module Vale.Interop.X64 open FStar.Mul open Vale.Interop.Base open Vale.Arch.HeapTypes_s open Vale.Arch.Heap module B = LowStar.Buffer module BS = Vale.X64.Machine_Semantics_s module UV = LowStar.BufferView.Up module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down module HS = FStar.HyperStack module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions module List = FStar.List.Tot //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //The calling convention w.r.t the register mapping //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// let calling_conventions (s0 s1:BS.machine_state) (regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool) (xmms_modified: MS.reg_xmm -> bool) = let s0 = s0 in let s1 = s1 in s1.BS.ms_ok /\ s0.BS.ms_regs MS.reg_Rsp == s1.BS.ms_regs MS.reg_Rsp /\ (forall (r:MS.reg). {:pattern (s0.BS.ms_regs r)} match r with | MS.Reg 0 r -> not (regs_modified r) ==> s0.BS.ms_regs (MS.Reg 0 r) == s1.BS.ms_regs (MS.Reg 0 r) | MS.Reg 1 r -> not (xmms_modified r) ==> s0.BS.ms_regs (MS.Reg 1 r) == s1.BS.ms_regs (MS.Reg 1 r) ) let reg_nat (n:nat) = i:nat{i < n} let arity_ok n 'a = l:list 'a { List.Tot.length l <= n } (* We limit the number of args we can pass through the interop wrappers to an arbitrary 20. This ensures first that the addr_map axiom is sound: Since the length of buffers is limited to 2^32, we can prove that addr_map is inhabited. for extra arguments + the extra slots needed. Note that this number can be increased if needed*) let arg_list = l:list arg{List.Tot.length l <= 20} let arg_list_sb = l:list arg{List.Tot.length l <= 21} unfold let injective f = forall x y.{:pattern f x; f y} f x == f y ==> x == y noeq type arg_reg_relation' (n:nat) = | Rel: of_reg:(MS.reg_64 -> option (reg_nat n)) -> of_arg:(reg_nat n -> MS.reg_64){ // This function should be injective injective of_arg /\ // rRsp is not a valid register to store paramters (forall (i:reg_nat n).{:pattern of_arg i} of_arg i <> MS.rRsp) /\ // of_reg should always return Some when the register corresponds to an of_arg (forall (i:reg_nat n).{:pattern of_arg i} Some? (of_reg (of_arg i)) /\ Some?.v (of_reg (of_arg i)) = i)} -> arg_reg_relation' n unfold let arg_reg_relation (n:nat) = (v:arg_reg_relation' n{ // of_reg is a partial inverse of of_arg forall (r:MS.reg_64).{:pattern v.of_reg r} Some? (v.of_reg r) ==> v.of_arg (Some?.v (v.of_reg r)) = r}) let registers = MS.reg_64 -> MS.nat64 let upd_reg (n:nat) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (regs:registers) (i:nat) (v:_) : registers = fun (r:MS.reg_64) -> match arg_reg.of_reg r with | Some j -> if i = j then v else regs r | _ -> regs r [@__reduce__] let arg_as_nat64 (a:arg) : GTot MS.nat64 = let (| tag, x |) = a in match tag with | TD_Base TUInt8 -> UInt8.v x | TD_Base TUInt16 -> UInt16.v x | TD_Base TUInt32 -> UInt32.v x | TD_Base TUInt64 -> UInt64.v x | TD_Buffer src _ _ -> let b:b8 = Buffer true (x <: B.buffer (base_typ_as_type src)) in global_addrs_map b | TD_ImmBuffer src _ _ -> global_addrs_map (imm_to_b8 src x) [@__reduce__] let update_regs (n:nat) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (x:arg) (i:reg_nat n) (regs:registers) : GTot registers = upd_reg n arg_reg regs i (arg_as_nat64 x) [@__reduce__] let rec register_of_args (max_arity:nat) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation max_arity) (n:nat) (args:arg_list{List.Tot.length args = n}) (regs:registers) : GTot (regs':registers{regs MS.rRsp == regs' MS.rRsp}) = match args with | [] -> regs | hd::tl -> if n > max_arity then // This arguments will be passed on the stack register_of_args max_arity arg_reg (n-1) tl regs else update_regs max_arity arg_reg hd (n - 1) (register_of_args max_arity arg_reg (n - 1) tl regs) // Pass extra arguments on the stack. The arity_ok condition on inline wrappers ensures that // this only happens for stdcalls [@__reduce__] let rec stack_of_args (max_arity:nat) (n:nat) (rsp:int) (args:arg_list{List.Tot.length args = n}) (st:Map.t int Vale.Def.Words_s.nat8) : GTot (Map.t int Vale.Def.Words_s.nat8) = match args with | [] -> st | hd::tl -> if n <= max_arity then st // We can pass the remaining args in registers else let ptr = ((n - max_arity) - 1) * 8 // Arguments on the stack are pushed from right to left + (if then 32 else 0) // The shadow space on Windows comes next + 8 // The return address is then pushed on the stack + rsp // And we then have all the extra slots required for the Vale procedure in let st1 = stack_of_args max_arity (n-1) rsp tl st in let v = arg_as_nat64 hd in // We will store the arg hd BS.update_heap64 ptr v st1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// let taint_map = b8 -> GTot taint let upd_taint_map_b8 (tm:taint_map) (x:b8) (tnt:taint) : taint_map = fun (y:b8) -> if StrongExcludedMiddle.strong_excluded_middle ((x <: b8) == y) then tnt else tm y [@__reduce__] let upd_taint_map_arg (a:arg) (tm:taint_map) : GTot taint_map = match a with | (| TD_Buffer _ _ {taint=tnt}, x |) -> upd_taint_map_b8 tm (Buffer true x) tnt | (| TD_ImmBuffer src _ {taint=tnt}, x |) -> upd_taint_map_b8 tm (imm_to_b8 src x) tnt | (| TD_Base _, _ |) -> tm let init_taint : taint_map = fun r -> Public [@__reduce__] let mk_taint (as:arg_list_sb) (tm:taint_map) : GTot taint_map = List.fold_right_gtot as upd_taint_map_arg init_taint let taint_of_arg (a:arg) = let (| tag, x |) = a in match tag with | TD_ImmBuffer _ TUInt64 {taint=tnt} | TD_ImmBuffer _ TUInt128 {taint=tnt} | TD_Buffer _ TUInt64 {taint=tnt} | TD_Buffer _ TUInt128 {taint=tnt} -> Some tnt | _ -> None let taint_arg_b8 (a:arg{Some? (taint_of_arg a)}) : GTot b8 = let (| tag, x |) = a in match tag with | TD_Buffer src _ _ -> Buffer true (x <: B.buffer (base_typ_as_type src)) | TD_ImmBuffer src _ _ -> imm_to_b8 src x let rec taint_arg_args_b8_mem (args:arg_list) (a:arg) : Lemma (List.memP a args /\ Some? (taint_of_arg a) ==> List.memP (taint_arg_b8 a) (args_b8 args)) = match args with | [] -> () | hd::tl -> taint_arg_args_b8_mem tl a let rec mk_taint_equiv (args:arg_list_sb{disjoint_or_eq args}) (a:arg) : Lemma (List.memP a args /\ Some? (taint_of_arg a) ==> Some?.v (taint_of_arg a) == (mk_taint args init_taint) (taint_arg_b8 a)) = match args with | [] -> () | hd::tl -> mk_taint_equiv tl a; let (| tag, x |) = hd in match tag with | TD_Base _ -> () | TD_Buffer _ _ _ | TD_ImmBuffer _ _ _ -> disjoint_or_eq_cons hd tl; BigOps.big_and'_forall (disjoint_or_eq_1 hd) tl //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// let state_builder_t (max_arity:nat) (args:arg_list) (codom:Type) = h0:HS.mem{mem_roots_p h0 args} -> GTot codom // Splitting the construction of the initial state into two functions // one that creates the initial trusted state (i.e., part of our TCB) // and another that just creates the vale state, a view upon the trusted one let create_initial_trusted_state (max_arity:nat) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation max_arity) (args:arg_list) : state_builder_t max_arity args (BS.machine_state & interop_heap) = fun h0 -> let open MS in let regs_64 = register_of_args max_arity arg_reg (List.Tot.length args) args IA.init_regs in let xmms = IA.init_xmms in let flags = FunctionalExtensionality.on flag IA.init_flags in let init_rsp = regs_64 rRsp in let regs = FunctionalExtensionality.on_dom reg #t_reg (fun r -> match r with | Reg 0 r -> regs_64 r | Reg 1 r -> xmms r) in // Create an initial empty stack let stack = Map.const_on Set.empty 0 in // Spill additional arguments on the stack let stack = stack_of_args max_arity (List.Tot.length args) init_rsp args stack in let mem:interop_heap = mk_mem args h0 in let memTaint = create_memtaint mem (args_b8 args) (mk_taint args init_taint) in let (s0:BS.machine_state) = { BS.ms_ok = true; BS.ms_regs = regs; BS.ms_flags = flags; BS.ms_heap = heap_create_impl mem memTaint; BS.ms_stack = BS.Machine_stack init_rsp stack; BS.ms_stackTaint = Map.const Public; BS.ms_trace = []; } in (s0, mem) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// let prediction_pre_rel_t (c:BS.code) (args:arg_list) = h0:mem_roots args -> prop let return_val_t (sn:BS.machine_state) = r:UInt64.t{UInt64.v r == BS.eval_reg_64 MS.rRax sn} let return_val (sn:BS.machine_state) : return_val_t sn = UInt64.uint_to_t (BS.eval_reg_64 MS.rRax sn) let prediction_post_rel_t (c:BS.code) (args:arg_list) = h0:mem_roots args -> s0:BS.machine_state -> (UInt64.t & nat & interop_heap) -> sn:BS.machine_state -> prop [@__reduce__] let prediction_pre (n:nat) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (c:BS.code) (args:arg_list) (pre_rel: prediction_pre_rel_t c args) (h0:mem_roots args) (s0:BS.machine_state) = pre_rel h0 /\ s0 == fst (create_initial_trusted_state n arg_reg args h0) [@__reduce__] let prediction_post (n:nat) (regs_modified:MS.reg_64 -> bool) (xmms_modified:MS.reg_xmm -> bool) (c:BS.code) (args:arg_list) (post_rel: prediction_post_rel_t c args) (h0:mem_roots args) (s0:BS.machine_state) (rax_fuel_mem:(UInt64.t & nat & interop_heap)) = let (rax, fuel, final_mem) = rax_fuel_mem in Some? (BS.machine_eval_code c fuel s0) /\ ( let s1 = Some?.v (BS.machine_eval_code c fuel s0) in let h1 = hs_of_mem final_mem in FStar.HyperStack.ST.equal_domains h0 h1 /\ B.modifies (loc_modified_args args) h0 h1 /\ mem_roots_p h1 args /\ heap_create_machine (mk_mem args h1) == heap_get s1.BS.ms_heap /\ calling_conventions s0 s1 regs_modified xmms_modified /\ rax == return_val s1 /\ post_rel h0 s0 rax_fuel_mem s1 ) let prediction (n:nat) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (regs_modified:MS.reg_64 -> bool) (xmms_modified:MS.reg_xmm -> bool) (c:BS.code) (args:arg_list) (pre_rel:prediction_pre_rel_t c args) (post_rel:prediction_post_rel_t c args) = h0:mem_roots args{pre_rel h0} -> s0:BS.machine_state -> Ghost (UInt64.t & nat & interop_heap) (requires prediction_pre n arg_reg c args pre_rel h0 s0) (ensures prediction_post n regs_modified xmms_modified c args post_rel h0 s0) noeq type as_lowstar_sig_ret = | As_lowstar_sig_ret : n:nat -> args:arg_list -> fuel:nat -> final_mem:interop_heap -> as_lowstar_sig_ret let als_ret = UInt64.t & Ghost.erased as_lowstar_sig_ret [@__reduce__] let as_lowstar_sig_post (n:nat) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (regs_modified:MS.reg_64 -> bool) (xmms_modified:MS.reg_xmm -> bool) (c:BS.code) (args:arg_list) (h0:mem_roots args) (#pre_rel:_) (#post_rel: _) (predict:prediction n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c args pre_rel post_rel) (ret:als_ret) (h1:HS.mem) = (* write it this way to be reduction friendly *) let rax = fst ret in let ret = Ghost.reveal (snd ret) in args == As_lowstar_sig_ret?.args ret /\ n == As_lowstar_sig_ret?.n ret /\ (let fuel = As_lowstar_sig_ret?.fuel ret in let final_mem = As_lowstar_sig_ret?.final_mem ret in let s0 = fst (create_initial_trusted_state n arg_reg args h0) in h1 == hs_of_mem final_mem /\ prediction_pre n arg_reg c args pre_rel h0 s0 /\ (rax, fuel, final_mem) == predict h0 s0 /\ prediction_post n regs_modified xmms_modified c args post_rel h0 s0 (rax, fuel, final_mem) /\ FStar.HyperStack.ST.equal_domains h0 h1) [@__reduce__] let as_lowstar_sig_post_weak (n:nat) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (regs_modified:MS.reg_64 -> bool) (xmms_modified:MS.reg_xmm -> bool) (c:BS.code) (args:arg_list) (h0:mem_roots args) (#pre_rel:_) (#post_rel: _) (predict:prediction n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c args pre_rel post_rel) (ret:als_ret) (h1:HS.mem) = (* write it this way to be reduction friendly *) let rax = fst ret in let ret = Ghost.reveal (snd ret) in args == As_lowstar_sig_ret?.args ret /\ n == As_lowstar_sig_ret?.n ret /\ (let fuel = As_lowstar_sig_ret?.fuel ret in let final_mem = As_lowstar_sig_ret?.final_mem ret in let s0 = fst (create_initial_trusted_state n arg_reg args h0) in (exists fuel final_mem s1. h1 == hs_of_mem final_mem /\ rax == return_val s1 /\ post_rel h0 s0 (return_val s1, fuel, final_mem) s1)) [@__reduce__] let as_lowstar_sig (c:BS.code) = n:nat -> arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n -> regs_modified:(MS.reg_64 -> bool) -> xmms_modified:(MS.reg_xmm -> bool) -> args:arg_list -> #pre_rel:_ -> #post_rel:_ -> predict:prediction n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c args pre_rel post_rel -> FStar.HyperStack.ST.Stack als_ret (requires (fun h0 -> mem_roots_p h0 args /\ pre_rel h0)) (ensures fun h0 ret h1 -> as_lowstar_sig_post n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c args h0 predict ret h1) val wrap_variadic (c:BS.code) : as_lowstar_sig c [@__reduce__] let (++) (#t:td) (x:td_as_type t) (args:list arg) = (| t, x |) :: args [@__reduce__] let rec rel_gen_t (c:BS.code) (td:list td) (args:arg_list{List.length args + List.length td <= 20}) (f: arg_list -> Type) = match td with | [] -> f args | hd::tl -> x:td_as_type hd -> rel_gen_t c tl (x++args) f [@__reduce__] let elim_rel_gen_t_nil #c #args #f (x:rel_gen_t c [] args f) : f args = x [@__reduce__] let elim_rel_gen_t_cons #c hd tl #args #f (p:rel_gen_t c (hd::tl) args f) : (x:td_as_type hd -> rel_gen_t c tl (x++args) f) = p let rec prediction_t (n:nat) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (regs_modified:MS.reg_64 -> bool) (xmms_modified:MS.reg_xmm -> bool) (c:BS.code) (dom:list td) (args:arg_list{List.length dom + List.length args <= 20}) (pre_rel:rel_gen_t c dom args (prediction_pre_rel_t c)) (post_rel:rel_gen_t c dom args (prediction_post_rel_t c)) = match dom with | [] -> prediction n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c args pre_rel post_rel | hd::tl -> x:td_as_type hd -> prediction_t n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c tl (x ++ args) (elim_rel_gen_t_cons hd tl pre_rel x) (elim_rel_gen_t_cons hd tl post_rel x) [@__reduce__] let elim_predict_t_nil (#n:nat) (#arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (#regs_modified:MS.reg_64 -> bool) (#xmms_modified:MS.reg_xmm -> bool) (#c:BS.code) (#args:arg_list) (#pre_rel:_) (#post_rel:_) (p:prediction_t n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c [] args pre_rel post_rel) : prediction n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c args pre_rel post_rel = p [@__reduce__] let elim_predict_t_cons (#n:nat) (#arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (#regs_modified:MS.reg_64 -> bool) (#xmms_modified:MS.reg_xmm -> bool) (#c:BS.code) (hd:td) (tl:list td) (#args:arg_list{List.length args + List.length tl <= 19}) (#pre_rel:_) (#post_rel:_) (p:prediction_t n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c (hd::tl) args pre_rel post_rel) : x:td_as_type hd -> prediction_t n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c tl (x ++ args) (elim_rel_gen_t_cons hd tl pre_rel x) (elim_rel_gen_t_cons hd tl post_rel x) = p [@__reduce__] let rec as_lowstar_sig_t (n:nat) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (regs_modified:MS.reg_64 -> bool) (xmms_modified:MS.reg_xmm -> bool) (c:BS.code) (dom:list td) (args:arg_list{List.length args + List.length dom <= 20}) (pre_rel:rel_gen_t c dom args (prediction_pre_rel_t c)) (post_rel:rel_gen_t c dom args (prediction_post_rel_t c)) (predict:prediction_t n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c dom args pre_rel post_rel) = match dom with | [] -> (unit -> FStar.HyperStack.ST.Stack als_ret (requires (fun h0 -> mem_roots_p h0 args /\ elim_rel_gen_t_nil pre_rel h0)) (ensures fun h0 ret h1 -> as_lowstar_sig_post n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c args h0 #pre_rel #post_rel (elim_predict_t_nil predict) ret h1)) | hd::tl -> x:td_as_type hd -> as_lowstar_sig_t n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c tl (x ++ args) (elim_rel_gen_t_cons hd tl pre_rel x) (elim_rel_gen_t_cons hd tl post_rel x) (elim_predict_t_cons hd tl predict x) private val wrap' (n:nat) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (regs_modified:MS.reg_64 -> bool) (xmms_modified:MS.reg_xmm -> bool) (c:BS.code) (dom:list td{List.length dom <= 20}) (#pre_rel:rel_gen_t c dom [] (prediction_pre_rel_t c)) (#post_rel:rel_gen_t c dom [] (prediction_post_rel_t c)) (predict:prediction_t n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c dom [] pre_rel post_rel) : as_lowstar_sig_t n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c dom [] pre_rel post_rel predict [@__reduce__] private let rec as_lowstar_sig_t_weak' (n:nat) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (regs_modified:MS.reg_64 -> bool) (xmms_modified:MS.reg_xmm -> bool) (c:BS.code) (dom:list td) (args:list arg{List.length args + List.length dom <= 20}) (pre_rel:rel_gen_t c dom args (prediction_pre_rel_t c)) (post_rel:rel_gen_t c dom args (prediction_post_rel_t c)) (predict:prediction_t n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c dom args pre_rel post_rel) = match dom with | [] -> (unit -> FStar.HyperStack.ST.Stack als_ret (requires (fun h0 -> mem_roots_p h0 args /\ elim_rel_gen_t_nil pre_rel h0)) (ensures fun h0 ret h1 -> as_lowstar_sig_post_weak n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c args h0 #pre_rel #post_rel (elim_predict_t_nil predict) ret h1)) | hd::tl -> x:td_as_type hd -> as_lowstar_sig_t_weak' n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c tl (x ++ args) (elim_rel_gen_t_cons hd tl pre_rel x) (elim_rel_gen_t_cons hd tl post_rel x) (elim_predict_t_cons hd tl predict x) private val wrap_weak' (n:nat) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (regs_modified:MS.reg_64 -> bool) (xmms_modified:MS.reg_xmm -> bool) (c:BS.code) (dom:list td{List.length dom <= 20}) (#pre_rel:rel_gen_t c dom [] (prediction_pre_rel_t c)) (#post_rel:rel_gen_t c dom [] (prediction_post_rel_t c)) (predict:prediction_t n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c dom [] pre_rel post_rel) : as_lowstar_sig_t_weak' n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c dom [] pre_rel post_rel predict (* These two functions are the ones that are available from outside the module. The arity_ok restriction ensures that all arguments are passed in registers for inline assembly *) [@__reduce__] let as_lowstar_sig_t_weak (n:nat{n <= 20}) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (regs_modified:MS.reg_64 -> bool) (xmms_modified:MS.reg_xmm -> bool) (c:BS.code) (dom:list td) (args:list arg{List.length args + List.length dom <= n}) (pre_rel:rel_gen_t c dom args (prediction_pre_rel_t c)) (post_rel:rel_gen_t c dom args (prediction_post_rel_t c)) (predict:prediction_t n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c dom args pre_rel post_rel) = as_lowstar_sig_t_weak' n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c dom args pre_rel post_rel predict val wrap_weak (n:nat{n <= 20}) (arg_reg:arg_reg_relation n) (regs_modified:MS.reg_64 -> bool) (xmms_modified:MS.reg_xmm -> bool) (c:BS.code) (dom:arity_ok n td) (#pre_rel:rel_gen_t c dom [] (prediction_pre_rel_t c)) (#post_rel:rel_gen_t c dom [] (prediction_post_rel_t c)) (predict:prediction_t n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c dom [] pre_rel post_rel) : as_lowstar_sig_t_weak n arg_reg regs_modified xmms_modified c dom [] pre_rel post_rel predict let register_of_arg_i (i:reg_nat (if then 4 else 6)) : MS.reg_64 = let open MS in if then match i with | 0 -> rRcx | 1 -> rRdx | 2 -> rR8 | 3 -> rR9 else match i with | 0 -> rRdi | 1 -> rRsi | 2 -> rRdx | 3 -> rRcx | 4 -> rR8 | 5 -> rR9 //A partial inverse of the above function [@__reduce__] let arg_of_register (r:MS.reg_64) : option (reg_nat (if then 4 else 6)) = let open MS in if then match r with | 2 -> Some 0 // rcx | 3 -> Some 1 // rdx | 8 -> Some 2 // r8 | 9 -> Some 3 // r9 | _ -> None else match r with | 5 -> Some 0 // rdi | 4 -> Some 1 // rsi | 3 -> Some 2 // rdx | 2 -> Some 3 // rcx | 8 -> Some 4 // r8 | 9 -> Some 5 // r9 | _ -> None let max_stdcall : nat = if then 4 else 6 let arity_ok_stdcall = arity_ok max_stdcall let arg_reg_stdcall : arg_reg_relation max_stdcall = Rel arg_of_register register_of_arg_i let regs_modified_stdcall:MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) -> let open MS in if then ( // These registers are callee-saved on Windows if r = rRbx || r = rRbp || r = rRdi || r = rRsi || r = rRsp || r = rR12 || r = rR13 || r = rR14 || r = rR15 then false // All the other ones may be modified else true ) else ( // These registers are callee-saved on Linux if r = rRbx || r = rRbp || r = rR12 || r = rR13 || r = rR14 || r = rR15 then false // All the other ones may be modified else true ) let xmms_modified_stdcall:MS.reg_xmm -> bool = fun (x:MS.reg_xmm) -> let open MS in if then ( // These xmms are callee-saved on Windows if x = 6 || x = 7 || x = 8 || x = 9 || x = 10 || x = 11 || x = 12 || x = 13 || x = 14 || x = 15 then false else true ) else // No xmm needs to be callee-saved on Linux true // For stdcalls, we do not have the arity_ok restriction: We can pass as many arguments as we want, the extra arguments will be passed on the stack [@__reduce__] let as_lowstar_sig_t_weak_stdcall = as_lowstar_sig_t_weak' max_stdcall arg_reg_stdcall regs_modified_stdcall xmms_modified_stdcall let wrap_weak_stdcall = wrap_weak' max_stdcall arg_reg_stdcall regs_modified_stdcall xmms_modified_stdcall