use std::error::Error; use std::time::Instant; use exact_cover::vector::Vector2D; use exact_cover::problems::polyomino::{Polyomino, PolyominoPacking, Board, CompoundName}; use exact_cover::{Solver, SolverEvent}; fn print_sol(prob: &PolyominoPacking<&str>, sol: &Vec>) { let mut buff = Vec::new(); for y in 0..prob.board().size().y { let row: Vec = prob.board().cells()[y as usize].iter() .map(|c| { if *c { '.' } else { ' ' } }) .collect(); buff.push(row); } for &(name, o, t) in sol { let cells = prob.pieces()[name].orient(o).translated_cells(t); for Vector2D { x, y } in cells { buff[y as usize][x as usize] = name.chars().nth(0).unwrap(); } } for y in 0..buff.len() { for x in 0..buff[y].len() { print!("{} ", buff[y][x]); } println!(); } } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let board = Board::from_bytes_array(&[ b"##...", b"#....", b"#....", b"#....", b".....", ]); let tet_i = Polyomino::from_bytes_array(&[ b"####", ])?; let tet_o = Polyomino::from_bytes_array(&[ b"##", b"##", ])?; let tet_t = Polyomino::from_bytes_array(&[ b"###", b".#.", ])?; let tet_l = Polyomino::from_bytes_array(&[ b"#..", b"###", ])?; let tet_s = Polyomino::from_bytes_array(&[ b".##", b"##.", ])?; let mut prob = PolyominoPacking::default(); *prob.board_mut() = board; prob.add_piece("I", tet_i); prob.add_piece("O", tet_o); prob.add_piece("T", tet_t); prob.add_piece("L", tet_l); prob.add_piece("S", tet_s); println!("Generating the problem..."); let gen_prob = prob.generate_problem(); let mut solver = Solver::new(gen_prob); println!("Solving the problem..."); let start_time = Instant::now(); let mut solutions = vec![];; for event in solver { if let SolverEvent::SolutionFound(sol) = event { print_sol(&prob, &sol); println!(); solutions.push(sol); } } // This does not measure the exact time because printing the solutions takes up a nonnegligible fraction. // To measure the exact time, print the solutions after this line. let elapsed_time = start_time.elapsed(); println!( "Found {:?} solutions, w/ rotations/reflections. ({:?}s)", solutions.len(), elapsed_time.as_millis() as f64 / 1000. ); Ok(()) }