args /\ B.modifies B.loc_none h0 h1) (ensures mem_roots_p h1 args) = match args with | [] -> () | hd::tl -> all_live_cons hd tl h0; mem_roots_p_modifies_none tl h0 h1; match hd with | (| TD_Base _, _ |) -> () | (| TD_Buffer _ _ _, x |) | (| TD_ImmBuffer _ _ _, x |) -> assert ( h1 x) [@__reduce__] let arg_of_lb #src #t (x:buf_t src t) : arg = (| TD_Buffer src t default_bq, x |) [@__reduce__] let arg_of_sb #t (x:buf_t TUInt64 t) :arg = (| TD_Buffer TUInt64 t stack_bq, x |) let rec disjoint_or_eq_fresh #t (x:buf_t TUInt64 t) (args:list arg) (h0:HS.mem) : Lemma (requires all_live h0 args /\ x `B.unused_in` h0) (ensures BigOps.big_and' (disjoint_or_eq_1 (arg_of_sb x)) args) = match args with | [] -> () | hd::tl -> all_live_cons hd tl h0; disjoint_or_eq_fresh x tl h0; match hd with | (|TD_ImmBuffer _ _ _, y|) -> () | _ -> () // Everything here should be expressed in terms of the downview, which can be considered as a buffer of bytes let rec write_taint (i:nat) (mem:interop_heap) (ts:b8 -> GTot taint) (b:b8{i <= DV.length (get_downview b.bsrc)}) (accu:MS.memTaint_t) : GTot MS.memTaint_t (decreases %[DV.length (get_downview b.bsrc) - i]) = if i = DV.length (get_downview b.bsrc) then accu else write_taint (i + 1) mem ts b (Map.upd accu (InteropHeap?.addrs mem b + i) (ts b)) let create_memtaint (mem:interop_heap) (ps:list b8) (ts:b8 -> GTot taint) : GTot MS.memTaint_t = List.Tot.fold_right_gtot ps (write_taint 0 mem ts) (FStar.Map.const Public)