//! Example of optimizing the Rosenbrock function with particle swarm algorithm. use std::fs::File; use std::io; use std::sync::mpsc; use std::thread; use num_cpus; use ew::particleswarm::{ self, initializing, postmove, postvelocitycalc, velocitycalc, ParticleSwarmOptimizer, PostMove, PostVelocityCalc, }; use ew::tools::statistics::{ get_predicate_success_vec_solution, CallCountData, GoalCalcStatistics, StatFunctionsConvergence, StatFunctionsGoal, StatFunctionsSolution, }; use ew::tools::{logging, statistics, stopchecker}; use ew::{Goal, GoalFromFunction, Optimizer}; use ew_testfunc; /// Coordinates type type Coordinate = f32; fn create_optimizer<'a>( dimension: usize, goal: Box> + 'a>, ) -> ParticleSwarmOptimizer<'a, Coordinate> { // General parameters let minval: Coordinate = -2.0; let maxval: Coordinate = 2.0; let particles_count = 20; let intervals = vec![(minval, maxval); dimension]; let phi_personal = 3.4; let phi_global = 1.0; let k = 0.9; // Particles initializers let coord_initializer = initializing::RandomCoordinatesInitializer::new(intervals.clone(), particles_count); let velocity_initializer = initializing::ZeroVelocityInitializer::new(dimension, particles_count); let max_velocity = 2.0; let post_velocity_calc: Vec>> = vec![Box::new( postvelocitycalc::MaxVelocityAbs::new(max_velocity), )]; // PostMove let teleport_probability = 0.0; let post_moves: Vec>> = vec![ Box::new(postmove::RandomTeleport::new( intervals.clone(), teleport_probability, )), Box::new(postmove::MoveToBoundary::new(intervals.clone())), ]; // Velocity calculator let velocity_calculator = velocitycalc::CanonicalVelocityCalculator::new(phi_personal, phi_global, k); // Stop checker let change_max_iterations = 500; let change_delta = 1e-10; let stop_checker = stopchecker::CompositeAny::new(vec![ Box::new(stopchecker::Threshold::new(1e-8)), Box::new(stopchecker::GoalNotChange::new( change_max_iterations, change_delta, )), // Box::new(stopchecker::MaxIterations::new(5000)), ]); let mut optimizer = particleswarm::ParticleSwarmOptimizer::new( goal, Box::new(stop_checker), Box::new(coord_initializer), Box::new(velocity_initializer), Box::new(velocity_calculator), ); optimizer.set_post_moves(post_moves); optimizer.set_post_velocity_calc(post_velocity_calc); optimizer } fn print_convergence_statistics( mut writer: &mut dyn io::Write, stat: &statistics::Statistics>, ) { let average_convergence = stat.get_convergence().get_average_convergence(); for n in 0..average_convergence.len() { if let Some(goal_value) = average_convergence[n] { writeln!( &mut writer, "{n:<8}{value:15.10e}", n = n, value = goal_value ) .unwrap(); } } } fn print_solution(mut writer: &mut dyn io::Write, stat: &statistics::Statistics>) { let run_count = stat.get_run_count(); // Print solutions for every running let results = stat.get_results(); for n in 0..run_count { if let Some((solution, goal)) = &results[n] { let mut result_str = String::new(); result_str = result_str + &format!("{:<8}", n); for x in solution { result_str = result_str + &format!(" {:<20.10}", x); } result_str = result_str + &format!(" {:20.10}", goal); writeln!(&mut writer, "{}", result_str).unwrap(); } else { writeln!(&mut writer, "{n:<8} Failed", n = n).unwrap(); } } } fn print_statistics( stat: &statistics::Statistics>, call_count: &CallCountData, dimension: usize, ) { let valid_answer = vec![1.0; dimension]; let delta = vec![1e-2; dimension]; let success_rate_answer = stat .get_results() .get_success_rate(get_predicate_success_vec_solution(valid_answer, delta)) .unwrap(); let average_goal = stat.get_results().get_average_goal().unwrap(); let standard_deviation_goal = stat.get_results().get_standard_deviation_goal().unwrap(); println!("Run count{:15}", stat.get_run_count()); println!("Success rate:{:15.5}", success_rate_answer); println!("Average goal:{:15.5}", average_goal); println!( "Standard deviation for goal:{:15.5}", standard_deviation_goal ); println!( "Average goal function call count:{:15.5}", call_count.get_average_call_count().unwrap() ); } fn main() { let cpu = num_cpus::get(); let dimension = 3; // Running count per CPU let run_count = 1000 / cpu; println!("CPUs:{:15}", cpu); println!("Run count per CPU:{:8}", run_count); print!("Run optimizations... "); // Statistics from all runnings let mut full_stat = statistics::Statistics::new(); let mut full_call_count = CallCountData::new(); let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); for _ in 0..cpu { let current_tx = mpsc::Sender::clone(&tx); thread::spawn(move || { let mut local_full_stat = statistics::Statistics::new(); let mut local_full_call_count = CallCountData::new(); for _ in 0..run_count { // Statistics from single run let mut statistics_data = statistics::Statistics::new(); let mut call_count = CallCountData::new(); { // Make a trait object for goal function let mut goal_object = GoalFromFunction::new(ew_testfunc::rosenbrock); let goal = GoalCalcStatistics::new(&mut goal_object, &mut call_count); let mut optimizer = create_optimizer(dimension, Box::new(goal)); // Add logger to collect statistics let stat_logger = Box::new(statistics::StatisticsLogger::new(&mut statistics_data)); let loggers: Vec>>> = vec![stat_logger]; optimizer.set_loggers(loggers); // Run optimization optimizer.find_min(); } // Add current running statistics to full statistics local_full_stat.unite(statistics_data); local_full_call_count.unite(call_count); } current_tx .send((local_full_stat, local_full_call_count)) .unwrap(); }); } // Collect data from threads for _ in 0..cpu { let (statistics_data, call_count) = rx.recv().unwrap(); full_stat.unite(statistics_data); full_call_count.unite(call_count); } println!("OK"); // Print out statistics let result_stat_fname = "result_stat.txt"; let mut result_stat_file = File::create(result_stat_fname).unwrap(); let convergence_stat_fname = "convergence_stat.txt"; let mut convergence_stat_file = File::create(convergence_stat_fname).unwrap(); print_solution(&mut result_stat_file, &full_stat); print_convergence_statistics(&mut convergence_stat_file, &full_stat); print_statistics(&full_stat, &full_call_count, dimension); }