# Metadata Cleaner ![Gitea Release](https://img.shields.io/gitea/v/release/paulollivier/exif-cleaner-gui?gitea_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcodeberg.org) ![Crates.io Version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/exif-cleaner-gui) ![AUR Version](https://img.shields.io/aur/version/exif-cleaner-gui-bin) ![Crates.io License](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/exif-cleaner-gui) ![Crates.io Size](https://img.shields.io/crates/size/exif-cleaner-gui) ![An image showing the main interface](docs/main_gui.png) This is a simple graphical interface that allows you to choose a file or a folder to remove the EXIF, IPTC & XMP data they contain. This project exists because I noticed a lack of graphical interfaces to perform this operation "in bulk". Not everyone wants to use a complete photo manager just for one feature (otherwise, I recommend [shotwell](https://shotwell-project.org/doc/html/)). Based on [gtk-rs] and [rexiv2]. ## Installation Go to the [release section](https://codeberg.org/paulollivier/exif-cleaner-gui/releases), and download the appropriate file for your distribution: - Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives (Linux Mint, elementaryOS, Regolith…), use the `.deb` file listed in the release. - Arch Linux and derivatives (Manjaro, Endeavour, …), an [AUR package is available][AURPKG], named `exif-cleaner-gui-bin`. - There is currently no RPM release (RedHat, Fedora, CentOS, …). If you have a [working rust toolchain][rustup], you can use `cargo install exif-cleaner-gui`, but you'll miss out on automatic dependency installation (needs `gtk3` and `gexiv2`). You can also grab a "raw" binary on the release page, those are named `exif-cleaner-gui.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`. Same as with `cargo install`, you will have to install the dependencies by hand. ## Contribute You don't need to know programming to contribute to this project! You can: - report bugs; - request additional features; - write documentation/tutorials for installing and using this software; - Help with translation; - and probably many other things I can't think of while writing this. If you want to contribute code, there are some things to know: - We use the `next` branch to prepare for the next release. Commits and merge requests must target this branch. - don't edit the translated files manually (`README_*.md` and `locales/*.yml` (except `en.yml`)), those are managed by the [translation platform]. - Publishing new releases is left to the maintainers of this project. ## Compilation After installing [rustup], clone this repository, then run `cargo build`. Make sure you have the development files for the `gtk3` and `gexiv2` libraries available on your system. To compile package files for Debian and Arch Linux, [cargo-deb] and [cargo-aur] are very useful. ## Translation We use [translate.codeberg.org][translation platform] for translations, and welcome translations to all languages. There are two components: `exif-cleaner-gui` is the UI translation, README is the README translation. If you have a working rust toolchain, you can use `LANG=.utf8 cargo run` to easily test out translations. [![Translation status](https://translate.codeberg.org/widget/exif-cleaner-gui/exif-cleaner-gui/multi-auto.svg)](https://translate.codeberg.org/engage/exif-cleaner-gui/) [gtk-rs]: https://gtk-rs.org/ [rexiv2]: https://github.com/felixc/rexiv2 [cargo-deb]: https://lib.rs/crates/cargo-deb [cargo-aur]: https://lib.rs/crates/cargo-aur [AURPKG]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/exif-cleaner-gui-bin [rustup]: https://rustup.rs/ [translation platform]: https://translate.codeberg.org/engage/exif-cleaner-gui/