# Expo Push Notification Rust Client The Expo Push Notification client provides a way for you to send push notifications to users of your mobile app using the Expo push notification services. For more details on the Expo push notification service, go [here] (https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/guides/push-notifications) ## Example: Sending a push notification ``` extern crate expo_server_sdk; use expo_server_sdk::*; use std::str::FromStr; let token = PushToken::from_str("ExpoPushToken[my-token]").unwrap(); let mut msg = PushMessage::new(token).body("test notification"); let push_notifier = PushNotifier::new().gzip_policy(GzipPolicy::Always); let result = push_notifier.send_push_notification(&msg); if let Ok(result) = result { println!("Push Notification Response: \n \n {:#?}", result); } ``` ## Example: Using the cli tool ``` # Send a push notification with a body, passing in the push token expo-server --body="test notification" ExpoPushToken[my-token] ``` Receives the response: ``` Push Notification Response: PushReceipt { status: "error", message: Some( "\"ExpoPushToken[my-token]\" is not a registered push notification recipient" ), details: Some( Object( { "error": String( "DeviceNotRegistered" ) } ) ) } ```