// An example is based on README.md from https://github.com/philippkeller/rexpect #[cfg(unix)] use expectrl::{repl::spawn_bash, ControlCode, Regex}; #[cfg(unix)] #[cfg(not(feature = "async"))] fn main() { let mut p = spawn_bash().unwrap(); // case 1: execute let hostname = p.execute("hostname").unwrap(); println!("Current hostname: {:?}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&hostname)); // case 2: wait until done, only extract a few infos p.send_line("wc /etc/passwd").unwrap(); // `exp_regex` returns both string-before-match and match itself, discard first let lines = p.expect(Regex("[0-9]+")).unwrap(); let words = p.expect(Regex("[0-9]+")).unwrap(); let bytes = p.expect(Regex("[0-9]+")).unwrap(); p.expect_prompt().unwrap(); // go sure `wc` is really done println!( "/etc/passwd has {} lines, {} words, {} chars", String::from_utf8_lossy(&lines[0]), String::from_utf8_lossy(&words[0]), String::from_utf8_lossy(&bytes[0]), ); // case 3: read while program is still executing p.send_line("ping").unwrap(); // returns when it sees "bytes of data" in output for _ in 0..5 { // times out if one ping takes longer than 2s let duration = p.expect(Regex("[0-9. ]+ ms")).unwrap(); println!("Roundtrip time: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&duration[0])); } p.send(ControlCode::EOT).unwrap(); } #[cfg(unix)] #[cfg(feature = "async")] fn main() { use futures_lite::io::AsyncBufReadExt; futures_lite::future::block_on(async { let mut p = spawn_bash().await.unwrap(); // case 1: wait until program is done p.send_line("hostname").await.unwrap(); let mut hostname = String::new(); p.read_line(&mut hostname).await.unwrap(); p.expect_prompt().await.unwrap(); // go sure `hostname` is really done println!("Current hostname: {hostname:?}"); // it prints some undetermined characters before hostname ... // case 2: wait until done, only extract a few infos p.send_line("wc /etc/passwd").await.unwrap(); // `exp_regex` returns both string-before-match and match itself, discard first let lines = p.expect(Regex("[0-9]+")).await.unwrap(); let words = p.expect(Regex("[0-9]+")).await.unwrap(); let bytes = p.expect(Regex("[0-9]+")).await.unwrap(); p.expect_prompt().await.unwrap(); // go sure `wc` is really done println!( "/etc/passwd has {} lines, {} words, {} chars", String::from_utf8_lossy(lines.get(0).unwrap()), String::from_utf8_lossy(words.get(0).unwrap()), String::from_utf8_lossy(bytes.get(0).unwrap()), ); // case 3: read while program is still executing p.send_line("ping").await.unwrap(); // returns when it sees "bytes of data" in output for _ in 0..5 { // times out if one ping takes longer than 2s let duration = p.expect(Regex("[0-9. ]+ ms")).await.unwrap(); println!( "Roundtrip time: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(duration.get(0).unwrap()) ); } p.send(ControlCode::EOT).await.unwrap(); }) } #[cfg(windows)] fn main() { panic!("An example doesn't supported on windows") }