# Exon Benchmarks This page describes the benchmarks for Exon. ## UniProt Non-Methionine Amino Acid Counts This benchmarks shows the performance of counting the number of amino acids from uniprot that do not start with methionine. UniProt has about 560k sequences. ![UniProt Non-Methionine Amino Acid Counts](./plots/fasta-meth-scan.svg) ## VCF Query This benchmark shows querying a 2.6G VCF file for a genomic region. ![VCF Scan](./plots/vcf-query.svg) ## BAM Query This benchmark shows querying a 303M BAM file for a genomic region. The same caveat as the VCF query benchmark applies. ![SAM Scan](./plots/bam-query.svg) ## MzML Scan This benchmark shows scanning an MzML file with roughly 6k spectra. ![MzML Scan](./plots/mzml-scan.svg) ## Per-File Parallel FASTA Scan This benchmark shows scanning 8 FASTA files at different levels of parallelism. ![Per-File Parallel FASTA Scan](./plots/fasta-parallel-scan.svg)