//! The following program finds all ways to pack 25 [Y pentacubes] into //! a $5\times5\times5$ box. (Exercise 340 in Section of Knuth's //! [_The Art of Computer Programming_ **4B** (2022)][taocp4b], Part 2, //! illustrates the 29 pentacubes.) We formulate this task as an exact //! cover problem, with one item for each of the $125$ positions to cover, //! and one option for each [legal placement] of a piece. The program can //! be readily adapted to fill an arbitrary shape with a given set of //! polycubes. //! //! Chapter 8 of R. Honsberger's book [_Mathematical Gems II_][mgems] (1976) //! provides a good introduction to the techniques for solving polycube packing //! puzzles. //! //! [Y pentacube]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polycube //! [taocp4b]: https://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/taocp.html#vol4 //! [legal placement]: `is_in_bounds` //! [mgems]: https://bookstore.ams.org/dol-2 use exact_covers::{DlSolver, Solver}; use smallvec::SmallVec; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::iter; /// A point in the cubic lattice. type Position = (i8, i8, i8); /// A solid object formed by joining $1\times 1\times 1$ cubies face to face. #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Clone)] struct Polycube( /// The positions occupied by the polycube. SmallVec, ); impl Polycube { /// If the number of cubies in this polycube exceeds this threshold, /// the buffer containing their positions is allocated on the heap. const INLINE_CAP: usize = 5; // In this way the array of positions takes 15 bytes, // which is one less than the space required // for a 64-bit pointer and a capacity field. /// Creates a polycube with one or more cubies, without copying any data. /// /// This is the `const` version of [`Polycube::from`]. pub const fn from_const(positions: [Position; Self::INLINE_CAP]) -> Self { Self(SmallVec::from_buf(positions)) } /// Applies a transformation to the polycube. pub fn transform(&self, f: impl FnMut(Position) -> Position) -> Self { Self(self.0.iter().copied().map(f).collect()) } /// Returns the translate of the polycube whose cubie coordinates are /// nonnegative and as small as possible. /// /// This shape is called the _aspect_ of the polycube. Section 1.3 of /// the book [_Tilings and Patterns_][tap] by B. Grünbaum, G. C. Shephard /// (W. H. Freeman, 1987) discusses the number of distinct aspects /// of the tiles in particular classes of tessellations. /// /// [tap]: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.5555/19304 pub fn aspect(&self) -> Self { let x_min = self.0.iter().map(|(x, _, _)| x).min().unwrap(); let y_min = self.0.iter().map(|(_, y, _)| y).min().unwrap(); let z_min = self.0.iter().map(|(_, _, z)| z).min().unwrap(); self.transform(|(x, y, z)| (x - x_min, y - y_min, z - z_min)) } /// Constructs the set of aspects corresponding to all 3D-rotations of /// the polycube. /// /// D. E. Knuth called these the _base placements_ of a polycube in /// exercise–266 of [_The Art of Computer Programming_ **4B**, /// Part 2][taocp] (Addison-Wesley, 2022). /// /// [taocp]: https://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/taocp.html#vol4 pub fn base_placements(&self) -> HashSet { // The group of symmetries of a polycube is isomorphic to a subgroup of // the 24 3D-rotations of a cube, which is generated by the following // two elementary transformations: // 1. $90^\circ$ rotation about the $z$-axis, $(x,y,z)\mapsto(y,x_\text{max}-x,z)$. // 2. Reflection about the $x=y=z$ diagonal: $(x,y,z)\mapsto(y,z,x)$. // To see why, use the fact that the rotational symmetries of a cube // form a group that is isomorphic to the symmetric group $S_4$ on 4 // elements. (Notice that the rotations of a cube permute its diagonals.) // In this way transformations 1 and 2 correspond respectively to // the permutations $\pi=(1234)$ and $\sigma=(142)$ under some // appropriate naming of the cube vertices. And $\{\pi,\sigma\}$ is // a generator of $S_4$. let mut placements = HashSet::with_capacity(24); let mut to_visit = Vec::with_capacity(8); to_visit.push(self.aspect()); while let Some(shape) = to_visit.pop() { let x_max = shape.0.iter().map(|(x, _, _)| x).max().unwrap(); let rotation = shape.transform(|(x, y, z)| (y, x_max - x, z)); if !placements.contains(&rotation) { to_visit.push(rotation); } let reflection = shape.transform(|(x, y, z)| (y, z, x)); if !placements.contains(&reflection) { to_visit.push(reflection); } placements.insert(shape); } placements } /// Returns the number of cubies in the polycube. pub fn cubie_count(&self) -> usize { self.0.len() } } impl From<&[Position]> for Polycube { /// Creates a polycube with one or more cubies. fn from(positions: &[Position]) -> Self { assert!(!positions.is_empty(), "a polycube has one or more cubies"); Self(SmallVec::from_slice(positions)) } } impl From> for Polycube { /// Creates a polycube with one or more cubies. fn from(positions: Vec) -> Self { assert!(!positions.is_empty(), "a polycube has one or more cubies"); Self(positions.into()) } } /// The Y pentacube, with the vector normal to its bottom face—the face that is /// farthest-apart from the pentacube's center of mass—pointing downwards and /// the cubie not in the long bar appearing in the up-west position. const Y: Polycube = Polycube::from_const([(0, 2, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, 2, 0), (1, 3, 0)]); /// Returns `true` if and only if the given polycube lies inside the /// $l\times m\times n$ cuboid cornered at the origin. fn is_in_bounds(polycube: &Polycube, l: i8, m: i8, n: i8) -> bool { let x_min = *polycube.0.iter().map(|(x, _, _)| x).min().unwrap(); let y_min = *polycube.0.iter().map(|(_, y, _)| y).min().unwrap(); let z_min = *polycube.0.iter().map(|(_, _, z)| z).min().unwrap(); let x_max = *polycube.0.iter().map(|(x, _, _)| x).max().unwrap(); let y_max = *polycube.0.iter().map(|(_, y, _)| y).max().unwrap(); let z_max = *polycube.0.iter().map(|(_, _, z)| z).max().unwrap(); 0 <= x_min && x_max < l && 0 <= y_min && y_max < m && 0 <= z_min && z_max < n } fn main() { // Define the items of the exact cover problem, namely the $lmn$ cells of // the $l\times m\times n$ cuboid. let (l, m, n) = (5i8, 5i8, 5i8); let positions = (0..l) .flat_map(|x| iter::repeat(x).zip(0..m)) .flat_map(|y| iter::repeat(y).zip(0..n)) .map(|((x, y), z)| (x, y, z)) .collect::>(); let mut solver: DlSolver = DlSolver::new(&positions, &[]); // For each base placement $P$ of the Y pentacube, and for each offset // $(x_0,y_0,z_0)$ such that the piece $P'=P+(x_0,y_0,z_0)$ lies within the // $l\times m\times n$ cuboid cornered at the origin, define an option whose // primary items are the cells of $P'$. We break symmetry by constraining // a particular cubie of the first pentacube to be at $L_\infty$ distance // $\le2$ from the origin. let placements = Y.base_placements(); let mut first = true; for placement in placements { for (x_0, y_0, z_0) in &positions { if first && (*x_0 > 2 || *y_0 > 2 || *z_0 > 2) { continue; } let shifted = placement.transform(|(x, y, z)| (x + x_0, y + y_0, z + z_0)); if is_in_bounds(&shifted, l, m, n) { solver.add_option(&shifted.0, []); } } first = false; } let mut count = 0; let mut polycube = Vec::with_capacity(Y.cubie_count()); solver.solve(|mut solution| { // Print the solution, which consists of a set of 25 pentacubes. print!("["); while solution.next(&mut polycube) { print!("["); if let Some((&last, elements)) = polycube.split_last() { for &cubie in elements { print!("[{},{},{}],", cubie.0, cubie.1, cubie.2); } print!("[{},{},{}]", last.0, last.1, last.2); } print!("],"); } println!("]"); count += 1; }); println!("found {count} packings"); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn y_base_placements() { let placements = Y.base_placements(); assert_eq!(placements.len(), 24, "the Y pentacube has 24 3D-rotations"); for placement in &placements { assert_eq!( placement, &placement.aspect(), "a base placement is an aspect" ); } } }