use expectrl::{ interact::{actions::lookup::Lookup, InteractOptions}, spawn, stream::stdin::Stdin, Regex, }; #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct State { stutus_verification_counter: Option, wait_for_continue: Option, pressed_yes_on_continue: Option, } #[cfg(not(all(windows, feature = "polling")))] #[cfg(not(feature = "async"))] fn main() { let mut output_action = Lookup::new(); let mut input_action = Lookup::new(); let mut state = State::default(); let opts = InteractOptions::new(&mut state) .on_output(|mut ctx| { let m = output_action.on(ctx.buf, ctx.eof, "Continue [y/n]:")?; if m.is_some() { ctx.state.wait_for_continue = Some(true); }; let m = output_action.on(ctx.buf, ctx.eof, Regex("status:\\s*.*\\w+.*\\r\\n"))?; if m.is_some() { ctx.state.stutus_verification_counter = Some(ctx.state.stutus_verification_counter.map_or(1, |c| c + 1)); output_action.clear(); } Ok(false) }) .on_input(|mut ctx| { let m = input_action.on(ctx.buf, ctx.eof, "y")?; if m.is_some() { if let Some(_a @ true) = ctx.state.wait_for_continue { ctx.state.pressed_yes_on_continue = Some(true); } }; let m = input_action.on(ctx.buf, ctx.eof, "n")?; if m.is_some() { if let Some(_a @ true) = ctx.state.wait_for_continue { ctx.state.pressed_yes_on_continue = Some(false); } } Ok(false) }); let mut session = spawn("python ./tests/source/").expect("Can't spawn a session"); let mut stdin = Stdin::open().unwrap(); let stdout = std::io::stdout(); let mut interact = session.interact(&mut stdin, stdout); let is_alive = interact.spawn(opts).expect("Failed to start interact"); if !is_alive { println!("The process was exited"); #[cfg(unix)] println!("Status={:?}", interact.get_status()); } stdin.close().unwrap(); println!("RESULTS"); println!( "Number of time 'Y' was pressed = {}", state.pressed_yes_on_continue.unwrap_or_default() ); println!( "Status counter = {}", state.stutus_verification_counter.unwrap_or_default() ); } #[cfg(feature = "async")] fn main() { let mut output_action = Lookup::new(); let mut input_action = Lookup::new(); let mut state = State::default(); let opts = InteractOptions::new(&mut state) .on_output(|mut ctx| { let m = output_action.on(ctx.buf, ctx.eof, "Continue [y/n]:")?; if m.is_some() { ctx.state.wait_for_continue = Some(true); }; let m = output_action.on(ctx.buf, ctx.eof, Regex("status:\\s*.*\\w+.*\\r\\n"))?; if m.is_some() { ctx.state.stutus_verification_counter = Some(ctx.state.stutus_verification_counter.map_or(1, |c| c + 1)); output_action.clear(); } Ok(false) }) .on_input(|mut ctx| { let m = input_action.on(ctx.buf, ctx.eof, "y")?; if m.is_some() { if let Some(_a @ true) = ctx.state.wait_for_continue { ctx.state.pressed_yes_on_continue = Some(true); } }; let m = input_action.on(ctx.buf, ctx.eof, "n")?; if m.is_some() { if let Some(_a @ true) = ctx.state.wait_for_continue { ctx.state.pressed_yes_on_continue = Some(false); } } Ok(false) }); let mut session = spawn("python ./tests/source/").expect("Can't spawn a session"); let mut stdin = Stdin::open().unwrap(); let stdout = std::io::stdout(); let mut interact = session.interact(&mut stdin, stdout); let is_alive = futures_lite::future::block_on(interact.spawn(opts)).expect("Failed to start interact"); if !is_alive { println!("The process was exited"); #[cfg(unix)] println!("Status={:?}", interact.get_status()); } stdin.close().unwrap(); println!("RESULTS"); println!( "Number of time 'Y' was pressed = {}", state.pressed_yes_on_continue.unwrap_or_default() ); println!( "Status counter = {}", state.stutus_verification_counter.unwrap_or_default() ); } #[cfg(all(windows, feature = "polling", not(feature = "async")))] fn main() {}