use std::collections::HashSet; use std::sync::RwLock; use std::ops::Deref; use std::marker::PhantomData; /// A thread-safe set of references to items owned externally by an ItemOwner. /// /// When an ItemOwner is dropped or its .take() method is called, the /// item is removed from the collection. pub struct ExternalSet { items: RwLock> } impl ExternalSet { /// Create an empty ExternalSet pub fn new() -> ExternalSet { ExternalSet { items: RwLock::new(HashSet::new()) } } /// Add an item to the collection, returning an ItemOwner to own it. /// When the ItemOwner is dropped, the value will be removed from the collection. pub fn insert<'s>(&'s self, item: T) -> ItemOwner<'s, T> { let ptr = Box::into_raw(Box::new(item)); self.items.write().unwrap().insert(ptr); ItemOwner { collection: self, ptr: ptr, _marker: PhantomData } } /// Lock the collection for iteration. References obtained from the iterator have the /// lifetime of the returned guard. pub fn lock(&self) -> ExternalSetReadGuard { ExternalSetReadGuard( } } unsafe impl Sync for ExternalSet {} unsafe impl Send for ExternalSet {} /// RAII structure used to iterate over the items in a ExternalSet, and unlock the collection /// when dropped. pub struct ExternalSetReadGuard<'c, T: 'c>(::std::sync::RwLockReadGuard<'c, HashSet<*mut T>>); impl<'c, T> ExternalSetReadGuard<'c, T> { /// Iterate over references to items in the ExternalSet. /// /// The order of iteration is unspecified. pub fn iter<'g: 'c>(&'g self) -> ExternalSetIter<'g, T> { ExternalSetIter { iter: self.0.iter(), except: None, } } /// Iterate over references to items in the ExternalSet, excluding the one owned by the /// provided ItemOwner. /// /// If the provided ItemOwner is not in the collection (e.g. it was inserted into another /// collection), all items will be yielded by the iterator. /// /// The order of iteration is unspecified. pub fn others<'g: 'c>(&'g self, except: &ItemOwner) -> ExternalSetIter<'g, T> { ExternalSetIter { iter: self.0.iter(), except: Some(except.ptr) } } } /// Iterator over the items in a ExternalSet. pub struct ExternalSetIter<'g, T: 'g> { iter: ::std::collections::hash_set::Iter<'g, *mut T>, except: Option<*mut T> } impl<'g, T> Iterator for ExternalSetIter<'g, T> { type Item = &'g T; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'g T> { if let Some(&i) = { if Some(i) == self.except { return; } // skip excluded item Some(unsafe { &*i }) } else { None } } } /// The owner of an item in a ExternalSet pub struct ItemOwner<'s, T: 's> { collection: &'s ExternalSet, ptr: *mut T, _marker: PhantomData, } impl<'s, T> ItemOwner<'s, T> { /// Remove the item from the collection and return it. pub fn take(self) -> T { unsafe { self.collection.items.write().unwrap().remove(&self.ptr); let ret = *Box::from_raw(self.ptr); ::std::mem::forget(self); ret } } } unsafe impl<'s, T: Send + Sync> Send for ItemOwner<'s, T> {} unsafe impl<'s, T: Sync> Sync for ItemOwner<'s, T> {} impl<'s, T> Drop for ItemOwner<'s, T> { fn drop(&mut self) { self.collection.items.write().unwrap().remove(&self.ptr); drop(unsafe { *Box::from_raw(self.ptr) }); } } impl <'s, T> Deref for ItemOwner<'s, T> { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &T { unsafe { &*self.ptr } } } #[test] fn test1() { let c = ExternalSet::::new(); let i1 = c.insert(1); let i2 = c.insert(2); let i3 = c.insert(3); let mut items = c.lock().iter().map(|&i| i).collect::>(); items.sort(); assert_eq!(items, vec![1, 2, 3]); let mut items = c.lock().others(&i1).map(|&i| i).collect::>(); items.sort(); assert_eq!(items, vec![2, 3]); assert_eq!(i2.take(), 2); let mut items = c.lock().iter().map(|&i| i).collect::>(); items.sort(); assert_eq!(items, vec![1, 3]); assert_eq!(*i1, 1); drop(i1); drop(i3); assert_eq!(c.lock().iter().count(), 0); }