# expect-rust This is the `jest expect` like matcher. ## example ### expect Function to use when you want to test a value. The test always starts here. ```rust let a = some_function(); expect(&a).equals(&expected); ``` ### equals Evaluate equivalency ```rust let a = some_function(); expect(&a).equals(&expected); ``` ### should panic Expect the function call to terminate at Panic ```rust let f = || { panic!("err"); }; expect(&f).should_panic(); // Ok ``` ```rust let f = || { // non panic }; expect(&f).should_panic(); // Ng ``` ### is some and equals Tests that one of the values can be obtained and that the expected value can be obtained. ```rust let v = Some(100); expect(&v).is_some_equal_to(&100); ``` ## Usage Use the crates.io repository; add this to your Cargo.toml along with the rest of your dependencies: ```toml [dependencies] expect_rs = "*" ``` or ```toml expect_rs = { git = "https://github.com/ishibashi-futos/expect-rust", branch = "main" } ``` ## LICENSE MIT