# evscript ## An extensible bytecode-based scripting engine Some examples can be found in the `scripts/` folder. To install the latest release, just run `cargo install evscript`. ## Todo - Script definitions could be given "arguments", syntactic sugar for defining variables at the very beginning of the pool. - Similarly, if `return` is given a value, this could be copied to the very beginning of the script pool, as convienience - Despite evscript's lack of functions, these features would still be very useful for interating with assembly or other scripts if a custom runtime provides function call support. - `repeat` could name its index variable if given a second argument (such as `repeat i, n`), similar to the common `for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)` pattern that `repeat` aims to replace. ## Credits - [poryscript](https://github.com/huderlem/poryscript) for inspiring this project. - And everyone at gbdev who helped me along the way :)