# exilent A Discord bot, written in Rust, that provides a frontend to [AUTOMATIC1111's Stable Diffusion Web UI](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui). Many thanks to [aiyabot](https://github.com/Kilvoctu/aiyabot), which paved the way for Discord bots for A1111. I just needed to build something to test [my client library](https://github.com/philpax/stable-diffusion-a1111-webui-client/) :) ## Setup - Set up your Web UI instance as per the instructions, adding `--api --listen` to the launch arguments. - Install Rust 1.65 or above using `rustup`. - [Create a Discord application](https://discord.com/developers/applications) and fill it out with your own details. - Go to `Bot` and create a new Bot. - Hit `Reset Token`, and copy the token it gives you somewhere. - Go to `OAuth2 > URL Generator`, select `bot`, then select `Send Messages` and `Use Slash Commands`. - Go to the URL it generates, and then invite it to a server of your choice. - Run `cargo run --release` to start Exilent. This will auto-generate a configuration file, and then quit. - Fill in the configuration file with the required details. - You can then run Exilent to your heart's content.