# exor
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**Batteries included cli tool for generating git fork diff documentation websites via YAML configuration files.**
Exor is in https://github.com/refcell/exor/labels/beta
| [User Docs](#what-is-exor)
| [Crate Docs][crates.io]
| [Reference][Docs-rs]
| [Contributing](#contributing)
| [License](#license)
| [Attribution](#attribution)
## What is exor?
`exor` is a batteries included cli tool that can
generate websites with verbose documentation for
git fork diffs using YAML configuration files. The
project is rewrite of [forkdiff][forkdiff] in rust.
## Usage
Install `exor` with cargo.
cargo install exor
// TODO: Inline image of a documentation website
To generate the above git fork diff documentation
website, you would use the following YAML configuration
file and pass it into `exor` using the `--config` (or `-c`
for short) like so
exor --config op-reth.yml
Below is the `op-reth.yml` config file used above.
title: "op-reth"
logo: "./etc/logo.png"
footer: |
[Fork-diff](https://github.com/protolambda/forkdiff) overview of [op-reth](https://github.com/anton-rs/op-reth), a fork of [reth](https://github.com/paradigmxyz/reth) and execution-engine of the [OP Stack](https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism).
name: paradigmxyz/reth
url: https://github.com/paradigmxyz/reth
ref: refs/heads/main
name: anton-rs/op-reth
url: https://github.com/anton-rs/op-reth
ref: refs/heads/clabby/op-reth
title: "op-reth"
description: |
This is an overview of the changes in [op-reth](https://github.com/anton-rs/op-reth), a fork of [reth](https://github.com/paradigmxyz/reth), part of the [OP Stack](https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism).
Similar minimal-diff forks of Ethereum Execution Clients for the [OP Stack](https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism) include:
- [op-erigon](https://github.com/testinprod-io/op-erigon) built by [testinprod-io](https://github.com/testinprod-io).
- [op-geth](https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/op-geth) built by [optimism](https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism).
- "hello/world/greeter.go" # list files of which the patches should be included
- "hello/util/*" # use file globs to include multiple files
- "hello/util/*[!_test].go" # you can ignore things with globs too
- title: "Consensus Crate"
description: "Documents op-reth changes to the consensus crate."
- "crates/consensus/*"
- "crates/consensus/auto-seal/src/lib.rs"
- title: "Beacon Head Updates"
description: "Allows the beacon consensus engine to update the head."
- "crates/consensus/beacon/*"
- "crates/consensus/beacon/src/engine/*"
- title: "Consensus Validation Changes"
description: "Validates consensus headers behind the optimism feature flag only when the optimism chain spec option is truthy."
- "crates/consensus/common/*"
- "crates/consensus/common/src/*"
- title: "Miscellaneous"
description: "Automated or otherwise unimportant file changes."
- "Cargo.lock"
# The EF Test Cargo.toml is picked up on a strange carriage return diff I believe
- "testing/ef-tests/Cargo.toml"
- "*.sum"
Under the hood, `exor` uses [tera][tera], a templating engine
inspired by [Jinja2][jinja] and the [Django language template][dj].
[tera]: https://github.com/Keats/tera
[jinja]: http://jinja.pocoo.org/
[dj]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/topics/templates/
## Contributing
All contributions are welcome! Experimentation is highly encouraged
and new issues are welcome.
## Troubleshooting & Bug Reports
Please check existing issues for similar bugs or
[open an issue](https://github.com/refcell/exor/issues/new)
if no relevant issue already exists.
## Attribution
`exor` is a ground-up rewrite of [@protolambda][proto]'s
[forkdiff][forkdiff] site.
[proto]: https://github.com/protolambda
[forkdiff]: https://github.com/protolambda/forkdiff
## License
This project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE.md).
Free and open-source, forever.